My point was, I just think DOA is pointless and I call bullshit on peoples reasons for defending it, that game looks the way it does and is as shallow as it is because those visuals serve a specific purpose, otherwise why would they be there?
The arguments here are in the same vein as being like "Well don't judge this porno, it's got a wonderful story of a Pizza delivery guy"
I have no issues with Bayonetta, the sexualization in that game is of a completely different context to DOA, if people can't differentiate than I don't know what to tell them.
The argument for DOA was only ever the fighting mechanics, really? nothing else about that game? No one is defending it's story, or it's well developed and deep characters or anything?
Plenty of other games have good fighting mechanics while also having many other good aspects.
I'm sorry, but being like "But the mechanics tho" comes across as an excuse, and even if that is not the case, that is just one part of the game out of all the things in it, I'm looking at the entire game, the whole package of everything together, how I think a game should be looked at, if the mechanics are that good then I say put them in a better series.