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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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tokyo 9/11 8



tbh the only thing i'd change in this series (other than upping lisa's iq a bit) is giving more time to shibazaki. dude fukken OWNS

Oh, there is much more I would change, like making 9 and 12 actually relatable through good characterization instead of the vague hinting we have been getting all series.

I'd change it so it was just 5 speaking english the entire episode, every episode.


Space Dandy - 23


Fucking amazing. I almost really want closure on this now (even though it'll never happen in an episodic show like this). Scarlet is such a cutie!


Jesus. and now theres one remaining. I bought one in a panic after it sold out on rightstuf for way too much money but I have a feeling this set is going to be worth beaucoup dollars a few years from now and I really have no idea why.
Checking the box it is certainly not made of gold, nor is it particularly special. What is it about this series in particular?
Thanks for mentioning this! I snagged one real quick-like!

They said they were all gone last I checked a few hours ago!

I always planned on picking one up down the line, but after seeing how limited it was, I felt like I had no choice to but to speak buy now or forever hold my peace.


Thanks for mentioning this! I snagged one real quick-like!

They said they were all gone last I checked a few hours ago!

I always planned on picking one up down the line, but after seeing how limited it was, I felt like I had no choice to but to speak buy now or forever hold my peace.

No problemo AWESOMEBEAR :)
Thanks for mentioning this! I snagged one real quick-like!

They said they were all gone last I checked a few hours ago!

I always planned on picking one up down the line, but after seeing how limited it was, I felt like I had no choice to but to speak buy now or forever hold my peace.

I missed it :(. Probably will have to wait for the inevitable standard edition.
Shounen Hollywood 10

If you asked me which show this season would have a full performance of a Miss Monochrome song in an episode, I probably wouldn't have guessed this one. It's amazing how unique of an approach they've been taking with this show. First an entire episode as a musical and now one as a morning music television show [SPOILER]or at least that's what I assume it is, I'm not that familiar with regular Japanese television.[/SPOILER] The musical numbers were all well done and while the quality of the art was rough, they still tried some interesting things with the animation such as moving shots, rotations and a sense of depth on characters. I'd love to see a cleaned up version in a bluray release because I think it could look great.[/QUOTE]

Same, the one on funistream I saw was so grainy when Shonen Hollywood performed :(


Hmm, is the Stars series worthwhile?



Akame ga Kill! 10

Best waifu Esdese.

All those wonderful feelings I had when I first read the chapter are resurfacing once again.

Along with the dismay over how they butchered the Jaeger scenes.

I really like her for some reason. She looks really elegant but shes a sadist and I kind of like that personality.

Yeah the portrayal of women in Victory is probably Tomino's all-time low in Gundam. Marbet is like, the only good female character in the show and Tomino decides to compensate for that by crippling her 9/10ths of the series.

That said, for as bad as Tomino does, I still think AU Gundam does considerably worse. Even in well written shows like G Gundam, there are weak points (for instance there are only three female Gundam pilots in the show, and the oldest and most mature of them dies shortly after being introduced). Of course, G's women are vastly superior to AGE's, where women are as objectified as possible.

Woman in AGE flow-chart:

"Will you marry an Asuno?" Y/N Y-> This is your only role: to bear his children.
N-> Do you pilot something? Y/N N-> You must be family.
Y-> Are you taking orders from an Asuno? Y/N Y-> Congratulations you don't matter.
N-> Then he'll kill you.

This is kind of a hilarious way to describe it. This guy must really be a hit at parties.

Hey AnimeGAF, been a while but I'm currently in the process of watching FMA: Brotherhood. But anyways I think a potential anime I will watch after FMA:B will be Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, due to this piece I found by Yuki Kajiura which sounds amazing.


Would anyone happen to know if the anime is actually any good?

