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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Ao Haru Ride 10 - I enjoyed it as I always do, but the frustration over how its being cut off just as the story is getting going is there. And I'm a reader first. Though I guess people are used to only getting the first chapter of stories by now with anime.

And this showed how easily people can get me teary. Just have a main character cry and it almost always gets my eyes watering.
Psycho-Pass - 02

About as OK as the first episode. A second case that gets resolved quickly is followed up with Akane questioning whether or not she's fit for the job, and with that we get some more detail into how the system works which is pretty interesting. Also since it wasn't in the first episode, it should be mentioned that the OP is pretty cool, too. If there's one thing that bothered me was nearing the end when Akane talks to Kogami and he starts getting emotional; I dunno, I don't think what happened called for that, especially this early in the show...

Also, what's up with Akane's octopus hologram thingy?

Joe Molotov

Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! 01 - 12


Bunbee is the most put upon of all the Precure villains. Not only does he get his butt kicked across two seasons, but it's just one indignity on top of another for him. He got demoted, treated like crap, and then almost murdered by his old company. (To be fair, he did treat his subordinates like crap too, but at the end he did get upset when Kawarino gave them the black cards, and seemed to genuinely care about Arachnea.) Then he goes to work for Eternal and gets treated like crap there too, gets beat up by the Precure for stealing their cake when he didn't even do it, and then when he finally becomes friends with Scorp, Scorp gets murdered by the Precure. :'( RIP Scorp.

And now Milk is a Precure. I'm conflicted on this because I do like her design, but Milk is such a little brat, and now she's been a Precure for one day and is already the most powerful Precure and she's all like "Get on my level" to the others. Just because the king pooped out a seed right in front of you, doesn't give you the right to step to Nozomi like that, gurl.
Hey AnimeGAF, been a while but I'm currently in the process of watching FMA: Brotherhood. But anyways I think a potential anime I will watch after FMA:B will be Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, due to this piece I found by Yuki Kajiura which sounds amazing.


Would anyone happen to know if the anime is actually any good?
Psycho-Pass - 03

Better than the last two episodes, but still kept me wanting a bit. I wish there were more of an actual mystery to these cases to go along with the psychology and tech stuff. At least in this episode we finally get to see Kogami in action. We also get a return of the CG hands, now accompanied by CG robots, yay. Also, random Johnny Mnemonic reference.
Psycho-Pass - 03

Better than the last two episodes, but still kept me wanting a bit. I wish there were more of an actual mystery to these cases to go along with the psychology and tech stuff. At least in this episode we finally get to see Kogami in action. We also get a return of the CG hands, now accompanied by CG robots, yay. Also, random Johnny Mnemonic reference.

it'll never reach CSI mystery levels, but it does get a central non-episodic plot after the initial 'episodic' episodes.


Hey AnimeGAF, been a while but I'm currently in the process of watching FMA: Brotherhood. But anyways I think a potential anime I will watch after FMA:B will be Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, due to this piece I found by Yuki Kajiura which sounds amazing.


Would anyone happen to know if the anime is actually any good?

The music is solid in the series, but the anime itself is kind of hit or miss. Some arcs are fun, some are boring, and overall unsurprisingly it just kind of ends.

If you like Clamp series in general you will likely find a lot to like, if you dislike clamp in general you will likely hate the show, if you are indifferent to clamp I would guess you would find it above average.... it's basically clamp making a giant ok written cross over fanfic series though :p
So with all this talk about women are portrayed in Tomino's work and the Gundam franchise in general, what mecha shows would MechaGAF say had well-written female characters or had a female character that was well-written besides those mentioned?

How whether to watch Noein or Gundam Wing spawned to this conversation I have no idea.


So with all this talk about women are portrayed in Tomino's work and the Gundam franchise in general, what mecha shows would MechaGAF say had well-written female characters or had a female character that was well-written besides those mentioned?

How whether to watch Noein or Gundam Wing spawned to this conversation I have no idea.

Off the top of my head, thinking Lal'C had a good character arc in Diebuster.
Psycho-Pass - 04

OK, now I think things are starting to pick up. But first off,: this just had to be a future where you have to use headsets to enter chat rooms didn't it? And so much for internet anonymity when your avatar looks EXACTLY like you only with weird handle-bar hands, right Akane? And why is Kogami's avatar a fucking dime?

