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Sunset Overdrive Review Thread


This is Microsoft's best generation as far as software goes.

Glad it is for you. Not for me though. Still don't see anything in the first year for the Xbox One that can match Halo CE or Gears of War. Just those two games alone made the first year lineups for the Xbox and 360 superior to me. But I do agree that this is definitely the most varied exclusive lineup Microsoft has had and it's great that they're not just relying on one or two franchises. Really liking the direction they're going in.
Glad it is for you. Not for me though. Still don't see anything in the first year for the Xbox One that can match Halo CE or Gears of War. Just those two games alone made the first year lineups for the Xbox and 360 superior to me. But I do agree that this is definitely the most varied exclusive lineup Microsoft has had and it's great that they're not just relying on one or two franchises. Really liking the direction they're going in.

For me with FH2 lapping (lol get it?) PGR3 and Sunset being the new Crackton, it's 2005 all over again.


I find it interesting that, somehow, these reviewers are able to assign arbitrary numbers wih such precision. I mean, how do they determine what is a 9.2 or 9.7? There is a whole scale of numbers down to ten, and instead they use decimal places?
This is what, the third well-rated game on the system? Unless you're meaning to say you really dislike the old XBoxes.

D4, Ori, Sunset, Quantum Break, Killer Instinct in addition to the wheel house of Halo, Gears, Forza, is way better than their previous efforts. Throw in Scalebound, Crackdown 3, Phantom Dust, and any other good stuff that comes along in 2015 and this is easily their best lineup of games.


I see where you're coming from but I think Bayonetta really is the best example here. You can't tune out the character of Bayonetta either as you're playing the game but if the core game is appealing enough, you can overlook it.

I've not played Bayonetta myself so I can't really speak to the matter there. You could very well be right. I just haven't experienced that sort of overwhelmingly compelling gameplay and I tend to find it really hard to ignore insipid dialogue/story in games.


Gold Member
very nice reviews, glad to see insomniac back in their groove again. basically solidifies this as a new IP, and that is a very good thing.
As I said MOST of the reviews I have taken the time to read thus far are not favorable on the humor. Of course there are some exceptions IGN being one of them. In the many of the others their negative commentary on the invasive humor in the game doesn't seem to affect the end score at all and that just seems a bit odd to me since many of them are downright scathing with their commentary on the matter. Specifically the Kotaku review is just absolutely brutal on the humor but still recommends buying the game despite reading like an overtly negative review as a whole. It's a really bizarre dichotomy between the written reviews and the scores associated with them.

You keep harping on scores and dichotomy but Kotaku's is the one that explicitly DOESN'T have a score, only a recommendation. They feel you should play the game.

It's like me saying, "Oh boy, the pod race in Episode 1 is so fucking rad you've got to see it. You have to experience that."
"I don't know, the movie looks pretty shitty and I don't know if I can separate that one sequence from the rest of the movie."
"Well, personally, I can, no problem, it's worth it just for that sequence, but my recommendation no matter what would be to WATCH THAT PODRACE it's AWESOME."

I don't know why you can't see that as a possibility, man.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Good reviews. I really hope this game sells well. I wish Insomniac the best. They've had so many duds in the last couple of years. Hope they get to expand their new-IP muscles and won't be locked in this generation.


As I said MOST of the reviews I have taken the time to read thus far are not favorable on the humor. Of course there are some exceptions IGN being one of them. In the many of the others their negative commentary on the invasive humor in the game doesn't seem to affect the end score at all and that just seems a bit odd to me since many of them are downright scathing with their commentary on the matter. Specifically the Kotaku review is just absolutely brutal on the humor but still recommends buying the game despite reading like an overtly negative review as a whole. It's a really bizarre dichotomy between the written reviews and the scores associated with them.

I'm actually glad this is happening and hope it's a sign of things to come. If a game pulls off its style then it should never lead to a lower score regardless if the reviewer likes it or not. Gameplay remains the most important thing, humor is something very subjective and can be percieved by everyone differently therefore should not weigh in a score that much, if at all, in my opinion.
Can you shed some light on the mission objectives?

Because from all the footage I've watched this was my sticking point, and the reason I cancelled my preorder. Seems like all the talk is revolving around moving around the environment and the humor, but it's the missions that would make or break the game for me.
From what I've seen they're the typical run of the mill protect this and fetch that. Is that the case?