Tsubasa is alright. Very CLAMP but a fun adventure. The music is indeed very good although it is quite similar to Yuki's earlier work in Noir and .hack and this track from Elemental Gelade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akT_xw6MnJE
Elemental Gelade isnt a particularly well executed series but its not long and it does have some quite nice music as you'd expect from Yuki Kajiura. I still really like it though. Reverie is really cute and the premise is interesting.

Not a huge mecha fan but full metal panic had pretty good female characters.

Tessa is the bestest!


Space Dandy 2 E 9-10

Loved the meta commentary in the ninth episode as well as them nuking the cast yet again. I actually felt sad for Scarlet and Dandy in the 10th, I hope they will follow up on this story in the remaining episodes.

Dandy has been consistently good to great and always a visual feast for the eyes. I feel stupid for ignoring it for a long time but my previous experiences with episodic shows weren't very good. My AOTY for now and I doubt it will be surpassed in the remaining months of the year

School Days 02


Stalking Days

The cringe levels are through the roof. -_- Makoto is not only an insufferable twat but a horrible human being too. You know you fucked up when Dandy has got better dating skills than you.

I'm counting 4 prospective harem members now.
Angel Beats 2-4
So my anime club voted and selected this and Level E. A little disappointed Elfen Lied didn't beat Angels Beats since whereas Angel Beats is just kind of average, Elfen Lied would be just more enjoyable.

Anyway, Angel Beats while has a cool first episode that really grabs you, these episodes waste that potential. There's a mood whiplash in these episodes compared to the first. While some interesting concepts are still present
like how obliteration isn't a result of complacency but more satisfactions sort of indicated with Iwasawa
, there's the issue of kind of trying to hard to be both serious and a comedy. Some instances where it tries to be serious like in some flashbacks particularly Hinata's, it comes off ridiculous and stupid. Other stuff like Yui being a parody of the moe trope just isn't funny and the scenes where she gets hurt are just overdone and don't really add anything.


Watched the first 5 eps of Aldnoah.... good god this MC... plain as vanilla icecream and like some super computer that can analyses any situation and find a solution in an instant...

other dude better end up with princess yo.


Watched the first 5 eps of Aldnoah.... good god this MC... plain as vanilla icecream and like some super computer that can analyses any situation and find a solution in an instant...

other dude better end up with princess yo.

Welcome to Gary Stu saturdays.Three continuous shows onslaught of pure Gary Stu.
Psycho-Pass - 05

Even though the main mystery of the last episode has been solved, things are starting to escalate a bit with some unanswered questions still lingering in my head. Both the ways they were able to pinpoint the criminal and the criminal's motivations (and sanity slippage) were pretty cool. Overall it was a good episode and the series has really started to improve with each episode.

I also only now noticed there's a disclaimer at the end of the ED. Are there any other anime that do that?


GundamTwitter is making me terrified of ZZ. All of the people who have been watching my Zeta livetweets have basically just been saying "good luck."


I think you'll be fine. Well, you'll hate the beginning, but then you'll be fine by midway onward. Also remember to skip episode 1 since it isn't actually episode 1.


Princess Tutu 06-08

On the edge of the cerulean blue waters, fate begins to sing towards the black diamond. Yes, Nana Mizuki is playing a dark/antagonistic magical girl once again. This world, with its iguanas and electric eels is certainly an odd place, though some dialogue in the Sleeping Beauty episode suggests that maybe some of these animals used to be human, before the book was torn open and the world became this Germanic fantasyland. Starting to reevaluate my position on Fakir here. He knows something the viewers don't, and showed some sympathy towards Duck, but I'm not sure if he made the connection between the human girl called Duck and the duck called Duck. (Woo-hoo!)

Another thing I'm noticing that separates this from other magical girl series is how the transformations start up. A magical girl usually has some control over when she wants to fight - which is usually before the monster appears - but whenever Tutu and Kraehe transform, Dross is usually overseeing things, commenting, and since he's the author of the story, the one who has total control over them? It's clear Duck is doing this of her own will at least in part, but the fact that Drossy is there every time is suspicious. Even moreso than Kyubey, in a way.


