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Super Robot Wars Community Thread


small update on the official Z3 site.
The added a couple of new animations (some of them already in the pv, though Asuka is using the thunder spear) and some new "recap" feature that allows to see killcounts, obtained emblems and a couple of charts to keep track of top 5 pilots and unlocked d-parts.
... meh.


Finished Ideon's story in @3. Thought it was kind of tame since I heard Ideon's ending is wtf and proto-Evangelion. Read the wikipedia and WTF

Ideon TV/Movie spoilers:
First of all orange haired sister girl shoots Karara in THE FACE while she is pregnant with messiah? That is fucked up! Even for Tomino :mad:

Also...I don't mind everyone dying ending, but from the story presented in Alpha 3 and reading the synopsis of the TV/Movie, my problem with Ideon's story is...what was the point of the story? Like it sounds like nothing gets accomplished and nothing happens and they go on this adventure, get in a big war and then both Earth and Buff Clan home planet get destroyed by meteors and then everyone dies in a massive explosion. THE END.

What? Just seems totally pointless. What was the point of Ideon (the mecha)? From what I gathered in the game/wikipedia it's the embodiment of all of the 6th civilization's consciousnesses melded together like EoE. And it wants to protect babies out of a human instinct and it brings all the adults with their anger and greed together to kill each other so they can destroy each other and it can re-populate a new universe with babies who are still pure? Am I getting that right?

And then after everyone dies the pure babies lead all the ghost people to heaven or something.


And why does Ideon have infinite power? At first I thought it was like the physical manifestation of the universe or something which would explain that, but it's just a civilization's consciousness and technical abilities to build it, why would it have infinite power and blow up the universe when it explodes?

Normally when SRW covers a show they do a good enough job that you can get the whole plot of an anime covered from playing, but I feel really confused about what Ideon's plot was and I don't really feel like watching the whole show. Can someone spoil it and explain the plot, the ending and what Ideon is?

PS. Why do people say Eva was ripped off it? I honestly don't see any similarities between the shows besides that Ideon is the manifestation of a civilization that dropped their bodies and became one. The rest of the show seems nothing a like.

Now time to do Gunbuster finale branch and then OG ENDING.

Also, yeah, ever since you guys told me how to use Ideon, I've just been sending him out to get beat up for 2 rounds and then firing the ideon gun map attack to kill 99% of the enemies and the rest of the group take out the stragglers. Not a lot of variety, but anything to help speed through these maps.


Finished Ideon's story in @3. Thought it was kind of tame since I heard Ideon's ending is wtf and proto-Evangelion. Read the wikipedia and WTF

Ideon TV/Movie spoilers:
First of all orange haired sister girl shoots Karara in THE FACE while she is pregnant with messiah? That is fucked up! Even for Tomino :mad:

Long story short, Harulu has issues, some of them in contrast with her sister, and the escalating tension throughout the events in Ideon escalates her latent attitudes with it.

Also...I don't mind everyone dying ending, but from the story presented in Alpha 3 and reading the synopsis of the TV/Movie, my problem with Ideon's story is...what was the point of the story? Like it sounds like nothing gets accomplished and nothing happens and they go on this adventure, get in a big war and then both Earth and Buff Clan home planet get destroyed by meteors and then everyone dies in a massive explosion. THE END.

It's one of those cases where it's not about the destination, but the journey - in Ideon's case, it's basically a clash of individuals who have more in common than differences between them, yet sheer mistrust and misunderstanding goes horribly wrong.

As a sort of active 3rd party observer
and unified consciousness of a former civilization itself
, the Ide sort of seems to cast judgement on all that and push them to get their act together or
end like the 6th civilization did

What? Just seems totally pointless. What was the point of Ideon (the mecha)? From what I gathered in the game/wikipedia it's the embodiment of all of the 6th civilization's consciousnesses melded together like EoE. And it wants to protect babies out of a human instinct and it brings all the adults with their anger and greed together to kill each other so they can destroy each other and it can re-populate a new universe with babies who are still pure? Am I getting that right?

