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Sunset Overdrive Review Thread

The language used in that review

goes far beyond finding "issues" with the game. Are you honestly telling me that reading those quotes you would expect this to be a positive review or a recommendation to buy the game? This is not the sort of language used for minor qualms its the sort of language reserved for genuine disgust and disgust is not a word one often associated with games they would recommend others to buy.

Nope, I'd use that language for games that I recommend.

See: Bayonetta
The gameplay looks like a lot of fun, but going by the reviews, I'm pretty sure the game's aggressively self-aware and juvenile humor would drive me insane.

I'm fine with a modest amount of fun fourth-wall breaking. (Think Paper Mario.) But it seems like this game takes it too far. Way too far.

Same, which is a shame because this would likely be the first game I'd get if I pick up an Xbone at some point. Looks really fun to play, but that humor would assuredly put a damper on the experience. Going so far as to reference a video game forum by name is just cringeworthy.


First tragedy, then farce.

Now I don't have to ban any insomniac devs for cashing my birthday present in on this game and season pass.
My jealousy knows no bounds. One of my favorite developers puts out an awesome new game? Xbone owners have got it good right now. Congrats, Insomniac. With the heavy marketing push and great reviews, I have a feeling this game will sell very well. That makes me really happy because they've been having a rough few years but I knew they hasn't lost their spark.

But uguuu I want to play this so bad :(
I am glad to see others are enjoying it as much as I am.

I’ve played about 9 or so hours of this over the last few days, I’ve only done campaign stuff thus far. I think that it’s pretty great. The first few hours are a fairly slow burn. It all only started clicking for me after about 4 hours of playing. The traversal is the main area that takes getting used to. You have to adjust to the controls and learn what piece of the environment can be used for movement and how to use those pieces. Once you get past about the four hour mark you’ve unlocked a few new movement abilities and have acclimated to getting around. By then it really starts getting fun. You are constantly getting new and crazy weapons with amazing visual effects (so many particle effects and zero dips to my eyes) and getting around the city starts feeling great. It’s fast and fluid and you can really get around quickly when you are playing well. But those that don’t use the traversal, and use it well, when fighting will not have fun. You can go down very fast when you are just on the ground playing it like a standard third person shooter. If you are on the move, grinding, bouncing, boosting, all the time it’s great.

The humor is definitely hit and miss, but for me there have been a lot more hits than misses, but when it misses it misses badly. There are some super forced, awkward pop culture and internet references that I hated, but there are also a good amount of goofy, dumb, occasionally dark jokes and gags that work. But the humor fits in with the world and overall presentation. The whole game is very consistent with its colorful visuals, style, and characters and it makes for an excellent, unique package. It reminds me of Saints Row 4 because the only thing the game is concerned with is having a good time and I like having a game that’s about fun and stupidity every year.

I haven’t gotten to Chaos Squad yet but I suspect that it will be very good, crazy, chaotic fun once you’ve got a good selection of weapons and are good at the traversal. There definitely isn’t a ton of variety in what you do, it’s mainly traverse the city and shoot enemies. But the traversal feels different and new, the weapons are splendid, and the “amps” you get for getting a high skill chain make things even crazier. All I want to do is keep playing it. Just my two cents.
Same, which is a shame because this would likely be the first game I'd get if I pick up an Xbone at some point. Looks really fun to play, but that humor would assuredly put a damper on the experience. Going so far as to reference a video game forum by name is just cringeworthy.

lol wat

have some pride in your hometown dude

remember this forum's amazing LOST threads?


Does anyone read one or two reviews and make there buying decision or do you use the more overall number? I ask because I often love movies that reviewers hate and vice versa. I never know what to make of these reviews.

I read about 5 reviews from different outlets and watch some video reviews. If the gameplay looks appealing and find that some criticism (like in this case the humor and low difficulty) is subjective and won't apply to me, I usually get the game. It also goes the other way around.
Does anyone read one or two reviews and make there buying decision or do you use the more overall number? I ask because I often love movies that reviewers hate and vice versa. I never know what to make of these reviews.

I wait for a 4AD reference.

