Doki Doki! Precure 33
Alice's dad is pretty cool. He made his house into something with enough secret passages to make the Marauder's Map be necessary. Having an episode spent almost entirely in flashbacks was a nice change of pace. Alice, Rikka and Mana's friendship hasn't really been elaborated on since earlier in the series, taking a backseat to Makopi/Regina/Augri in the meantime. This episode made up for that in spades. (That pun would've worked better if it was a Makopi focus. But what can you do?)
The flashbacks were as adorable as anything you'd find in Kinmosa. (Which, come to think of it, also has an Alice. And the other Alice this season can also generate shields. Too much overlap!) Mana's been the same hotheaded kid ever since she was young, what with going up against Alice's dad without even hesitating. Occupy Alice's bedroom!
And that fight. That awesome, awesome fight. I haven't been that entranced by a fight since Yayoi's Father's Day brawl in Smile. Shield shuriken! Shield stepping stones in mid-air combat! HELICOPTER SLAM. Sure, it ends with a balloon for Alice's special iPad attack (on that note, Young Rikka had an iPad with a map of Alice's house. Crazy, you kids.), but that does not take away from the badassery of what Alice just accomplished. Her shieldcrafting is getting to be on par with Itsuki and Komachi's.
Next week: Rikka and babysitting. Because Ai is still here.