So should the testament of a talented "gamer" be how quickly these people know how to game a system?
Or develop strategy and execute on it? Or how well they perform their role on a team?
Your avatar scares me.
So should the testament of a talented "gamer" be how quickly these people know how to game a system?
Or develop strategy and execute on it? Or how well they perform their role on a team?
I was in a competitive chess club in elementary school.
If there's a steam chess game I'd be down to play some.
I haven't played in years.
Table top sim?
I think it's just hard to compare skill sets between games with entirely different rules.So should the testament of a talented "gamer" be how quickly these people know how to game a system?
Or develop strategy and execute on it? Or how well they perform their role on a team?
Even getting better means you gradually get better and better. It's more applicable to when arcades were a bigger thing I think.That'd make sense, but also you'd probably spend quite a bit money to get to that point so I'd never see the point. Now if you practice at home then take your skill to the arcade then sure. I'd feel pretty cool 1CCing a House of the Dead in an arcade setting since there'd be more pressure to do so.
That's just cool content then.Full disclosure: that's not what I meant. Like I see that as a valid reason but fuck me if I'll pull that off in an arcade environment. When I think of bullet hells I think to Touhou and CAVE games since those are the ones I was introduced to. Normally there is room for additional difficulty/a true final boss/an Extra stage/the good ending for 1CC'ing a game in those cases. I'd be so happy if Time Crisis 3 had something like that for playing through with the base four lives, but I already believe that that's not the case.
I should google it. :|
i actually don't know cause I just read doujins of stuff i like.
Sometimes I have the most stupid realiseations.
Like today I was talking talking to some girls, and one of them is talking about a boy she's intersted in. And she said really proudly that she managed to be on the same train wagon as him today. I found it really funny, because it seems like somthing I would say on this thread. And it was kind of a releaf that girls have to go through the same kind of things as we boys are.
I need this... I barely have any room on my desk to play real tabletop games in my apartment.Table top sim?
It actually makes me sad that wombo combo has been hijacked as a term by the moba community. We really don't have that much you guys. Just let us have this.
This is a wombo combo
This is not a wombo combo
Sometimes I have the most stupid realiseations.
Like today I was talking talking to some girls, and one of them is talking about a boy she's intersted in. And she said really proudly that she managed to be on the same train wagon as him today. I found it really funny, because it seems like somthing I would say on this thread. And it was kind of a releaf that girls have to go through the same kind of things as we boys are.
In the early days of steam there was this
simple free version of chess in the chat room.
Whats that? is it free?
Guys, I need your help.
If any of you remember that girl who I'm in that unhealthy relationship with, she wants to hang out this weekend. I kind of want to say yes, but I know what will happen.
She is the worst, but I just can't help myself. What do I do?
Guys, I need your help.
If any of you remember that girl who I'm in that unhealthy relationship with, she wants to hang out this weekend. I kind of want to say yes, but I know what will happen.
She is the worst, but I just can't help myself. What do I do?
So should the testament of a talented "gamer" be how quickly these people know how to game a system?
Or develop strategy and execute on it with success? Or how well they perform their role on a team?
It's almost as if men and women are both human
Sometimes I have the most stupid realiseations.
Like today I was talking talking to some girls, and one of them is talking about a boy she's intersted in. And she said really proudly that she managed to be on the same train wagon as him today. I found it really funny, because it seems like somthing I would say on this thread. And it was kind of a releaf that girls have to go through the same kind of things as we boys are.
There's no chess or tabletop sim on Steam with cross play between PC and Mac?
Hang out to do what?
I have no idea where that line is from. I just remember it from one of those images made up of choice quotes.
Probs watch anime or drive around or something.
Probs watch anime or drive around or something.
Oh I didn't know about this. It's $20 I think? But it lets you play a bunch of table top games online and you can mod in other games like DND and stuffIn the early days of steam there was this
simple free version of chess in the chat room.
Whats that? is it free?
It looks super fun if you have a few people to play withI need this... I barely have any room on my desk to play real tabletop games in my apartment.
Guys, I need your help.
If any of you remember that girl who I'm in that unhealthy relationship with, she wants to hang out this weekend. I kind of want to say yes, but I know what will happen.
She is the worst, but I just can't help myself. What do I do?
Man, Transistor's music is so wonderfully hypnotic. Nothing quite like getting drunk and listening to Ashley Barrett's amazing voice.
Guys, I need your help.
If any of you remember that girl who I'm in that unhealthy relationship with, she wants to hang out this weekend. I kind of want to say yes, but I know what will happen.
She is the worst, but I just can't help myself. What do I do?
Since you're talking skill ceilings, i'd say melee. The games been growing for 13 years, and we're still getting visibly better. There's still so much hidden tech there that we haven't stopped finding(which takes a lot of skill and effort to keep up with and utilize), and combined with combos that change based on positioning, character weight, and percentage to make it so nothing's guaranteed unless you can think on your feet. Add in doubles with friendly fire on, and more competitively viable playstyles than literally any other game, and I'd say there's still a huge future there that will necessitate continued improvement until we hit 20XXControversial question:
What genre of games require the most...talent for competition play?
