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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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I could have sworn seeing them called shield generators in the movie, but it's been a while.

For some reason (and it's been a while), I'm thinking it gets destroyed then the next cut the bridge mentions shields are down so it's implied rather than ever being explicit in film canon.
For some reason (and it's been a while), I'm thinking it gets destroyed then the next cut the bridge mentions shields are down so it's implied rather than ever being explicit in film canon.

Doesn't Ackbar mention to go for the shield generators? Or am I crazy?


Doesn't Ackbar mention to go for the shield generators? Or am I crazy?

Possibly. I went to check what I said since someone had edited the second battle of Endor to just the space stuff on youtube and now it seems to be gone. If you want fan edited remixes or some guy filming his old CRT TV, well, there's that now to replace it. Fuck everything.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Possibly. I went to check what I said since someone had edited the second battle of Endor to just the space stuff on youtube and now it seems to be gone. If you want fan edited remixes or some guy filming his old CRT TV, well, there's that now to replace it. Fuck everything.

Disney lawyers, man.


thankfully GAMBALANCE de DANCE isnt as catchy as advertised so I wont be stuck listening to it all night. Unfortunately theres a lot of other Precure music...

Best thing about Gambalance de Dance is all the happytastic dancing animation that goes with it.

Though the song itself is nice and bouncy too.

Futari wa Precure Splash Star 33

First of all, let's get this out of the way since silly Cures wouldn't let me do it last episode:

Fifth(?) villain defeated! Fountain of Water restored! Advice from Queen Filia get! Zekkouchou nari~!

Now, onto the meat of this episode, which is the introduction of our final(?) villain! His name is Kintoresuki, which is perhaps the most on-the-nose name any villain has had yet ("Kintore suki" meaning "I love bodybuilding". Guess what he spends most of his screentime doing.) He is also voiced by Kosugi Juurouta, which isn't a seiyuu I'd recognise by name, but hot damn I certainly recognise his incredibly distinctive voice. You may know him from such roles as: Arlong in One Piece, Asuma in Naruto, Klaus in Umineko, Akio in Utena. Guy has that manly fabulosity down to a fine art.

And this villain's appearance and personality certainly match the voice. He is MADE OF GOLD and COVERED IN MUSCLES. And he desires nothing more than to fight powerful opponents - which of course means the Cures. He also appreciates the choco-cornets from Saki's family's shop, but then, who doesn't?

Incidentally, this guy has already thrown a spanner in my calculations from last time, since he neither summoned an Uzaina nor left behind a Miracle Drop this episode. He preferred to fight the Cures with his own fists. But hey, we'll see how things go.


The transitive property of copycat characters means that Euphemia is also Haman.

This blows my mind to pieces, but . . . I'm kind of okay with it. I mean, Euphemia was definitely making a bid for more power right before the end there.


If Euphemia is Haman, does this make Suzaku Glemy, Char, or Judau?


Doesn't Ackbar mention to go for the shield generators? Or am I crazy?


He just says to concentrate fire on the Super Star Destroyer.

The editing does seem to indicate that the globe's destruction knocks out their shields, but it's possible the shields going out on the bridge was a side effect of the explosion of the globe rather than the globe itself generating the shields. That would seem to be a better explanation, because no other ships in the Star Wars universe have external shield generators(except the unfinished Death Star), and if the globes generated the shields, you would think you'd have to destroy both of them to knock them out.


Subete no aware
It's like they wanted the rebels to win. Maybe that was their plan all along!
Vader was a plant after all.