From my understanding, as a
unified consciousness of thousands of members of an entire civilization
, when the Ideon acts on its own it does so based on the lowest common denominator of human behavior - when attacked, it'll defend itself to the full extent of its power, and it'll more easily trust and protect the young than callous adults.

And then after everyone dies the pure babies lead all the ghost people to heaven or something.


The 6th civilization's souls live on in Ideon - the souls of those that died in the series/movies get their own fresh start in another way - I think the fact their unburdened souls in the end manage to get along even between different civilizations, like their living selves couldn't, is the hopeful, optimistic fresh start Tomino intended to end the whole thing with - Eva got its "Congratulations" scene in the series, this is what preceded it.

And why does Ideon have infinite power? At first I thought it was like the physical manifestation of the universe or something which would explain that, but it's just a civilization's consciousness and technical abilities to build it, why would it have infinite power and blow up the universe when it explodes?

It's a bit of an exaggeration to say the whole universe explodes in the end, although there's certainly structural damage to immediate celestial bodies, not unlike at some moments of the show.
As I understand it, the infinite power thing is basically going for the "mind over matter" principle along with the power of getting
every single one of the thousands of souls the Ideon is composed of to agree and focus on a single thing

Normally when SRW covers a show they do a good enough job that you can get the whole plot of an anime covered from playing, but I feel really confused about what Ideon's plot was and I don't really feel like watching the whole show. Can someone spoil it and explain the plot, the ending and what Ideon is?

I pretty much have for the most part above, I think, although I guess part of the point is in the small things - you have 2 species from different planets meeting on a planet alien to both, who are essentially humans regarding each other as aliens, mistrusting each other and clashing often for what both regard as self-protection (the Earth folks dig up the Ideon components, the Buff clan attack preemptively concerned that that would be used to attack them, so the Earth guys end up having to use the Ideon to defend themselves, shit never stops hitting the fan) - at the same time early on Karala is approaching the Earth "aliens" with a more benevolent sense of curiosity, which given everything else that's happening around everyone goes wrong in several ways, with the occasional bright moment of cooperation toward some mutually beneficial understanding,
and at some point not only does Karala from the Buff Clan and Bes from Earth get along to the point of her pregnancy, but so does the curiosity regarding the Ide bring Earth's Sheryl and Buff Clan's Gije together on similar terms (which in turn leads to the most beautiful death scene I know of)

I'm kinda sad the series fell into obscurity - it has a lot of interesting ideas and scenes, but some things about it did quite stand the test of time, such as weird names all around, weird designs for the Buff Clan machines, or the fact that "protagonist" Cosmo was carrying around the 70s on his shoulders like a champ, between that afro and his popped collar - Karala and Sheryl had a lot more importance in the plot, and a lot the story could be surmised by their differences and interactions:

PS. Why do people say Eva was ripped off it? I honestly don't see any similarities between the shows besides that Ideon is the manifestation of a civilization that dropped their bodies and became one. The rest of the show seems nothing a like.


Apparently Anno admitted Ideon was an influence.


Wow, thanks! That was a really good write up and I feel like I have a good grasp on the series now. The links were great too. Appreciate it!


I'm all to glad to share the Ideon love, although I haven't done nearly as much as the guys who subbed the whole thing, or the guy that runs the fansite and uploaded everything to Youtube.

For years I've wondered if some mecha show ever dabbled in concapts like the premise of that old show, Herman's Head, where you see different tendencies in his mind affecting his behaviour - as in, replace guy with mech, and tendencies with pilots, possibly apply to every other mech.
Never really found something like that, most multi-pilot mechs seem to just let a main pilot call the shots, with the remaining crew there for moral support and plot-negligible secondary tasks.