So yea, with that out of my system, this was much better than the previous episodes. I really like the designs of the Talisman and Spooky Boogie avatars, and it looks like an actual mystery is starting to be formed here. Really wondering how this will play out.


the holder of the trombone
So with all this talk about women are portrayed in Tomino's work and the Gundam franchise in general, what mecha shows would MechaGAF say had well-written female characters or had a female character that was well-written besides those mentioned?

How whether to watch Noein or Gundam Wing spawned to this conversation I have no idea.

Not a huge mecha fan but full metal panic had pretty good female characters.


So with all this talk about women are portrayed in Tomino's work and the Gundam franchise in general, what mecha shows would MechaGAF say had well-written female characters or had a female character that was well-written besides those mentioned?

How whether to watch Noein or Gundam Wing spawned to this conversation I have no idea.

G Gundam - 20

Ooooohhh man this episode was awesome!

So now we add George to the list of those seeing hallucinations of the Devil Gundam. Also adding quite the unfortunate backstory for George as well.
That's horrible :(. Being chosen as the representative fighter for your nation as thousands of people die before your eyes being unable to save them.

Those berserk moments with him were well done as well, especially on the Japanese VA part.

Though I can't help but wonder why Argo hasn't been affected. I mean, he fought Sai Saichi perfectly fine, and hasn't been afraid to get in his Bolt Gundam. I guess it may take some more time for the visions to kick in? Oh well, I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Not a huge mecha fan but full metal panic had pretty good female characters.

I would agree with that. Melissa and Kaname were fun to watch, though Tessa was a bit grating at times.
Funny how Tessa became more likeable and independent later on after giving up on Souske while Kaname got worse after getting kidnapped.


Ao Haru Ride 10

Nice episode. I know it's part of the genre that the actual romance has to develop slowly and they have to dangle the cookie closer to your mouth every episode and take it away just as you're about to bite, but I fall for it every single time, lol.
When I watched Zeta Gundam I was actually pretty repulsed by the way the female characters were handled(in fact I think I tweeted Corvo endlessly about this). More than any other Gundam series I've seen it focused so much on multiple female characters being "Lalah'd." I know that the whole thing with Lalah is pretty much a trope in Gundam now but Zeta Gundam is the worst to me because there are multiple instances of characters being introduced for no other reason than to die. Rosamia was only there to die, Four was only brought back to die again. Almost every important female character in that show dies so that Kamille could win in the end.

Thankfully nothing else I've seen has been as bad as that. Turn A is probably the strongest Gundam series for good female characters imo.
Can't wait to hatewatch Zeta down the road.


Golgo 13(2008) 01-33

I have been on a binge on Golgo 13, i am loving the cheese and the absolute crazy people that hire the top sniper in the world for the most ridiculous reason. Maniac french wine seller might be the most hilarious person so far for me.It really captures 80s movie fun.3 million dollars doesn't seem that much anymore though.The people who do crimes for less in the show would be staggered if they only knew how much a crowd funded sandwich could make them :p.
Only knew the series of mentions of the games before but man, Togo is top of the line, pure destiled, crystallized badass!

I hope to watch the older series soon and the fun hijinks that will ensue.


So with all this talk about women are portrayed in Tomino's work and the Gundam franchise in general, what mecha shows would MechaGAF say had well-written female characters or had a female character that was well-written besides those mentioned?

How whether to watch Noein or Gundam Wing spawned to this conversation I have no idea.

1. Dai-Guard


Okay, I know what you're thinking: a Xebec show about giant robots being operated by a PR department is weird that is poorly animated is what the alleged Mecha fan leads off with, but bear with me because I actually think Dai-Guard is one of the most underappreciated and overlooked Mecha anime I've ever seen. It's an incredibly grounded story about people whose problems are strikingly real despite the fact that they pilot a giant robot. Ibuki, the female pilot of the trio, never really moves beyond affection for the hero. She's not caught up in him, but proves to be a good friend to him. She has daddy issues, but rather than them being played up in any insane way, the show spends her share of the time on helping her get past them to make amends with her step-father, who doesn't approve of her career choice. It's hard to put it into words beyond the fact that of the many, many women in giant robot anime, I think Ibuki is the one I could most picture as being a real woman. She's not, as someone put it to me today, an angel or a devil. She's got faults, things she denies in the face of reality, but she also has strengths and compassion when the need arises. Like, I can't stress enough how if anyone here is ever looking to watch a good office comedy/drama, Dai-Guard should be on that list.

