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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Chariot, you are really going to own that incident aren't you?
I am very fond of the mask.

Region locking YouTube videos should be punishable by death.
It's a pain. I have to go through shady methods to see advertisements. Same for some US trailers, weirdly. "Oh no, don't look at our trailer, we don't want you to get interested in that movie!"

Oh nice. I saw the last one, but thought I simply forgot about it.






looks like Ragyo or Nui is alive. Guessing Nui who is dressing up as Ragyo.

Either way, looks like this is the actual ending to the series and the extra production time seems to have allowed for much better animation. That cut with Ryuuko running up the wall, looks fantastic.


Talking about high quality Comiket goods.



Cat Soup


Perfect reaction. What else could one say? Abstract insight into the afterlife? How to make hamhocks with a pair of scissors? MY bird has the sky in it?

Revolutionary Girl Utena

I suppose I owe it to the people who introduced me to the show to attempt to put some thoughts down here, but I ought also to be forthright about things: Revolutionary Girl Utena continues to escape me. I really don't get a lot of what's going on in this show, and I think part of it is that I simply have no basis in which to contextualize what's going on. I am wholly uninitiated in the realm that the series is criticizing, so much of the meaning of what goes on is matter which I can only guess at.

It is my understanding that Utena is meant to do for girl's anime what Evangelion did for Super Robot anime. That is a fundamental assumption I worked with throughout this second viewing of the series, and one which colors all of my subsequent interpretations. Unfortunately, I just don't have much experience with that stuff. All I know of the Magical Girl genre are tattered memories of Sailor Moon, Princess Tutu, and I guess Madoka Magica and Kiddy Grade, if you want to really stretch the limitations of what we're talking about, here. As to anime targeted specifically at girls, the only possible idea I can get at here is Escaflowne, and that's because there are robots.

There's very little in the super genre, class, kingdom or whatever you wish to use to term it that I really, really understand or care for. I've spent no time there and to be honest I don't often feel that interested in doing so. It's just not me.

However, I am somewhat familiar with the common fairy tale set-up, and with its presentation in the form of Disney Princesses. So I've sort of struggled to make up the difference using that, and go from there.

The General- Conceptually, the most obvious point of the show is to really tear into the set up of what it means to be a Prince. Right from the get-go the premise challenges the established ideas of what it means to be a Prince by introducing a girl who wants to be a Prince. Through her duels to defend and free the Rose Bride, the show illustrates piece by piece different established aspects of the common fairy tale Prince and invites the viewer to consider them. Does a Prince have to work miracles? Is a Prince eternal? Does he shine with sublime light? Early on, the suggestion that simply because one appears to be princely does not mean he is a prince is made in the form of Touga Kiryuu. Openly Touga appears to be every bit that champion of women, and Utena herself wonders more than once whether or not Touga is her Prince. These threads continue over the course of the show in one form or another until this premise comes to its natural extreme: Are Princes really necessary at all? Utena ultimately fails to become a Prince, and the Prince she had so sought turned out to be the source of all the show's pain and suffering. Yet even he, the magnificent End of the World, was not so lofty as Tutu's Raven, but rather a miserable, pathetic remnant of a bygone age. The victory of the series does not come when the Prince and Princess ride into the sunset to live happily ever after, but rather, when Anthy and Utena both cease to play the game of Princes and Princesses altogether.

The Heroines- It is my belief that the idea behind the show is to dispel the notion of Princes entirely from the audience's mind, or rather, to drive home the point that such notions are not only unnecessary, but harmful. From episode 33 onward, a significant amount of effort is put into highlighting the flaws of our titular heroine: Utena isn't the typical shonen protagonist whose unflagging spirit and belief in righteousness will conquer all. Or rather, Utena's aim to be such continuously causes pain for those around her (as foreshadowed early on during Jury's introductory arc), and whose princely ambitions are ultimately selfish, or cause her to think more of herself than others. Anthy's utter lack of self-esteem simultaneously leads her to be manipulative both for the sake of Akio and for her own desire. And yet, neither of the girls are truly bad people. The point is not "Utena's a bad person." I think, instead, the point is "Utena is a person." She and Anthy are not just Princesses to sit in towers while Princes go about slaying dragons for their sake. They're human beings with their own strengths and weaknesses and, most importantly, their own lives.

Ask yourselves, truthfully, what you know of the personalities of the oldest Disney Princesses? Specifically, Snow White and Aurora. Can you name anything about these girls that is unsightly, that is bad, that is dirty, loathsome, or in any way negative? I cannot. The worst I can come up with is Aurora being too curious for her own good, and that's the kind of third rate character flaw that, persistent as it is, only amateurs tack on to a character. What little personality Snow and Aurora have is entirely pure, and if you still think there are women like that, you do all women everywhere a disservice. That, I think, is the point of RGU: These girls aren't just pretty porcelain dolls to be used at the pleasure of others.