Ideon's the closest I've found to the concept, at the cost of the concept expanding and diluting that notion of crew to an entire civilization where individual wills are negligible, but together are a force to be reckoned.
You could also stretch the interpretation to Ide = Id, pilots = ego and Solo ship crew (tends to contain the adults) = superego, but that's a pet view of mine, never really saw a Tomino statement on it.

So yeah, I like the show, and hope SRW keeps it somewhat visible even in a post-Gurren Laggan world.


Have there been any pictures of the story sections in Z3? I'm wondering if they're still using the square boxes w/faces instead of the full character cut-outs like Alpha series, MX, OGs, Z1.

The boxes worked great for PSP screen layout/size in Z2, and will work great on Vita, but I have a feeling it's going to look really odd on PS3 if they're using the same talking squares layout. Then again if they were doing all new clean HD cut-outs for the dailogue scenes I think they would've bragged about them by now. So probably boxes >_<

The more I think about Z3, the more I think the Vita version is going to be the best version and the PS3 is just a Vita port instead of the opposite way. Might end up wasting a ton of money and double dipping on the Vita version. They have cross-saves at least, right?


2nd to last stage in Alpha 3, Gunbuster finale:

I'm pretty sure out of all the SRW games I've played with voice acting (Alpha 2->Z2; but not MX), this is the first time in SRW history where there was voiced cross-dialogue. Fully voiced Gaogaigar's Gai talking to Noriko, Shin Getter, and I think Dangaoih talking too. Like I've previously mentioned, Alpha 3 has had an incredible amount of voiced dialogue lines for a SRW, and this topping it off was very cool.

I know a fully voiced SRW is impossible because the cost of all these actors doing so much dialogue would be way too expensive, but I wonder if some day they can at least voice all the dialogue that takes place during the actual maps. Would add a lot to some dramatic scenes. Maybe in a SRW where they have a smaller cast or something.

And it's 4:30am and I'm fighting the final boss real form and it has a lot of HP yawwwn. Looks cool though. Time to finish this game already.


Well, that was that. The biggest slog of a SRW is over (I hear Impact is even worse, but I'll never play it and I'm totally ok with that!). Was an ok, but not great SRW game that had some good stuff (Great job of End of Eva/Eva TV end, Ideon, Gunbuster finale, SEED was good outside the final battle/ending, Mac 7 was sloggy but still good in the end, GGG Final was great, some neat OG stuff, lots of voice acting) and some bad (way too many stages, squad system made way too many grunts, way too easy, not many secrets OG plot isn't anywhere near as epic as it makes it out to be early on, new OG cast is undeveloped, animations are good, but very few really awesome animations).

And now in more detail but I'm gonna spoiler tag it because it does sort of spoil the storyline/ending that will be 3rd OGs soon.

Not a fan of bosses out of nowhere that don't really relate to the story. Kaiser Ephes was a cool looking mech (Kaneko?) but the whole Apocalypse scenario was stupid and then his bit was pretty pointless to.

The Guneden/Balmer Empire story wasn't that great, but it worked as a plot and was weaved into the game constantly and they did a good job building up Ruach the Spirit Emperor as a wild card and Shiva Gozzo as the main bad of the Alpha series. But then you fight Ruach and then the map continues and Gozzo comes to power at the fruition of his long plan and you beat him right away in a fight and he dies and after hundreds of hours of plot relating to the Balmer the Gozzos and Shiva since Alpha 1 -> Alpha 3, it all ends just like that in a little dinky fight.

Then it's about the APOCALYPSE which the plot hypes up for like the last 20-30 maps of Alpha 3 like it's some BIG OG MYSTERY and THE MOST EPIC ENEMY EVER BECAUSE IT MEANS THE END OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE :O :O :O, and then they really just meant there'd be some meteor showers and the STMC were coming. So you go and beat up the STMC and bam, apocalypse over, just like that. I kind of was expecting all kinds of crazy apocalyptic stuff to fight against...not just STMC (which by the way are the most boring enemies to fight; just totally bloat of lots of them with high HPs and uninteresting attacks. Z3-1 combining STMC w/ELS is going to be totally padding spunges unfortunately ;_;).