I'm only a few episodes into Patlabor, but I'm fairly convinced of Izumi Noa's position as such as well. A lot of this is owed to the fact that Patlabor, like Dai-Guard, is a show where piloting the giant robots is just a day job. Izumi is fairly perky, but so far she's been a dedicated officer of the law. Infinitely moreso than her comrade, the hotblooded Ota.

From here on out, I confess the examples become somewhat shakier, as Super Robot anime contains an amount of fanservice that is an unfortunate part of its appeal to young men. Anyway, the above is Jun Hono from Great Mazinger. Jun's mech is actually more sexualized than she is, but I absolutely adore her character because its one of the most daring things I've ever seen done in anime. In the manga, Jun was half-white, her father having been an American, but in the TV series they decided to one up that and make her half-African-American. It doesn't really immediately factor into Jun's character as a competitive young woman until the show drops a train on the audience by having women in Japan mock Jun for the color of her skin, and having her actively comment on the difficulty of being a half-black, female pilot in an era when neither of those sides of herself commanded a lot of respect. What's more is that the episode makes a point of having this young, black woman bail out its pure Japanese, male hero. In one episode alone Jun went from being someone I simply liked to being one of the most thought provoking female characters in mecha anime.

As above, there are some occasions and ways in which Noriko is fairly sexualized, but I consider her a decent example all the same because Noriko goes through an enormous amount of self-sacrifice in order to do some very extraordinary things. She holds up remarkably well in circumstances which are painful. She's not the typical Tomino chewing toy, because Noriko's pain is part of something much larger, and much of it is pain she willingly endures to achieve her goals.

Jun's contemporary, Getter Robo's Michiru Saotome is another personal favorite of mine. Although all three of the main, male pilots express interest in Michiru, she never really pushes them beyond the boundaries of friendship. She proves herself extremely dedicated to the cause of vanquishing evil time and again. While it is true that Michiru veers a bit into the weaker territory (her plane is never as strong as any of the Getter Machines), she has on several occasions been the one to save the guys, even going so far as handling herself in a fight with members of the Demon Empire. She's not perfect, but considering she could've been a complete joke, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that Michiru was competent.

My final example, G Gundam's Rain Mikamura, comes with a few caveats. Is she a source of fanservice? Oh yes. Is she not an active fighter in a show where the vast majority of the cast are? Definitely. However, I think Rain is worthy of attention all the same as a way to prove my point that I think a female character can be involved in a love story and still be well written, equal, and not a princess stuck in a tower. Much of G Gundam revolves around Domon and Rain coming to understand one another, and as such, the show dedicates time to what makes Rain tick, and to how she feels in certain situations. You can definitely argue that she's caught up in Domon, but that's half the point. She's very in love with him, but unafraid to disagree with and contradict him whenever it comes between her and her duty. In fact, more than Domon's apparent interest in another woman, Rain only finally chooses to leave him (after numerous threats and numerous times being told she should by him), when Domon insults her position as a doctor. She takes her position as both a doctor and his mechanic seriously, and when the fighting leaves her on the sideline we actually see how she feels alienated, which the show turns on its head by making it so that Domon cannot win her over through means he is accustomed to.

I'm terrible at really articulating it, and like I said, there are some caveats above, but I'm fairly fond of all the above women, all of whom are fairly important to their series.

Not a huge mecha fan but full metal panic had pretty good female characters.

I think the girls actually come off better in the manga than the show, though. Mao is great always, but it takes Tessa and Chidori a long time to really come to their full merit. Tessa improves markedly after Sousuke finally stops fucking with her emotions, and Chidori I'm a bit split on. I love these girls, of course, but I don't know how I would rank them since I confess that when I'm normally watching a series I allow substantially less than gold standard to pass for "pretty damn good" in my eyes.


I-I don't think I agree. Kinda felt the girls in Escaflowne were all sorta sops.