Firehawk is a loser who hasn't watched Rev Girl Utena

Firehawk is an enigma

I haven't watched Escaflowne in a long time, but I remember the main girl constantly swooning for that blonde guy and... genki cat girl.

Merle was the best girl in Escaflowne!

Chaika the Coffin Princess 3

It turns out that carrying around a coffin everywhere is bad for your reputation. Also, I bet if those two-headed lightning dog things existed in real life, people would defend them as great pets for kids.

Dragoon loli is coming soon! I always thought her weapon and the coffin looked pretty unweildy. Surely without back up she would be extremely vulnerable.

Shounen Hollywood 10

If you asked me which show this season would have a full performance of a Miss Monochrome song in an episode, I probably wouldn't have guessed this one. It's amazing how unique of an approach they've been taking with this show. First an entire episode as a musical and now one as a morning music television show
or at least that's what I assume it is, I'm not that familiar with regular Japanese television.
The musical numbers were all well done and while the quality of the art was rough, they still tried some interesting things with the animation such as moving shots, rotations and a sense of depth on characters. I'd love to see a cleaned up version in a bluray release because I think it could look great.

What exactly is Miss monochrome? She showed up in several series, including, oddly enough, Golden Time. Who actually created the character and the show, and is it somehow related to this or Golden Time? I definitely dont mind her showing up in stuff because she is adorable.

Grave of the Fireflies Impressions

Grave of the Fireflies is a Studio Ghibli movie from 1988 featuring a boy and his sister trying to survive the second world war during the American air raids on Japan. This movie starts out strong, setting the tone straight away from the very first line in the movie. It begins with the protagonist stating that he will die just nineteen days after Japan surrenders. We see a group of homeless, starving youth in what looks to be a train station as others walk by them without a second glance and sometimes the occasional insult. Just as one of the boys collapses a security guard prods him to check if he is still alive. After confirming his death, he checks the body and finds a tin candy container and throws it into the field outside the train station. Little did I know, this container contains a lot of symbolic importance throughout the film.

Warning: There will be unmarked spoilers ahead.

Seita is one of the main protagonists in the film along with his younger sister Setsuko. He is charged with taking care of his sister while their mother retreats to a nearby bomb shelter. Later when they are reunited with their mother they discover that she has been severely burned and does not survive the night. I found it odd that their mother did not take Setsuko with her to the shelter but if she did we would not have this movie.

After her death, Seita and Setsuko start to live with their "aunt". I can't help but wonder if this aunt was actually a relative as she treated the two children more like a dead friend's orphans rather than family. This living situation does not last long as their aunt is cruel to them, treating Seita a lazy burden and Setsuko as an annoying pest. She is also a mother to two older children so I would think she would understand that with the loss of their mother and a father fighting in the war that Seita does not have the will to look for work and has to take care of his sister alone.

After leaving their aunt's place the two siblings start to live outside in a bomb shelter by a lake. Seita is forced to forage and scrape by for food before finally resorting to stealing. His efforts are in vain as his sister soon starts to suffer from malnutrition and is becoming less and less active. Seita's growing desperation can be felt as the movie progresses as he begs, steals and loots during air raids. By the end he is forced to withdraw what little money is left in their mother's bank account but as soon he purchases proper food to feed his sister she passes away. This desperate act followed by complete hopelessness is further emphasized when the last meal he retrieved for his young sister is seen rotting and eaten by insects.

Both Seita and Setsuko are very strong characters and their voice actors did a fantastic job bringing out the emotions in each scene they are together. Seita is a capable yet stubborn boy whose father is currently fighting in the war. He appears to have militaristic ambitions passed down by his father along with a "take no shit from others" attitude. This attitude drives him to leave the safety of their aunt's house and fend for themselves. Setsuko is a very young girl around the age of seven or eight. She is playful, cheerful and often does not understand the implications of the destruction and carnage around her.

