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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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while I will conceed that wasteland 2 did get a good amount of funding in the last 2 weeks after a downfall we don't see wasteland 2 remotely repeating what under the dog is doing which is not only replicating the first few days in backing but a prolonged string of them exceeding the first few days backing (outside the second day) by quite a bit. (in fact wasteland 2 never remotely got close to any of the first 3 days numbers.)

and last time I checked it didn't cost any money to make a kickstarter or amazon account and it's really not hard to send money to kickstarter through various different means (amazon makes it pretty easy to give them money, I am pretty sure you can even use prepaid visa gift cards on their accounts). I am saying there is a good chance they have a third party funding them through kickstarter, not that they have idiots doing it like some other projects. Also thanks for bringing up the backers, I had noticed them before and they aren't the really interesting thing. the more interesting number to me is the comments. while we did indeed see an increase in backers, we didn't really see an increase in comments until the kojima thing

which would also support the idea that a number of people via a third party are funneling money into this kickstarter, as they wouldn't care to comment, but a decent number of people who are excited fans would take the time to comment at least once... but alas when we suddenly had 400% more backers we still had the same amount of comments as when you had 100 backers. You also have to wonder if the third party didn't test out their mass funding system back on august 21st when there was a random spike in donations and backers but again not in comments.

Again it's possible that they don't have a third party backing them and that fans who didn't care about the project randomly started giving them money, but if I was kickstarter I would look into it :p

Also once again, it really doesn't matter to me if it is fans or a third party (my gut just looking at the data just says 3rd party which is about the only way it seemed like it would get funded after it had such a poor launch, but given it would need to be an intelligent third party and kickstarter can't be bothered to shut down any rigging of stuff unless it's painfully obvious (and even sometimes not even then) there is little chance we will ever know for sure), at least people who have backed the project legitimately either way will get the rewards they want and are excited about, which is always a good thing.

I also kind of like conspiracy theories :p

edit: what article? I can only find one for august 11th and sept 2nd not for august 28th the true oddity here.
edit 2: also wow those articles on ANN have no one discussing them lol. 2 and 1 posts, meanwhile angry birds manga has 10 and ghost in the shell movie has 18 both from today :p


If a corporate third party was funding them, then why bother creating 100+ accounts? You could just as easily do that with 15 or 20, as it's not like your pledge number is being publicized.

As to the comments, I dumped $2000 into LWA2 and I only left one comment and that was a quick offhand post. Not everybody, especially if they're only dumping $50 needs to comment on something. Hell I didn't post on the UTD Kickstarter till this week despite me donating much earlier. They've also had some major updates in the past couple of days.

Here's a project that was performing roughly the same as UTD was:


Awful start but strong finish.


Chaika the Coffin Princess 2


It really makes zero sense for this giant tank to be inside the city, and even less to use it as a pursuit vehicle.

Some pretty good action in this episode, especially the fight one bridge between Tooru and the broadsword guy. Really great choreography with well-executed animation.



If a corporate third party was funding them, then why bother creating 100+ accounts? You could just as easily do that with 15 or 20, as it's not like your pledge number is being publicized.

As to the comments, I dumped $2000 into LWA2 and I only left one comment and that was a quick offhand post. Not everybody, especially if they're only dumping $50 needs to comment on something. Hell I didn't post on the UTD Kickstarter till this week despite me donating much earlier. They've also had some major updates in the past couple of days.

