Do you think that the Super Best Friends could make a good LP out of it?
I think that it would be a mix of the I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream LP and the Yakuza, but Reddit doesn't think it would be a good idea when I posted over there.
Uhhh I dunno, the No Mouth LP was cool because there was some dialogue almost all the time, and while I really enjoyed the Yakuza LP Matt said it was one of the least viewed sadly. A lot of the enjoyment I've gotten from P2 has been from taking my time to talk to people and that's not something you can really do in LPs. Plus the random battles kinda slow you down and there's a lot of that in between anything happening. Chrono Trigger sorta got past that by having the battles blend into the background and be different a lot of the time. There was a point in P2 early on where I didn't pay attention to what someone told me and I misunderstood it and I had to go through the area once more, and I can easily see that happening to them too. Thinking about it actually it happened again later on and I can see Pat overthinking the second area like I did. So while the story would be really cool seeing what their reactions would be, the actual playing itself would hurt the potential LP.
Wow I did not need to write this much I apologize