The main story missions have only had ok variety. There have been a couple boss fights, one where you get to fly something, a chase, but those are sort of the bigger story missions. Most of the time it's go here, clear the area, sometimes find something, sometimes get something, every once and a while you have to defend. It's all fairly standard, with some of the big plot missions being more interesting. I've definitely not gotten bored of the main missions because the traversal and action is so fun. I've also only made it about halfway through the story stuff. Side missions are very much just go to this area and find something, repeat a few times, turn quest in.

so does this run at a locked 30fps? how is performance?

I've yet to notice any drops below 30 and the on screen action can get absolutely insane sometimes. I might be wrong but it looks like a rock solid 30, but I guess we will know soon once DF gets to it.


I'm so happy right now, cg to all involved. This will probably end up being the highest rated exclusive new IP of the generation good job.


The main story missions have only had ok variety. There have been a couple boss fights, one where you get to fly something, a chase, but those are sort of the bigger story missions. Most of the time it's go here, clear the area, sometimes find something, sometimes get something, every once and a while you have to defend. It's all fairly standard, with some of the big plot missions being more interesting. I've definitely not gotten bored of the main missions because the traversal and action is so fun. I've also only made it about halfway through the story stuff. Side missions are very much just go to this area and find something, repeat a few times, turn quest in.

So basically like I:SS? Main missions were the most fun while the side missions could get a little tedious occasionally.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Wow at some of those reviews, it must be really bad, a 6 and 8's everywhere.
This could be their last game after this flop.
I'm joking, because that's exactly how people usually respond and ignore 90% of the good reviews
Man. I feel sorry for people that can't get in to this type of humor. I love this type of stuff. It's the same type that kept me playing Borderlands 2 for as long as I did despite not really liking it, and why I'm still tempted to buy the Pre-Sequel knowing that. It's one of the big reasons why Saints Row has become a great time. It's funny how there is such a backlash for "dudebro" seriousness but an almost equal back-backlash for this type of thing. I get it though. Humor can be very subjective and it's entirely possible they went to the extreme opposite spectrum. Looking forward to finding out myself.
You keep harping on scores and dichotomy but Kotaku's is the one that explicitly DOESN'T have a score, only a recommendation. They feel you should play the game.

Thanks for pointing that out.

It's like me saying, "Oh boy, the pod race in Episode 1 is so fucking rad you've got to see it. You have to experience that."
"I don't know, the movie looks pretty shitty and I don't know if I can separate that one sequence from the rest of the movie."
"Well, personally, I can, no problem, it's worth it just for that sequence, but my recommendation no matter what would be to WATCH THAT PODRACE it's AWESOME."

I don't know why you can't see that as a possibility, man.

It's pretty simple. He's annoyed it scored so well.

Now I don't have to ban any insomniac devs for cashing my birthday present in on this game and season pass.

You could still ban them for making UK/EU Gaf wait until Friday...

It's the biggest crime against gaming that I have to wait until Friday to play this. A goddamn criminal act.


Happy to see it get good reviews.

Going to take a break from destiny when I get this tomorrow. Pretty sure this going to be my favorite game on xbox one for a long time.
So basically like I:SS? Main missions were the most fun while the side missions could get a little tedious occasionally.

Definitely more involved then Infamous. Second Son's side stuff was so quick and had zero writing associated with it if I remember correctly. In SO there is at least writing and good rewards associated with all the side stuff and they take more time and effort to complete then the SS stuff.


The main story missions have only had ok variety. There have been a couple boss fights, one where you get to fly something, a chase, but those are sort of the bigger story missions. Most of the time it's go here, clear the area, sometimes find something, sometimes get something, every once and a while you have to defend. It's all fairly standard, with some of the big plot missions being more interesting. I've definitely not gotten bored of the main missions because the traversal and action is so fun. I've also only made it about halfway through the story stuff. Side missions are very much just go to this area and find something, repeat a few times, turn quest in.

So it seems the gameplay is so much fun it's overcoming any negatives. Good to hear! I'm sure I'll be picking this up in the near future.
Definitely more involved then Infamous. Second Son's side stuff was so quick and had zero writing associated with it if I remember correctly. In SO there is at least writing and good rewards associated with all the side stuff and they take more time and effort to complete then the SS stuff.

Lets forget about the Free Paper DLC do we?

