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Sunset Overdrive Review Thread

Kotaku saying that this stylistically is a disaster?
I think the humor rubbed them the wrong way. Although they said the gameplay was good enough to get over that hurdle.
Strange they gave DmC a pass despite it have way more cringe-worthy humor.


The self-aware banter is woven so casually into the script that it works a lot better than it should, and once the hero starts complaining about NeoGAF tearing the game apart, you know you're in a world crafted by people who love games maybe a bit too much.

Wait is this true? Does the game actually name drop NeoGAF?


Neo Member
Congrats to Insomniac for the great reviews. I really wish I had a chance to play this and FH2. Have fun Xbone owners.


It's not just you.

At this point I'm wondering if anyone is actually bothering to read these reviews. Most of the ones I've read so far are extremely negative on the humor in the game but seem to give it a pass because traversal is a lot of fun. Personally, I would never play game with humor that legitimately agitated me on a consistent basis. That just seems like a terrible idea.

Given the harsh reactions to the humor its kinda crazy how highly rated the reviews make it out to be. It's like the text and the score are for completely different games.
what service do you use? I thought game rental was dead in the UK.

Is there an option to turn off the swearing? Sounds way OTT and would basically make it impossible for my kids to play or for me to play while they are in the room.

There is a vulgarity filter and low gore option in the Settings for the game
Kotaku sounds upset. They should have just aligned their score with how they really felt.

Game reviews make no sense to me. "I hate this, but go buy it, kids!"

I am buying it. But still. Writing for games just has such low, low, low standards.
Microsoft has made a lot of smart bets so far this generation. This isn't the first. Just a month ago it was Forza Horizon 2.

d4 was weirdly addictive too

I would like them to move away from Fable and create a new RPG i.p. Maybe work with another studio like they have with Sunset.


At this point I'm wondering if anyone is actually bothering to read these reviews. Most of the ones I've read so far are extremely negative on the humor in the game but seem to give it a pass because traversal is a lot of fun. Personally, I would never play game with humor that legitimately agitated me on a consistent basis. That just seems like a terrible idea.

Given the harsh reactions to the humor its kinda crazy how highly rated the reviews make it out to be. It's like the text and the score are for completely different games.

Now imagine if the reviewers would actually like the humor. ;)
Seriously though, I agree with you but that's me not really giving attention to the final score but rather the text. I don't have a problem with the humor from the videos I watched so far and the gameplay seems to be fun and motivating. That's what pushed me over the edge.


Kotaku sounds upset. They should have just aligned their score with how they really felt.

Game reviews make no sense to me. "I hate this, but go buy it, kids!"

I am buying it. But still. Writing for games just has such low, low, low standards.

I realize that some just want to look balanced so no matter how positive they are on a game they feel they have to say something negative. I understand that but I still think it's wrong and I agree with you, just write and score what you feel - plenty of people will hate your review no matter what so just be honest. Things like this make it difficult to understand what they really mean.
At this point I'm wondering if anyone is actually bothering to read these reviews. Most of the ones I've read so far are extremely negative on the humor in the game but seem to give it a pass because traversal is a lot of fun. Personally, I would never play game with humor that legitimately agitated me on a consistent basis. That just seems like a terrible idea.

Given the harsh reactions to the humor its kinda crazy how highly rated the reviews make it out to be. It's like the text and the score are for completely different games.

Most games have embarrassingly bad stories by any other narrative medium's standards, yet if the gameplay is fun, the game will be deemed good by most people. This is probably a similar situation, with satisfying gameplay alleviating deficiencies on other fronts.


So both the XBO and WiiU have very strong lineups this holiday season.
I wonder how overall sales numbers will shake out, or if the ps4 will just continue to dominate.


Microsoft has made a lot of smart bets so far this generation. This isn't the first. Just a month ago it was Forza Horizon 2.

Yes, I agree. MS has a good line up at the moment. I just hope they do not repeat history and play it very safe after the first years. The 360 was amazing in the beginning, but they dropped exclusive new stuff like Crackdown, Mass Effect, Lost Oddesy, Kameo etc. after that and went with Forza, Gears and Halo (which are also good games, but you probably get my point).
That would be funny if they did that. Also annoying hehe

Sometimes the beeps are better than the actual cussing depending on the situation. I'm keeping the swearing on because I play games by myself so I don't have to worry about others/kids. It is good for people that do have to think about that to have a way of handling that.


