Actually it is cannon, regarding the freaking rules of the fate's just in an alternate dimension where things didn't happen in the "common" timeline.
You can't make non-canon stuff when you have broken the rules of space time from the start.
And yes all of the Fate works are linked to each other in some way ( crazy i know ) ... Even the FATE/EXTRA games are linked to the original fate/stay night yet they are in a totally different setting.
Actually it is cannon, regarding the freaking rules of the fate's just in an alternate dimension where things didn't happen in the "common" timeline.
You can't make non-canon stuff when you have broken the rules of space time from the start.
And yes all of the Fate works are linked to each other in some way ( crazy i know ) ... Even the FATE/EXTRA games are linked to the original fate/stay night yet they are in a totally different setting.
Hurray! More reason for me to buy the game!
Yes! Pretty Cure 5: 10
Merchandising, Merchandising, Merchandising! All about the sales and the advertising so that their hideout/shop gets customers.
Yes , it's the same city and characters in an alternate universe..
To get the setting : the events of fate/zero never happenned ( thus the events of fate stay night never happenned ) , Illya is now a magical girl and the heroine.
It's heavily based on comedy with serious moments here and there.
I actually like it better than Fate/Stay Night (anime-wise). But that isn't really saying much.
Kill La Kill 3min PV !!!!1
region locked fuuuuu
edit: downloading!
Kill La Kill 3min PV !!!!1
region locked fuuuuu
edit: downloading!
Kill La Kill 3min PV !!!!1
region locked fuuuuu
edit: downloading!
Kill La Kill 3min PV !!!!1
region locked fuuuuu
Prisma is actually a 1:1 adaptation of the manga...I actually like it better than Fate/Stay Night (anime-wise). But that isn't really saying much.
I was advised not to upon request.Not enough monocle for me to be fully certain it is fancy.
Nice try!
But I can tell by the position of her legs vs how far back her skirt goes that she has a big butt.
Great work!
Seen this in various stages of progress and I love it. Best girl doing monocle things.
This is pretty neat.
fate/prism illya 2wei anime announced, shocking news.
All right, i've watched Kuroko's Basketball and Little Busters in anticipation of the new seasons, should i try Valvrave next?
I'd feel a lot better about the PV if not for that awful outfit. Is she seriously going to wear that for all of the fight scenes?
That's to be expected. It's a static episodic comedy, like South Park or Peanuts.Tomoko lacks any real change or growth, she is still the same horrible and shallow shut-in from episode one.
All right, i've watched Kuroko's Basketball and Little Busters in anticipation of the new seasons, should i try Valvrave next?
Kill La Kill 3min PV !!!!1
region locked fuuuuu
edit: downloading!
I mean Yoko's GL outfit is actually tasteful by comparison.
It was always tasteful.
Try Valvrave and Phi Brain (franchise)! Valvrave is most worthwhile and good choices on KuroBas.
Sure if you were an especially horny pervert.
I'm glad someone enjoyed this show. I personally thought it was a pretty disappointing adaptation, but liking this season means you'll likely watch the next, which should be much better.Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya
now I do want to see Fate/stay night (and the Unlimited Blade Works movie.) I know reviews on both of those are mixed, but I'm usually an anime guy. Most of the VNs I play aren't adapted to anime anyhow. Telling me that it's bad and I should stay away will only make me want to watch it more. Even if it's imperfect, I want to explore more of these characters.
Yeah, much of the setting was straight up lifted and re-assembled without further modifications (they re-organized some parts, like the 'Torre de Mangana', which isn't actually inside the 'Convento e Iglesia de San Pablo' building complex as it is presented on the series). Nervertheless, their scouting work (you can see them at it here; & was very good seeing the kind of nice layouts and backgrounds someone like Tomoyuki "Alarcón" Aoki was able to produce, and that he himself uploaded for a nice video compilation available at YouTube:That's one thing I love about Sora no Woto, although I think they just recreated the town in Spain (?) and didn't do much with taking anything specific from it to put in the show.
Hey, "small village" you say? Cuenca is the full-fledged capital city of a whole province... well, the less populated capital city of the whole country, but well... there it is!Yeah, it's set in a small village in Spain and the fortress that they are in is actually a hotel in real life. lol
I keep forgetting the person here who knows all about it - I want to say it was Erigu or /XX/, who posted a newspaper article from Spain about Sora no Woto - I can't remember who it was though, so apologies in advance.![]()
Meh. Not really feeling it.
Kill La Kill 3min PV !!!!1
region locked fuuuuu
edit: downloading!
That's to be expected. It's a static episodic comedy, like South Park or Peanuts.
In the end it will be something fun to watch as their other jobs, but the feeling I had while watching it was how derivative was of their own past works.
The new PV further serves to solidify Kill La Kill as the 2013 AOTY
[Blue Exorcist - The Movie] really was pretty good. I'm not quite sure why there's a petition to get firehawk12 to watch it though. Is it to tickle his shounen hearto?
In this case this is probably for the better because the first part ( that was adapted in the first season was incredibly short in manga ) i was honnestly wondering what kind of filler they would add in the story until someone told me it was 10 eps . Second season has way more material to cover.I wouldn't have minded if it (Illya) was the standard 12 episodes instead of 10, but even in that slightly abbreviated span of time, it had enough action and character investment for me to find it time well spent.
As my reviews continue coming in, you'll find that I can enjoy almost anything. I'll never hate a series, and my standards aren't that high, if a bit esoteric.