Sunset Overdrive is literally the first game I will ever buy, all because of this maxim.
Does anyone read one or two reviews and make there buying decision or do you use the more overall number? I ask because I often love movies that reviewers hate and vice versa. I never know what to make of these reviews.

The scores. By the time the scores come out I have normally watched 3 or 4 videos too.

If the videos look great I may pre-order before scores. If I'm on the fence the scores give me guidance as to whether I buy on day one or if I wait for the bargain bin next year.

I usually run an Amazon gift list of the games I've passed on and pick them up in quiet times.

The words in the reviews are so subjective. If the game doesn't get good scores I wait to see more of the game before making my choice. I love some games that didn't get good scores.


Does anyone read one or two reviews and make there buying decision or do you use the more overall number? I ask because I often love movies that reviewers hate and vice versa. I never know what to make of these reviews.

I usually go for the overall review, but for games that have been on my radar, I usually make my decision long in advance based on previews. The only way I'd be turned off from a game is if it's scoring very low (below 60.) But, I like good bad games from time to time.
Just a few more games and it'll officially be time for me to purchase an X1. Glad to see there will be some quality content waiting for me!
Does anyone read one or two reviews and make there buying decision or do you use the more overall number? I ask because I often love movies that reviewers hate and vice versa. I never know what to make of these reviews.
It's a bit harder to gauge, but I tend to go off the "average person's" opinion. Sometimes critics can try a bit too hard to be critical with movies, so seeing the consumer reviews helps. I hold the same thing with games. I like to see what Gaffers think.


Just a few more games and it'll officially be time for me to purchase an X1. Glad to see there will be some quality content waiting for me!

If you are in the US, Major Nelson just posted about a $50 price cut to the bundles this holiday season ($350). That's a great deal and I think one of the bundles comes with Sunset Overdrive.


The Kotaku review is spot-on for how I feel about the game's humor and attitude. I found it smug and grating from the first trailer. "Hey guys, we know we're a video game, so we're so much cooler than all those dudebro games, look how special we are!" It's off-putting enough that it deterred me away from the game, and the Kotaku review emphasizing that the attitude to is very much a part of the game is enough to keep me away.

Which is too bad, because gameplay wise I'd like to give it a shot.



Now I don't have to ban any insomniac devs for cashing my birthday present in on this game and season pass.


At this point I'm wondering if anyone is actually bothering to read these reviews. Most of the ones I've read so far are extremely negative on the humor in the game but seem to give it a pass because traversal is a lot of fun. Personally, I would never play game with humor that legitimately agitated me on a consistent basis. That just seems like a terrible idea.

Given the harsh reactions to the humor its kinda crazy how highly rated the reviews make it out to be. It's like the text and the score are for completely different games.

IGN really liked the humour. They said the writing was 'impeccable'.
The Kotaku review is spot-on for how I feel about the game's humor and attitude. I found it smug and grating from the first trailer. "Hey guys, we know we're a video game, so we're so much cooler than all those dudebro games, look how special we are!" It's off-putting enough that it deterred me away from the game, and the Kotaku review emphasizing that the attitude to is very much a part of the game is enough to keep me away.

Which is too bad, because gameplay wise I'd like to give it a shot.

i think it looks like a lot of fun


(insomniac, can you make a weekly challenge called ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ?)


Yes, I agree. MS has a good line up at the moment. I just hope they do not repeat history and play it very safe after the first years. The 360 was amazing in the beginning, but they dropped exclusive new stuff like Crackdown, Mass Effect, Lost Oddesy, Kameo etc. after that and went with Forza, Gears and Halo (which are also good games, but you probably get my point).

You, and others, make valid points. But MS dropped one of my favorite games late last Gen with State of Decay and that seems to be an exclusive (at least publishing wise) for the long term. Only one game, but definitely a good one.


Most games have embarrassingly bad stories by any other narrative medium's standards, yet if the gameplay is fun, the game will be deemed good by most people. This is probably a similar situation, with satisfying gameplay alleviating deficiencies on other fronts.

The humor bothers me in this game too and usually is cringe-inducing. However, I think the humor, like a terrible story or horrid cutscenes are things you can somewhat gloss over if the core game is still pretty fun.

