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Super Best Friends Thread 13: "The Storm Has Come And So Have I" 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

I see. Shit's going to get intense by the end of the part. It's not the best part, but ironically a lot of Araki's favourite characters are from part 5

You've read several parts of JoJo, Araki isn't afraid to kill characters
I'll agree. It's definitely not as strong as the first three parts, but i still really like it. More than 4 at least.

Characters stopped dying in part three it seems. Okuyasu shoulda died twice, but didn't because reasons. And now mista ate a bullet to the dome. It seems like araki backed off on killing the heroes at least because fans wanted abdul back and he doesn't want to upset them. That's fine and all, i just don't care for that.
Jojo part 5
Wait, since Giorno was conceived by Dio with Jonathan's body, isn't he technically Joseph's uncle and Jotaro's great grand uncle?


I'm not sure what to make of the fact that I thought of this thread when I saw this:



This except no Gappy. I'll wait until Part 8 finishes to pass my judgement.
Gappy sleeps in between beds and doesn't afraid of anything

Part 8 spoilers
I hope Araki has him dress differently once he does figure out who he is since he's just dressing like Kira right now.


I haven't read/watched beyond Part 3 really but all the JoJos after Jotaro don't seem overly appealing in any capacity, except Jolyne, she seems cool, I really like the idea of a female JoJo.
I haven't read/watched beyond Part 3 really but all the JoJos after Jotaro don't seem overly appealing in any capacity, except Jolyne, she seems cool, I really like the idea of a female JoJo.

Yeah I don't know anything of her other than that she spoils Japan on The Sixth Sense and that she goes balls deep but I like her design and she seems like a cool character. I'm looking forward to reading her part
I'm curious, how shitty is 3 hours of sleep a night? I can guess that it's shitty, but not how shitty. I'm asking because from 7th grade to freshman year of high school I averaged 3 hours a night.
It's doable when you're young but holy shit do you feel it when you get older. I take melatonin when I can but I don't even bother when its super late and I know I won't get 8 hours because of bullshit. It'll just fuck me up even worse.
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