Nah thats Eric Freeman. The best actor in american history.
I didn't realize that this was referencing that movie.
Nah thats Eric Freeman. The best actor in american history.
I know, but I never get to talk about this movie because a lot of people have only seen the garbage day scene.It was worth the wait for that scene
Yo, I just joined NeoGAF cause I heard on /r/TwoBestFriendsPlay that there's a hype thread on the forums usually. Did I come to the right place?
*sigh* Having the worst day. Started playing PS3 while listening to the podcast, and I noticed my Dualshock 3 was getting really bad with the whole "pressing random buttons when the left analog stick is moved" thing (which is a known problem with DS3s). So I decided eh, why not try to open it up and fix it.
Big fucking mistake. Long story short I wasted five hours working on the damn thing only to break it even worse because I'm just fucking terrible at things, and now it's useless. I mean I actually did fix the "random buttons" problem, but at the same time I messed up the Circle button. Then in trying to fix that I messed up the L2 button and now it can't be fixed.
So now I don't know what I'm going to do. Fuck everything. =/
Yo, I just joined NeoGAF cause I heard on /r/TwoBestFriendsPlay that there's a hype thread on the forums usually. Did I come to the right place?
Did you consult a guide or just winged it?
Like a babby, you stumbled into the hypest thread on the internets.
A guide.
I just overestimated my ability to not fuck up. =/
It also doesn't help that I have very, very bad eyes. Trying to focus in on the smaller parts of the controller (specifically the removable "cradle" that the shoulder buttons are in) has left my eyes strained as fuck and pretty much useless for the rest of the day.
I just want to go to bed. ;_;
What about Scorsese or Kubrick?
Yo, I just joined NeoGAF cause I heard on /r/TwoBestFriendsPlay that there's a hype thread on the forums usually. Did I come to the right place?
Damn it. She's the only one I haven't finished.So I'm trying to finish the Skullgirls stories today, holy shit fuck Eliza. HER END IS SUCH A HYPE CLIFFHANGER THOUGH
Nah.. what are you talking about? He made the best decision. That's if he can avoid your stand and late night best gaf..You've made the biggest mistake of your life. Enjoy.
Nah.. what are you talking about? He made the best decision. That's if he can avoid your stand and late night best gaf..
The whole thread is Dark Pheonix Rising.You think he can get away from this thing? Not even I can stop it.
So I'm trying to finish the Skullgirls stories today, holy shit fuck Eliza. HER END IS SUCH A HYPE CLIFFHANGER THOUGH
You think he can get away from this thing? Not even I can stop it. And no, he has to see that. That's a right of passage and will determine his place in the thread!
He couldn't handle the power known as GAF after darkYou can do it! You must master your stand! I hope we won't lose him like the last guy. They never even posted since then.
Whew this one is just too good to be true folks. Peter Molyneux warning devs to not make promises they can't keep.
It's like the Divekick storymode, extraneous, but super worth it.I keep on forgetting to playing the story in skullgirls.
I hope he won't be too creeped out and leave.He couldn't handle the power known as GAF after dark
Whew this one is just too good to be true folks. Peter Molyneux warning devs to not make promises they can't keep.
BIG BAND DON'T GIVE NO FUCKSDamn it. She's the only one I haven't finished.
I really like Big Band's tho... Esp with the tag team match against the final boss.
They're surprisingly good. Don't forget to cheap out the SkullgirlI keep on forgetting to playing the story in skullgirls.
My only regret in SG is that I didn't use my ORAORAORAORA finisher against Marie to end it.
Whew this one is just too good to be true folks. Peter Molyneux warning devs to not make promises they can't keep.
I give my big speech in 45 minutes. Its worth 20% of my grade. Wish me luck
Isn't that I R O N I C I N O R I R O N I C.
I give my big speech in 45 minutes. Its worth 20% of my grade. Wish me luck
I give my big speech in 45 minutes. Its worth 20% of my grade. Wish me luck
Just try new things till they workGuys.... I don't care about the new Assassins Creed. I don't know if this is bad or good for me.
I give my big speech in 45 minutes. Its worth 20% of my grade. Wish me luck
I give my big speech in 45 minutes. Its worth 20% of my grade. Wish me luck
My only regret is that I forgot to use it entirelyMy only regret in SG is that I didn't use my ORAORAORAORA finisher against Marie to end it.
Do well or don't come back, the pressure will help you.I give my big speech in 45 minutes. Its worth 20% of my grade. Wish me luck
Make sure to give us a shoutout at the endI give my big speech in 45 minutes. Its worth 20% of my grade. Wish me luck
Do the thing! Press the x x x and the y y-oh wrong thing..I give my big speech in 45 minutes. Its worth 20% of my grade. Wish me luck
So...DmC...why am I in a Slurm factory?
Because its "original"So...DmC...why am I in a Slurm factory?
So...DmC...why am I in a Slurm factory?
So...DmC...why am I in a Slurm factory?
Because the game can't take any of its influences and use them in a way that doesn't feel like a rip off.So...DmC...why am I in a Slurm factory?
Because its a subtle analogy of consumerism.
Look at how deep the tale of DmC is.
With incredible dialouge between Donte and the abomination at the end of that level.
I died a little inside at the bit when Donte and Kat was talking about the drink with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
Really everything is blown out of proportion in this story. The masses are too dumb and the bad guys might as will be called (THE MAN!)
Thanks for the encouragement guys.
I can feel our Friender S-Link growing. We can do anything when we have each other!
Until someone causes a reverse s-link and sends it back a level.Thanks for the encouragement guys.
I can feel our Friender S-Link growing. We can do anything when we have each other!
Thanks for the encouragement guys.
I can feel our Friender S-Link growing. We can do anything when we have each other!
Whoever becomes the OP maker is destined to become big old jerk face and reverse it.Until someone causes a reverse s-link and sends it back a level.
Thanks for the encouragement guys.
I can feel our Friender S-Link growing. We can do anything when we have each other!