All of this is perfectly embodied during the final episode when the personification of Utena's Prince tells her flat out that "you can't do anything because you are a girl." And remember that he's meant to be the embodiment of the Princely qualities of the villain. The Prince for whom Utena has striven the entire series.

It is for this reason, too, that Touga fails in his attempt to rescue Utena: because he was ultimately mistaken in assuming that she needed a Prince anyway, and, perhaps in even thinking that she needed rescuing. It is significant, I think, that the heroines' triumph only truly begins when Anthy decides to reach out toward the lid of her own prison.

But I think, really, that most, if not all of this, is terribly obvious to everybody already, and so I will not seek to endlessly explain these things any further. Instead, I want to take a moment to comment again on a few of the aspects of the anime that really impress me.

The Visuals

Now, I don't have the actual numbers for what this show's budget was, but I've always been lead to believe it wasn't very much, given the sheer amount of stock footage the anime makes use of. That said, it's impressive just how beautiful this show manages to be in spite of that. Especially, the backdrops.

I don't mean to sound like one of those people who hates on modern anime, because I'm not and because I haven't the experience necessary to make qualified statements of the sort, but lately I've developed a great deal of fondness of the large backdrop pieces like these in older anime. Whether that's because I've been watching a lot of older anime or not, I can't say, but what I can is that Utena manages some truly impressive scenery for a show that apparently was made on a wish and a prayer. At times, I just really enjoyed watching the scenery and losing myself in it. There's a sequence late in the anime wherein Akio and Utena go for a drive in the sunset that I find truly breathtaking.

I'm also a huge fan of the use of silhouettes like these in the show. Whether it was to save money on not having to draw faces or use different paints for differing skin, or was truly a stylistic choice I don't know, but I just adore these scenes. There are some levels in Donkey Kong Country Returns and Super Mario 3D World that operate off of this sort of same aesthetic and I just love it. The mix of featureless shadows and colors is striking in a way I lack the vocabulary to truly explain.

There are constant visual cues throughout the show, many of which escape my grip, but I came to appreciate the spinning roses a great deal more this time through, whereas the first run of the show left me annoyed by them.

The Music- I regret to say that here, as in all other places, I lack the necessary words to truly do the justice to the soundtrack to this show. I won't bother to go over the need to constantly analyze the sort of bizarre lyrics to the pop songs that play during the duels, but rather, I would like to express here my appreciation for the show's jazz pieces, which become more common in the second half. There's a lot of more classical music early on, all of which I like, but the jazz music is really what helps set the mood for Akio as a cunning, charming smooth-talker. From the seductive Akio Car to the much more upbeat Campus Dandy. The jazz pieces in the show touched a familiar, forgotten chord with me of nights spent listening to jazz on the old radio, and so I've a special fondness for them. There are also much more humorous pieces, like Dona Dona.

I'm now left on the edge of the decision of whether or not to rewatch the movie. I really didn't like it the first time around. It makes a lot of decisions I find questionable, and I find it even more difficult to really get what's going on in it than in the TV series, but it is a very pretty movie, and with the recent success I had on granting Zeta Gundam a second chance, I suppose I've no choice but to go ahead with it.

In any case, as always, I thank the readers for their attention, and to those who find these posts ever tiresome, I am, as ever, grateful for your patience.

Great writeup. All I have to say really is Im glad there was a time in which a show this utterly unique and strange could be greenlit and seriously produced without a shoestring budget or cg'ing it to death (it was mercifully made too early in PC tech to be shortcutted like that). One of the true classics in anime history whether youl ike the subject matter or not and a hell of a brave project to take on. The architecture was so bizarre it just created the most otherworldly atmosphere and situation that was in perfect tune with what this series had to say. If you even want to explore the fantastical limits of what anime is capable of, watch Utena. ESPECIALLY the movie.

So... what's so special about Nozaki-kun that everybody keeps recommending it?

Well its cute, funny, and the male characters are quite tolerable, but mostly Sakura Chiyo is just the sweetest girl in anime this season. You just want to hug her. And her VOICE. HNNNNNGH.

I feel pressure to watch Utena but I'm still not convinced yet. Plus I still trapped watching Ojamajo Doremi thanks to YuuYuu anyway.

ITs one of the most memorable anime you will ever watch most likely. It really REALLY stands out in a crowd.


Hallü :)

Oh Chariot's alive! He missed the subtle threat that I put out a while back
What? Your butt? That wasn't very threatening.

looks like Ragyo or Nui is alive. Guessing Nui who is dressing up as Ragyo.
seen anywhere else but the 4:3 shot? The pictures move way to fast for my eyes.

If any of you guys did the Time of Eve Kickstarter, the new update says they should be shipping next month the sets.
Nice! Now I only need a blurray player. With the Kickstarter projects I backed I have half a dozen Blurrays, but still no player :<
But I am looking forward to the amazing fanbook. So excited.


just her in general. Her demeanor reminds me of Natsume in My Little Monster.

