Every night in my dreams, Heath Slater wins the title by defeating Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler and John Cena without breaking a sweat.
Let it Go. LET IT GO!
He's a jobber and you know it.
Every night in my dreams, Heath Slater wins the title by defeating Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler and John Cena without breaking a sweat.
Let it Go. LET IT GO!
He's a jobber and you know it.
(That's the real life Mononoke forest.)
Well, it seems i'll be getting a Wii U soon, in exchange for my 3DS XL. Basically, we're getting tax returns soon, and the unemployment check is a little late. So a couple of minutes ago, my mother came up to me and asked that if she could sell the XL if the check didn't come tomorrow, and she was asking because she didn't want to do it behind my back. I agreed, because we need the money if we don't get the check, I already beat SMT IV, and I only paid 60 dollars for it due to a price error, so it's not like I paid 200 and selling it for 70. In return, she said that when we got our tax returns, she would buy a Wii U. And since I didn't put up any resistance to the idea of selling it, she said even if she didn't have to sell it, she would still buy a Wii U, so that's pretty nice. Of course, since there's a good chance of me getting a job soon due to a friend vouching for me, I won't have to rely on other peoples' money, or having to sell my shit, which will feel great.
So far I have P4a design works
Art of Evangelion
Phantasy Star 1 and 2 sort of
andall 3 valkyria chronicles, which are like 500 pages each. It's nuts andmy brother hasI'm jealous
The Art of Tales of Xillia 2 and Disgaeart, slowly building the books up even through I can't read half of my collection.
Only art books I own are:
Final Fantasy: The Sky
Hyrule Historia
The Art of The Last of Us
Persona 4 Art Works
Gurren Lagann Art Works
Adventure Time: The Art of Ooo
Then I have 3 others that came with stuff, they're kind of like art booklets:
Toradora Art Works
Bravely Default Art Works
Persona 3: The Movie #1 Art Works
I have
Fire Emblem Awakening: Knight of Iris
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies
999 and Virtue's Last Reward both in one
Atelier: Artworks of Arland: Rorona, Totori, Meruru
I don't know if the Hyrule Historia counts as one
Shakugan no Shana Illustration book
and now I can add Tales of Xillia 2, Disgaea and Okami to the collection
I need to step my game the fuck up
I have no art books. Don't really get the appeal personally.
I have this art book in my wet dreams
I have no art books. Don't really get the appeal personally.
They're super pretty, often contain developer insights, and are a coolcollectibleer and cheaperSecond only to OSTs in my useless expendituresthan figurines
It's just another thing to add to your fandom of a thing. You could get a figure of Kamina doing a cool pose for $500 because it's rare or you could marvel at all this cool art for $30.
But, I can get all that through interviews and stuff. It's all over wikis and shit.
And cheaper sure, but in no way are they cooler!
Did you guys know that I'm in P5
Did you guys know that I'm in P5
Are you one of the bad s links?
Did you guys know that I'm in P5
They're super pretty, often contain developer insights, and are a coolcollectibleer and cheaperSecond only to OSTs in my useless expendituresthan figurines
I did try to get the FF: The Sky art book once when it was on sale, but it got lost in the mail or something. That bummed me out.
I have say, I could listen to the Snatch soundtrack all day. It's so amazing. One of my favorite songs is the Kosha Nostra theme. Speaking of Guy Ritchie movies, did anyone see Rock'N'Rolla? I'm curious what others thought about it.
Final confirmation that Chie > Yukiko?
Because she's not their favourite character, whilst she is for a large number of the fandom. If you're looking for a genuine reason, you'll not find it.
Truth be told, the reasons are almost always illogical and childish. It's hardly unique to Persona, but it's definitely exacerbated. What, with the way that the characters are integral to the experience.
And to use myself as an example, I've never been particularly fond of Yukiko. I got the district impression (during my original playthrough), that the narrative was almost forcing her upon me. Contriving situations, in which to have me interact with her. That's not to mention, the fact that I was informed (by the cast) that she was amazing, yet I found her boring. I've resented her presence, ever since. That said, she is a legitimately popular character.
It's an issue of taste!
