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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Maria the Virgin Witch anime (manga by same guy who made Moyashimon) staff was posted on twitter

Director: Taniguchi Goro
Script: Hideyuki Kurata
Character Design: Yuriko Chiba
Studio: Production IG

Starts airing in January I believe.

Doesn't look too inspiring, but who knows I never read the manga. Although the description for it doesn't make it out to be anything special.

Mmm at least the manga is finished so the anime will be a closed story.


They already had an extremely homophobic character in P4 I doubt they'll add gay relationships lol

this new protag is the new sad Batman for me

It's not like Atlus is a stranger to having gay characters in their games, even in the main cast. Never forget Persona 2!

I hope Atlus hasn't

Yeah but I thought that character was deliberately made to look like a jackass.

Unless I'm just projecting here.

That's the impression I got as well. Yosuke is trash.
They were originally planning so you could romance Yosuke too, it would have made him not a piece of trash character.

Actually would've made a lot of sense. He was acting the way he did because he was confused about his feelings. Would've made him more likable.

Just to confirm he was still my bro in the game, he was too useful in battle.


He was irredeemable for me after the camp and I thought he was a pretty cool guy prior. Kanji and Teddie are the only true bros in P4.


Persona 5 on the Ps4?



Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! 45
get rekt lol

Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! 46
Oooh, so we're having 5 episodes for denouement?! I really like how this is shaping up, finally they get a direct prompt to consider the central conceit of the show after everything they've learned. It seems patently obvious how the question's going to resolve, but it also feels natural.

I'm getting antsy...


He was irredeemable for me after the camp and I thought he was a pretty cool guy prior. Kanji and Teddie are the only true bros in P4.

Never was a fan of Teddie, but Kanji is the greatest. Great character.

Have to agree about Yosuke though. I didn't like him from the start, but it was the stuff at the camp that made me consider him to be an asshole.


Must've about that thing lol, please I can bet my ass we here in asia generally more friendly to Gay than y'all in muricah despite make those little ignorance like that here and there.
So I want to talk about the aspect that has been critized heavily from the show lately, the writing.
The most complaint came from to how unrealistic the narrative is, "stupid" they say.. but I found most of the time the critics want/expect the show being fundamentally different than what the show actually trying for. IIRC the show always aiming to be something that akin to the TV show, 24.. although I don't know if that's straight quote from the creator/PR or just figurative fans speak judging from the trailer, so CMIIW. But point still stand, at this point its clear the show not very interested with novel style detail heavy storytelling and closer to primetime TV fistpumping flick.

Now, being stupid on purpose is technically still "stupid". ;)


Must've about that thing lol, please I can bet my ass we here in asia generally more friendly to Gay than y'all in muricah despite make those little ignorance like that here and there.

Yeah, you probably are.

I'm from Canada, though.
America is rather friendly to the lgbt community overall.

we've at the very least started to have a movement in media and thinking from the general population that is pro LGBT. Anime is still stuck doing extremely stereotypical/insulting gay characters. And I wouldn't be tooting yaoi since that's usually meant as fan service.


Canada seem pretty cool place btw..

It's a pretty nice place, I think. I'm happy living here for now, at least. It has some downsides, though. It's more expensive to get some anime here compared to the States, and recently our video games became more expensive by around $5.


the holder of the trombone
Sabegabu 9

Solid episode, though the truck crashing into the helicopter made me bust my gut.

Mommoka is still awesome.


Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! 48
Fucking hell, why are they pulling it off like this. I know why, it's because it's so damn effective. At this point I just feel for Doremi more than anything.

Hosoda next...


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 33:

Finally, and I do mean finally the full assemblage of the Sailor Scouts has commenced, and it took its god damned sweet time. Yea, I am in agreement with those who said that Sailor Venus joining the team should have happened way sooner. Indeed, this is one of my major critiques with the first season, it took way too long to get the band together and the overall quality of the season suffered from it. At any rate, not only do we get the requite special episode mixing up of the tactics from the Dark Kingdom but we get a ruse, while cliched as hell, still proves to be effective.

Anyway, since we are momentarily out of formula, this allows Zoicite and Kunzite to team up and finally deal with the Tuxedo Mask factor. Basically the set up is there for Venus to have a big damn heroes moment and it is alright; honestly I thought Jupiter had a better entrance. Still, we get more storyline teases, but this shockingly is not the end of the arc. Anyway, a good episode and since it is a Sailor Scout debut, it automatically earns the highest recommendation to watch.


Aria: The Origination 9

I'm going to go ahead and assume that the complete lack of focus on singing in the training of the main three throughout the entire show up to this point was solely to spring this episode on us. That was very unexpected.
I can't quite recall but I think the singing is either not necessarily a requirement for all Undines or it's something unique to Orange Planet.

Either way, great episode.

Hayao Miyazaki happened. Look forward to 155.
Aha! I thought so. I remember reading about Miyazaki's involvement with something a good while back on here but I didn't want to make a tit* of myself by making claims I couldn't backup.
Very much looking forward to 155 if it ends up being as good as 145.

(* more than usual)


Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! 49
It's interesting to compare this with the other episode directed by Hosoda. 40 is pretty clearly the episode he really wanted to make, while this one feels more like he was around at the time and did it as a favour. This doesn't mean it's pedestrian, on the contrary it's a beautifully done episode and one of the best in the entire franchise. It's more standard in terms of the content compared to 40, and fits more directly into the continuity of the character arcs as well as the way they're playing out the resolution of the series, but this also means that in terms of being dramatically engaging and emotionally affecting it's a much more impactful entry.

Hazuki's character arc is resolved really well, we keep up with the pattern of fucking destroying Doremi from all directions, and the emotional climax is still not quite here yet even though it's now clear as day how it's gonna play out. I don't want it to end so soon though ;_;

This was also, in other matters, an interesting way of realizing how demanding Hosoda's storyboards actually are. Episode 40 had Umakoshi, Sushio, Kubota and other super talented people, but here we just have Kawano + 2 bros on the animation front and you can really tell that the character art struggles to keep up with all the detailed close-ups and unusual framing. There's some nice drawings and bits and it still looks way more polished than the average Doremi episode, but it's no 40.
The funniest thing about it is the people agreeing with his post without a hint of irony.

Serious or not, it has a lot of truth in it that I have observed in the fandom.

because they thought enjoying something "foreign" somehow made them edgy hipster connoisseurs when they were just circlejerking over cartoons.

used Japanese cartoons as an opiate to distract themselves from being depressed and a shallow pretext for forming friendships with each other because they couldn't navigate normal human interaction otherwise.
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