I wish Persona 3 had an HD port.
It would look a bit better on my TV
It would look a bit better on my TV
Have you even hit whatever the level cap is in that game? Are you PvPing or raiding? Because I keep getting reminded of the whole "the game doesn't start until you hit endgame" rhetoric that my brother pelted at me all the time in high school.
P4 doesn't have an HD port either. Golden is 533p.I wish Persona 3 had an HD port.
It would look a bit better on my TV
Night everybody and good luck on your streaming ventures VidulaSaix. Will tune in to your Ultimax streams.
Why the hell am i up at 7:30 am in the morning?
for(int x = 0; x < SALESPEOPLE;x++){
System.out.println("How many slips did salesperson "+(x+1)+" sell?");
slips = scan.nextInt();
for(int y = 0; y < slips;y++){
System.out.println("What was the product number for your "+(y+1)+" slip?");
productNumber = scan.nextInt();
[B]sales[x][y] += PRODUCTS[productNumber];[/B]
I'd love to see you do that. I love CIV5 and I love chat interaction.
Sadly I don't like sim games. I just mean that's my type of mentality. Anyway at work now do may be an hour or so before I can respond again.I'd love to see you do that. I love CIV5 and I love chat interaction.
That's because they're all so forgettable. Slaine was probably the best main character compared to the others, but he just kept doing things for no goddamn reason.
DXtory is better, and Shadowplay is better than that. DXtory is cheap too. 20-30 bucks and Lagarith Lossless Codec (which you should get) is free.
P4 doesn't have an HD port either. Golden is 533p.
I wish Persona 3 had an HD port.
It would look a bit better on my TV
I'd love to see you do that. I love CIV5 and I love chat interaction.
The problem with having a huge 72 inch HD projector is that PS1 games look horrible. PS2 games look alright.
Wouldn't every dialogue selection be "GO TO WAR!"?
Since the programming thread is usually dead and it takes to long to get a response, anyone want to help me out here?
The bolded part, where is PRODUCTS[productNumber] getting stored? I want it to be stored in the y portion of sales. How would I go about doing that?Code:for(int x = 0; x < SALESPEOPLE;x++){ System.out.println("How many slips did salesperson "+(x+1)+" sell?"); slips = scan.nextInt(); for(int y = 0; y < slips;y++){ System.out.println("What was the product number for your "+(y+1)+" slip?"); productNumber = scan.nextInt(); [B]sales[x][y] += PRODUCTS[productNumber];[/B] } }
Senran Kagura and Criminal Girls.I would invest in a $50 vita tv if it had more shit I would want other than Persona
I don't really know what you're asking for, because the snippet you provided doesn't show where and how PRODUCTS[productNumber] is defined, and it is being stored (or incremented) in the y portion of sales.
final int SALESPEOPLE = 4;
double[][] sales = new double[SALESPEOPLE][6];
final double[] PRODUCTS = {0.0,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0,5.0};
int productNumber, slips;
For the record, their video player isn't in-house, it's just Screenwave Media Video Player.
Yeah I've hit the level 100 cap. Going to do raiding soon since Blackrock Foundry came out. Yeah it's all about the endgame in World of Warcraft, each patch usually brings a new, level appropriate raid. I've been out of the pvp scene though, but I know that they have problems with Blizzard not giving pvpers more stuff while constantly giving people that do PVE things to do.
You can't add single dimensional arrays to multidimensional ones. You need to use a loop to go through each location in sales[x][y] and add each specific value from Products.Cuz you a real OG baller.
Since the programming thread is usually dead and it takes to long to get a response, anyone want to help me out here?
The bolded part, where is PRODUCTS[productNumber] getting stored? I want it to be stored in the y portion of sales. How would I go about doing that?
I would invest in a $50 vita tv if it had more shit I would want other than Persona
Senran Kagura and Criminal Girls.
You just wait for SAO chapter 32.5 where the writer gets bored and writes a scene in which that happens and fills it with weird flavour text explaining the world
Yup. My passions are stuff I plan to pursue on the side, not rely on financially. Gotta keep myself alive n shit.
You had fun, don't lie.