Here's a project that was performing roughly the same as UTD was:


Awful start but strong finish.

ah thanks for the link, that didn't show up when I typed in animenewsnetwork under the dog.
as for why you would make 100+ accounts, that is simple to make it less obvious the money is coming from a small group of people. and while the amount you pledge isn't being publicized, the number of backers is, and whenever there is a big jump from a small number of backers things get put into question, if you have a big jump from a large number of backers that doesn't happen.

as for the comments, in no way did I say everyone, I would say I would expect around 10% of people to actually comment after they donate, which would lead to a double in comments in this case.

either way the ann link you sent does support the idea that it was a natural jump quite a bit (and it has 41 comments on it which helps :p) though I am surprised the ann podcast is so popular. That being said I wouldn't fully rule out third party involvement, it's still really odd that a project that was hyped as much as this at launch, with coverage on ANN the day it launched would suddenly have a boost bigger than their launch due to a single podcast from the same site (I find it hard to believe that the ANN podcast is actually way more followed than the ANN site as a whole @_@) Especially since those days in question have around nearly 20k a day for 5 days in a row before the kojima thing. Though to be fair, I am now leaning towards it being natural instead of third party, and thus I consider this your win, but just barely :p


A lot of the funded kickstarters get funded within the first few days, and then aim for stretch goals until the end, so it's not surprising that they have huge donations for this first few days followed by a stready trickle and slight upturn towards the end.


It quite refreshing show. my major issue with it is that they seem skip some of the major detail.

To be fair, this show was really ambitious. It introduced so many characters and it really held it all together very well. Some details no doubt fell by the wayside, but I was rarely confused unless the show purposefully wanted the audience to be. the world made a lot of sense as well as why characters behaved the way they did and why the world was set up the way it was in the first place. It was all so well thought out and execution was pretty masterful. The end might be a little rushed but you could see it coming somewhat.

Chaika the Coffin Princess 2

Some pretty good action in this episode, especially the fight one bridge between Tooru and the broadsword guy. Really great choreography with well-executed animation.

One of Bones' best recent efforts. Not just because Chaika is super cute but it was an interesting little story also that had a satisfying end and lead in to a second season.
But yeah, Chaika is suuuuuper cute!
I'm always curious if people watching Chaika have seen Scrapped Princess. When duckroll recommended it to me, I wasn't expecting so many fucking similarities to the point the author almost seems like he's not trying to come up with something new. Still like both shows and looking forward to more Chaika, but gat damn


The Violinist of Hamelin 2

On the one hand, it would be fair to call this show as typical of 90s fantasy anime as it gets. I mean, I believe I said this in connection to something else the other day, but there's nothing more cliche than your home town burning down in an enemy attack. There are monsters and heroes and crosses and tridents all over. Noses extend six or seven inches beyond the rest of the face, eyes are multifaceted, and a brief upskirt on our hero confirms that Link has been wearing a tiny pair of knickers all these years.

That said, simply because the heroine is a princess raised in a village of people who knew she had a special destiny they kept secret from her, and that this village just went up in flames, isn't really enough to tell you about this episode. What's great about this episode is that it takes the really default concepts of fantasy anime and decides to use those to explore its characters in a way I don't think I've ever seen fantasy anime do.

Specifically, Flute breaks down in frustration and confusion, wondering if her entire life hadn't been a lie, given the jarring transition from everyone calling her "Flute" to "Princess." Her pleas and sorrow come through when she frustratedly cries "I'm not the queen's daughter, I'm Grampa's granddaughter!" She doesn't want this destiny, and having it forced on her has driven her, rather literally, into a corner. We get to see that pain, and have it conveyed in a really emotional way before Hamel, the Violinist, throws it back in her face.

At least, he points out, you know who you are. Hamel woke up in the first episode with a horn sticking out of his head and no explanation for it. Flute spent all those years in the village loved and accepted by its inhabitants, while Hamel spent them an outsider, with nothing to his name.

Amidst the flames and terror, Hamel plays his violin, granting the villagers the power to defend Flute from the invading monsters. The real horror of this scene, though, comes not from the insistence that they are being made to do so against their wills, but rather, that they have waited 15 years to die in this way.

The episode's concerns are brought sort of full circle as Grampa dies from a sword-wound to the back. He explains that just because the truth of her lineage was kept from her, her life in the village was not a lie, and that the love he felt for her was real. He tells her, and to a lesser extent Hamel, that while it is important to know who you are and where you came from, what is most important is to move forward in life, and not be a prisoner of the aforementioned.