I don't expect to enjoy the humor in this game but it reminds me of Bayonetta in the sense that, I absolutely hated the cringe-worthy story and cutscenes in that game. But, I still watched them all (for some reason...), played and enjoyed the game. Like Bayo, I think these reviews pretty much show that the core gameplay is good enough to ignore the humor or atleast make it worth surviving through.

Normally I'd agree with you both but this doesn't appear to be the sort of game where you can tune out the humor. Everything I've seen so far makes it seem like the quips and jokes are a constant barrage and the reviews say as much too. It's kind of hard to ignore something when the developers are seemingly intent icon rubbing your nose in it at every opportunity. That said I know there is a an audience that enjoys the humor of this game and for those people I'm sure the game will be fantastic but as someone who doesn't enjoy that style of humor the thought of playing through just doesn't seem appealing to me at all.

Now imagine if the reviewers would actually like the humor. ;)
Seriously though, I agree with you but that's me not really giving attention to the final score but rather the text. I don't have a problem with the humor from the videos I watched so far and the gameplay seems to be fun and motivating. That's what pushed me over the edge.

That's awesome. I'm glad it's your kind of humor and no doubt you'll have a blast with the game. Enjoy it man! It just doesn't seem like my (or most of the reviewer's from the language in the reviews) cup of tea. It's just odd that in this instance that doesn't seem to reflect in the review scores at all.


I am glad to see others are enjoying it as much as I am.

I’ve played about 9 or so hours of this over the last few days, I’ve only done campaign stuff thus far. I think that it’s pretty great. The first few hours are a fairly slow burn. It all only started clicking for me after about 4 hours of playing. The traversal is the main area that takes getting used to. You have to adjust to the controls and learn what piece of the environment can be used for movement and how to use those pieces. Once you get past about the four hour mark you’ve unlocked a few new movement abilities and have acclimated to getting around. By then it really starts getting fun. You are constantly getting new and crazy weapons with amazing visual effects (so many particle effects and zero dips to my eyes) and getting around the city starts feeling great. It’s fast and fluid and you can really get around quickly when you are playing well. But those that don’t use the traversal, and use it well, when fighting will not have fun. You can go down very fast when you are just on the ground playing it like a standard third person shooter. If you are on the move, grinding, bouncing, boosting, all the time it’s great.

The humor is definitely hit and miss, but for me there have been a lot more hits than misses, but when it misses it misses badly. There are some super forced, awkward pop culture and internet references that I hated, but there are also a good amount of goofy, dumb, occasionally dark jokes and gags that work. But the humor fits in with the world and overall presentation. The whole game is very consistent with its colorful visuals, style, and characters and it makes for an excellent, unique package. It reminds me of Saints Row 4 because the only thing the game is concerned with is having a good time and I like having a game that’s about fun and stupidity every year.

I haven’t gotten to Chaos Squad yet but I suspect that it will be very good, crazy, chaotic fun once you’ve got a good selection of weapons and are good at the traversal. There definitely isn’t a ton of variety in what you do, it’s mainly traverse the city and shoot enemies. But the traversal feels different and new, the weapons are splendid, and the “amps” you get for getting a high skill chain make things even crazier. All I want to do is keep playing it. Just my two cents.
I really agree with everything you said.


I am glad to see others are enjoying it as much as I am.

I’ve played about 9 or so hours of this over the last few days, I’ve only done campaign stuff thus far. I think that it’s pretty great. The first few hours are a fairly slow burn. It all only started clicking for me after about 4 hours of playing. The traversal is the main area that takes getting used to.

The humor is definitely hit and miss, but for me there have been a lot more hits than misses, but when it misses it misses badly. .

Can you shed some light on the mission objectives?

Because from all the footage I've watched this was my sticking point, and the reason I cancelled my preorder. Seems like all the talk is revolving around moving around the environment and the humor, but it's the missions that would make or break the game for me.
From what I've seen they're the typical run of the mill protect this and fetch that. Is that the case?
My jealousy knows no bounds. One of my favorite developers puts out an awesome new game? Xbone owners have got it good right now. Congrats, Insomniac. With the heavy marketing push and great reviews, I have a feeling this game will sell very well. That makes me really happy because they've been having a rough few years but I knew they hasn't lost their spark.