Well, I don't deny that at the least combat in Trek takes place in 2d but I'm not sure that really matters in regards to the ships themselves. An aircraft can move in three dimensions and, for a time combat took place in three dimensions, with missiles I guess you can say that went away somewhat, but it still retains that 2d look. Of course this is by necessity, a spaceship has little need to worry about being aerodynamic in the Earth's atmosphere, but, I think the trend would continue in space. While it's true you could fly your ship in any direction in space you then have to tackle the more tricky fundamental problem of how would you actually do that? Right now our best method of propulsion is thrust. It's really actually pretty shitty but if thrust is your propulsion does it not still make sense to treat it like a large airplane? Or do you think that, in space travel, one hell of a place where KISS really matters that people should attempt to build shit with exhausts all over, or worse, engines all over in different orientations and shit? But I can give you this one somewhat, as I guess it's possible for there to bed different classes of ships here, a military fighter may go for more maneuverability and forgo creature comforts and thus have a more complicated design than you standard civilian ship but do you really think every ship be ready for combat in three dimensions? Say it's something different like solar sails, same thing, still makes sense to treat it like a boat. Of course, who knows what kind of propulsion will be available and maybe, one day, there will be a method where ti makes zero sense to even have a front, but I don't see that time, do you?

Of course you could say "why not make it vertical instead of horizontal" or something but I would say that that's because of space and comfort, would you rather walk or glide somewhere or climb stairs and ladders to the next room? It's about physical orientation. Humans walk upright. We want gravity, we need gravity. That's why people want to make artificial gravity for spaceships and space stations. I don't even think humans can properly reproduce and develop in zero-g so a futuristic spaceship, that hopefully carry humans, would, desirably not be built vertically so that the humans inside could walk around, sleep, do the stuff people do. Comfortably.

When talking about space the three dimension shit really only applies to combat, where else does it matter that your ship can't shoot in all directions and shit? Does a Boeing 747 even have guns at all let alone on the front? So putting combat aside, why would spaceships need to account for the 3dness of space?
Well, it's not like military ships are designed the same way as cruise liners, so of course it depends on purpose.

But if you're in space, there's no reason to fight by having your guns pointing "forward" based on the assumption that you would have to "face" your enemy in order to fire. It'd be as if ships in the future were designed like ships of the past and that you would need to orient your cannons in order to "broadside" an enemy ship. It's just weird think.

Of course, it's usually the mechas that have the ability to zip around in random directions and can fire missiles and lasers willynilly. lol

I could have sworn seeing them called shield generators in the movie, but it's been a while.
They do, IIRC.
Cardcaptor Sakura 47


So after the super duper battle for the Clow Cards, clearly this show needed to introduce a new conflict that somehow has something to do with the new transfer students. One to NTR Shaoran, one to NTR Yukito: Quite evil. Nakuru is a cutie but this Eriol guy's voice is disturbing and it feels like I'm going to be murdered by him any second. Looking forward to the rest of this final stretch of the show.

The new OP is pretty decent, I like it better than the second anyway. The ED is absolutely lovely though, probably my favorite one.


The Light of El Cantare
Φ Brain 4:

thatsapenis.gif aaaaaaghfffffgffffffffgfdddddf WHYYYYY

So, is Sebastian : Japanese butlers :: Jeeves : English butlers? That love story at the end was actually kind of touching to have just been backstory on a throwaway character that we'll never see again. I have just the slightest glimmer of hope now that the show can actually be something, well, more if it wants to be. Probably means four more episodes of crazies trying to drop pianos and anvils on Kaito.


what's wrong with your faaaaaaaaaaceeee


The Light of El Cantare
Phi Brain doesn't hit its stride until like episode 18 or something. Then it loses it for a bit and it comes back for parts of season 2.

That seems like a relatively large time investment to get to the "good stuff" given the overall length of the series. Oh well; I'm not hating it so I'll continue at an episode or two a day.


Well, it's not like military ships are designed the same way as cruise liners, so of course it depends on purpose.

But if you're in space, there's no reason to fight by having your guns pointing "forward" based on the assumption that you would have to "face" your enemy in order to fire. It'd be as if ships in the future were designed like ships of the past and that you would need to orient your cannons in order to "broadside" an enemy ship. It's just weird think.
But military ships are more or less designed the same way as cruise ships, the basic shape and design is the same one just has turrets on top, or a flight deck, or houses a bunch of missile bays.