And then you beat the Apocalypse and the Akashic Record sides with you and this universe wasn't a failure, yay! You're the heros of fate woohooo and so BIG BAD BOSS out of nowhere, the original psycho-driver and basically a dude who just hates the circle of life and likes seeing dead people so he fights Alpha numbers, the heroes of the current reincarnation circle of life system in order to destroy it, absorb the power and make a universe full of just dead people who are pissed off and feed him negative power where he can make his own fate and own universe yadayadayada big dumb demon boss out of nowhere and he's the final boss of the Alpha series and I dunno, maybe because I abused the shit out of Ideon and paired him with 3 characters who had awakening and spammed SP regen on them once he hit Ideon Gun so he could do like 5 hot blooded Ideon Guns for 90k each in one turn, but yeah Kaiser went down fast and then Ideon blew himself up and took him out zzzz.

I think the game really peaked at the Ruach/Shiva fight and the whole apocalypse thing (spamming legions of STMC) and spirit emperor kaiser thing were really meh and a boring way to end a 4 game, 9 year SRW story. Cobray was kind of cool but despite all the stages he felt underdeveloped, as did Shiva Gozzo and Kaiser Ephes and most of the new OG characters. I'm hoping that 3rd OGs really fleshes out all @3 story because there's not a whole lot to the actual story, so maybe 3rd OGs can make it more interesting and make the characters cooler like they did with Euzeth Gozzo in 2nd OGs. Plus hopefully they'll have some good series besides @3 to make the whole plot more interesting.

Also, another problem that I'm hoping to see fixed in 3rd OGs is how weak the attack animations were for the OG units. It's like Crow in Z2 all over again! But at least in Z2 the other OG characters like the King dude and Gaiou had BADASS animations. Banprios looks ok but it's animations are really unimpressive. SRX in 2nd OGs is sooooooooooooo much cooler looking in its attacks. The R-Gun combo attack in 2nd OGs destroying planets and stuff is >>>>>>>>>>> the PULL THE TRIGGER animation in @3. I hope they really flash up Banprios in OGs. Dis Astranagant is the same, with him being a really cool looking unit but his final attack where he just fires a beam and it picks apart the enemy was really dull looking outside the Ingram/Cobray cut-in. I can't wait to see @3 do better justice to Kaneko's design. WIth both Branprios & Dis I kept thinking they weren't that impressive because they were going to get another final attack, but nope, they didn't. Even the final bosses didn't really have any impressive attacks. Kaiser Ephes' final attack has a cool Asakim style image flash but otherwise it's just a sea of red souls hitting your mechs. Zzzz.

But yeah, overall, the OG story in @3 is really present at all times, yet it's not particularly great or interesting and even nosedives and gets pretty weak in the end. I'm actually not looking forward to 3rd OGs as much now unless they really flesh out and make this plot more exciting. Meanwhile the good plots in @3 were paced pretty poorly with epic things like GGG Final being in the first half only, and stuff like End of Eva, Dangaioh Final, Gunbuster really only getting like 1-2 stages since they were done in Alpha 1/Gaiden. While the new shows were weird with SEED actually being pretty underused and forgotten for most of the game, while there's tons of Mac 7 despite nothing really happening. Virtual On Mars' plot...did it have a plot? I don't even remember since I've been playing this game for 3 years and Virtual On haven't had any story presence for the 2nd half of the game.

Also the squad system sucked. 4 unit squads just meant spending too much time fiddling with your squads every few missions and making the maps slow and drawn out because of all the units of enemy squads. 4 unit squads just meant seishin banks for the whole game and helped with making it too easy.