You're right as a magicla girl serie , it's different and very good. it lacks in the transformation scene , but has much better characters ... the wands being characters that also drive the show forward is a good thing since ruby was a great asset.Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya
Easy to Understand Ancient Magic
I've never actually seen anything in the Fate series. Never played the VNs, watched any of the anime, or things like that. My exposure has been entirely through memes. I know what an Unlimited Blade Works is, I just don't know the context of it. What I do know and love is magical girls. So I went into Illya blind, knowing there might be a few things I'd not get, and, with it being the first summer show to wrap, also the first to review.
Not the first time I've gone into an anime backwards. I saw Mai-Otome before Mai-HiME, and care more about what goes on with Kujibiki Unbalance than Genshiken. Not to mention knowing the world of Xenoglossia before seeing any of the mainline iM@S series. The relationship between Illya and Stay/Night is tighter than any of those, so it may give me a clearer picture of what to expect.
I caught a fair bit of the references, such as Rin's scene in the first episode propositioning Illya being a mirror of Saber's scene, but the specific names of spells might be lost on me. I can't judge it as an entry in the Fate franchise, because I have no point of reference to do that. I can, however, judge it as a magical girl series. And as one of those, it succeeded wonderfully.
The series, I thought, achieved a nice balance between light jabs at magical girl series (like Illya and Miyu using them as a reference point for what a magical girl should be), while at the same time embracing its nature as a magical girl series to the fullest. The non-magical girl magic seen, mostly coming from Rin and Luvia, looks like it involves a lot of chants and magical artifacts. Both feel theatrical, epic. Fitting for a franchise involving legends.
The fight scenes were really good. The Parallel Include at the end with the theme song playing gave me chills, and Illyarcher's duel against Saber had a lot of dynamic movement and striking visuals. For a show with a lot of nighttime scenes, it nonetheless kept a light color palette and atmosphere the whole time. Many magical girl fights take place in broad daylight or in magical barriers, so it's a little different.
When it comes to the characters, I, again, don't know how close they are to their Stay/Night versions, but I'll assume "close enough". Illya's classmates (Tatsuko especially) never felt like they were unimportant, and her family/servants the same. Plus, the character dynamics allowed for some great comedy. Miyu's exaggerated skills in the classroom come to mind, as does the entire breasts conversation. Not to mention Illya having a Yoshika Miyafuji-like perverted side.
And oh my goodness, the yuri. Iliya/Miyu have one of the strongest bonds of the many that I've seen this season. It's a common magical girl thing, but making declarations like Miyu did after "friendship" takes it to a higher plane. A little bit of yuri can get me to like any series, and if we're judging Illya on yuri level, it's S-class. (Pun intended?)
Then there's the wands. Magical Ruby strikes me as "Raising Heart if Raising Heart was charmingly dickish". That's the first time I've seen a magical girl get cajoled into the role by her own weapon. Though there's definitely a hint of Nanoha/Cardcaptor to the whole thing, a lot of this magic feels unique to the series. Mostly in how Ruby has FaceTime installed.
Illya's transformation sequence can't compete with some of the other shows this season, but it was nicely animated. Having Ruby narrate it while she was in the bath was also a nice touch, for all the two times it was used. Hoping that Miyu gets one next season.
I've always liked the idea of predecessor heroes, so Rin and Luvia were a welcome presence. Not just for their hilarious banter, but also for having some (slightly) older magical girls around. They even got their moment to shine in the Saber fight. It's not possible for there to be four magical girls around in this show, but it's a possibility I can entertain for fanfic and such.
Not that it couldn't have some gravitas to it. The fight with Saber where Illya believed everyone was dead carried some real emotional weight to it, and the repercussions were felt throughout the rest of the series. Friendship power won in the end, but it's a magical girl series. I'd be more disappointed if it didn't. The emotional beats were hit, and I believe in Illya and Miyu's friendship.
On the subject of music - I adore the opening theme. It sounds very similar to one of Nana Mizuki's Nanoha OPs, and ChouCho is a rising vocalist. The new StylipS ED didn't make as much of an impact, but it's a nice song nonetheless. Looking forward to the character song album coming out in a month or two.
One of the most important parts of any series is to get someone interested in more of it, and now I do want to see Fate/stay night (and the Unlimited Blade Works movie.) I know reviews on both of those are mixed, but I'm usually an anime guy. Most of the VNs I play aren't adapted to anime anyhow. Telling me that it's bad and I should stay away will only make me want to watch it more. Even if it's imperfect, I want to explore more of these characters. Which is why if I do watch it, Zero is lower priority. It doesn't involve a lot of the cast that I got to know here, and I've heard it's more Urobuchi-depressing. Which is fine once in a while, just not the mood I'm seeking from my anime.
Looking forward to the OVA and the sequel.
Final Thoughts: Pure and sparkly magical girl series with an interesting magic system, that makes me want to see more of the franchise it was derived from. Enjoyable!
i think it was a great adaptation ( picture & link related ) besides some of teh character design and even then it wasn't that bad in motion.I'm glad someone enjoyed this show. I personally thought it was a pretty disappointing adaptation, but liking this season means you'll likely watch the next, which should be much better.
Just to make one thing clear - until 2wei airs, the only other anime you can find these characters in would be maybe Carnival Phantasm. Their versions from the Fate and UBW anime really only share a name and face (and for Illya, not even a face).
A few one-off episodes don't hurt. They're a chance to experiment and expand on lesser-seen characters and worldbuild. Though this length was fine for its material. I have also heard that stories should be exactly as long as they need to be.In this case this is probably for the better because the first part ( that was adapted in the first season was incredibly short in manga ) i was honnestly wondering what kind of filler they would add in the story until someone told me it was 10 eps . Second season has way more material to cover.
But it will provide something valuable - context.At this point there is no real need to point to the original material, it's just that different.