You say "But if you're in space, there's no reason to fight by having your guns pointing "forward" based on the assumption that you would have to "face" your enemy in order to fire" but there's also no reason you should have to turn either! Or maybe there is. The broadside is because in naval design they had to design their ships narrow so they could cut through water so they couldn't place very many cannons on the front. Of course space doesn't have that restriction so you could make your broadside your front if you so desired. But that's all a matter of perception, whatever side you put all your guns on that's the side you want to point at the enemy, if you put it on the front it's the front, if you put it on the side it's the side, whatever.

These may be concepts that don't even matter in the future! A futuristic weapon may not have the same needs that a projectile weapon has and increasing firepower may be little more than just increasing power instead of just adding another one as adding another one may mean that now the other one can't fire as strongly or some shit.

Anyways, I think spaceships in science fiction come down to this. The theoretical openness of space travel and the possibilities it provides versus the combined history, aesthetic and physical needs of the species. Which is to say that in space sure lots of the rules of Earth are off, however, keep in mind we're still talking about carrying humans here and not humans locked in some cold sleep or whatever humans that live and work aboard these ships. That means we bring our physiological baggage with us out into space. So I don't think you should look at space travel as "here's what's possible so here's how it should be done" but rather "here's what'd be good for humans to live in so lets do that."

If you're going to house humans for any period of time I think it only make sense that it be designed like you see in fiction, that fits in line with its propulsion and offers a more comfortable floor arrangement for the people aboard. Save some of the crazier designs for automated vessels that don't care about having a floor, personal space and shit like that.

I think it's also safe to say that this applies to basically all the aliens you see in fiction, they almost all come from planets, and thus have bodies that generally prefer some kind of gravity and thus are probably more comfortable with flatter designs that would afford them more floor space and room than something vertical. If we're going to talk modified, whether mechanically or genetically, well, then I guess all bets are off on what they'd like. Otherwise, if they weren't born on a planet, don't need and prefer gravity and don't prefer horizontal areas then why would they even need spaceships?
Of course, it's usually the mechas that have the ability to zip around in random directions and can fire missiles and lasers willynilly. lol
So, basically, you're just mad they put the guns on the front?
That seems like a relatively large time investment to get to the "good stuff" given the overall length of the series. Oh well; I'm not hating it so I'll continue at an episode or two a day.
I disagree phi brain S2 isnon stop good stuff.
S1 had a very long prologue ( 10 eps) before reaching the good stuff.
In fact phi brain get better once we are introduced to the fools puzzles
That seems like a relatively large time investment to get to the "good stuff" given the overall length of the series. Oh well; I'm not hating it so I'll continue at an episode or two a day.

Well yeah, I don't know if I can really recommend it in general, even if it has a few nice highs. It's a damn weird show that seems to have some pretty big identity issues.


Sidenote: Hey cnet, what show is your avatar from? Dude looks like Dick Gumshoe from Ace Attorney.

It's Kurosaki Isshin from Bleach. I've been using him as my avatar for many years, since a time long past when I was actually a big fan of the show =p
Yahari 13


That's right, show knows who's best.

A fun episode though the placement of it is pretty odd compared to what happened last episode mostly in relation to Hikki's relationship with his school mates.

But whatever. One of my pre-season hyped shows that didn't completely fall apart, so glad for that. Now it can join the long(?) list of Brain Base shows that'll never get a season 2.



God damn it, I can't remember who in IRC misled me by convincing me this was a live action adaptation of the Syrup Village arc from One Piece but that's obviously not what I got. ffs

Actually, you only need one.

feels like I'm the only one in the world who prefers the first ED to that one. I don't know, I guess gospel just doesn't do it for me.

It's Kurosaki Isshin from Bleach. I've been using him as my avatar for many years, since a time long past when I was actually a big fan of the show =p

I've grown used to it just to imagine that he's secretly a huge precure fan.


