Rapid Response Threadmaker
I just hope hand shakers bd doesnt get delayed.
Someone wants a handshakers bd.......
Oh wait, it's DTL.
I just hope hand shakers bd doesnt get delayed.
Poor Tendou, she just keeps getting rekt..... What happened to his buddies GF after last week? Bad cliffhanger right there....
Tendou-san carries the show.
Who needs the other character, they are just a waste of screentime!
No.Is it similar to the term 'okama'?
And is okama considered an offensive term?
Why are you guys torturing yourselves with Hajime no Gal?
Yes, okama is a derogatory term for effeminate, cross-dressing, or homosexual males. It's close in use to transvestite or faggot when meaning to offend. There is some self-proclaimed use in certain bars for entertainment, which would then be closest to drag queen.
I forgot i didn't watch the second cour of March comes in like a lion, and damn, everything they introduced was really cool, improved a lot from the first cour.
Changing topics, I've seen Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei being mentioned here a few times and I am kind of interested, but, what i'm going to find there? i mean, is it comedy? serious? i couldn't tell from the synopsis.
I completely missed the start of the summer season. What does everyone think is worth watching so far?
From what I'm assuming this will be the abridged version of the original TV series. Fast paced, fantastic one liners, skipping content and arguably might be a fan favorite.Mahoujin Guru Guru 04
Really impressed with this show far. Besides the comedy and faces which are on point and more most of the time, it's the little touches here and there that betray pedigree with which this was assembled. Between the animated eyecatches, the way they integrated the training into ED, character pushing her name plaquette off the screen, this is a labour of love and that shines through and through. My only small complaint about this ep is that for once, it did feel somewhat rushed.
Also RunRun is the Mother of YunYun.
I love you man. I love everyone too much, but my parody statement is a fun read at least!
It's an adaptation of the original manga and skips through the original content/filler of the first tv adaptation. It's also indeed (way) faster paced than the original. Soon, both shows will not even inlcude the same events anymore because everything past >episode 30 of the first adaptation was original content - we are now around episode 16.
The use of okama in a work is usually an attempt at introducing eccentricities, but they could still irk someone despite just being caricatures. Okama has some valid use to simply refer to individuals of this particular subset of homosexual culture. Still, it's slang that can be used/viewed negatively.I always thought Okama was a self described thing for people similar to Drag Queens if you had to put a western tinge on it. In Yakuza 0 which is set in 1988 theres an Okama bar ran by an Okama. Theres also the pleasure king which is...bad.
But Okama jokes are generally really shitty, like the "lol gay predators!!!" on the beach in Persona 5. In One Piece its generally pretty good though. The leader is based on Tim Curry in Rocky Horror, its more of a performance. Bon Clay is a great character too. But then you have Sanji training on the Okama island by running away from their advances for two years and learning how to use the air step and sigh
Boku no Hero Academia ep 30
Was really hoping to see Endeavor vs Stain at the end there, but oh well good shit still.
Is this FMA or Baccano?
Impressionable teens or something.I don't understand the reverence a not very good show like Outlaw Star gets.
I completely missed the start of the summer season. What does everyone think is worth watching so far?
The low camera angle makes The Third completely out of reach from Takuma.
Sorry, but this looks very bad.
How does this guy not weigh 500 lbs? He is eating every time he is on screen, lol.
I don't understand the reverence a not very good show like Outlaw Star gets.
Outlaw Star is better than Cowboy Bebop.
>not liking outlaw star in 2017
Brown elf titties.
So is Outlaw Star available on streaming or blu rays or what
These two need to be a thing before this show wraps up
Brown elf titties.
Heres how you know it sucks.
Its not good. Neither is Trigun
I mean, I agreed with you on Trigun, but Outlaw Star? There are some statements people need to be locked away for.
Edit: Also:
This show is like Tomino unleashed.
I don't understand the reverence a not very good show like Outlaw Star gets.