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Super Meat Boy |OT|


I found out about this gem from lurking GAF, this was my game of the year for 2010, and I cannot wait for the level editor.

Also, my 19th best time on Intervention is my biggest accomplishment (two 0.00's and its on the XBLA version)

Ben2749 said:
Damn, I started up SMB for the first time since the previous DLC levels were released as the Team Meat site says that there should be 40 more up by now. And while there is a patch that allegedly fixes the leaderboards (I noticed a level where the top two times were 2.00 seconds, which is literally not possible), there aren't any new levels.

Team Meat lied to me. :-(

The leaderboards have been fixed, the bug was that it wasn't showing up randomly. That has been fixed. I believe the old times (including dodgy ones except the 0.00 ones) are still there.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
What an amazing game, have only just got around to completing the light worlds, 38 hours logged on this game so far which really surprises me, I'm not usually one for spending that amount of time on any game tbh.


So I finally got around to buying the game on Steam, and let me just say that I haven't been this infuriatingly challenged by a game since N+ on the DS. Jesus Christ! Some of the later levels (and most of the Dark World levels) make me want to strangulate a newborn baby!

Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely loving the game. I love the homages to classic games, the unlockable characters, the hilarious cutscenes, and the overall style. With that said, I want to personally murder whomever was in charge of placing the bandages in the levels. They torment me to no end! When I see one, I can't continue on until I get it. The problem is, some of them look downright impossible to get.

If I had to make one criticism, it would be the wall jump controls. Meat Boy controls precisely when it comes to basic running and jumping, but I don't like how forcefully he jumps off of walls. Even if I'm holding the d-pad in the direction of the wall, he still goes flying. I'd prefer something more like the wall jumping in New Super Mario Bros. That and the little bastard is too slippery sometimes, especially if you've been conditioned to always hold the run button from years of Mario playing.

So there are my impressions. It's a fantastic game so far, but motherfucker is it pissing me off at times.
2 new 20-level Teh Internets packs up on the 360 version now! Go, go, go!

Starting them now...

EDIT: Just got A+ on all of the "Cramps" levels. Shit, those were insane. They weren't as hard as Sewers of Dross, but they had their moments, and the level design was fantastic.

Onto the "Expert Remix" levels. Oh dear...

EDIT 2: The "Expert Remix" levels appear to be different versions of select levels from the main game. I'm only on the third one, and so far, I'd say we're talking Cotton Alley levels of difficulty...

EDIT 3: Oh come on, does nobody give a shit about this game anymore? Brand new levels, people!

Anyway, I beat the first 12 Expert Remix levels, and stopped there. I didn't even attempt 13 (as soon as I attempt a level, I don't stop until I finish it). There's no way I'm beating all of these tonight, so I'll pick it up for another bash tomorrow. These levels are undoubtedly as tough as Cotton Alley. Maybe even moreso. But in typical Super Meat Boy fashion, you don't get pissed off with the levels themselves, or the controls, or anything else, other than your own failures. Outstanding level design, all around.


Ch6 Part5 is kicking my ass.

Its seriously going to be one of my greatest video accomplishments to beat this game.
So hard yet so much fun.


Twig said:
when is internets hitting pc version AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

i'm ready for smb to consume me once more
Q: Will Pc users get this content?
A: Yes, once the level portal and editor are finished and released we will upload both new chapters to the Pc level portal.

Q: When is the Pc editor and Portal coming out!?
A: When its done, its getting close though.

Nabs said:


OH FUCK ME, is that a level in the Expert Remix pack? I'm about to resume playing them, but I'm going to weep man tears when I reach that. I can beat that level with relatively few problems as the Kid now, but as Meat Boy? That's going to be a billion times harder.
This game is physically painful to play. I clench the controller so hard that I can only play for about 30 minutes at a time. I tried not doing that and it just didn't happen

W Hudson

Ben2749 said:
OH FUCK ME, is that a level in the Expert Remix pack? I'm about to resume playing them, but I'm going to weep man tears when I reach that. I can beat that level with relatively few problems as the Kid now, but as Meat Boy? That's going to be a billion times harder.