Subete no aware
Romantica Clock

Oh hey, a typical shoujo advertisement OVA thing. It even has the logo in the corner. Nothing to see here.

Oh wait:

Kanon: She's beautiful and popular, lively and full of vitality; Aoi: Looks like a small animal but is actually very clever. Who knew that these two very different people were actually... twin siblings?!

Yep. Imagine a typical tsundere shoujo heroine, the type that just got referenced in the latest episode of Nozaki-kun, except that the boy is actually her twin brother.

I almost want to read the book just to see what a shoujo involving twins would be like. Assuming it's not incest-trash, then it just becomes a really strange close sibling relationship.


Huge Nickleback Fan
So with all this talk about women are portrayed in Tomino's work and the Gundam franchise in general, what mecha shows would MechaGAF say had well-written female characters or had a female character that was well-written besides those mentioned?

How whether to watch Noein or Gundam Wing spawned to this conversation I have no idea.

Eureka Seven

Oh yes, Patlabor. Izumi Noa is great!


1. Dai-Guard


Okay, I know what you're thinking: a Xebec show about giant robots being operated by a PR department is weird that is poorly animated is what the alleged Mecha fan leads off with, but bear with me because I actually think Dai-Guard is one of the most underappreciated and overlooked Mecha anime I've ever seen. It's an incredibly grounded story about people whose problems are strikingly real despite the fact that they pilot a giant robot. Ibuki, the female pilot of the trio, never really moves beyond affection for the hero. She's not caught up in him, but proves to be a good friend to him. She has daddy issues, but rather than them being played up in any insane way, the show spends her share of the time on helping her get past them to make amends with her step-father, who doesn't approve of her career choice. It's hard to put it into words beyond the fact that of the many, many women in giant robot anime, I think Ibuki is the one I could most picture as being a real woman. She's not, as someone put it to me today, an angel or a devil. She's got faults, things she denies in the face of reality, but she also has strengths and compassion when the need arises. Like, I can't stress enough how if anyone here is ever looking to watch a good office comedy/drama, Dai-Guard should be on that list.

So I've actually seen the first four/five episodes roughly and the show is utterly boring. It's a poor man's Patlabor.


Romantica Clock
Yep. Imagine a typical tsundere shoujo heroine, the type that just got referenced in the latest episode of Nozaki-kun, except that the boy is actually her twin brother.

I almost want to read the book just to see what a shoujo involving twins would be like. Assuming it's not incest-trash, then it just becomes a really strange close sibling relationship.

That's a pretty bold assumption.


Yes, yes I am. More to the point I don't see them discussed here all that often.

I watched all of Crest of the Stars last season. That season is the prelude to a large-scale space opera focused around a war between a race of Awesome Beautiful Half-Elves called the Abh and the rest of humanity, and a man and an Abh princess fighting on one side. It's a story that, to me, felt a little too big and ponderous for its own good, but I also feel like it's the kind of sci-fi story that doesn't really get told in anime these days. The core relationship between the two leads is compelling when it's the center of attention, so it's a shame that the series spends as much time lost in its own lore as it does.

I don't feel much desire to move forward to Banner, but I can see why some would like it.


So I've actually seen the first four/five episodes roughly and the show is utterly boring. It's a poor man's Patlabor.

Maybe the difference is you've seen Patlabor and I haven't made it very far yet! But as is often the case with shows I think it takes more than 4 or 5 episodes to come into its own.


It's shoujo. I don't think stories go there in shoujo!

The dude looks like total main love interest material though. I don't read straight romance so I could be totally off but I definitely get the "bratty punk who slowly turns into a perfect boyfriend" vibe from him.
My final example, G Gundam's Rain Mikamura, comes with a few caveats. Is she a source of fanservice? Oh yes. Is she not an active fighter in a show where the vast majority of the cast are? Definitely. However, I think Rain is worthy of attention all the same as a way to prove my point that I think a female character can be involved in a love story and still be well written, equal, and not a princess stuck in a tower. Much of G Gundam revolves around Domon and Rain coming to understand one another, and as such, the show dedicates time to what makes Rain tick, and to how she feels in certain situations. You can definitely argue that she's caught up in Domon, but that's half the point. She's very in love with him, but unafraid to disagree with and contradict him whenever it comes between her and her duty. In fact, more than Domon's apparent interest in another woman, Rain only finally chooses to leave him (after numerous threats and numerous times being told she should by him), when Domon insults her position as a doctor. She takes her position as both a doctor and his mechanic seriously, and when the fighting leaves her on the sideline we actually see how she feels alienated, which the show turns on its head by making it so that Domon cannot win her over through means he is accustomed to.