(For lack of a better word)
It's fine! I'm seeing two equally hype moments.
No, that's just some random shit with the audio pasted over it.something something this was the wombo combo
google says its from a Fate/zero thing calledfuck/ero.
Full disclosure: that's not what I meant. Like I see that as a valid reason but fuck me if I'll pull that off in an arcade environment. When I think of bullet hells I think to Touhou and CAVE games since those are the ones I was introduced to. Normally there is room for additional difficulty/a true final boss/an Extra stage/the good ending for 1CC'ing a game in those cases. I'd be so happy if Time Crisis 3 had something like that for playing through with the base four lives, but I already believe that that's not the case.
Even getting better means you gradually get better and better. It's more applicable to when arcades were a bigger thing I think.
Also depends on your desire to replay games and master them just for the enjoyment of mastery. I do no-sub-weapon runs of MMX just to make the game more interesting since I've replayed it so much.
That's just cool content then.
google says its from a Fate/zero thing calledfuck/ero.
The testament of a talented gamer is how good their feel of the game is, and how well they can put these skills in a real life situation.
Like for one, let's take Desk's videos. Insanely knowledgeable fighting game playing, but not the best in a real situation. You have to put both together.
Of course. Just the dedication to improve and think on the fly is important and a skill you could easily use. Most extreme examples of skills and proficiencies overlap.I see.
So follow up: can there be games with physical or mental edges that are beneficial in more areas than competitive gaming?
I remember watching a documentary on Monopoly where the majority of competitive monopoly players are people that use negotiation skills in their career.
Yeah, perfecting a thing you love is pretty neat. Same reason people do speedruns and stuff.Yeah, I just prefer game goals rather than personal goals. I don't know if I've ever had a game I revisit like a MMX or anything. I've thought about trying to play Miku recently with only the dpad so I can train myself to use it in tandem with the face buttons as to make parts of the game easier. That's all I can think of though for that kind of stuff. I should probably disregard in game goals and achievements one of these days and try to just gitgud at something to see how I feel. I'd probably do that with a fighting game or something rather than an arcade game though.
The internet does this with everything dude.Yeah too many people just assume wombo combo was originally a LOL term because it shows up there all the fucking time
The problem is that there was only ever one wombo combo
some guys from an entirely separate community just said hey that's cool let's steal that
and then run it the fuck into the ground
Same with salty johns
and a bunch of other terms
at this point d1's DESTRUCTION is most of what we have left
it's childish, but we're basically the black culture of the world of gamers. Whatever we have will be stolen sooner or later
Sounds like an interesting. I'll have to read it sometime.
time to go play this awesomesauce Epic game !Life is Strange Episode 1 key!
Quote to do the thing!
time to go play this awesomesauce Epic game !later tonight tho cause I got to fix my pc
Yeah but I don't care about most thingsThe internet does this with everything dude.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind nearly as much if people did know the origin.Actually don't mind people using wombo combo as long as they know the origin
Cannabis warning.
Also god bless aMSa. Such a great player and person as well.
System transfer for your NNID and data.Yeah, but why would I care about my old 3DS if I have the new one.
It's almost as if men and women are both human
Guys, I need your help.
If any of you remember that girl who I'm in that unhealthy relationship with, she wants to hang out this weekend. I kind of want to say yes, but I know what will happen.
She is the worst, but I just can't help myself. What do I do?
It's just like my japanese animes. Next the train will jolt and she'll fall down on him or vice versa. Also, yeah, women/girls are just like guys.
That sounds like something out of a SOL Romance anime.
Only way to meet girls here is to go drink at a bar or talk to them in a random store.
Poker Night 2 key
Quote to gamble with Claptrap, Sam and Max, Ash from Army of Darkness, Brock Sampson, and Glados!
Thanks! I might actually figure out/know how to play poker now! Blackjack is GOAT anyways...Poker Night 2 key
Quote to gamble with Claptrap, Sam and Max, Ash from Army of Darkness, Brock Sampson, and Glados!
That's what I'm worried will happen. She has a boyfriend and yet she still hangs out with me and is just as seductive and flirtatious. I keep doing dumb shit. I feel nothing but lust toward her and that is not good. There is no emotion driving me.Something something or something?
I'm thinking this is what will have to happen. But my anime... I guess I'll just have to count them as fallen soldiers.Make up an excuse and do something else with other friends.
The two of you alone won't be good for you.
Doesn't that game run like complete dogshit?
Also, it's Telltale, so no thanks.
Yeah, that's the main reason I find it hard to actually hate people. Too much empathy doesn't help tho.I sometimes forget that other people are humans too
I think I remember that story.
Say No, she isn't good for you.