I gave up on that level after about an hour and a half as the Kid. There's no way in hell I could pull that off as Meat Boy. But I'd imagine there's a few here with that level of ability and dedication. But that's borderline impossible IMO.
Ben2749 said:
OH FUCK ME, is that a level in the Expert Remix pack? I'm about to resume playing them, but I'm going to weep man tears when I reach that. I can beat that level with relatively few problems as the Kid now, but as Meat Boy? That's going to be a billion times harder.
It's funny because I remember mentioning that in passing to a friend, in a 'wouldn't that be funny' kind of way. It's appears I have cursed us all.
DONE IT! YAAAAAAAAH! All 20 Expert Remix levels done!

Don't let the above post fool you. That's the last level.

HO-LEE SHIT. These levels made Cotton Alley look like a pushover. God knows how many times I died on that last level. The worst parts by far were the two drops.

I'm not sure if I'd say that was the hardest one though. One that gave me a huge amount of trouble was "I-13 Ping", which is the remix of the "Wiebe"/"Billy Boy" levels in Chapter 4 (the one with the rolling fireballs that resemble the Donkey Kong arcade game). I hated that level in the main game, and it's even worse here.

It's lame you can't save replays in Teh Internets. If you could, I'd have saved one for nearly every level in Expert Remix; beating them makes you feel so proud, especially the last one.

Once again, I've beat everything Team Meat have thrown at me. I wonder if there'll be any harder levels than these introduced on XBLA at some point, or if these will remain the hardest. Either way, I'll happily welcome more Super Meat Boy levels.

My death count is 21346, by the way, and I'm #160 on the global leaderboards.


Ben2749 said:
DONE IT! YAAAAAAAAH! All 20 Expert Remix levels done!

Don't let the above post fool you. That's the last level.

HO-LEE SHIT. These levels made Cotton Alley look like a pushover. God knows how many times I died on that last level. The worst parts by far were the two drops.

I'm not sure if I'd say that was the hardest one though. One that gave me a huge amount of trouble was "I-13 Ping", which is the remix of the "Wiebe"/"Billy Boy" levels in Chapter 4 (the one with the rolling fireballs that resemble the Donkey Kong arcade game). I hated that level in the main game, and it's even worse here.

It's lame you can't save replays in Teh Internets. If you could, I'd have saved one for nearly every level in Expert Remix; beating them makes you feel so proud, especially the last one.

Once again, I've beat everything Team Meat have thrown at me. I wonder if there'll be any harder levels than these introduced on XBLA at some point, or if these will remain the hardest. Either way, I'll happily welcome more Super Meat Boy levels.

My death count is 21346, by the way.
WE NEED PICTURES. You can't save replays? That's pretty poopy.
MNC said:
WE NEED PICTURES. You can't save replays? That's pretty poopy.

Tell me about it. After beating the last level, I just sat there and watched my replay repeat for a good minute or so before I had the heart to go back to the menu.

And pictures of what? Just the levels? I wish I could oblige, but I don't have any kind of screen-grabbing tools, and taking a photo of the screen mid-game would be unfeasible.

Oh, and I love the name of that last level: "Puberty". Haha.


Smision said:
This game is physically painful to play. I clench the controller so hard that I can only play for about 30 minutes at a time. I tried not doing that and it just didn't happen

lol yes same here im surprised my PS3 controller is still holding up (using it w/ PC version) My hands get sore after about 30 - 40minutes of playing but man this game is so addictive.

Currently on chapter 4.


Ben2749 said:
Tell me about it. After beating the last level, I just sat there and watched my replay repeat for a good minute or so before I had the heart to go back to the menu.

And pictures of what? Just the levels? I wish I could oblige, but I don't have any kind of screen-grabbing tools, and taking a photo of the screen mid-game would be unfeasible.

Oh, and I love the name of that last level: "Puberty". Haha.
Screenshots of high scores/times? I'm playing PC and no Internets/level portal yet, so I have no idea what DOES get saved.
MNC said:
Screenshots of high scores/times? I'm playing PC and no Internets/level portal yet, so I have no idea what DOES get saved.

Leaderboards for each "Teh Internets" level pack. So your total time across all 20 levels for that pack (in this case, I was ranked at #65 in "Expert Remix" when I looked yesterday.

