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Super Best Friends Thread 9: "Don't Get Cocky, Jesus!"

I guess...Team homu--#TeamSayaka4Lyfe
Also Sayaka is a somewhat interesting
and tragic
character, so it's fine.

She's a really interesting character and my favorite of the group. Love the way how the show and writer handled her character in comparison to everyone else.
Time to derail this shit.



You said this just before

Then you posted that, you can understand that I thought you were referring to 60 as great and 25-30 as shit.

You asked me how I would refer to explaining DPS and I told you. I made no connection to actual numbers. I don't care if something is 30 FPS or 60. Of course I'd prefer everything to have as high a frame rate as possible but I'm not going to condemn it otherwise. My comment about it being shit was in context of "Man my rig must suck I'm only getting 25-30 FPS. This is shit." I didn't clarify that, but I did not say that 30 FPS was shit.

Please don't just take previous comments that had nothing to do with another one and make assumptions based on that.
It was good all the way through. My standards for new anime are signifcantly low and I have a guilty pleasure for mechs and that show has some pretty fucking cool looking mechs.

If season 2 blows super hard though, I'll be the first to shit on it completely. I have no tolerance for a weaker season 2 than a season 1.

I had high expectations from this and it came off as 'decent' to me at the end, though I am interested in what they do in season 2, I really really don't like how emotionless inaho is
Isn't the distinction that we're talking 60 vs 30?

Anyway, you're quite literally arguing semantics here.

Nope. I was never once making that argument.

I stated that I hated how certain terms were used to explain FPS and was asked to give examples as to how I would word them.


You asked me how I would refer to explaining DPS and I told you. I made no connection to actual numbers. I don't care if something is 30 FPS or 60. Of course I'd prefer everything to have as high a frame rate as possible but I'm not going to condemn it otherwise. My comment about it being shit was in context of "Man my rig must suck I'm only getting 25-30 FPS. This is shit." I didn't clarify that, but I did not say that 30 FPS was shit.

Please don't just take previous comments that had nothing to do with another one and make assumptions based on that.
I apologize then, my mistake.
I won't disagree with you on the first sentence as I find Sayaka to be a great character as well, though I find the rest of the main cast somewhat interesting too (though Madoka herself and the Red-headed girl are mostly uninteresting). Either way...

Madoka Spoilers
The rest of the cast is fine, I just like how she was the only one that kept trying to be a selfless hero and she was stubborn right to the end. I admire that even though it fucked her over in the end.
I had high expectations from this and it came off as 'decent' to me at the end, though I am interested in what they do in season 2, I really really don't like how emotionless inaho is

It could have been much worse. Could have just made Inaho a Shinji knock off that's even worse than Shinji is and try to make him a badass in the end even though he's still kind of a punk.
I've always found the whole canon vs non canon thing interesting, because if you look at it in the context of DBZ, Broly isn't considered canon by an actual story standpoint but he's so insanely popular that nearly every single DBZ fan out there considers him canon.


I just said what we're all thinking.


Oh...haha...it's not like that was the reason or anything. Besides, it's already on my list, only at the bottom.Yeah, you're right.

You see I never saw it as a kids show, more of a teens show. TLA holds up really well.
I've always found the whole canon vs non canon thing interesting, because if you look at it in the context of DBZ, Broly isn't considered canon by an actual story standpoint but he's so insanely popular that nearly every single DBZ fan out there considers him canon.

Yes but unfortunately there are no official movies about Korra and Asami making out.


I've always found the whole canon vs non canon thing interesting, because if you look at it in the context of DBZ, Broly isn't considered canon by an actual story standpoint but he's so insanely popular that nearly every single DBZ fan out there considers him canon.

Toriyama created Broly, he did the design and all that for him, even conceptualized his unique Super Saiyan form.

So he is Canon within the DBZ universe as he was created by the author, but not in the Manga.
She reminds me of a Fem-Shirou

I was just thinking about that too lol. They are very similar characters in a way.

Yep, I agree.
I admire the unending selflessness and the final episode only makes my respect for that character infinitely greater. You could call her actions a mistake, but I'm not sure she would agree.

I agree with that last sentence.
She wouldn't think everything she did was a mistake, but she admits that she was a fool for what she did.


Mangaka do that all the time. Just because they designed the character doesn't mean they officially belong in the main universe.

I'm repeating myself, but my rule is, if the original author conceived that character, they are canon until stated otherwise within the overall universe, because I'm not nearly arrogant enough to be like "No fuck you mr Author who created the series, I, a random fan decide what is canon."

That doesn't mean non-canon characters can't become canon (In the case of Bardock), just that I'm not going to dismiss the canon status of a thing the author came up with just because he didn't include it in one version of the story.
Otherwise there's no point to anything being canon if we're dismissing things over a technicality.


Yeah, and with the above pic not being canon, I'll probably re-watch The Wire again before I start with TLA. There aren't really any other shows I'm looking forward to, now that I think about it.
Also thanks for the avatar, Croten! It's fabulous!

No sweat, I had fun making it.
Pretty fucked up for a kids show. Book 3 ending spoilers:
P'li's death scene is pretty fucking brutal.

Man I remember that.
Easily the most brutal thing of the two series I've seen. How the fuck did they get away with doing that? Then again, it wasn't on TV or that probably would've gotten some backlash by parents.


Man I remember that.
Easily the most brutal thing of the two series I've seen. How the fuck did they get away with doing that? Then again, it wasn't on TV or that probably would've gotten some backlash by parents.

Yeah book 3 had some rough shit.
The queens death wasn't bad either.
Wait, when did Kidman kill Joseph?

Also why didn't Kidman just shoot Leslie before Ruvik showed up in the brain room when he was just fucking standing there, and Sebass was being distracted by the brainwaves?

Spoilers because someone cares about TEW knowing my luck.
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