Man. I feel sorry for people that can't get in to this type of humor. I love this type of stuff. It's the same type that kept me playing Borderlands 2 for as long as I did despite not really liking it, and why I'm still tempted to buy the Pre-Sequel knowing that. It's one of the big reasons why Saints Row has become a great time. It's funny how there is such a backlash for "dudebro" seriousness but an almost equal back-backlash for this type of thing. I get it though. Humor can be very subjective and it's entirely possible they went to the extreme opposite spectrum. Looking forward to finding out myself.

I like that type of humor. But not in this agressiv way like SO or Borderlands 2 does it. I like it more subtle.
You could still ban them for making UK/EU Gaf wait until Friday...

It's the biggest crime against gaming that I have to wait until Friday to play this. A goddamn criminal act.

I bought it off the US store and its pre-loading now. Will be playing tomorrow, game isnt even out yet and ive already double dipped..!
Man. I feel sorry for people that can't get in to this type of humor. I love this type of stuff. It's the same type that kept me playing Borderlands 2 for as long as I did despite not really liking it, and why I'm still tempted to buy the Pre-Sequel knowing that. It's one of the big reasons why Saints Row has become a great time. It's funny how there is such a backlash for "dudebro" seriousness but an almost equal back-backlash for this type of thing. I get it though. Humor can be very subjective and it's entirely possible they went to the extreme opposite spectrum. Looking forward to finding out myself.

Those are two great examples of humor that's not really my cup of tea (I'm more of a Stella Shorts/Best Show kinda guy) but I quite enjoy in games, or can at least tolerate for the sake of great skill trees or "Money Folder" on the soundtrack.


This will probably end up being the highest rated exclusive new IP of the generation good job.

I really doubt that, and if a mid 80s metacritic game ends up as the highest rated new IP the next 5-6 years, that would be extremely dissapointing.

Happy the game is good though, even though I probably won't be able to play it myself (not enough time to justify buying another console alongside my PS4 and WiiU).


Next to being woken up by a blowjob from my girlfriend, this is the best news I could have read in the morning. I was super hyped for this game and then those late previews came out and I started to lose faith. Can't wait to play tomorrow!


Woah, big reviews. Nice job Insomniac, despite all the hate, I knew this was gonna be a winner.

Can't wait to pick up my copy.


Next to being woken up by a blowjob from my girlfriend, this is the best news I could have read in the morning. I was super hyped for this game and then those late previews came out and I started to lose faith. Can't wait to play tomorrow!

Fishing for quotes, huh? ;)

Lego Boss

I really hope that this isn't like SR3/4, when the stupidity gets in the way of a decent game.

I don't think that it will be, but I would like to hear more about the self-referentiality: done well it's clever, done poorly and it can ruin a narrative (not just VGs, but films, books, TV programmes . . . .)
I bought it off the US store and its pre-loading now. Will be playing tomorrow, game isnt even out yet and ive already double dipped..!

Don't you dare rub it in. Don't you do it. I'm on the edge right now, Steve...

Seriously, I'm so tempted to do this....I want to hold out though as I need to start spending some of my built up XBL money and this would make a nice dent in it. £61 for the DE with season pass. I think that's pretty fair.

I'll see how my resolve holds up tonight when I'm near my console...
So it seems the gameplay is so much fun it's overcoming any negatives. Good to hear! I'm sure I'll be picking this up in the near future.

Pretty much. It's just a ton of fun to be playing, even when you're going from point A to B it's a blast. You're bettering your traversal, building a combo, and killing random OD.

Lets forget about the Free Paper DLC do we?

Oh yeah, I did completely forget about those. They were cool and super involved.


This is what, the third well-rated game on the system? Unless you're meaning to say you really dislike the old XBoxes.
The 360's first year was fairly light in comparison to the XBO's first year. The only thing the 360 did better was to have a new and original killer app with near universal critical acclaim.

While Halo TMCC is going to be a critically acclaimed game for XBO, a lot of people have already played Halo 1-4. It's not the same as Gears of War.

Should be interesting to see how XBO in 2015 and 2016 will compare to 360 in 2007 og 2008. Those were arguably some of the 360's best years.

What? You can't be serious? The first Xbox and the 360 definitely have better software compared to one year of the XB1
We have to see what the upcoming games are like quality wise.
It's a fair fight if you compare the 360's retail games to the XBO's retail games, but It's not even a competition if you compare the digital releases. The 360 had nothing like Dance Central Spotlight, D4, Ori, Max, Killer Instinct or Project Spark in 2005/2006.
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