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Super Best Friends Thread 13: "The Storm Has Come And So Have I" 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2


Jojo part 5 spoilers

I can't decide if purple haze is good or not. It seems like a double edged sword.

Considering its ability is dangerous as hell and the stand itself loses its temper and can't be controlled I feel its a pretty bad stand in a sense that if it doesn't work out in your favor your fucked.


Jojo part 5 spoilers

I can't decide if purple haze is good or not. It seems like a double edged sword.

Speaking of part 5, look at this slick mother fucker


Maditory Sanic: As of today's disquisition you can add jim sterling to the list of people who are also shadow the hedgehog
Considering its ability is dangerous as hell and the stand itself loses its temper and can't be controlled I feel its a pretty bad stand in a sense that if it doesn't work out in your favor your fucked.
Exactly. It's alot like a short fused grenade. Sure, you can throw it, but do you want to risk it?


legacy of cane
First Early Access game I got was Prison Architect because it was on sale for like 4$, and...yeah, it's rough. Sometimes my prisoners don't even enter the prison, they just stand on the road, dying of hunger.

Can you put your prisoners in a pool and take away the ladder?

I want one of them to Yoohoo the superintendent for a reduced sentence.


First Early Access game I got was Prison Architect because it was on sale for like 4$, and...yeah, it's rough. Sometimes my prisoners don't even enter the prison, they just stand on the road, dying of hunger.
But everyone knows that's how prisoners normally behave. Stop running Guantanamo!


First Early Access game I got was Prison Architect because it was on sale for like 4$, and...yeah, it's rough. Sometimes my prisoners don't even enter the prison, they just stand on the road, dying of hunger.

The only early access game I own is Starbound, which I regret buying even though I like it.

Wait there is also Neo Scavenger but I got that in a humble bundle so that barely counts.
Can you put your prisoners in a pool and take away the ladder?

I want one of them to Yoohoo the superintendent for a reduced sentence.

I'm not sure, but if they try escaping through the pipes then you can remove some pipes in front of them and they'll get trapped and die :)
I prefer kickstarter to Early Access, but only if they set up stricter rules. People keep saying shit like "You are not entitled to a product if you back it on kickstarter, you moron" as if they genuinely just like to get fucked over. If my money does not provide me the mentioned product, why the fuck would I pay money for it? I get that a lot of good things have come from Kickstarter and I appreciate the benefits it brings, but if you're not a developer I trust or if I get any idea that you might not be able to manage your funds and make a good game AND if there isn't a rule set on Kickstarter that either forces the devs to do good on the mentioned promises or at least release the work they've done so far to the public if things go bad, I am not ever funding your game.

If I'm interested, but unsure, I'll fucking wait 'till the game is released and buy it normally.
Just to support it being made. It's totally a risk, and if you don't know or trust the dev you could easily be throwing your money into the wind. It's not that I like to be fucked over or whatever, it's just what Kickstarter is. I'd like better rules, but it's really just up to you, and if putting up the funding for a project, like how a publisher or company would, doesn't seem like a good idea, that's fine. Don't do it yourself.


How else are they going to get testers who pay them to test their games and how else can I waste my money and time to play unfinished, broken or buggy games until I get fed up with them to the point that I doubt I'll play it again when the actual game gets released?
I know, I hate Assassin's Creed Unity too


I know, I hate Assassin's Creed Unity too
Yeah, at least Early Access has the disclaimer:

Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.

Assassin's Creed Unity doesn't.
It's not ideal but it won't kill you, I'd try bumping that up to 6 hours since that's generally the accepted minimum you want over long term.
I'll see what I can do. It's been about 2 years since i've been sleeping for 5 hours. For the 3 years before, I was getting 3 hours.
Then fuck it, I'm not supporting anything. If Kickstarter doesn't take steps to make it a safer environment for backers, than I don't see why I should spend my time and money on anything.

If you're an unknown developer, you're either transparent about every single fucking thing during the entire process, have an extremely well written information section on the main page discussing the focus of your game, the plans and goals you have in mind and detailed notes about how you plan on achieving these goals AND you have something that personally interests me or you don't fulfill on any of these things and don't get funding from me. Kickstarter doesn't give a fuck about its backers and as long as it doesn't, I won't be using it extensively.

I'll be happy for the amazing games that come out of it (like Shovel Knight), but I'll buy them after they're done. Hell, I'll buy them twice if I like them enough.
Yup, and that's fine. Don't support it if you dislike the system.

