Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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I guess if you're a girl some of these shows are pretty good. I don't understand otherwise. Like this C3 anime, I couldn't finish the first episode even if I tried. There are a lot of girly shows this season and not much original, either.
What are you watching?
To be honest, I think only four anime are exciting to me to actually want to watch (Senyu, Free, Makai Ouji, Blood Lad)..everything simulcast so far is just not for me, so Ive been digging in my backlog for stuff, and just rewatching. Sometimes I wish I could enjoy all these other shows :(

Feels like almost everything, Free included.
This is the worst season of anime.

Just wait for the big 3 of this summer to roll out then the judgement can be made. With big contenders like Blood Lad, Watashi, and Silver Spoon (just my personal favs at least) still not shown theirs still some hope left. I know these are the 3 anime I had my hopes on the most.

For starters though, it has been pretty bad. So far I'm only going to watch Dog & Scissors and my regular long running shows like Hxh and One Piece. If those 3 shows fail then I've lost hope on this season.
I guess if you're a girl some of these shows are pretty good. I don't understand otherwise. Like this C3 anime, I couldn't finish the first episode even if I tried. There are a lot of girly shows this season and not much original, either.

Hey hey! I'm not a girl!

originality is overrated because people don't know what it is sometimes


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I guess if you're a girl some of these shows are pretty good. I don't understand otherwise. Like this C3 anime, I couldn't finish the first episode even if I tried. There are a lot of girly shows this season and not much original, either.


I guess if you're a girl some of these shows are pretty good. I don't understand otherwise. Like this C3 anime, I couldn't finish the first episode even if I tried. There are a lot of girly shows this season and not much original, either.

Hold. The. Fuck. On. Dude.
that shit has no place here. People can enjoy anime from either gender. It matters not a whit.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I guess if you're a girl some of these shows are pretty good. I don't understand otherwise. Like this C3 anime, I couldn't finish the first episode even if I tried. There are a lot of girly shows this season and not much original, either.

The fuck is this nonsense. Enjoy your Free, bro.


From Viz's Neon Alley panel, they're finally going to release the service on Mac and PC -- no longer just on game consoles.

Also they seem to be adding some sort of on-demand catchup feature if you missed an episode at its scheduled time. Not sure exactly what that entails.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I guess if you're a girl some of these shows are pretty good. I don't understand otherwise. Like this C3 anime, I couldn't finish the first episode even if I tried. There are a lot of girly shows this season and not much original, either.
The irony being that most of these "girly" shows are actually aimed at males. :p


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
From Viz's Neon Alley panel, they're finally going to release the service on Mac and PC -- no longer just on game consoles.
I feel like the service would feel even more out of place on PC...where it just emulates a really outdated television format. But uh, more options are neat I guess?


Akibaranger S2 12 END (well theres still the recap so *shrugs*)


I totes didn't see that Gainax end coming but I blame that and just how absurd this entire episode was.


I guess if you're a girl some of these shows are pretty good. I don't understand otherwise. Like this C3 anime, I couldn't finish the first episode even if I tried. There are a lot of girly shows this season and not much original, either.

But girly shows are for boys...
It's the shows full of men that are for girls. And DTL.
Railgun S - 13

This is the expected episode where things from Index are merging there is nothing special there. Still , i liked it.

But there is really nothing special to tell about this episode.


Whew, finally back home. That felt like a long and depressingly anime-free day. Went straight from work to a friend's birthday celebrations, which took up the entire evening and I didn't get back until...well, now, which is 4:20 AM.

Feeling pretty tired, so I'll probably sleep soon, but I'll see if I can't fit in an anime episode or two before then =D


I posted this in the One Piece thread:

I totally missed this update last week:

There are two tiny screens for Episode of Merry, but more importantly there are more details about it.


It's going to air from 9pm to 11:10pm on Aug 24, so excluding ads, the runtime should be about 100mins.

The narrative frame actually starts in the current story point in The New World. Franky is testing out the Mini Merry 2, and Ussop, Chopper, and Brook are helping him with the tests. During the test Brook asks about the name "Mini Merry" since he joined after they changed ships, and didn't know about the Going Merry. The rest of the story is Ussop recounting the origins of the name, and telling the story of the ship which carried them through the first half of their journey. Sounds like it's going to be fucking great.

Director - Katsumi Tokoro (Episode of Nami)
Script - Hirohiko Uesaka (Episode of Nami, Strong World)
Character Design - Eisaku Inoue (Episode of Alabasta)
Sub Character Design - Yukiko Nakatani (Episode of Nami)
Chief Animation Director - Eisaku Inoue (Episode of Alabasta)
Animation Directors - Yukiko Nakatani (Episode of Nami), Ippei Ichii

I looooooooooved Episode of Nami, so I definitely hope this lives up to it. :D


I detect an strange lack of Love Lab episode 1 watching in this thread. I already watched it 3 times, still great.
Whew, finally back home. That felt like a long and depressingly anime-free day. Went straight from work to a friend's birthday celebrations, which took up the entire evening and I didn't get back until...well, now, which is 4:20 AM.

Feeling pretty tired, so I'll probably sleep soon, but I'll see if I can't fit in an anime episode or two before then =D

Make a Splash

I detect an strange lack of Love Lab episode 1 watching in this thread. I already watched it 3 times, still great.

Watching right now!
Was Episode of Nami good? I didn't watch it for some reason. When does Silver Spoon air, by the way? I thought it was supposed to air at the end of last month.
Was Episode of Nami good? I didn't watch it for some reason. When does Silver Spoon air, by the way? I thought it was supposed to air at the end of last month.

Episode of Nami I haven't seen yet but I'm dying to watch it. I'm ashamed to call myself a One Piece fan and haven't seen it yet, might watch it in a little while though.

Silver Spoon in the OP says it airs on Thursday of next week so we'll probably see it on Friday.


I guess if you're a girl some of these shows are pretty good. I don't understand otherwise. Like this C3 anime, I couldn't finish the first episode even if I tried. There are a lot of girly shows this season and not much original, either.

Gifu Dodo will once more cast its long necked shadow over the thread before long.

Was Episode of Nami good? I didn't watch it for some reason. When does Silver Spoon air, by the way? I thought it was supposed to air at the end of last month.

Yeah, it was pretty good. Better than slogging through the tv series.
Love Lab 1

What we have here is a Sakuga display of a budding relationship between two girls. A Smart yet.... not smart girl, and Fanged McBadgirlton, and the latters potential look into girls.

What I watched gives me the feeling that it'll be like the soft feel of women's skin on a woman's hand. Elegant and loving at the same time. I'm keeping my eye out for this one.


Danganronpa - 01
I was somewhat underwhelmed by this, but it's still a pretty interesting start. I liked the art style and the general setup of the story, at least, although I'm pretty indifferent towards the production values. I'll give it a few more episodes.

C3-bu - 01
This, I had a lot of fun with. The first half had me chuckle and smile a lot more than I expected, given some of the other impressions in this thread, and the eventual battle scene mixed with the music was just icing. It didn't look too bad on the technical side, either. Also, everyone on this show is lovely, it's hard to choose favorites. XD

This one's a definite keeper, so far. c:
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