Subete no aware
If you're going to house humans for any period of time I think it only make sense that it be designed like you see in fiction, that fits in line with its propulsion and offers a more comfortable floor arrangement for the people aboard. Save some of the crazier designs for automated vessels that don't care about having a floor, personal space and shit like that.
I'm just saying, if you can make a starship look like anything in the universe, I kind of wish people would come up with something different than just a plane or a long cylindrical tube with bits slapped onto it. lol

As for the guns thing... I just think concepts like "flanking" shouldn't really have a place when combat can, and should, happen in every possible direction. I suppose Trek ships with the saucer design could actually fire in a 360 degree arc, but it is still exposed from the top and bottom.


I'm just saying, if you can make a starship look like anything in the universe, I kind of wish people would come up with something different than just a plane or a long cylindrical tube with bits slapped onto it. lol

As for the guns thing... I just think concepts like "flanking" shouldn't really have a place when combat can, and should, happen in every possible direction. I suppose Trek ships with the saucer design could actually fire in a 360 degree arc, but it is still exposed from the top and bottom.

Have you watched Starship Operators?
Looking forward to the 2013 summer season!

The shows that I plan to watch are:

  • Free!
  • Highschool DxD NEW
  • Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku (Go Home Club)
  • Servant x Service
  • Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! (Watamote)

And of course, spilling over from the spring season:

  • Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)


I still think lacus is a little more cheated as a character even if both are cheat codes :)

Everyone who opposed them is dead right ?

I dunno, I mean, Judau survived and so did Shinn so not EVERYONE.

It's Kurosaki Isshin from Bleach. I've been using him as my avatar for many years, since a time long past when I was actually a big fan of the show =p

Ah. Is he some kinda detective? Looks like a cop.

Slayers TRY 22

So Xellos betrays the people he was betraying the people to betray the people for. No one is surprised that Xellos is a traitor because he's XELLOS. Amelia subdues him for a few minutes literally using the power of friendship. Lina gets her hands on the Bow of Light and it is OP as hell. I mean even more OP than Gourry's Sword of Light, which is saying something, because Gourry's Sword of Light is a hilariously OP weapon that he usually doesn't use to its fullest because he's GOURRY.


I've grown used to it just to imagine that he's secretly a huge precure fan.

Well, he canonically loves his two young daughters more than anything in the world (one might say a little too much), so it's hardly out of the realm of reason! (That was one of the reasons I felt an affinity with him in the first place =p)

Ah. Is he some kinda detective? Looks like a cop.

He's the main character's father. Works as a doctor at a private family clinic. He's also
secretly a Shinigami himself
, though I don't believe that had actually been revealed when I first started using this avatar (which speaks volumes about how long I must have been using it now >.>) He only dresses up in a suit once in the series, in one of the early episodes when he's paying his respects at the grave of his late wife. It's a nice scene. Reminds me of when Bleach was actually good.
Hayate no Gotoku! 05


Someone here looks familiar.

First part was dull. I dislike Sakuya so meh. I was easily amused by the number of cashmere ruining events that Hayate was running into in the second part at least.


The other day I finished watching Squid Girl. Guys, how do I fix this empty feeling my life has had since I realized I had no more to watch?

That show was pure joy condensed into 26 minute servings.


I'm just saying, if you can make a starship look like anything in the universe, I kind of wish people would come up with something different than just a plane or a long cylindrical tube with bits slapped onto it. lol

As for the guns thing... I just think concepts like "flanking" shouldn't really have a place when combat can, and should, happen in every possible direction. I suppose Trek ships with the saucer design could actually fire in a 360 degree arc, but it is still exposed from the top and bottom.
But seriously, you can make a ship that looks however you want in space, ok, cool, but, to what purpose? Just the look, a cheap outer hull in whatever shape you want is one thing but that's not what you're asking. You apparently want it to be able to move in any direction and shoot in any direction at any time. Sit and think a minute regarding exactly how hard that is to design both from a propulsion and weaponry standpoint. When thinking about the possible ways to achieve this there's one thing I can't imagine a design of this style being. Reliable. We can't even keep F-22s and Dreamliners up and running and you want something so complex to be someone's home, their spaceship, that runs indefinitely in the vastness of space, alone?