One of the easiest times I had backing a project was Barkley 2, just because I loved Barkley 1, and even if something went terribly wrong I was glad to pay them for Barkley 1, in a way. Me backing Shovel Knight was actually super risky, but I loved what I saw and just trusted the PR they had. If they had made a game previously I probably would've pledged three times as much, but I had no problem kicking in $15 into something that may or may not be amazing.

If you think that's dumb, then yeah, feel free to not do it. I just really want the good games to be made.
Jojo part 5 spoilers

The turtle is a stand user and it transported them into it's mind or something. Not the weirdest thing that's happenes.
It used to bother me, but i've gotten used to an average of 5 hours of sleep a night.

Tell me about it. 3 hours of sleep is not enough for a 12 hour shift at work and then 6 hours for class tonight
Yeah the problem is I'm back and forth. If I maintained my few hours of sleep, it would be fine. But this past week has been 6-8-3-3 and a half hours of sleep and such. That's what makes it even worse.
Drink warm milk.

I'm curious, how shitty is 3 hours of sleep a night? I can guess that it's shitty, but not how shitty. I'm asking because from 7th grade to freshman year of high school I averaged 3 hours a night.


I'm curious, how shitty is 3 hours of sleep a night? I can guess that it's shitty, but not how shitty. I'm asking because from 7th grade to freshman year of high school I averaged 3 hours a night.

I did the same, but I had insomnia.
That shit is absolutely toxic. You can get used to it but it will fuck you up, make you dumber and weaker then you were before.
It wasn't till I started getting 8 hours that I really felt the difference. And you would not believe how much of a difference there was.
It's bad. Real bad.
I'm curious, how shitty is 3 hours of sleep a night? I can guess that it's shitty, but not how shitty. I'm asking because from 7th grade to freshman year of high school I averaged 3 hours a night.

I haven't experienced it myself, but I'm guessing it's pretty shitty. 6 hours is the minimum amount of sleep everyone should get.
I'm curious, how shitty is 3 hours of sleep a night? I can guess that it's shitty, but not how shitty. I'm asking because from 7th grade to freshman year of high school I averaged 3 hours a night.

Considering I can't even function the next day without at least 9-10 hours of sleep, that sounds like a nightmare.
It just looks like it's trying to be Doom or Quake to me, kinda cool but not very memorable
I'll second missus bull that I want good DOOM clones, and after the video it's not bad. I'll maybe toss in $15.
That's why I specifically speak of new developers. I'd have no issues with backing Shovel Knight 2 or Barkley 2 fully as both games and their developers are established as capable. They have already shown what they're capable of and with that the risk diminishes. And I even understand backing things like Shovel Knight. I can absolutely understand reading through the description, watching vids and just seeing devs speak about their ideas and plans and go "I wouldn't mind backing this".

I wish the people who actually want to make good use of Kickstarter, make a dream game and release it to the public all the luck and money in the world. Same with the people who use Early Access to achieve the same goal. But the scumbags that use these things and scam people out of their money ruin it for the rest. Same with pre-orders. As long as Kickstarter, Early Access or pre-orders don't at least attempt to diminish the risks for the consumers, I'm unfortunately going to refrain from using them or only use them when the risk is at its lowest. Hell, the fucking same happened with Free to play. I actually think this is a really good concept, but it has been abused and butchered so hard by scumbags that it has turned into a "bad" word at this point.

In the end, I'm not saying "PEOPLE, STOP USING KICKSTARTER" as I have no power to tell anyone to do anything. I'm just explaining it from a personal point of view. It's not even about the money. I wouldn't make a fuss over losing $15 as I can live without it. I have far bigger issues with scams than I have with genuine, unfortunate development failure, though I would like to demand them to release whatever they have to the public were such a thing to happen.
Yeah, there is a good amount of abuse, especially in Early Access, and the main reason people don't hate Kickstarter like Early Access is the relatively high success rate, and I know you're just talking about yourself.

I think if you apply judgement to Kickstarter you can usually avoid or minimize the risks, but it's definitely something individuals have to decide on.
Top a the screen says 491.
The dude with grateful dead just found the turtle poo specifically.

I see. Shit's going to get intense by the end of the part. It's not the best part, but ironically a lot of Araki's favourite characters are from part 5

Jojo part 5 spoilers

Bullshit! Fuck that deus ex machina shit. I hate it when writers are scared to kill off a character.

You've read several parts of JoJo, Araki isn't afraid to kill characters
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