Put your gwasses own, nothing wirr be nothing wong.

Put your gwasses own, nothing wirr be nothing wong.
If the joke isn't literally in the dust, something is wrong with this threadI'm pretty tired of Berserk Rickrolls myself.
Time to post next-best-to-the-Berserk-OP music
Engrish dabes
If the joke isn't literally in the dust, something is wrong with this thread
What? You don't have to have them split. It's just optional.-Don't like how exp is split among the party/having party members split up to fight shadows. I prefer the way P4 streamlined it.
-Dungeon crawling itself feels a lot faster and more rewarding in P3
-Battles feel faster
-Characters have not grabbed me yet
hehehejust when im about to sleep you post twewy music, i should have your head for this!
I'm pretty tired of Berserk Rickrolls myself.
What? You don't have to have them split. It's just optional.
Otherwise yeah, and just give it time, but it's not the same as P4.
Which is why they're only just now becoming truly hilarious to me.
I worked in a book store.
Too many people bought that crap.
That sounds really satisfying. Also yeah. It was some goddamn accessible porn.Both of my brother's wives read it and it was a hoot revealing in front of the entire family the kind of smut they were reading in front of their kids and husbands. I broke down that plot and every inaccuracy in the portrayal of S&M.
Don't try pass off porn as books, people.
That sounds really satisfying. Also yeah. It was some goddamn accessible porn.
It was just so hilarious to see how embarrassed they got, especially since one is like, a prominent figure at her church.
That sounds satisfying as hell. How did the topic even come up?It was just so hilarious to see how embarrassed they got, especially since one is like, a prominent figure at her church.
WHAT DOES ANY OF THAT FUCKING MEAN? "...or something" like what? Who would publish this?
I'm going to bed. See you all whenever I get home, maybe in like 12-13 hours.
That sounds satisfying as hell. How did the topic even come up?
My brothers were giving them shit for liking the next Twilight, then I was like "Yo, they read that porn?" and they were like "It's porn?" then I explained in front of everyone how it's not only porn, but bad porn.
I can almost hear his sphinx-like smile through the phone.
"I agree to the fisting, but I'd really like to claim your ass"My brothers were giving them shit for liking the next Twilight, then I was like "Yo, they read that porn?" and they were like "It's porn?" then I explained in front of everyone how it's not only porn, but bad porn.
Definitive version
That classic smile that everyone knows the Sphinx for! DUH!
Look at that shit eating grin! Just like everyone knows.
Can you hear my Condor-esque laughter through this text?
What an awful book.
Have you played Radiant Dawn's hard mode? To me that's my hardest FE experience. Part 3 with Ike and crew aren't too bad since they are OPed as fuck, but the 'fail' brigade units in part 1 are so bad there are almost unusable in hard mode with only a select few, and even then it's still hard for them to keep up with the enemies with hard mode stats. It's still my favourite Fire Emblem despite being one of the worst balanced Fire Emblem games.God Hector hard mode is such bullshit. Those early chapters are dreadful to go through.
The lunatic+ mode in Awakening is the hardest FE experience ever tho.
I feel that FE5 had a lot of bullshit that made it difficult. I don't remember a whole lot but I didn't complete it. I remember the balistas being completely bullshit. They seem to do a shit ton of damage, have enough accuracy to hit you 50% of the time, placed in a spot where 1 or 2 more balistas can hit you, very difficult to reach, raises your fatigue a lot if you dodge one.I'd still put FE5 over any difficulty in FE13 in that case. I can't take Lunatic+ seriously.
Oh god, doc has a Dan Rykert avatar. I'm not ready for frienders to know about that gameinformer dropout...I have a signed copy of Ruse by that jackass...
Oh god, doc has a Dan Rykert avatar. I'm not ready for frienders to know about that gameinformer dropout...I have a signed copy of Ruse by that jackass...
Oh god, doc has a Dan Rykert avatar. I'm not ready for frienders to know about that gameinformer dropout...I have a signed copy of Ruse by that jackass...
Oh god, doc has a Dan Rykert avatar. I'm not ready for frienders to know about that gameinformer dropout...I have a signed copy of Ruse by that jackass...
Well, this is oddly hostile. Quite a few people in this thread like Giantbomb and know about Dan already. We were talking about his egg whites story just the other day. I don't know if I like him necessarily since he's so alien to me half the time, but I doubt many people here hate him.
You're up late Mr Luchadeer! Unless there's a big time zone difference between us and it's like noon where you are.
Part Time Job Night Shift Thingy
I get home at 2-5 AM EST and then I fuck around for a few hours before bed. It can be a bummer since I miss the peak hours of everything, but eh.
Welcome to my world. I love night shift though.
It's just a stocking job at a grocery store, so I find it pretty boring and uninteresting. I like the idea of night shift, but just not job in particular. I put things on shelves at a understaffed place with little communication between anyone. It's simply for money and I get little to no feeling of satisfaction from it. I think I remember you saying you worked newspaper delivery I think? Sounds about the same in dullness to me, so I don't think I'd care for it.
I spend most of the day time asleep, since I'm a night time person. Then I spend most nights in a spiral of anime, wrestling and bullshit interspersed between bouts of rabid depression and checking this thread.
Newspaper warehouse, yes. I pass the time listening to podcasts.
I spend most of the day time asleep, since I'm a night time person. Then I spend most nights in a spiral of anime, wrestling and bullshit interspersed between bouts of rabid depression and checking this thread.
Sounds about right minus wrestling.
I'm a wrasslin' nerd, bro. Ain't all weeb shit for me. Sometimes I need to see a bunch of sweaty men use soap opera excuses to grope each other.
Yeah, that came out weird. I meant it sounds about right for me as well minus the wrestling. I already know you're a rustling nerd. You bought some wrestling toys from a Goodwill just the other day unless I'm remembering wrong. I point out your anime shit probably more than I mean to, but I didn't mean for it to come across that way. Sorry about that.