And finally, I don't think I've ever enjoyed the "epilogue" in any SRW game. I like the final stages and the endings within the stages. But the epilogue afterwards in every game where it's 30 mins of each anime series group saying what they're doing now that the world is saved (usually like going to school! Or working a job! Or any other boring thing that they can instantly quit and be available for another SRW) and then a few scenes of everyone saying goodbye! Sayonara! Adios! Aka, it's really just a bunch of talking without any actual content. Because everyone only gets like 10 lines of dialogue (since there are so many series), they can't actually do anything "ending-like" for their characters. It's always just basic where am I going to live starting tomorrow, what am I going to do, bye. I was skimming the characters I don't really like in this one :\ I dunno, I guess I could just do without an epilogue in SRW. Have a great final stage and great ending to the stage and an outro saying the group disbanded and went their own ways ready to gather again for a fight should it come -> credit roll and that'd be perfect.

So yeah, it was ok, glad it's over and glad that Z series has a much more interesting OG tale to tell and conclude in Z3, plus that Z moves pretty fast with flashy animations. Hopefully the partner system won't slow Z3-1 down to much coming from Z2, but K was fine with partners as have other SRWs been, so it'll probably still be pretty quick and fun. Looking forward to it! And looking forward to the next game by the UX team with the less-well-liked series, and 3rd OGs which will hopefully turns Alpha 3's plot into a much better one. 2nd OGs outside of the terrible 18 map opening x 2 (so 36 maps of bloat) actually had a pretty good story imo; really enjoyed it all the way to the final battle after getting out of the first 25% that was junk.

Which they really need to get rid of. Even though modern SRW moves pretty fast and is fun to play, 2nd OGs opened with 25% of nothing happening filler, UX was HUGE like a full console mainline game, but it really didn't need to be and felt filler-ish at times, Z2 was split into two parts for about 200 maps+ total and there definitely was some redundancy is there. Z3 is the same and there's even less licensed plots to tell compared to Z2 so either there's going to be a lot more OG stages or Z3 is going to be even more bloated than Z2. OE was 8 chapters of like 20 stages each? Which 160 stages is nuts. I know they are doing this because players demand MORE content for their money, but it's not really a good trend. These games could all be about 25% shorter and better paced and more enjoyable experiences because of it. Maybe there will be a breaking point and they'll start getting back to just the right non-bloated game lengths.

SRW is one of my favorite series of all time, and I always enjoy the games despite how much of my time they waste on filler. It's why when I rate them, even though I love the franchise, I've never given any of them anywhere near a A even if I have a good time, they're usually more like B/B- good games that just have really bad pacing. Alpha 3 is honestly more like a C to me due to all the padding + the story not being that great and animations for OG units being kind of weak (the licensed animations were typically good).


So uh, remember how I was pushing on the idea that Ing in 2nd OGs is going to become Cobray/Time Diver in 3rd OGs because of all the similarities in their backgrounds (Bashim clones by Balmer Empire but mixed with other stuff) and similarity in visual design/character personality.

I was reading up on Cobray in the SRW wiki and it said in the first OG1 anime series Cobray visits the SRX team and makes DiSRX in the final ep :O So I wanted to see what that looks like and youtubed the clip.


Now the odd thing is in the first 10 seconds when Cobray talks to Ingram...is it just me or does Ingram refer to Cobray as Ing and later on when Cobray appears before Ryuusei he doesn't really look that much like Cobray.

I'm hearing in the first 10 seconds:
Ingram: Was I just being used?
Cobray: Yes. By the ones that call themselves "Gozzo"
Ingram: You're Ing, right? (Ing...da na?)
/Cobray reaches out a hand
Ingram: Are you going to save me?
Cobray: Right now, we can't let that man use our power!

Now maybe I'm just mis-translating that line, but it really sounds like...he's calling Cobray Ing in the OG-verse. Now I can't believe that would actually be happening because I would think even if Ing becomes the Cobray of OG-verse, that's a surprise Banpresto would save for the eventual game it happens in and wouldn't reveal that in 2006/2007 anime adaptation. Just weird. I guess we'll see in 3rd OGs!