During these desperate times, the two find have a hard time finding any joy in life. What little happiness they can conjure derives from a single candy container they have kept before their mother passed away. They share this candy together and ration it for as long as they can. When it is finally empty, Seita fills it with water and gives it to his sister to drink the last sweet taste left behind inside. Afterwards it is used to store the important things to them such as the last memento from their mother, a ring. Seeing how this container is such an important part of the siblings lives and how it is thrown at the very beginning of the movie was very powerful.

Spoiler end.

I believe this movie did a fantastic job to demonstrate the hopelessness and despair felt by those living through the final months of the war. There is very little music in the film and when there is it is usually during happy moments. I thought it was an interesting contrast to use silence during the intense emotional scenes when compared to Hollywood's over the top tracks. It worked well and I felt you could feel the voice actors emotions come out a lot more with the lack of background music.

The animation was great and did a terrific job displaying the horrors of war without ever becoming overly graphic. The movies themes are very depressing but the visuals never stuck me as trying to push the depressing tone. There was always a sense of hope from a visual perspective with the use of many bright colours, from the catching of fireflies to the colours of food.

Overall I give this movie an 8. It is not a film you watch for fun but it is an experience that will take you on an emotional ride.

Well the only thing I have to ask about your experience with this movie. Did it make you sad or did it make you just mad? It pissed me off. I know the kid isnt old enough to make wise decisions but his stubborn pride led to downfall. It was bullshit.

I missed it :(. Probably will have to wait for the inevitable standard edition.


Masahiro Ando is storyboarding the final episode of Haikyu and the first episode of Chaika S2. Squuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel. :D

I dont think I have ever seen you squee before but Im glad you enjoyed Chaika a lot!
What exactly is Miss monochrome? She showed up in several series, including, oddly enough, Golden Time. Who actually created the character and the show, and is it somehow related to this or Golden Time? I definitely dont mind her showing up in stuff because she is adorable.

She's a character created by Yui Horie or something. Guess she showed up in Golden Time since Yui Horie had a big role in it.
Psycho-Pass - 06

...well shit, this episode was pretty friggin' disturbing. I knew something was wrong when it started out with two high school girls discussing Shakespeare. Outside of that, it turns out that a previous case in an earlier episode (including one from Kogami's past) may have some connection two the case solved earlier as well as what may be occurring now. While not as good as the last episode, it's still keeping me interested.

Also, a world where barely anyone drinks booze? Not sure if that's good or not.



Slow sales week. Not much going on.

New series
Jinsei v1: 1,955 BD+DVD. Probably going to crater next vol since this one was only about $20 and had an event ticket.

Kill la Kill series average 10,902 (9 vols). Should break 11k avg within a week or two.
Nourin series average 2,357 (6 vols)
Z/X Ignition series average 873 (6 vols). There were, uh, about five of you that watched this, right?

Next week we find out who just can't get enough of that Yuu Narukami swag.


Momo Kyun Sword 9
The plot actually moved. So through some twist of fate *Shocking Truth*
Momoko and Onihime are twins.
*Shocking Truth*

Momoko gets utterly destroyed letting the bad guys get away with the Peach Core - something several times stronger than the fragments.
Psycho-Pass - 07

...well shit (X2). The creepy factors are goin' off the charts now. If I've learned anything from this show, it's that combining art with revenge is the most horrific motivation for murder ever. And hey, we also get to hear of the actual negative effects of the Psycho-Pass system in this episode, so I guess it's safe to say that this future outright sucks.
Psycho-Pass - 06

...well shit, this episode was pretty friggin' disturbing. I knew something was wrong when it started out with two high school girls discussing Shakespeare. Outside of that, it turns out that a previous case in an earlier episode (including one from Kogami's past) may have some connection two the case solved earlier as well as what may be occurring now. While not as good as the last episode, it's still keeping me interested.

