A perfect example of GAF > Internet > GAF. Welcome.
You have a lot of content to browse through. Enjoy it.
I'd start with the Machinima stuff and familiarize yourself with Matt and Pat. They began this crazy thing.
All roads lead to Liam
A perfect example of GAF > Internet > GAF. Welcome.
You have a lot of content to browse through. Enjoy it.
I'd start with the Machinima stuff and familiarize yourself with Matt and Pat. They began this crazy thing.
Pats GAF username is SnapshotKing. He hangs around here and gaming sometimesThanks guys. I will definitely check out their archives.
Do you know if they are active on GAF? Just wondered if I may have interacted with them in the past without knowing it.
Thanks guys. I will definitely check out their archives.
Do you know if they are active on GAF? Just wondered if I may have interacted with them in the past without knowing it.
All roads lead to Liam
Liam is love. Liam is life.
This video is a perfect description of Woolie.Anyway, that's all I had to say...just that I'm pleased to have happened upon them.
Meh. If they didn't like SMRPG, they won't like Paper Mario. It's simple as well. Cute and charming.
Didn't take long. Note: this is 5 hours after his "goddamn FFXIV is so good" tweet
Get Bish on the line.The Age of Wooltron is upon us!
Too bad we can't change the title of the thread...
Get Bish on the line.
Didn't take long. Note: this is 5 hours after his "goddamn FFXIV is so good" tweet
I want him to replace the statue with something else crazy every time he's told to take it down.Next step is to replace the T-rex with a giant Hello Kitty.
I'm not even watching this LP and just reading the FB description, I knew where they were and what happens. I was right.
Don't all the weapons start with D and C scaling? Only to be B and maybe A when you upgrade them?
Don't all the weapons start with D and C scaling? Only to be B and maybe A when you upgrade them?
I can only think of a few in game that go above B scaling.
This was by far one of the worst episodes of the LP so far. Pat playing ahead where they've been and immediately shutting Woolie down with literally every word he said just because Pat talks to German Spy and knows more about the game than he should. The next few parts will likely be difficult to watch as well because the sessions they recorded this day seems to be full of Pat acting like he knows everything and Woolie getting annoyed by it.
Woolie is still being super cautious, although he's being more lax about his spendings so I like that. Honestly having Liam playing with him would've been better.
Liam would have been awful because he runs through games and goes back afterwards to find what he missed.
These two are fine but recent parts have just been awful because of the amount of dick waving going on.
Except Pat and Liam both love the Paper Mario games. They've said before that this playthrough was born out of neither of the m having played SMRPG, but loving Paper Mario and the M&L series. Battle system, gear, and everything else I can't think of is just more involving in Paper Mario. It's not really surprising at all that they like the games more.Meh. If they didn't like SMRPG, they won't like Paper Mario. It's simple as well. Cute and charming.
That is quite a strange path for finding them, but glad you did. The podcast also exists if you want to get into that.Anyway, that's all I had to say...just that I'm pleased to have happened upon them.
Chewie and Fuckface return for the last episode of the week. Will Chewie finally get good? Will Fuckface finally get to play in this recording session?
Find out in episode 25 of The Adventures of Chewie and Fuckface in Yharnam Land.
In a way it's very annoying because both of them are still playing this like it's fucking dark souls really.
I get where Woolie is coming from, but strength just isn't that tangible compared to health or endurance. There's little point in bumping it up in preparation for weapons at this point either.
So right now we have either Woolie who walks 3 paces per hour and plays like its DS2 or Fraud Pat who is basically cheating by getting advice from others and playing ahead of the LP.
Way to suck the fun out of this play though guys.
No one ever wants to be Fuckface. One of them will just say "Welcome to Chewie N' Fuckface in the morning. I'm Chewie and he's Fuckface" and no one answers, it's hilarious.You would hope they change which person is Chewie and which person is fuckface each time they're mentioned. Just to fuck it up more.
I actually agree with Woolie since killing enemies faster seems like a much better idea than trying to tank extra damage, especially with how much damage enemies do in this game..I've noticed on several enemies they would have a sliver of health left that a little more strength can fix. Besides dodging and not taking damage at all is much better than relying on extra health.
Don't all the weapons start with D and C scaling? Only to be B and maybe A when you upgrade them?
I'm sure someone here has the Mr. Burns "You're Here Forever" image handy, but the general sentiment is that.I'm a big Best Friends fan, but I never post here due to all the anime talk which I find a little intimidating (since I'm not into it, at all).
But I feel like I need to add my two cents on something.
I've been watching the Bloodborne LP and enjoying it for the most part (minus Woolie the Lying Pie-Stealing Snail with 20/20 vision). I've also been able to accept Pat's wildly off-base speculation which he constantly insists on as being fact. All things considered, it's an entertaining LP of a game I love.
However, the latest episode really soured me on Pat due to his treatment of Woolie. I know it's been a long-running joke among the fanbase that Pat is an asshole, and it has led to endless entertainment over the years, but Pat really showed something quite unpleasant in this video. He was consistently arrogant, rude, condescending, and downright mean-spirited. It was extremely uncomfortable to listen to, and I'm now convinced that all jokes aside, he's just not a nice person. There's a difference between playful, insulting banter, and downright maliciousness.