In other words, although much of this episode is as conventional and typical of the era and genre of the medium as it can be, the dedication to the development of the protagonists in this episode alone is sufficient to defend it from condemnation.


I'm always curious if people watching Chaika have seen Scrapped Princess. When duckroll recommended it to me, I wasn't expecting so many fucking similarities to the point the author almost seems like he's not trying to come up with something new. Still like both shows and looking forward to more Chaika, but gat damn

hmmm I might have to continue chaika if it's similar to scrapped princess. I only got through the first ep of chaika before it got the cut (not because I disliked it but because I had to trim shows from my watch list and it wasn't super impressive, and had a decent chance of getting picked up for a dub) I quite enjoy scrapped princess and if chaika ends up feeling quite a bit like it I am willing to bet I will find it quite enjoyable.


I'm always curious if people watching Chaika have seen Scrapped Princess. When duckroll recommended it to me, I wasn't expecting so many fucking similarities to the point the author almost seems like he's not trying to come up with something new. Still like both shows and looking forward to more Chaika, but gat damn

It is true that it resembles Scrapped Princess in many ways, and indeed such observations were well detailed when people were watching Chaika, but seeing how old Scrapped Princess is and the likelihood that many anime fans havent watched it, I think Chaika has its place alongside it. For those of us who remember it perhaps it feelsl ike more of the same, but in a way it really still isnt. Chaika does enough unique things and certainly has vastly different characters than SP.
I think my biggest disappointment with Chaika is that I thought it would end up showing us all of these cool creature designs. And besides the unicorn and a certain creature near the end, there wasn't much else.


I think my biggest disappointment with Chaika is that I thought it would end up showing us all of these cool creature designs. And besides the unicorn and a certain creature near the end, there wasn't much else.

I agree with that. Some potential there. Perhaps season two will have some cool creatures.


As to the comments, I dumped $2000 into LWA2 and I only left one comment and that was a quick offhand post. Not everybody, especially if they're only dumping $50 needs to comment on something. Hell I didn't post on the UTD Kickstarter till this week despite me donating much earlier. They've also had some major updates in the past couple of days.

I think of all my kickstarter backing I've not made any comments in terms of kickstarter pages or even social media. Though with UtD when it it started and I did donate (mostly due to how badly it started - if it had started well I doubt I would have) I did post here noting its existence and that I did back it. In part because it was the first anime project I backed.

Generally though I don't get involved in trying to build buzz for a project.

Awful start but strong finish.

That was as I recall due to them having a massive twitter campaign at the end to get people to pledge or raise their pledges. I remember Garnett Lee commenting on how he thought it was offputting. Same thing happened with the recent Harmonix game.

Link Man

Log Horizon 3-4

I didn't really give any impressions for episode 3 when I watched it, because it really didn't leave much of an impression on me. At least Serara was cute (but really, what's the use of a maid sub-class?).

As for episode 4, I immediately like Nyanta and his verbal flavor. I really love how they explain the game's systems and subsystems, it really makes the battles interesting. Although Shiroe does seem to focus a lot on a single spell, wonder if they'll expand his arsenal in the future.
From The New World 25-final



Yeah I finished this recently aswell. I love the dark and uncanny tone the series had

I was briefly confused by the
and kept thinking how it could be done, and then realising the horrible things that probably happened to obtain them

Kiroumaru ;_;7 RIP in piece

Are there any similar shows with these kind of themes you guys can recommend?


Episode 25 is certainly a 10/10, as are some others, but I still can't get over the memory of all the inconsistent animation, bunny hopping around in the snow for nothing and CG boulders... :(

Didn't the blu-ray fix some episode?

