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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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I hope Gatchaman Crowds will suck



I'm trying to find the youtube link of that, since it had the name of the group that made that. I have a feeling that its one of those doujin groups that also do Touhou vocal remixes.
Sorry, I should have provided more information about it from the beginning; the rendition on which that remix version was based is a creation for the first CD dedicated to military march songs by the Pneuma Record collective:

■幽玄会社 ぷね屋■

Just search for '戦車の歌~パンツァーリート 2009~'.

I kind of want to take a recording of that to Otto Carius' place in Germany, to see if just the sound of it kills him.
Talking of Mr. Carius, I wonder what he might think of Mr. Miyazaki's Tigers In The Mud adaptation featuring anthropomorphic pigs. :-D

And Rayearth, you didn't answer my question man, pretty please:

Are those patches the ones made by Mikan as well?


After making that post about reverse image searching for avatar origins, I thought maybe I should test it out some more to see how effective it really is and whether it could find cropped avatars' sources too.

My conclusions:

It's pretty effective.

You can never find mine!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Again, I find it pretty interesting that for all the talk of "anime is just moe shit" etc, almost every moe show from the upcoming season is super low on the poll, with the exception of Watamote, which I chalk up to the fact that it's just got such a wildly different premise than most other moe shows.

So I wonder what this says about AnimeGAF, and if we can infer anything about the anime fandom/industry at large from it as well.

Joe Molotov

Again, I find it pretty interesting that for all the talk of "anime is just moe shit" etc, almost every moe show from the upcoming season is super low on the poll, with the exception of Watamote, which I chalk up to the fact that it's just got such a wildly different premise than most other moe shows.

So I wonder what this says about AnimeGAF, and if we can infer anything about the anime fandom/industry at large from it as well.

People claim to hate moeshit, but they watch it anyway.
Gatchaman Crowds - 7%
Live action Gatchaman - 0%

The stats don't lie, kurita.

To be fair, part of that is that most people don't live in Japan and so won't get a chance to watch the movie while it's in theaters. Still even if I was living in Japan I wouldn't see it. :p


Again, I find it pretty interesting that for all the talk of "anime is just moe shit" etc, almost every moe show from the upcoming season is super low on the poll, with the exception of Watamote, which I chalk up to the fact that it's just got such a wildly different premise than most other moe shows.

So I wonder what this says about AnimeGAF, and if we can infer anything about the anime fandom/industry at large from it as well.

Every season is "anime is just moe shit" for over 10 years now!!

I can get an animated version, does that count?

Bring back animated avatars! :(

Wait, some russian forum is using my animated avatar?


Son of a bitch!

He's onto you. Better run!

Again, I find it pretty interesting that for all the talk of "anime is just moe shit" etc, almost every moe show from the upcoming season is super low on the poll, with the exception of Watamote, which I chalk up to the fact that it's just got such a wildly different premise than most other moe shows.

So I wonder what this says about AnimeGAF, and if we can infer anything about the anime fandom/industry at large from it as well.

Im the only one who really likes that silly moe junk. Everyone else has more refined tastes.

On a scale of Fresh to Smile, where does Doki Doki fall?

It appears to be a tale of two series.
Before Regina : just above Fresh
After Regina : just below Smile

Oh, I always thought that you draw your avatar :(

I drew Uraizen's avatar. Might draw my own at some point. But Komugi Mew Mew is just so hnnngh. It will be hard to use something else.


One of these days I need to commission someone to draw an avatar for me. I've got ideas but I myself can't draw worth a crap.

Im gonna draw Ritsu in her Death Devil band outfit. Its going to be adorable.
I havent drawn anything since....well since I drew the ritsu catgirl heehee.


listen to the mad man
Eden of the East 04 - Real Reality, Fabricated Reality
I was informed last night that "NEET", referenced in episode 3, comes from a British term--"not in education, employment, or training" refering largely to young, out of work, problem people--that has also become used in Japan. I guess that provides more significance to the emerging theme of the series, which is definitely malaise. The government is paralyzed and unable to stop anything, the world is uncertain, the main character doesn't know who he is. It all ties together. When I did a sociology degree I did a lot of work on social strain, and the gap between social expectations and the ability for someone to meet them. It's a real problem in industrial societies, and it plays into a lot of modern theories on the motivation behind criminality and rebellion. It's also used to help explain people who become radically religious or join cults--when you're searching for meaning or order or a place to belong, you become intoxicated by groups that offer those things. We'll see how the show goes.

Another exposition dump (a lot of TV shows suffer from this in general, mystery shows perhaps most of all, but I'm still going to call it out when I see it here): Akira calls his handler and finds out that yes, in fact, he did kidnap the 20,000 NEETs but that she can't confirm they died. "The Supporter" is one of the 12 SELACAO who needs to eliminate "those who are deemed unfit". This probably also explains why Akira had more money than the Cop did. We learn about how the handler handles requests and Akira sets off to track down other SELACAO.

