Honestly, I'd have to unironically say that it's a little of column A, a little of column B. Is there really any televised media in Spanish isn't either news, sports, telenovelas (i.e. Spanish soaps), shitty reality TV, or shitty sketch comedy shows? I figure the closest thing I'd get to a genuine good piece of Spanish media would be Pan's Labyrinth (which of course I couldn't see at the time due to age and due to "you'll never be able to date a girl to that type of shit movie"). Something instinctively tells me that if that movie was completely redubbed in English it'd have to be a miracle job for it to achieve the feeling it originally did.
At the same time, though, even if I was raised under a fallacy, it's still something I lived for literally at least 18 years. And with not receiving any proof to the contrary for so long, I guess it's simply a habit now. Like, I don't think EVERYTHING should be dubbed. At the same time, there's moments where I'm watching a thing and would like the choice. I don't trust myself to evaluate things like acting ability and timing when it comes to a language I don't understand.
TL;DR: I was stubbornly raised to be stubborn and it's taken me like the past year or two to expand my horizons.