But uguuu I want to play this so bad :(

I don't know, this game could go both ways, in terms of sales. It might be too close to Advanced Warfare's release to get too much mainstream attention.

Also, Xbone owners? That's too formal. We prefer to be called "Xboners." It's a nice mix of both words.


Junior Member
The scores. By the time the scores come out I have normally watched 3 or 4 videos too.

If the videos look great I may pre-order before scores. If I'm on the fence the scores give me guidance as to whether I buy on day one or if I wait for the bargain bin next year.

I usually run an Amazon gift list of the games I've passed on and pick them up in quiet times.

The words in the reviews are so subjective. If the game doesn't get good scores I wait to see more of the game before making my choice. I love some games that didn't get good scores.

Words are subjective but scores aren't? A review is, by definition, someone's subjective opinion of something.


Good going Insomniac really glad you got your mojo back after dealing with EA. This and the ps4 R&C are going to be some fun times.

My jealousy knows no bounds. One of my favorite developers puts out an awesome new game? Xbone owners have got it good right now. Congrats, Insomniac. With the heavy marketing push and great reviews, I have a feeling this game will sell very well. That makes me really happy because they've been having a rough few years but I knew they hasn't lost their spark.

But uguuu I want to play this so bad :(

I understand man. XBO is a bit expensive to pick up but there are some good deals going on soon and it's got KI and quite a few other good exclusives.
Normally I'd agree with you both but this doesn't appear to be the sort of game where you can tune out the humor. Everything I've seen so far makes it seem like the quips and jokes are a constant barrage and the reviews say as much too. It's kind of hard to ignore something when the developers are seemingly intent icon rubbing your nose in it at every opportunity. That said I know there is a an audience that enjoys the humor of this game and for those people I'm sure the game will be fantastic but as someone who doesn't enjoy that style of humor the thought of playing through just doesn't seem appealing to me at all.

That's awesome. I'm glad it's your kind of humor and no doubt you'll have a blast with the game. Enjoy it man! It just doesn't seem like my (or most of the reviewer's from the language in the reviews) cup of tea. It's just odd that in this instance that doesn't seem to reflect in the review scores at all.

I see where you're coming from but I think Bayonetta really is the best example here. You can't tune out the character of Bayonetta either as you're playing the game but if the core game is appealing enough, you can overlook it.


Ratchet and Clank is one of my favorite series ever so it's awesome to see one of my favorite developers doing so well again. Hopefully I'll be able to find a white SSO Bundle this Holiday Season.


IGN really liked the humour. They said the writing was 'impeccable'.

As I said MOST of the reviews I have taken the time to read thus far are not favorable on the humor. Of course there are some exceptions IGN being one of them. In the many of the others their negative commentary on the invasive humor in the game doesn't seem to affect the end score at all and that just seems a bit odd to me since many of them are downright scathing with their commentary on the matter. Specifically the Kotaku review is just absolutely brutal on the humor but still recommends buying the game despite reading like an overtly negative review as a whole. It's a really bizarre dichotomy between the written reviews and the scores associated with them.

Its hard not to see the things that have influenced this game, whether it be the over riding Tony Hawks Pro Skater feel or the Scott Pilgrim style text pops. There is even a little Infamous and Jet Set Radio thrown in there for good measure but overall, I haven’t played a game that is this much fun for a long time and I can’t see me rating a game higher than this for a long time either. Sunset Overdrive delivers a superbly fun experience and a nostalgic thrown back to how games used to be. Just great fun. This will surely be a console seller for Microsoft and the developers should be proud of what is one of the best games I have ever played.


I finally want an Xbone

Hope the rumors are true about this coming to PC. Looks solid.



Does anyone read one or two reviews and make there buying decision or do you use the more overall number? I ask because I often love movies that reviewers hate and vice versa. I never know what to make of these reviews.

I don't really use reviews. If there's a game I wanna try from gameplay videos / trailers / what it tries to accomplish, I'll buy it to see how good/not good it ends up.

Even if it reviews poorly, I wanna know what went wrong and make my own opinion.

Except maybe if the metacritic number is really low (like 50 something), then I'll probably wait for a price drop because that has to mean something.

Though I am glad it reviews well because I know it's important for some people, and especially for the devs, but I would have bought it anyway.
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