I'm sure you all can imagine the care bear salt
Thanks man and it's fine. I find it JUST compelling enough to keep playing but I don't think I could recommend it to others. I'd totally be down for a singleplayer Warcraft rpg, though.Man, I don't even know about that game. I joined in BC and then stopped in Wrath because I was constantly being told that I wasn't really having fun going through the game and a relatively sedate pace. WoW is the best MMO, there's little doubt about that, but it's also burned me on MMOs forever (outside of games that have a different system of gameplay associated with it). I'm glad you're having fun, but my experience taught me that the game just wasn't for me.
No but look at the top 5 selling vita games on Amazon.ca, you love it
Yep stays locked at 30 in the overworld and in battle locks to like 20. Gedodato makes it crash on start as well. What gpu do you have and what settings do you use? I have a 970 and run it at default settings 1920x1080 full screen.
No but look at the top 5 selling vita games on Amazon.ca, you love it
And Akiba's Trip
No but look at the top 5 selling vita games on Amazon.ca, you love it
No but look at the top 5 selling vita games on Amazon.ca, you love it
Pfft nahhhh, what would give you that idea?I swear for the longest time I thought that game was called (spelled, rather) AkibaStrip. Which I think was intentional...
Slaine felt like a character that would have been great if the writers weren't so incompetent. The others felt like no matter who was writing them they would have been forgettable in some way or another.
Slaine had potential then the writers just kept just doing the stupidest crap. I wish the sergeant was the main character. His story was more interesting than the main story. I wish he had a bigger part and did more. They could've been a bigger part into it rather than just boring side characters. Inaho's motivation for the first battle was just.. awful. Do you even remember what happened?
Almost like a modern Persona game. Strange.Yeah I got my second Persona.
Also this game feels really easy.
Yeah I got my second Persona.
Also this game feels really easy.
It was awful and I'm never doing it again.
I swear for the longest time I thought that game was called (spelled, rather) AkibaStrip. Which I think was intentional...
Code:final int SALESPEOPLE = 4; double[][] sales = new double[SALESPEOPLE][6]; final double[] PRODUCTS = {0.0,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0,5.0}; int productNumber, slips;
The top bit, if you needed it.
Okay good, and now we play the "what the fuck else is wrong with my code" game.
Turns out three shots of gin and six shots of doctor pepper still tastes like fucking gin. Goddammit.
Why do I have nothing but gin?!
Pfft nahhhh, what would give you that idea?
That's crazy talk. I think you're just reading it wrong.
23 flavors wasn't enough.Turns out three shots of gin and six shots of doctor pepper still tastes like fucking gin. Goddammit.
Why do I have nothing but gin?!
Almost like a modern Persona game. Strange.
Yeah I got my second Persona.
Also this game feels really easy.
Have you even hit whatever the level cap is in that game? Are you PvPing or raiding? Because I keep getting reminded of the whole "the game doesn't start until you hit endgame" rhetoric that my brother pelted at me all the time in high school.
This is actually an add-on to this question, Pat: I've always been curious about whether it would be possible to make the video player on the website compatible with Chromecast, or, failing that, embed the YT version (if there is one) of the video on the website so there is a way to view from your website while using Chromecast. I regularly lay back and use my TV to watch your guys' content, and unfortunately my laptop lacks a proper HDMI port to transfer the picture: hence the need to use that client. This might sound like a whiny request but I was hoping I could get a definitive answer anyways.
Turns out three shots of gin and six shots of doctor pepper still tastes like fucking gin. Goddammit.
Why do I have nothing but gin?!
I forgot about him, he was pretty cool. My problem with those kind of characters is that I can never shake the feeling that it's not going to go anywhere and my getting invested is a bad idea, especially since any development it might have will by design be in the background of a completely uninteresting story.
He also felt like one of those things where his story isn't actually very good, but it's in such stark contrast to the mediocrity of everything else surrounding it that it seems way better. The narrative version of the cheerleader effect.
It's basically a media server that streams things from a PC to your TVI have no idea what chromecast is, but embedding youtube links on the website is something we want to avoid if at all possible for reasons that should be fairly obvious. Sorry.