So uh, remember how I was pushing on the idea that Ing in 2nd OGs is going to become Cobray/Time Diver in 3rd OGs because of all the similarities in their backgrounds (Bashim clones by Balmer Empire but mixed with other stuff) and similarity in visual design/character personality.

I was reading up on Cobray in the SRW wiki and it said in the first OG1 anime series Cobray visits the SRX team and makes DiSRX in the final ep :O So I wanted to see what that looks like and youtubed the clip.


Now the odd thing is in the first 10 seconds when Cobray talks to Ingram...is it just me or does Ingram refer to Cobray as Ing and later on when Cobray appears before Ryuusei he doesn't really look that much like Cobray.

I'm hearing in the first 10 seconds:
Ingram: Was I just being used?
Cobray: Yes. By the ones that call themselves "Gozzo"
Ingram: You're Ing, right? (Ing...da na?)
/Cobray reaches out a hand
Ingram: Are you going to save me?
Cobray: Right now, we can't let that man use our power!

Now maybe I'm just mis-translating that line, but it really sounds like...he's calling Cobray Ing in the OG-verse. Now I can't believe that would actually be happening because I would think even if Ing becomes the Cobray of OG-verse, that's a surprise Banpresto would save for the eventual game it happens in and wouldn't reveal that in 2006/2007 anime adaptation. Just weird. I guess we'll see in 3rd OGs!

While I agree that Cobray will return via Ing. I think Ingram said Inga &#22240;&#26524; (Karma)
Anyone hear if they're doing anything for the launch in Tokyo? I've been looking around on Japanese gaming/mecha sites, but haven't seen anything.


Greatest April Fool's prank ever



Anyone hear if they're doing anything for the launch in Tokyo? I've been looking around on Japanese gaming/mecha sites, but haven't seen anything.

I'm entering my sleep, eating, sex deprivation phase that I go through before each SRW and I'm checking every single day 2chan in the hopes for scans or early release.
Up until now the only thing certain is that many users are saying they'll be able to get a physical copy on April 8th.
Later today some scans from Famitsu should hit: the site (Famitsu.com) shows two pages of the 10 pages special dedicated to Z3. There's going to be a story recap, a breakdown of the first stages and the usual "interview" with Terada.

If they really put Hello Kitty in the game, I'd main it with full 100% customizations. Please Terada, do this for me ;_;

Panda Z calls dibs! ;D

edit: apparently someone already got his hands on the new issue of Famitsu.
the game got 8/9/8/9, review states 70 hours to clear the game (@_@).
The first stage (takes place in Neo Tokyo) introduces the new og character, tetsujin, and the Fullmetal guys. Stage 2 introduces the SMS team. Stage 4 introduces the Shin Mazinger team plus Trider. Blocken (stage 4) and the Fire Bug (stage 2) are returning.
Downloadable scenarios will go for 100-150 yen, they unlock additional upgrade parts.


How would that even work?

Either they completely forgo the toy aspect and just make Iori Sei a prodigy mech designer who builds mechs for a Gundam tournament (G Gundam cross over!!) or they just decide that the gunpla grow to amazing proportions at the starts of fights. After that one bending of the rules the rest is golden.
I'm entering my sleep, eating, sex deprivation phase that I go through before each SRW and I'm checking every single day 2chan in the hopes for scans or early release.
Up until now the only thing certain is that many users are saying they'll be able to get a physical copy on April 8th.
Later today some scans from Famitsu should hit: the site (Famitsu.com) shows two pages of the 10 pages special dedicated to Z3. There's going to be a story recap, a breakdown of the first stages and the usual "interview" with Terada.

If you hear anything, let me know. I plan on buying the game in Akiba on launch day.

What the hell is wrong with all of you lol

SRW is pretty ridiculous as it is, so I wouldn't bat an eyelash at Robo Hello Kitty.