Woolie took it surprisingly well, and it's commendable that he did - he's clearly a lot more mature.
Anyway, I'm not sure whether or not I'll slither away from this thread again. Should I stay?
Stay.I'm a big Best Friends fan, but I never post here due to all the anime talk which I find a little intimidating (since I'm not into it, at all).
But I feel like I need to add my two cents on something.
I've been watching the Bloodborne LP and enjoying it for the most part (minus the godawful pace of Woolie the Lying Pie-Stealing Snail with 20/20 vision). I've also been able to accept Pat's wildly off-base speculation which he constantly insists on as being fact. All things considered, it's an entertaining LP of a game I love.
However, the latest episode really soured me on Pat due to his treatment of Woolie. I know it's been a long-running joke among the fanbase that Pat is an asshole, and it has led to endless entertainment over the years, but Pat really showed something quite unpleasant in this video. He was consistently arrogant, rude, condescending, and downright mean-spirited. It was extremely uncomfortable to listen to, and I'm now convinced that all jokes aside, he's just not a nice person. There's a difference between playful, insulting banter, and downright maliciousness.
Woolie took it surprisingly well, and it's commendable that he did - he's clearly a lot more mature.
Anyway, I'm not sure whether or not I'll slither away from this thread again. Should I stay?
TL;DR - I was let down by Pat's vicious, childish attitude in the latest Bloodborne video, and it has made me question my whole perception of him.
I'm sure someone here has the Mr. Burns "You're Here Forever" image handy, but the general sentiment is that.
Stick around some.
And every Zaibatsu member will say something that will offend you but dont get let it get to you. Its nothing personal. Like how Liam hates America,
I'm a big Best Friends fan, but I never post here due to all the anime talk which I find a little intimidating (since I'm not into it, at all).
But I feel like I need to add my two cents on something.
I've been watching the Bloodborne LP and enjoying it for the most part (minus the godawful pace of Woolie the Lying Pie-Stealing Snail with 20/20 vision). I've also been able to accept Pat's wildly off-base speculation which he constantly insists on as being fact. All things considered, it's an entertaining LP of a game I love.
However, the latest episode really soured me on Pat due to his treatment of Woolie. I know it's been a long-running joke among the fanbase that Pat is an asshole, and it has led to endless entertainment over the years, but Pat really showed something quite unpleasant in this video. He was consistently arrogant, rude, condescending, and downright mean-spirited. It was extremely uncomfortable to listen to, and I'm now convinced that all jokes aside, he's just not a nice person. There's a difference between playful, insulting banter, and downright maliciousness.
Woolie took it surprisingly well, and it's commendable that he did - he's clearly a lot more mature.
Anyway, I'm not sure whether or not I'll slither away from this thread again. Should I stay?
TL;DR - I was let down by Pat's vicious, childish attitude in the latest Bloodborne video, and it has made me question my whole perception of him.
And every Zaibatsu member will say something that will offend you but dont get let it get to you. Its nothing personal. Like how Liam hates America,
I'm a big Best Friends fan, but I never post here due to all the anime talk which I find a little intimidating (since I'm not into it, at all).
But I feel like I need to add my two cents on something.
TL;DR - I was let down by Pat's vicious, childish attitude in the latest Bloodborne video, and it has made me question my whole perception of him.
The mods cracked down on us and most of that talk has moved to other avenues, so we're generally a lot more on topic now, but naturally, the thread slowed down a large amount because of it as well.I'm a big Best Friends fan, but I never post here due to all the anime talk which I find a little intimidating (since I'm not into it, at all).
But I feel like I need to add my two cents on something.
I've been watching the Bloodborne LP and enjoying it for the most part (minus the godawful pace of Woolie the Lying Pie-Stealing Snail with 20/20 vision). I've also been able to accept Pat's wildly off-base speculation which he constantly insists on as being fact. All things considered, it's an entertaining LP of a game I love.
However, the latest episode really soured me on Pat due to his treatment of Woolie. I know it's been a long-running joke among the fanbase that Pat is an asshole, and it has led to endless entertainment over the years, but Pat really showed something quite unpleasant in this video. He was consistently arrogant, rude, condescending, and downright mean-spirited. It was extremely uncomfortable to listen to, and I'm now convinced that all jokes aside, he's just not a nice person. There's a difference between playful, insulting banter, and downright maliciousness.
Woolie took it surprisingly well, and it's commendable that he did - he's clearly a lot more mature.
Anyway, I'm not sure whether or not I'll slither away from this thread again. Should I stay?
TL;DR - I was let down by Pat's vicious, childish attitude in the latest Bloodborne video, and it has made me question my whole perception of him.
Those days areI'm a big Best Friends fan, but I never post here due to all the anime talk which I find a little intimidating (since I'm not into it, at all).
Saturday Morning Scrublords - Avengers in Galactic Earth Storm for Battle
That shit with Liam touching Pat's TV.I'm 20 minutes into the video and I still don't understand what's happening.
That shit with Liam touching Pat's TV.
I almost expect these videos to end up with all four having actual fisticuffs with each other.