Diabolik Lovers visual has lots of good character designs. (red/red)
good char·ac·ter de·signs [goo d kar-ik-ter dih-zahynz]
noun, plural
- Character designs of a high quality: Ume Aoki is known for her good character designs.
- DTL. Men
Just a reminder that we are getting more Muromi-san soon! The director Tatsuya Yoshihara has confirmed they have already finished the OVA episode to be released on August, 16:
Twitter / o_ihs_oy: OAD無事納品完了です。発売日は8月16日です!宜しくお願い ...
Between this and Mr. Savin's comments about The 2 QueenS it feels like we are witnessing the 'renaissance of a resistance'. :-D
Well, I always thought the term 'hand-drawn' isn't the most exactly adequate for that; CGI is hand-drawn after all, from pencil tests to CG modeling done by hand, obviously... but I have the impression that he is talking in a sense of CG models being animated although not necessarily needing to be actually drawn for every frame of every cut from a scene, just key-framed. So, "all hand-drawn" in that case would mean that every element in the scene (composited into) has been drawn from scratch for it, or that is what I try to infer/interpret out of those words!
An oldie but classic comparison, translated from one made at 2ch:
...Y'all are just waiting for me to take the top of the page, aren't you.
Fine. I'll take one for the team(??)
Honestly? Best tonal shift I've ever seen was Kotoura's first episode. That was just amazing.
*googles Diabolik Lovers*
that's one story premise there...
*googles Diabolik Lovers*
that's one story premise there...
Fujoshi shows always have a female in so the intended audience can self-insert.Wow so that really is one lovely maiden surrounded by 6 vampire dudes.
I don't understand this question. Is it a binary question of whether you CAN watch the anime or not? Or are you asking for a general recommendation of whether or not to watch it?
If its the first, sure knock yourself out. If its the 2nd, we don't know yet since it hasn't aired.
Fujoshi shows always have a female in so the intended audience can self-insert.
*googles Diabolik Lovers*
that's one story premise there...
Fujoshi shows always have a female in so the intended audience can self-insert.
Well not necessarily a single self-insert character but some female characters. Even Hetalia, Freem and Kuruko have female characters in. The last not entirely being intended as a fujoshi bait show mind you.Fujoshi targeted shows don't always have a female self-insert character. See Hetalia, Free!, Kuroko's Basketball, etc.
Nightmare Fuel
...guess I'll be watching Heartcatch then. I only watched Smile Precure because of kirbyguy's avatar, but if this one's super good then it's go time.
I'd probably throw Doki Doki for E tier with it in danger of joining Max HeartAgreeable Precure Tier List, maybe:
A: Heartcatch
C+: Smile
C: Fresh, Splash Star?
C-: Futari wa
D: Suite, Yes 5 Gogo?
D-: Yes 5?, Dokidoki
F: Max Heart
I don't get why Max Heart is hated? I mean it was boring and it inspired me to start watching Fresh alongside it, but it wasn't... offensive?
Fujoshi targeted shows don't always have a female self-insert character. See Hetalia, Free!, Kuroko's Basketball, Natsume's Book of Friends, etc.
Well not necessarily a single self-insert character but some female characters. Even Hetalia, Freem and Kuruko have female characters in. The last not entirely being intended as a fujoshi bait show mind you.
I'm sure you can find exact counterparts for the other way round though, not that they are unique in this.
It works the same for male targeted shows, they don't always have a male self-insert. This season we even have a male targeted yuri harem doll fetish show with all female characters.
Oh of course , but the manga wasn't which would mean the characters themselves were made pre-fujoshi.The Kuroko anime was definitely primarily targeted at fujoshi, and that is why it sold so much.
At any rate, the bland self-insert protagonist is a staple of both harems and reverse harems, but the anime targeted at otaku of either gender are not limited to harem works.
Okay, so now that I'm done with the past weekend and will hopefully have time to try out an anime or two, what are the first impressions of this season's shows?
Okay, so now that I'm done with the past weekend and will hopefully have time to try out an anime or two, what are the first impressions of this season's shows?
Servant x Service
If you watched Working!! before, you should know what to expect from this.
Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu
It's a mux if Upotte and Girls und Panzer feel for me. The final 5 minutes of the show made this pretty interesting. It's Cute Girls with Airsoft guns, because cute girls makes it more interesting for some reason, just ask Girls und Panzer. Weirdos abound!
Love Lab
The surprise of the summer. Sakuga animation abound and it's about two girls understanding and finding love. Pretty funny throughout the whole thing, and the two main girls have an interesting chemistry with each other.
Going Home Club
Girl has a massive agohe. Other than there, there's a lot of 4th wall breaking, talking about bear fighting, and a low amount of animation (they even poke fun at this by having the rich girl have good animation and stating that we're only suppose to have XXX frames). Not sure if it's going to be standard or it was done deliberately just to pull that joke off. Anyway, seems a bit interesting, but it's one of the shows that could be put on the chopping block if it doesn't shape up.
Daybreak Illusion
Dark Magical Girl anime. Nuff said.
Blood Lad
This is pretty shonen for me. However, apparently it's a seinen, and if it doesn't properly display that, then it just makes the term seinen meaningless. We have an otaku vampire, a girl with a twist, which will lead to antics in the human world. Anyway, I'll see where this goes, but I don't have much expectations for it.
MOnogatari Second Season
It's pretty Hanekawa and Senjougahara based, with some Mayoi and only mentions of Araragi. Because of this dynamic, expect a bunch of yuri, with some strange Senjou behavoir (for her). Also huzzah, Hanekawa getting slapped.
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
If you hate lolis, then go watch this, it goes out of its way to make her as miserable as possible.
Kiniro Mosiac
A Happy Go Lucky tale of two girls meeting in different countries, and bonding to the point that the English girl transfer to Japan later on. It's interesting as the flash back is at a different aspect ratio, whereas the current day makes use of the full aspect ratio. Anyway a gratuitous amount of English is used in here, and it's pretty adorable. It's kinda magical in a way.
it's alright, and decent animation as you'd expect from Kyoani.
Pretty positive all around, Zel.
In particular Daybreak Illusion, C3Bu and Love Lab.
Watch Fantasista Doll, it's a wholesome experience.Okay, so now that I'm done with the past weekend and will hopefully have time to try out an anime or two, what are the first impressions of this season's shows?
Watch Fantasista Doll, it's a wholesome experience.
Thank you!
Love Lab sounds interesting, good Sakura of cute girls sounds super neat.
Watch Fantasista Doll, it's a wholesome experience.
Okay, so now that I'm done with the past weekend and will hopefully have time to try out an anime or two, what are the first impressions of this season's shows?
Sailor Moon Stars 177:
I see Usagi posts on GAF.
Fantasia Doll 01
lol, no
From pictures I just see a lot of yes.
"Your face." - duckrollThat picture is ass
I've got Fantasista Dolls and maybe WataMote to start today. Am I correct that Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya has only aired on NicoNico (or whatever that place is called) so far?
High School DxD New 1
That is how the show starts.BOOBS!!!Overall I think this episode was more about getting familiar with the cast and teasing some new characters for the season.Also the Rias and Asia competition never is going to end is it
Tier List:
I've got Fantasista Dolls and maybe WataMote to start today. Am I correct that Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya has only aired on NicoNico (or whatever that place is called) so far?
Are you saying duckroll isn't classy? Are you?Dont use bottom of the barrel insults.
have some class