Of the 5 you mentioned Corvo, Rain is the only one i've seen in action. I would say that by the standards of female Gundam characters Rain stands above most of the women in the franchise (LOL Flay) though I don't think I would call her the best.

I think the girls actually come off better in the manga than the show, though. Mao is great always, but it takes Tessa and Chidori a long time to really come to their full merit. Tessa improves markedly after Sousuke finally stops fucking with her emotions, and Chidori I'm a bit split on. I love these girls, of course, but I don't know how I would rank them since I confess that when I'm normally watching a series I allow substantially less than gold standard to pass for "pretty damn good" in my eyes.

I'd say that if we were too go by the series as whole, FMP would be in the top ten with regards to it's female characters.

I-I don't think I agree. Kinda felt the girls in Escaflowne were all sorta sops.


After thinking about it, while you might be able to make the argument that Hitomi is a well written character, I don't think the rest of the women in that show are exactly groundbreaking. And this is coming from a guy who loves Escaflowne.
No Dilandau doesn't count.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I haven't watched Escaflowne in a long time, but I remember the main girl constantly swooning for that blonde guy and... genki cat girl.


After thinking about it, while you might be able to make the argument that Hitomi is a well written character, I don't think the rest of the women in that show are exactly groundbreaking. And this is coming from a guy who loves Escaflowne.
No Dilandau doesn't count.

Whoa, who said groundbreaking? I guess you might say well-written female characters in mecha anime are groundbreaking, but I wasn't thinking of it like that.


Subete no aware
like, incest is perfect for shoujo with all the angst and drama and suicides and shit
If it is, then it's not popular stuff because it never gets adapted!

Revolutionary Girl Utena, son.
Firehawk is a loser who hasn't watched Rev Girl Utena
I also wouldn't classify it as a romance shoujo of any kind. :p

The dude looks like total main love interest material though. I don't read straight romance so I could be totally off but I definitely get the "bratty punk who slowly turns into a perfect boyfriend" vibe from him.
Oh yeah, the dude is perfect and of course she "loves" him and blushes at the end of each 1 minute promo episode. But I almost assume that it's just a matter of them being "close", since the first episode shows that there's another guy that the girl likes.

Although that could obviously be a red herring. lol
Whoa, who said groundbreaking? I guess you might say well-written female characters in mecha anime are groundbreaking, but I wasn't thinking of it like that.

Maybe groundbreaking isn't the right word. I was trying to say that the female characters in Esclaflowne don't really "stand-out" in the same way that Hitomi would and to some extent does. Not to say their women in Esclaflowne are poorly written by any means, but I would not use Merle or Millerna as prime examples of well written female characters in the genre.


Maybe groundbreaking isn't the right word. I was trying to say that the female characters in Esclaflowne don't really "stand-out" in the same way that Hitomi would and to some extent does. Not to say their women in Esclaflowne are poorly written by any means, but I would not use Merle or Millerna as prime examples of well written female characters in the genre.

Millerna is pretty cool.


sealed with a kiss
If it is, then it's not popular stuff because it never gets adapted!

I also wouldn't classify it as a romance shoujo of any kind. :p

Oh yeah, the dude is perfect and of course she "loves" him and blushes at the end of each 1 minute promo episode. But I almost assume that it's just a matter of them being "close", since the first episode shows that there's another guy that the girl likes.

Although that could obviously be a red herring. lol
You're still a loser who hasn't watched Utena!


Romantica Clock
Yep. Imagine a typical tsundere shoujo heroine, the type that just got referenced in the latest episode of Nozaki-kun, except that the boy is actually her twin brother.

I almost want to read the book just to see what a shoujo involving twins would be like. Assuming it's not incest-trash, then it just becomes a really strange close sibling relationship.
I recall reading dakkumauji's impressions of the manga and it seemed like harmless cute fluffy type of shoujo instead of a trashy one.
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