They might have made BT3 and B3 too well, considering all the games after are kind of meh. Xenoverse though is the first one that I'm somewhat excited for again, mostly because it's actually getting the recommended 2 years devilment cycle rather than the 1 year that DBZ games After Burstlimt and Raging blast got.
I have Raging Blast 2 and for what it is..it's an okay game my only issue is that the AI is fucking awful. At least BT3 will make it slightly challenging when I wanna 1v5 where in RB2 I have to 1v5 on very strong to even lose one life bar.
Edit: Grades we're C,B,B,C,CTheir Sonic Boom series is going very well and they have a fucking Lego Island playthrough happening on Steam Train! LEGO ISLAND! Shit's nostalgic mindfuckery made manifest!
Edit: Since we mentioned grades, A A A A B B Dean's List.
Decent considering I didn't buy books since I wanted a tv.