There's no leaderboards for individual levels.


Naija is pretty bad ass after you figure out exactly how she works, Once I felt comfortable I tried using her on 4-8X Billy Boy (which I previously kept dying on with any characters I tried) and ended up getting an A+.
Just beat that last stage (the one pictured above) again. Because I'm a fucking sadist, and wanted to see if I could do it a second time.

I like how the par time is 50 seconds. It seems that Team Meat were at least merciful in that if you're able to beat the stage, you're guaranteed to get an A+. Because I can't see any way that it would take you more than 50 seconds on a succesful attempt. My two clear times were in the 17 seconds range.


Yo just wanted to drop in here to say that I tried the trial of this and despite really, really liking the game I SUCKED at it. Is the game supposed to be difficult in a retro-hard kind of way or have my amazing arcade skills from my childhood escaped me?

PS. I think I only hit about level four before just sucking and going back to Mirror's Edge or whatever.
360 said:
Yo just wanted to drop in here to say that I tried the trial of this and despite really, really liking the game I SUCKED at it. Is the game supposed to be difficult in a retro-hard kind of way or have my amazing arcade skills from my childhood escaped me?

PS. I think I only hit about level four before just sucking and going back to Mirror's Edge or whatever.

It's supposed to be retro hard, but the game has a very nice difficulty curve. If you sucked at 1-4, you might just suck at twitch platformers. World 4, fair enough.
He said that he played the trial, so whichever the fourth level in that is. It's not going to be from World 4, but it might not be from World 1 either.

Tunavi said:
I found out about this gem from lurking GAF, this was my game of the year for 2010, and I cannot wait for the level editor.

I can't choose between Super Meat Boy and Red Dead Redemption for my 2010 GotY. But the fact that an XBLA game such low production values can even compete with Red Dead Redemption speaks tremendous volumes about it's quality.


Some interesting notes from the GDC 'Meatmortem':
http://twitter.com/#!/SuperMeatBoy said:
Meatmortem recap1: Wii and Wiiware canceled, but we are now 3ds devs so who knows what may happen!

Meatmortem recap 2: Last 2 months of development were hell and xbla launch didnt go as planned due to underperforming Game Feast promo

Meatmortem recap 3: Steam out sold xbla, we have sold about 400k copies to date.

Meatmortem recap 4: the retail edition is almost done and will have tons of awesome extras http://twitpic.com/44u3ir
been working thru the Expert Remix levels and got up to Level 12, most of the designs are really clever and challenging. Gave the vaunted "Puberty" level a shot for like 10 minutes and couldn't get too far lol... I'll have to come back to that another time.
I would piss myself with glee if they ported Super Meat Boy to the 3DS. I already own it on XBLA and Steam, but any excuse to play it again. Especially on the go. It would be PERFECT as a portable game.
I found a random warp zone and entered it to find out it's the kid's warp, so I gave it a few attempts for fun as I have only ever seen images of the first level before now.

fuck yeah bitches I got the achievement after an hour!
Finally got around to trying SMB yesterday after picking it up during the STEAM Xmas sale. Loving it so far, more personality in the first 15 minutes than the entirety of most AAA titles.



FINALLY! I honestly didn't think I'd make it through expert remix. There were some tough levels. I think AAAAAAHHH! took me longer than puberty. Both were insane. A couple others I had real trouble with too...But I finally got it!

Now to relax.


I should be getting a wired 360 controller in the mail tomorrow. I keep hearing how the controller is better for this game so hopefully I can knock out some levels I've been having trouble with.


Mac version was supposed to be out in January, along with the level editor. I don't want to get too demanding and I don't want them to rush it, but its really taking longer than I had hoped.
Nicktals said:
FINALLY! I honestly didn't think I'd make it through expert remix. There were some tough levels. I think AAAAAAHHH! took me longer than puberty. Both were insane. A couple others I had real trouble with too...But I finally got it!

Now to relax.


I might try to knock the rest of mine out tomorrow, I got up to Level 12 in Expert Remix last week in one session and my fingers started hurting too much to continue on... lol
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