Yeah I use firefox and it looked not great, I've been playing DS2 on PC for the last couple of days and the 60FPS changes everything, the best comparison I've seen by far is the last of us PS4 release playing at 60 then locking it to 30 is jarring and terrible
It's not a great feeling, I put the evil within in again a few days ago and pointed at my screen and said what the fuck am I looking at here, and I'm not usually super anal about these things
Looking at my 360 games almost all of them are the halo series and gears, there's a few little things here and there that interested me but not like the PS3 did, I'm more of a PS/Sony fan anyway so it didn't help, I'm pretty sure I only got a 360 because everyone I knew had one and gears looked cool, and yeah tekken feels weird with a 360 pad, it just feels like it's in the wrong place