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Super Best Friends Thread 13: "The Storm Has Come And So Have I" 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2


Holy shit, the things I hear about that people did as kids/when they were younger sometimes makes me feel like I was a genius by comparison.

The guy tried to cook egg shells because he thought that was what egg whites were. This happened just last year.

He wanted to save money and he hated washing dishes so he decided to just cook hotdogs in a shoe box. He'd just put more and more napkins in the shoe box due to the grease build up. This happened when he was in college or something?

A lot of the things he's done were when he was 18+ at least. It's amazing he's lived as long as he has.

Also just for clarification, I still enjoy Giantbomb and enjoyed them a lot up to 2014. It's just my interest has tapered off a bit with me having less time and things. Also Vinny moving was a bummer. I also figure Vinny just really wants to steamroll a lot of games when he stops caring about them so that leads to his tomfoolery with them. Over the years I've had to crank up the "just let it roll off your back," mindset with a lot of their approaches to games and their likes or dislikes.

To the people who know, how are Seattle and New Orleans?

I have family in Seattle and have visited it a lot. It's a pretty alright place. It has a very Portlandia vibe, but not that extreme. Everything outside of Seattle seems to be kind of countryish though. It's a little weird.


The guy tried to cook egg shells because he thought that was what egg whites were. This happened just last year.

He wanted to save money and he hated washing dishes so he decided to just cook hotdogs in a shoe box. He'd just put more and more napkins in the shoe box due to the grease build up. This happened when he was in college or something?

A lot of the things he's done were when he was 18+ at least. It's amazing he's lived as long as he has.


Man, some of these quote are awesome.

Dan said:
"If I had a knife in my head, I’d be courteous and lay down and die."

"That’s a pregnant lady, you’re not supposed to shoot them...or anyone, really. It’s illegal no matter what. Unless it’s Hitler or something."

"I may have bought a toy gun around this period and practised doing the twirl. That's a thing I did in college because I was a cool guy."
Well thanks a lot guys, you've made me sad about life, guess I'll go sit in a corner and contemplate my existence now.

Have fun.


Well thanks a lot guys, you've made me sad about life, guess I'll go sit in a corner and contemplate my existence now.

This is why I said a lot of what Dan says and does is disheartening. He's a puzzle I want to decipher, but there's no point to it really. It's better to just not even think about it.

I'm also just now remembering the avatar I've stuck with for years and years is Luchadeer. I don't know if that's ironic or not.
This is why I said a lot of what Dan says and does is disheartening. He's a puzzle I want to decipher, but there's no point to it really. It's better to just not even think about it.

I'm also just now remembering the avatar I've stuck with for years and years is Luchadeer. I don't know if that's ironic or not.

The inner machinations of Dan are an enigma.

And Luchadeer is awesome. Would be more awesome if it was transparent.
Alright, I got an answer about Seattle, but i'm still curious about New Orleans. I'm curious about how it is and what it's like to live there.
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