Btw hoping Parasyte can be more consistent at its production value (yeah, I bring the comparison out from nowhere)


I can't even find a single popular ongoing one aside from under the dog to back up that claim lol on kicktraqs (though one has a random boost in the middle and another does have 4 days at the end of strong pledges).
most successful kickstarters actually look like this

The closest comparison I can think of to Under the Dog is the Republique kickstarter. It only took off at the -very- end because of a really aggressive social media push using all their media connections with podcasts and so on, and the announcement of the PC version (which still doesn't exist lol):

Well, I just found out it was released on Crunchyroll and watched all 5 episodes. I liked it, a small little sequel. I do wonder whats next now though, are we going to get Kizumonogatari, or will Shaft release a Monogatari Third Season.


Well, I just found out it was released on Crunchyroll and watched all 5 episodes. I liked it, a small little sequel. I do wonder whats next now though, are we going to get Kizumonogatari, or will Shaft release a Monogatari Third Season.

With the money they make off the series?



This whole series was worth it to see this great fight with Bazet crushing everyone. It's only making my need for an anime of F/HA grow even more. Great episode of pure action.


Can't help but I do have the impression that the Under the Dog kickstarter got some fishy backings.

I thought so too, but it's kinda obvious when things are being faked on Kickstarter. The information is totally transparent. There are over 7000 backers now, and the average pledge is $67. That lines up with the most appealing pledge level, which is the 60 dollar standard BD.

You can see who all the backers are too: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1300298569/under-the-dog/backers

Usually if something suspicious is going on, it would be backed heavily by a few large pledges from people who created accounts just to do it. It doesn't look to be the case here, but I'm not going to look through over 7000 names lol.

The only explanation is that ANN's podcast somehow reaches thousands and thousands of anime fans who are willing to support a project like this but have never heard of it. I agree it's pretty unexpected, but I don't see any other evidence of fishy stuff.
The only explanation is that ANN's podcast somehow reaches thousands and thousands of anime fans who are willing to support a project like this but have never heard of it. I agree it's pretty unexpected, but I don't see any other evidence of fishy stuff.

Around 25% of the backers seems to be new to kickstarter, most of which have joined in the last week or so.


Naruto Shippuden 375

Great episode. Even the obligatory dose of Obito&Kakashi angst didn't manage to ruin it. I feared we were in for another flashback but what was there was well integrated into the episode. Yamashita delivered on the animation front. The combat in kamuiland was maybe the best since 322 and I really liked the short return of that inky art style from 248.
Naruto Shippuden: Season 17 Episode 375 – Kakashi vs. Obito

I assume the one who did the Madara dance was the one who did the fighting this episode looked quite similar in design.

Kind of hyped for next weeks filler double episode, Pain, Lord Orochimaru, Deidara, Neji, Kabuto and more.
Oh wow. I see Under the Dog is getting close. I admit I completely wrote it off a while ago. I'm not all that interested in the show myself, but for those that are I hope it makes it.


Around 25% of the backers seems to be new to kickstarter, most of which have joined in the last week or so.

I randomly scrolled through the names and there weren't that many new people.

I thought so too, but it's kinda obvious when things are being faked on Kickstarter. The information is totally transparent. There are over 7000 backers now, and the average pledge is $67. That lines up with the most appealing pledge level, which is the 60 dollar standard BD.

You can see who all the backers are too: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1300298569/under-the-dog/backers

Usually if something suspicious is going on, it would be backed heavily by a few large pledges from people who created accounts just to do it. It doesn't look to be the case here, but I'm not going to look through over 7000 names lol.

The only explanation is that ANN's podcast somehow reaches thousands and thousands of anime fans who are willing to support a project like this but have never heard of it. I agree it's pretty unexpected, but I don't see any other evidence of fishy stuff.

People might have wrote it off as impossible due to the high funding costs but now that it's actually feasible, people are jumping on board.

It's definitely getting funded now. It's at 510k.
I randomly scrolled through the names and there weren't that many new people.

The list is with the newest backers at the bottom. Around 5500 has backed other projects at this point, of which around 770 has only backed 1 project previously.

Edit: There's 7500 total, so about 2000 new backers.


The list is with the newest backers at the bottom. Around 5500 has backed other projects at this point, of which around 770 has only backed 1 project previously.