You see weakness in the rear and flanks of starships, ok, but what of the inherent weakness that'd be in any design that can move and fire in every direction? If using any kind of thrust how many vents are there now to be destroyed? These would be weak spots as whatever you're venting out as thrust has to be able to leave the ship, if you had them all over think of all those soft underbellies all across your ship. Say you got silly external engines all over, look targets! Can such a thing even ever achieve the maximum velocity it could if it just went forward? When it comes to weaponry, how does that work? If projectiles you have to be able to supply ammunition all across the ship, now instead of one or a few places, that's going to impact design. And you have the weapons themselves, surely they'd take up room, so now instead of them being in a few places you have them all over, again this is going to hurt design.

There is a folly regarding space combat and Star Trek, and I guess lots of sci-fi, and that isn't so much the design of the ships, it's more a "why bother" thing. While I probably would put weapons on a starship just because, you never know, why exactly would I be taking research and exploratory vessels into combat? It's fucking stupid. Already we're getting to the point where we can have drones, all of our long range satellites and rovers are unmanned, why in the flying fuck then would they fight with people in the future? So you see scenes in Star Trek where lots of ships meet up and warp to some place to fight, why? Or where are the automated weapons platforms with tons of weapons and shit that have no crew that can warp in with them? TNG had probes, why not military drones? Throw out the need for quarters, life support, artificial gravity, inertial dampeners or having to compensate for the lack there of and you have a platform that truly can be designed however you want, with as much weaponry as you can fit.

Which isn't to say then that space combat between living beings would or should never happen, just that I don't see what sense it would make to design all your ships for that purpose but use them as exploration and research vessels. Heck, even in the Star Trek universe it wouldn't make sense because the Enterprise isn't even a warship.

Have you watched Starship Operators?
Lol, that show. It's ok, but, man I really hated how
they killed that spy girl. Earlier they're all talking about how she's never been shot and wonders what it feels like, well, I guess she knows now. That non subtle foreshadowing
Hayate no Gotoku! 05


Someone here looks familiar.

First part was dull. I dislike Sakuya so meh. I was easily amused by the number of cashmere ruining events that Hayate was running into in the second part at least.

I remember watching Hayate a long time ago, actually it was my 3rd subbed anime I ever watched. The only character I can remember disliking was the blond girl who's Hayate's master. She is really whiney, and acts like Hayate is her belonging all the time. I remember trying to watch the new season of Hayate when it came out last year but I couldn't stand her for very long a dropped it. I might read the manga though.

If it's the person on the far left then the first person to come to mind was that guy from MAR.
Still remember that show from Toonami, it didn't last very long if i remember correctly. Still it was a decent show to watch every weekend.


Has anyone picked up WataMote to stream yet? That'll be the thing to fill this squidless void in my heart.



hmmmm... Yuru Yuri?

Ha! funny you should mention that, I've been watching that on and off for months and I finished it earlier today. It didn't help because now there's none of that left either! :(
I plan on it someday. Watched it when it started but didn't hook me in.
Minami-ke will deliver pure joy as well.
This looks right up my alley. Added to my list!


Poet Centuriate
I remember watching Hayate a long time ago, actually it was my 3rd subbed anime I ever watched. The only character I can remember disliking was the blond girl who's Hayate's master. She is really whiney, and acts like Hayate is her belonging all the time. I remember trying to watch the new season of Hayate when it came out last year but I couldn't stand her for very long a draopped it. I might read the manga though.

If it's the person on the far left then the first person to come to mind was that guy from MAR.

Still remember that show from Toonami, it didn't last very long if i remember correctly. Still it was a decent show to watch every weekend.

I remember MÄR. It's pretty fun if a bit generic for a shonen. The MC is a bit of a gary stu and kinda a more poorly written Goku or Luffy, but his talking ÄRM (weapon) was pretty fun, iirc.

That pink haired girl loojs like the witch form the show too
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