Yes, I agree. MS has a good line up at the moment. I just hope they do not repeat history and play it very safe after the first years. The 360 was amazing in the beginning, but they dropped exclusive new stuff like Crackdown, Mass Effect, Lost Oddesy, Kameo etc. after that and went with Forza, Gears and Halo (which are also good games, but you probably get my point).

Yeah, they need to stick with some originality I believe is what you are saying. Don't always go back to the well, so to speak.
At this point I'm wondering if anyone is actually bothering to read these reviews. Most of the ones I've read so far are extremely negative on the humor in the game but seem to give it a pass because traversal is a lot of fun. Personally, I would never play game with humor that legitimately agitated me on a consistent basis. That just seems like a terrible idea.

Given the harsh reactions to the humor its kinda crazy how highly rated the reviews make it out to be. It's like the text and the score are for completely different games.

The humor bothers me in this game too and usually is cringe-inducing. However, I think the humor, like a terrible story or horrid cutscenes are things you can somewhat gloss over if the core game is still pretty fun.

I don't expect to enjoy the humor in this game but it reminds me of Bayonetta in the sense that, I absolutely hated the cringe-worthy story and cutscenes in that game. But, I still watched them all (for some reason...), played and enjoyed the game. Like Bayo, I think these reviews pretty much show that the core gameplay is good enough to ignore the humor or atleast make it worth surviving through.

E92 M3

I want this game, but realistically I won't have a lot of time to play with Destiny and MCC coming out. Maybe I'll wait for Black Friday.
Yes, I agree. MS has a good line up at the moment. I just hope they do not repeat history and play it very safe after the first years. The 360 was amazing in the beginning, but they dropped exclusive new stuff like Crackdown, Mass Effect, Lost Oddesy, Kameo etc. after that and went with Forza, Gears and Halo (which are also good games, but you probably get my point).

Yes the portfolio became stagnant and very predictable. I would like them to provide more new I.p, they are off to a good start this generation. Keep it going.


Nice to see insomniac back in form. This game and halo MCC got me hyped.

Anybody want to donate $350 Canadian Dollars towards an Xbox one purchase? :p


It seems they had issues, but found the overall game to be very good. Doesn't seem out of the ordinary.

The language used in that review

"Stylistically its a disaster"

"The game is a mess of contradictions, mostly because it's so tactless in its presentation that it begins hurling shit at you the moment you start playing."

"I often found myself want to shout at the screen: "Ok, ok, I get it: you're a video game and you know it. Now go and actually just be a fucking video game!"

"As this humor becomes ever more grating, it quickly reveals a lie at the heart of the game."

"All these self-aware zingers are just a thin mask intended to conceal an essential failure of the imagination."

"But it makes you climb over a giant heaping pile of bullshit just to get to that point."

goes far beyond finding "issues" with the game. Are you honestly telling me that reading those quotes you would expect this to be a positive review or a recommendation to buy the game? This is not the sort of language used for minor qualms its the sort of language reserved for genuine disgust and disgust is not a word one often associated with games they would recommend others to buy.
The gameplay looks like a lot of fun, but going by the reviews, I'm pretty sure the game's aggressively self-aware and juvenile humor would drive me insane.

I'm fine with a modest amount of fun fourth-wall breaking. (Think Paper Mario.) But it seems like this game takes it too far. Way too far.
At this point I'm wondering if anyone is actually bothering to read these reviews. Most of the ones I've read so far are extremely negative on the humor in the game but seem to give it a pass because traversal is a lot of fun. Personally, I would never play game with humor that legitimately agitated me on a consistent basis. That just seems like a terrible idea.

Given the harsh reactions to the humor its kinda crazy how highly rated the reviews make it out to be. It's like the text and the score are for completely different games.

Humor is subjective.
Game mechanics functioning as intended are objective.


Is this a sign of things to come for MS 1st party?

Insomniac is not first party

Great job by them though.. I personally didn't doubt them. I know folks loved to bash them when they made PlayStation exclusive games...but at least these same folks can now experience how great of a developer they are.


Looking good. I'm glad this panned out.

It looks like something actually befitting of what Insomniac does and that seems to be reflected in the quality.


Does anyone read one or two reviews and make there buying decision or do you use the more overall number? I ask because I often love movies that reviewers hate and vice versa. I never know what to make of these reviews.
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