Go through those and see how many are LWA related or anime related. I've only done three, two of which were anime related. The other was for a power strip(lol).

Edit: Btw one comment I found interesting from the AMA was this one,
We have been in talks with distribution channels such as Netflix, GoG, and CrunchyRoll. Obviously we cannot relay the specifics but needless to say there is significant interest in fresh content.
We are proving that KS is a viable platform and yes we will do more on it. The one limitation so far is seen as the budgets get higher like for film as an example, but that trend may change in time and we hope to help it get there.

Netflix has been just throwing money at TV productions recently and they also helped with Knights of Sidonia. I'm wondering whether they were the ones offering to fund the 26 episode series.
Go through those and see how many are LWA related or anime related. I've only done three, two of which were anime related. The other was for a power strip(lol).

That would take actual work though ;P

There's lots of anime related projects, games (a lot of Mighty No. 9) and some various random stuff like hot sauce among the few I bothered checking.


Yeah I dunno if anyone really wants to put in the work to "prove" that there's something fishy when it doesn't look like there's really much that's unusual here. Interest has definitely shot up, the question is where it the interest came from.


Yeah I dunno if anyone really wants to put in the work to "prove" that there's something fishy when it doesn't look like there's really much that's unusual here. Interest has definitely shot up, the question is where it the interest came from.

Kojima putting in dat work.

I know the boost started from before his public involvement but where Kojima is involved, anything is possible including retcons and time travel
Welcome To NHK 1-2
Well that is off to a great start. Turns out pururin is a magical pudding, conspiracy, talking appliances, and a weird mascot for some reason.

Oh and it turns out the mc is going to make a hentai game to impress a seventeen to eighteen year old girl.

[Whats intensify]


Yeah I finished this recently aswell. I love the dark and uncanny tone the series had

I was briefly confused by the
and kept thinking how it could be done, and then realising the horrible things that probably happened to obtain them

Kiroumaru ;_;7 RIP in piece

Are there any similar shows with these kind of themes you guys can recommend?

the death of Mamoru and Maria made me sad. So fucked up. And Kiroumaru was loyal to the very end, unlike that asshole Squealer. I was right to not trust him at all. Then he turned Maria and Mamorus beautiful girl into an ogre. What a monster. However the revelation that the queerats are actually modified humans was horrifying. The whole show was disturbing on a level that most normal movies cant even reach.

Didn't the blu-ray fix some episode?

Btw hoping Parasyte can be more consistent at its production value (yeah, I bring the comparison out from nowhere)

It may have. Norne of it looked that bad to me. Still some CG boulders and weird animation scenes but overall it was presented well and consistent. I was too drawn into the amazing story to care much.

I'm just going to leave this great tumblr here: http://80sanime.tumblr.com/

Lots of cool 70's through 90's anime and manga concept art plus some period era video game art! It's pretty cool and gives a great look at things I hadn't seen before!

Thanks for this. I love this kind of stuff!
Kojima putting in dat work.

I know the boost started from before his public involvement but where Kojima is involved, anything is possible including retcons and time travel

The biggest boost of people who's not backed anything before is actually in September. Just a combination of that, ANN and whatever else marketing push they started I'd guess, nothing too strange.


Aikatsu! 98

Sakura was robbed! She has a pair of twins as her designers, so giving her Gemini would've been a perfect fit. I like Ichigo and Seira, and they've had some pretty great musical numbers together, but having them occupy two spots in the zodiac 12 feels a little much. Sakura or Kaede or someone could've benefited from that. The song they performed, though, that was pretty catchy, so I can't begrudge them too much. The showdown against WM is coming. Bring it!
Naruto Shippuden 375

Great episode. Even the obligatory dose of Obito&Kakashi angst didn't manage to ruin it. I feared we were in for another flashback but what was there was well integrated into the episode. Yamashita delivered on the animation front. The combat in kamuiland was maybe the best since 322 and I really liked the short return of that inky art style from 248.

Madara looks so adorable here. He shouldn't be adorable!
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