Guys, be honest with me. How bad is the Evil Within LP? I'm seeing a lot of, well, -rage-, over that dog boss fight. Is it just unwatchable or what? I'm seein DSP comparisons here.
Jesus no, I'm not sure if my perspective matters in the sea of rage.
But I've been enjoying it just fine, I like seeing Evil Within, and it's not like you guys have been terrible at it, you're about what I'd expect someone's first time with that game to be like, and you have to record AND Talk on top of that.
So it's fine, I wouldn't have figured that boss out any faster, I would have probably tried more things before getting frustrated, and you know I saw a lot of "This is hard, therefore it's shit" mentality from Woolie and Liam Guacamelee that I didn't like and it made me sort of sensitive to that sort of stuff.
So I thought I kind of saw that stuff in yesterday's video, however my girlfriend reminded me that it's different with you because it's just in the moment "fluff" which you're prone to and that's fine because a lot of people are like that, people tend to take everything you do and say WAY too literally for whatever reason, it's weird.
Personally, Part 7 has been my overall favorite part of the LP, but I've been enjoying it all just the same, you guys make me really want to grab it on PC (A couple of crashes isn't enough to bother me)
That's my honest opinion.