I have MGR's... that's it...I don't buy many OSTs. I only have:
Metal Gear Rising
Gurren Lagann Best Sound
Kill la Kill OST
Attack on Titan OST
Sakamichi no Apollon OST
P3 Movie #1 OST
Bravely Default OST
Hotline Miami OST
Shovel Knight OST
Wonderful 101 OST
Bayonetta 1 & 2 OST
Double Dragon Neon OST
Dark Souls 1 & 2 OST
Bastion OST
Journey OST
Austin Wintory Journey Piano Arrangement OST
Last of Us OST
Cowboy Bebop OST
I want the Fire Emblem Awakening art book but it's not in English so fuck that.
I don't buy many OSTs. I only have:
Metal Gear Rising
Gurren Lagann Best Sound
Kill la Kill OST
Attack on Titan OST
Sakamichi no Apollon OST
P3 Movie #1 OST
Bravely Default OST
Hotline Miami OST
Shovel Knight OST
Wonderful 101 OST
Bayonetta 1 & 2 OST
Double Dragon Neon OST
Dark Souls 1 & 2 OST
Bastion OST
Journey OST
Austin Wintory Journey Piano Arrangement OST
Last of Us OST
Cowboy Bebop OST
I don't buy many OSTs. I only have:
Metal Gear Rising
Gurren Lagann Best Sound
Kill la Kill OST
Attack on Titan OST
Sakamichi no Apollon OST
P3 Movie #1 OST
Bravely Default OST
Hotline Miami OST
Shovel Knight OST
Wonderful 101 OST
Bayonetta 1 & 2 OST
Double Dragon Neon OST
Dark Souls 1 & 2 OST
Bastion OST
Journey OST
Austin Wintory Journey Piano Arrangement OST
Last of Us OST
Cowboy Bebop OST
I don't buy many OSTs. I only have:
Metal Gear Rising
Gurren Lagann Best Sound
Kill la Kill OST
Attack on Titan OST
Sakamichi no Apollon OST
P3 Movie #1 OST
Bravely Default OST
Hotline Miami OST
Shovel Knight OST
Wonderful 101 OST
Bayonetta 1 & 2 OST
Double Dragon Neon OST
Dark Souls 1 & 2 OST
Bastion OST
Journey OST
Austin Wintory Journey Piano Arrangement OST
Last of Us OST
Cowboy Bebop OST
I don't buy many OSTs. I only have:
Metal Gear Rising
Gurren Lagann Best Sound
Kill la Kill OST
Attack on Titan OST
Sakamichi no Apollon OST
P3 Movie #1 OST
Bravely Default OST
Hotline Miami OST
Shovel Knight OST
Wonderful 101 OST
Bayonetta 1 & 2 OST
Double Dragon Neon OST
Dark Souls 1 & 2 OST
Bastion OST
Journey OST
Austin Wintory Journey Piano Arrangement OST
Last of Us OST
Cowboy Bebop OST
Absolute favorite artbook. Only thing that bummed me out is that it's almost entirely art, and very little commentary.
But it's super good though!
Look, Lucina is on the front cover, you know you want it Jman
I saw somewhere that Yumi Kawamura loves singing the P1P soundtrack.
I saw somewhere that Yumi Kawamura loves singing the P1P soundtrack.
In terms of just music?i wanna say its the best one but...... dont make me choose!
You actually need to play P1 in order to understand what happens in Eternal Punishment. I need to go back and play it.Haven't played it. Probs never will. And I'm not even really liking P2's music outside of Mayas theme.
Also, there are really good SMT and Persona piano arrangements out there.
The way you present it is what makes it unappealing to me. Like, figures, you need a desk, small shelf, any kind of surface and it's there out in the open view for all to see. A book, though, you need a bookshelf and a lot of them are hard to fit on the type I'd fit into my room and even then, they're closed on a shelf and I have to go out of my way to look at it.
And really, you can get an adequately cool figure for $30-50.
In terms of just music?
Meguro is easily my favorite videogame composer
In terms of just music?
Meguro is easily my favorite videogame composer
Yall disappoint me.Haven't played it. Probs never will. And I'm not even really liking P2's music outside of Mayas theme.
Also, there are really good SMT and Persona piano arrangements out there.
We're in the same minority. As much as I love Snatch, which has my favorite Guy Ritchie character Avi, mainly because of Dennis Farina, may he rest in peace, Rock'N'Rolla is still my favorite. It's probably because I watched it before any of the others, and because it also had an amazing cast.I'm in the minority that prefers rocknrolla over snatch.
But that's because of Gerard Butler and Tom Hardy.
In terms of just music?
Meguro is easily my favorite videogame composer
P3 > P4 > P1 = P2
P3 > P4 > P1 = P2