Also, a world where barely anyone drinks booze? Not sure if that's good or not.

I can't think of anything good for society in the psycho-pass universe.


GundamTwitter is making me terrified of ZZ. All of the people who have been watching my Zeta livetweets have basically just been saying "good luck."

Considering how my various concerns and problems with Zeta are just now slowly condensing into a superheated ball of resentment, I can't even imagine where my dark path takes me next.
ZZ is not anime. Take that as you will.

I do indeed love Miyukichi and her characters. In particular Inaban. The show is overblown but not quite in the Key sort of way but more just overly dramatic. Some of Inaban's scenes are super hnnngworthy so it was worth every second.
She is far from perfect but she is PERFECT if you know what I mean.
No. She's perfect in every sense.

Why does this show make you sad?
Because it makes him realise he'll never become an idol.

Crest of the Stars Episode 1:

Yes, I think this was a good pick just for the soundtrack alone, reminds me of Legend of Galactic Heroes, in fact, I am getting quite a lot in the way of LoGH vibes. This might be because like LoGH this series is based a series of novels, and I mean real novels, not light novels either. Visually this series looks like a most unusual pastiche of 1980s and 1990s anime as a lot of the space shots look maybe more dated then they should but the character designs are very distinctly 90s, especially the space elves. Anyway. the first episode is all set-up and backstory and did an adequate job in that regard.
You've done well.
Please Twins! 05

The show calls itself out on some stuff.

Hm... Well... There's rumours about Maiku being gay so Miina and Karen tries to find out if it's true or not. Maiku also manages to kiss both Miina and Karen in this episode too.
Psycho-Pass - 08

"Alas poor maiden, something-something-Shakespeare." - Random Anime Dude

So yea, the main crime from the last three episodes has been solved, and the mastermind behind the crimes of the series thus far has taken an interest in Kogami, who enlightened Akane in the aspects of Profiling 101. Outside of giving the mastermind (who's name I keep forgetting, but he reminds me of Suitengu from Speed Grapher) more screen time, I don't think much happened in this episode.

...and I want more Spooky Boogie, bring her back.

Think that's enough Psycho-Pass for today, and four episodes a day should have me end it on Friday. 1/3 of the way in and thus far I'm under the impression of "good, but could be better".

Slow sales week. Not much going on.

New series
Jinsei v1: 1,955 BD+DVD. Probably going to crater next vol since this one was only about $20 and had an event ticket.

Kill la Kill series average 10,902 (9 vols). Should break 11k avg within a week or two.
Nourin series average 2,357 (6 vols)
Z/X Ignition series average 873 (6 vols). There were, uh, about five of you that watched this, right?

Next week we find out who just can't get enough of that Yuu Narukami swag.

Kill la Kill actually sold rather well in the end. Good for Trigger.
Please Twins! 06


Other than that the episode is about Miina and Karen both hoping that they're the twin so they can stay in the house with Maiku and not move out and also hoping that they're not the twin so they can be Maiku's lover.


Is there any AnimeGaf consensus on Le Chevalier D'Eon ? So far I'm seeing good reviews. The historic setting and supposedly great sword fights tick all the right boxes for me.

While I don't know about the group consensus, I liked it but remember the plot being quite a mess. If you can stomach the supernatural aspects, it's an interesting watch, particularly if you're a history buff (to see how the actual history is distorted, butchered, or cleverly woven into the series). It does slow considerably after the start though, dragging through the middle and picking up for the tail end of the show.


Momo Kyun Sword 10

So the Japanese versions of heaven and hell have finally gone to war again, and the sisters are trapped in the middle of it. I've got some idea what Onihime wants to talk about, and look forward to the final battle, especially if what I think might happen finally happens. Kaguya ended up having a bigger role in this than I expected, and also introduced a light sci-fi element to the story. Mostly setup, so not a whole lot to say. One episode for the final battle and one for the epilogue sounds like a good setup.
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