Or he would have if the bridge wasn't out:

Akira inexplicably suicides off the bridge but isn't hurt because Anime or he's a superhuman or space ghosts or something. Speaking of Space Ghosts, there are a bunch of creepy skeleton space ghosts down in the bomb crater and they swarm Akira and lick him and then bite him and then he has a massive meltdown about how they're "useless bastards"... actually none of this happened, he just jumped down a few feet and hallucinated it all wait what?

Akira goes to a hospital because he saw that a SELACAO had purchased an MRI machine. The Hospital director, apparently involved in shady business, is a SELACAO. A patient notes that the director is a good man, but Akira skims a paper that suggests there's official corruption. Akira asks the director what's up, the director says "lol take these pills" and Akira does for some reason because he's not a very bright guy.

Akira wakes up in an empty dark room and vomits. A holographic projector and a phone show up in front of him. The phone says "I'm Mr Outside and I selected 12 people as saviors to save our country. One of them is a supporter, which is a very important role. You are no longer just a citizen, you are a SELACAO." We also learn the identity of the Supporter is a secret, that everyone was chosen because they had a desire to be a savior, and that the money is for "leading the country towards a right path". If you try to escape, you die. If you do nothing for a long period of time, you die. If you try to help yourself, you die. If you run out of money, you die. If you save Japan, you survive, and the other SELACAO die. Akira has a greyscale flashback.

The animation here is awesome:

(Sorry for the low quality GIF but I think you get the idea)

The Hospital Director shows up and says "I drugged you because I thought you were the Supporter and here to kill me". The Director had a law passed to create a private hospital community to help Japan's elderly -- MASSIVE POLITICAL ALLEGORY ABOUT JAPAN'S ELDERLY!!! Japan's elderly are being left behind. The Director is out of money, and knows he has not "won". Akira offers the Director some of his money to survive, but the Director is resigned to his death.


The Director tells Akira that so far, Akira has bought the shopping mall and some shipping containers. So I'm fairly certain Akira tried to help the NEETS by shipping them to other countries, maybe and his role as SELACAO is representing the young and the wasted? But why did Akira erase his memory?

The Hospital Director calls his handler and thanks her for her help, looks at a photo of his family, and is killed in the head by someone whose face we don't get to see. "So, you're the Supporter, hey?"


Back to Saki, who comes home to a bakery and mopes on the floor. There's a poster of the movie she watched in the theatre on the back wall. She mopes through her cell phone looking at pictures of Akira. She gets a call from (Usuki? Osuki?), a friend of hers [massive friendzone vibes here] who was one of the ones picking her up at the airport. Her job interview is rescheduled for tomorrow. She texts Akira. I love emoji.

Probably starting next episode I'm going to use some spoiler bars and figure out something to do with the images.

I continue to think that this show is surprisingly literate, more than I would have expected, in terms of the way it subtly uses Japanese and global culture as the basis for its politics. That's what makes me excited to watch the next episode each time. Who are the other SELACAO and what perspective do they bring to the table? Dante's Inferno was an allegory, where Dante was able to take all of what he viewed as Italy's problems and explore them through the lens of Hell and punishment for acting poorly, and I think that's the intent here, that each character will act as a way to discuss something that is wrong with Japan. The Title becomes more clear as well, at least so far, the Game is about making Japan into Eden (of the East)... although I suspect the specific word Eden will be used at some later point.

Also, if we're talking about Eden, perhaps it's worth reflecting that the whole point of the Eden story, or at least the point I've taken, was that knowledge and thought and complexity and ambition and all the things that make us humans are the things that rob us of our innocence and safety.

Maybe a bit too much time spent on the "game", or I guess as a framing device the game of death isn't engaging enough for me to have a huge interest in it. Also, Saki basically got ignored this episode. I hope that she ends up becoming integrated into the larger story.


Speaking of what's the verdict on the remasters? Worse than the originals or is this gallery just from before there was a remaster? Tempted to get the 2011 DVD remasters because who knows how long it'll take the BD to come over to the US.
Remasters are better for the most part especially the new audio.
The animation here is awesome:

(Sorry for the low quality GIF but I think you get the idea)
Isn't something like this difficult to pull off without the use of CG? I'm not really animation savvy but aren't they using a bunch of 2D frames to create the illusion of a 3D pan-around shot? I think it looks really cool.


Hidamari Sketch 12

I think I'm done with this show.

The show really just isn't entertaining to watch at all. The only one of the main four who makes this show even remotely interesting for me is Miyako. She's out there, but compared to Yuno, who to me is just annoyingly childish, and Sae and Hiro who have pretty much zero interesting traits whatsoever, being out there is a good thing.

I planned to stay away from these types of shows for a while, and while I was studying for finals and finishing homework and such this was a decent time waster, but in the end I just can't justify watching this instead of other, better shows I'm watching.
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