I've been working on my backlog this season and a few people mentioned I should check out Nozaki-kun. Within 1 minute of the first episode, when she gets Nozaki's autograph, she hooked me.


Hanayamata and Nozaki kun are the best OPs this season to me.
I really love the Book of Circus one, it sounds great and has a nice style to it. Barakamon is great, too. Especially the first hnnng-seconds.
No. I said I loved people who started watching Doremi
I would, but I made a watchbet and am seriously behind. But no need to rush anyway, since I watched the show as a kid (well, fragments, I am sure I missed a great deal). Does that count for anything?


Hey your also doing yourself a disservice by not watching Barakamon.

HAHA I have been watching Barakamon! So many shows I'm keeping up with this season! I really need to start watching Ergo Proxy today also, haven't had the chance yet sicen I had a bit more going on this week than usual :(
I really love the Book of Circus one, it sounds great and has a nice style to it. Barakamon is great, too. Especially the first hnnng-seconds.I would, but I made a watchbet and am seriously behind. But no need to rush anyway, since I watched the show as a kid (well, fragments, I am sure I missed a great deal). Does that count for anything?

Given the implications of what you watched, no


Revolutionary Girl Utena

In any case, as always, I thank the readers for their attention, and to those who find these posts ever tiresome, I am, as ever, grateful for your patience.

I need to get back to watching this. I put it on hold for now, and great post. I find myself bookmarking them for reference.

HAHA I have been watching Barakamon! So many shows I'm keeping up with this season! I really need to start watching Ergo Proxy today also, haven't had the chance yet sicen I had a bit more going on this week than usual :(

Stop playing counter strike :p


I would, but I made a watchbet and am seriously behind. But no need to rush anyway, since I watched the show as a kid (well, fragments, I am sure I missed a great deal). Does that count for anything?

Didn't Doremi get one of those hacked up 4Kids English dubs?


I am not american.
I watched the german version. Some of our anime was based on the american version, but I have no idea regarding Doremi. It didn't strike me as odd though.
It doesn't have the English OP version I found at least.

We had the same issue here in Latin America, some shows were translated from the NA version by 4Kids/whoever else like One Piece, and some other shows came directly from the original JP version, like DBZ.

Gotta say though, the voice acting in the original is pretty damn stellar. Doremi's VA in particular has insane range and capability.


Stop playing counter strike :p

:D It's so addicting though! Plus now everyone is trying out the FFXIV free trial, but I got sad that you can't even send tells with free trial. I just wanted to start /hug people. And hey you went back to Nozomi avatar!
upcoming HappinessCharge Precure episodes

29. The secret of Axia! Shining Make-Up Dresser!
30. Phantom's secret plot! Another Cure Lovely?!
31. Quickly becoming friends?! Cure Honey and Phantom!

*looks at ep 31*



upcoming HappinessCharge Precure episodes

29. The secret of Axia! Shining Make-Up Dresser!
30. Phantom's secret plot! Another Cure Lovely?!
31. Quickly becoming friends?! Cure Honey and Phantom!

*looks at ep 31*


Toei still adept at the art of the title spoilers I see.


It doesn't have the English OP version I found at least.

We had the same issue here in Latin America, some shows were translated from the NA version by 4Kids/whoever else like One Piece, and some other shows came directly from the original JP version, like DBZ.

Gotta say though, the voice acting in the original is pretty damn stellar. Doremi's VA in particular has insane range and capability.
Well, since we got a variation of the japanese opening, I think we got the japanese version. And I at least don't see the show on AnimeDigital, which gives at least hope. If anyone is interested, that site lists all cuts and changes in the german version of certain anime episode by episode. Naruto was butchered so hard @.@

I saw some of the 4Kids changes and man are some of them stupid.
Just took a quick look into the changes. Wow, this is terrible. Why is 4kids so terrible?

Not bad.
upcoming HappinessCharge Precure episodes

29. The secret of Axia! Shining Make-Up Dresser!
30. Phantom's secret plot! Another Cure Lovely?!
31. Quickly becoming friends?! Cure Honey and Phantom!

*looks at ep 31*


WHAT the heck is that episode title ?

How the heck does this happen ? The power of rice ? I mean rice is good but rice is not that good.
I just saw it in another thread so I'll mention it here. Everytime somebody says a Japanese word and doesn't do it as a joke I cringe very very hard. That's Why MAL forums are poison to me.


Watching gintama again, its just sooo good. Its 3rd or 4th time but its funny as first time, this is what called THE BEST ANIME EVER i guess :3



If AnimeGAF is to die, then they will merely attach themselves elsewhere like parasites.
PlagueInc needs a plague that just target to infect everyone instead of killing.

I just saw it in another thread so I'll mention it here. Everytime somebody says a Japanese word and doesn't do it as a joke I cringe very very hard. That's Why MAL forums are poison to me.
That isn't a very sugoi thing to say, baka inu.
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