Hmm, should I buy GZ for the third time?
Yes. Yes I should.
Yes. Yes I should.
I was only talking about the good route too...
The end of her good route is basically
I have a really bad habit of getting emotionally invested in shit like this especially if their is romance involved. I normally don't feel much on my own so that gives me my daily dose of emotion.
Getting DS2 & MGR:R in steam sale because I already own them both already wut
anything else I should look out for?
also Skullgirls is cheapas is Vanguard Princess, go git your loli fightmans
Man, if you haven't played State of Decay before, do it. $5 is a steal for arguably one of the best zombie games on the market.
I'm kind of weird in that I'm really difficult to grab ahold of emotionally, but if a book, game or movie actually manages to do it, I'm fucking done.
Mmm I'm the same way. I was watching Giant Bomb's latest MGS2 episode and they reached the part whereand I misty'ed up a little (which is saying a lot since I barely even get teary-eyed).Emma dies
Can't believe it's still so effective to this day.
Is that why you love romances?
Again, he didn't have a lot of gameplay gripes. Mostly just the bosses, I still don't understand how that giant monster thing is supposed to be stealthed.
Yeah kind of..since I really have no way of having an enjoyable relationship in the foreseeable future romance animus give me that cheap high and make me feel. Plus I mean..I love you guys too..but not enough to do butt stuff.
and then /quote. If you already knew this, forget i said anything.
If you played P2 its actually pretty cool that they do that for P1. It almost makes me wanna go and play it.All I want is a direct reference to Minato in that too much to ask? None of this like indirectly talking about him.
Super late. But at the beginning of the chapter crouch down and observe that fucker. A tailed eye pops and looks around for Sebastian while it remains completely still. That's a prime opportunity to chuck a grenade at it or blind it by the light of a flash bolt, the latter knocks it to the ground with enough time to shoot an explosive or harpoon bolt. Then you go right back to hiding and wait for it stick out it's eye.
The fucked up thing is that if you place a trap like an explosive bolt anywhere and it hits the creature, it immediately knows where you are. You can only stealth attack it while the eye is out.
Yep.. sounds like me.. cheap yet lovable high of seeing two characters fall in love with each other. Hnnng..
side note: You know you should try to keep the user name when you quote them. It makes it easier to see who replied to them and then /quote. If you already knew this, forget i said anything.
Yeah I played it and I know that one of the starting party members is from P1If you played P2 its actually pretty cool that they do that.
Yep.. sounds like me.. cheap yet lovable high of seeing two characters fall in love with each other. Hnnng..
side note: You know you should try to keep the user name when you quote them. It makes it easier to see who replied to them. bad I knew about it, just forget to do it lol.
We are kindred spirits you and I..I just need to get off of Plague's Farm soon. bad I knew about it, just forget to do it lol.
We are kindred spirits you and I..I just need to get off of Plague's Farm soon.
The shoujo/romance crack is too strong. I need my daily dose to keep me alive and not souless.
What's cthulu doing in plauge's farm?
You're, ah, not good at this, are you?
The shoujo/romance crack is too strong. I need my daily dose to keep me alive and not souless.
What's cthulu doing in plauge's farm?
Where else would he be?
No they do the same thing with the P1 protagonistYeah I played it and I know that one of the starting party members is from P1
I meant how were people supposed to know that, he showed no signs of that before the encounter.
Have you played MGS3? That one takes the cake.
Yeah, I know what you mean, though I had the same reaction at a certain other MGS related death, namely (MGS1 spoilers). Also a certain other MGS3 thing...Sniper Wolf's death
I'm fuckin up super hard man. I'll go back and edit it lol. Plus I'm really tired so that isn't helping.
Living in the attic with the skeleton of the Youtube Ad Revenue Manager.
I have buuuuut I don't remember anything that made me super sad.
I didn't have the same reaction to that MGS1 death. The reason why the MGS2 one affected me so much was.Otacon's reactions, particularly in the elevator. It's different than most other deaths because Otacon isn't a hardened soldier or anything
Here is a tip, if you want to quote multiple people click the plus symbol next to their name and if you want to edit in a quote just open a quote in a new page and copy and past it into the edit.
What do you mean? I havent played P2 in a long time and the story wasnt all that great to me...No they do the same thing with the P1 protagonistif you meet the other members.
Last chance to vote for what bestgaf sings for a holiday song.. because it's a week from christmas, and hopefully that's enough time to get everything done..
Worst case, it'll come out later. Quote to reveal.
? No? You felt nothing from that?The Boss
Finished Stardust Crusaders episode 1
is so stupid. I love it. So I'm guessing Jotaro is going to be this way throughout the entire first part?Joseph's stand
What do you mean? I havent played P2 in a long time and the story wasnt all that great to me...
Ha!, it took like three weeks to edit the first one let alone record it.
Finished Stardust Crusaders episode 1
is so stupid. I love it. So I'm guessing Jotaro is going to be this way throughout the entire first part?Joseph's stand
Yeah it's gonna be hard to get all the voice clips in by then.. oh well.
No worries, i can edit it in a few days if i put enough effort into it or not sleep.. :L
I was not expecting Ground Zeroes to be that cheap (though I should have, since Rising was the same situation), awesome.
Ahhhh ok yeahIts just like the Ultimax's call backs to Minato. Erika thinks of the P2 protagonist of the old leader.
Well he was the best when he was, so this didn't surprise me.young
Eh, I like badass characters, but there has to be more to it then "LOOK AT THIS BADASS MOTHERFUCKER! ORAORAORAORAORA"
He's more an asshole than he's tough right now. Also yeah, that kind of bugs me. Stop being such a shit Jotaro!
Well he was the best when he was, so this didn't surprise me.young
Eh, I like badass characters, but there has to be more to it then "LOOK AT THIS BADASS MOTHERFUCKER! ORAORAORAORAORA"
He's more an asshole than he's tough right now. Also yeah, that kind of bugs me. Stop being such a shit Jotaro!
Ground Zeroes is looking to be a rather fantastic port. It runs pretty well on my shitty 6670 and I wasn't expecting that. Can't wait to really push it with my 970 when I get it next week.
Ah man...I really want to buy Ground Zeroes on PC...but I shouldn't. Stupid steam sales!
Spent like $250 last winter sale..heavily limiting myself this year..$140 of games I'm trying to get under $50..
DMC3 @ $5 is tempting, but it expires end of sale so hoping it goes lower.
Stopping you right there! Do not buy that game. It doesn't work. DMC3 is by far the worst PC port ever made. Saints Row 2, Dark Souls, Deadly Premonition, FFXIII? none of them hold a candle to how bad DMC 3 is. It's a waste of money.
What happened to the dark souls PC port?Stopping you right there! Do not buy that game. It doesn't work. DMC3 is by far the worst PC port ever made. Saints Row 2, Dark Souls, Deadly Premonition, FFXIII? none of them hold a candle to how bad DMC 3 is. It's a waste of money.
DMC3 @ $5 is tempting, but it expires end of sale so hoping it goes lower.
What happened to the dark souls PC port?
Really? Shit..thanks for the headsup..Heard FFXIII was a decent port from a few people.
What happened to the dark souls PC port?
I think he's talking about it without DSfix.
FFXIII-2 maybe but XIII was locked to 720p and had no graphical options as well as piss poor optimization
Ahh ok, yeah I heard a few mods were out to increase graphical quality and SE are apparently doing something themselves to give options.
Madoka Eps 12