Miku was pretty terrible though. Like I don't mind her sprite/animations because she's a Virtual On robot, but making her hugely story-important was pretty dumb for UX!
SD Gundam dudes were cool though, just more kid-like, like Zoids in K. Virtual On Marz group are more of a done-right cameo entry, though it was lame they never made all the Virtual On mecs are enemies/allies.

We still need ZoE! Though that wouldn't really be a cameo with all the plot/units from Dolores -> ZoE2. I wonder if Konami are just dicks about cross-licensing.

Time to get this topic moving a little more! 9 more days to Z3! What series is everyone looking forward to the most in Z3-1? For me...probably Unicorn. I have a feeling maxed out NT-D Unicorn will be like Votoms dude in Z2 and wipe out entire maps. Plus it'll be good to have that music playing :)


If you hear anything, let me know. I plan on buying the game in Akiba on launch day.

SRW is pretty ridiculous as it is, so I wouldn't bat an eyelash at Robo Hello Kitty.

They haven't announced anything so at this point I don't think the game will get a proper launch with Terada greeting the costumers.
In other news, since I know a bunch of people here are going for the PSVita version:
apparently the Vita version has intermission dialogue through windows (instead of the half-body in the PS3 version) and is lacking the custom soundtrack feature.
I'll update on this as soon as someone on 2chan posts this week's scans, since the user who previewed the article says Terada announced these two "little details" in Famitsu's interview.
Really interested in what kind of difficulty curve Z3 is going to have.

the review on Famitsu says the game is complicated but accessible, and that it features an excellent introduction guide.
PS3 version got 9/8/9/8, Vita got 9/9/8/8.
Personally, my hopes for the presence of an Ex-hard mode are quite high since the Tag-tension system and the Maximum break system seem to be way too overpowered.
Personally, my hopes for the presence of an Ex-hard mode are quite high since the Tag-tension system and the Maximum break system seem to be way too overpowered.
Just do a no upgrade or pilot points run, it's about the same thing as ex-hard minus the small stat boost enemies get. You might have to avoid parts as well.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to annoy or offend you.

I like how Z is balanced, for sure, it's a great game and encourages you to use almost all of your pilots well.

I agree it's better when a developer balances a difficulty level instead of sometimes imbalanced player challenges.


I'm looking forward to Arbalest, Unicorn, Gunbuster and Aquarion Evol. Hopefully they'll inlcude Aquaria Mau Sora somehow. That's my most favourite song now.
apparently the Vita version has intermission dialogue through windows (instead of the half-body in the PS3 version) and is lacking the custom soundtrack feature.
I'll update on this as soon as someone on 2chan posts this week's scans, since the user who previewed the article says Terada announced these two "little details" in Famitsu's interview.

That sounds really lazy and contrived. I'd probably want to see some comparison images of the two. The PSP games are blown up on the vita, but those dialog boxes are way too big and take too much of the screen.


Miku was pretty terrible though. Like I don't mind her sprite/animations because she's a Virtual On robot, but making her hugely story-important was pretty dumb for UX!
SD Gundam dudes were cool though, just more kid-like, like Zoids in K. Virtual On Marz group are more of a done-right cameo entry, though it was lame they never made all the Virtual On mecs are enemies/allies.

We still need ZoE! Though that wouldn't really be a cameo with all the plot/units from Dolores -> ZoE2. I wonder if Konami are just dicks about cross-licensing.

Time to get this topic moving a little more! 9 more days to Z3! What series is everyone looking forward to the most in Z3-1? For me...probably Unicorn. I have a feeling maxed out NT-D Unicorn will be like Votoms dude in Z2 and wipe out entire maps. Plus it'll be good to have that music playing :)

Speaking of all this, (and I'd love ZoE), did they ever put Zoids New Century Zero in a SRW game? That's like, the only Zoids I ever watched.
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