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Super Robot Wars Community Thread


Been playing 2nd OGs: Dark Prison and while it's totally playable and its SRW...it's kind of bad!

So in 2nd OGs the La Gias war stuff was incredibly boring and uninteresting since it has zero effect on the OGs plot really and 2nd OGs just used it as a slow way to re-introduce all the cast a couple of units at a time. But at least it was only the first 20-25% of the game and then the rest was pretty good.

So this time around in Dark Prison 2/3rds of the entire game is La Gias, and it's even worse this time around because you already know what is happening and this time around there's hardly any new units/animations introduced. It's just super boring.

Then map 20 happens "Dark Prison" which is the finale of Masou Kishin 1 and the whole point of this DLC existing and it's a pretty solid map that takes the little bit of plot that's been in Dark Prison and pulls it all together into a single satisfying map. Game balance-wise it's bullshit because Granzon is unstoppable and the rest of your units can't really do any damage so the fights are just Granzon attacks, Granzon gets attacked, repeat for 20 turns.

Then it got kind of exciting because the DLC expansion is 27 maps long, yet map 20 was the "ending" of the EX route/Masou Kishin 1. So I got a little excited that maybe it's a boring 20 map expansion just to do the EX route stuff in OGs and then they'll use the last 7 maps to do something cool and build up to 3rd OGs!

But nope, I'm only a few maps into that final 7 map stretch and instead you just fight the 2nd OGs enemies and bosses and there's nothing interesting.

OG Gaiden this is not...at all. I was fine with limited amount of new units, and animations; keeping it mostly re-use and cheap (although charging $30 is not all that cheap), but I was at least expecting them to do some interesting story stuff like OG Gaiden and have the game basically be the prologue for 3rd OGs like OG Gaiden was for some of 2nd OGs. Pretty disappointed.


Why are so few of these games fan-translated?

I'm currently playing through Alpha Gaiden and really enjoying it, but it surprises me that's it's a Playstation (PSX) game and has only been translated relatively recently.

I keep trying to play through Z Hakai-Hen, but I just can't seem to get into a game where I don't have the general gist of what's going on. Even if there'd just be translations for Pilot/Mech Names, Weapon Names, Spirits and menus in general, as well as in battle quotes, I'd be on cloud 9.

I understand there's a staggering amount of text in these games, but is the technical side of translating and replacing in itself prohibitively difficult because of the way the games are programmed, or something?
Why are so few of these games fan-translated?
Because there is gaint ammount of text to translate, edit, and then hack back into the game. Even translating all of the text in the first place is extremely challenging on top of making sure it goes into the game properly in terms of fitting text boxes and all other editing challenges.


Why are so few of these games fan-translated?

I'm currently playing through Alpha Gaiden and really enjoying it, but it surprises me that's it's a Playstation (PSX) game and has only been translated relatively recently.

I keep trying to play through Z Hakai-Hen, but I just can't seem to get into a game where I don't have the general gist of what's going on. Even if there'd just be translations for Pilot/Mech Names, Weapon Names, Spirits and menus in general, as well as in battle quotes, I'd be on cloud 9.

I understand there's a staggering amount of text in these games, but is the technical side of translating and replacing in itself prohibitively difficult because of the way the games are programmed, or something?

Hakai Hen has pilot name/mech translations, spirit translations, and menus in general, but no battle quotes. I fully understand what you mean though.

I really wish we'd at least get the OG PS3 game as a digital translation...


Why are so few of these games fan-translated?
Learn Japanese, it'll take less time than to wait.

One of the main reasons I want to play SRW is because of the cross-series character interactions. For example, in Z3, the Evangelion kids call Simon (TTGL) "Bro" and Noriko (Gunbuster) "Coach".


Finished Dark Prison, man it's ridiculous how much the game forces you to 1 man maps with Granzon. I mean the game was easy, but the final boss was bullshit restrictive.

Basically, because he had 14 range attack with 2-3 attacks per turn + map attack and because it's instant game over if any unit is killed...I don't think there's any other way to do the boss besides having Shu be the only unit in the boss' range (within 9 spaces so Shu can counter-attack) and having a refueler & repair unit just outside the boss' range so Shu can retreat every couple of turns and refuel/repair and then move back in range again. I had maxed stats and evade parts on my refueler unit but if I kept her out with Shu she'd still get hit sometimes and game over. Just felt really restrictive.

And the lack of ANYTHING new is pretty sad. I mean I was expecting Selena to at least have some backstory here like Hugo did in Gaiden with the Crying Wolves, but she pretty much has no development at all. And even her mech, since it was just a placeholder until she gets her @3 mech, I at least figured they'd give her a new attack by the end of the game...but nope. You have a small cast with very few new units (and mostly slight alterations of existing units) and not only do they not get upgrade units (expected) but they don't even get a new attack later on wtf. Even Neo Granzon has pretty much identical animations to Granzon outside of 1 attack.

I think the game has like 10-15 new animations total between all the units, 4-8 new music tracks and that's about it. Talk about cheaply made for a 3,000 yen expansion DLC with 27 stages.

Oh well, still can't wait for 3rd OGs. Playing 2nd OGs engine again after Z3, the graphics are so much more impressive after really lowered expectations of SRW visuals from Z3-1. At this point I'd probably rather they announce 3rd OGs than Z3-2 for 2015 lol
I hated Dark Prison.

The entire thing was pulling teeth. Only Namco X Capcom was more painful. I played this solely because I thought there would be subtle set up for @3 plot, and maybe there is, but it wasn't worth it. I hate Shu so goddamn much and characters like him. I loathe characters that are just perfect, know how to handle every single situation without skipping a beat, everyone acts just how he wants and even defeat is part of his plan. Here's a game where he's practically the only usable character and the last boss is just a giant gun.

Just terrible.


I Here's a game where he's practically the only usable character and the last boss is just a giant gun.

Just terrible.

Haha, yeah the last boss being a ship because they did want to spend money on last boss quality animations and/or mech designs was lol

I like Shu because he's a badass anti-hero, but what you said is pretty much spot on.


Ok, now that I've had a little time to cool down, the good parts of Dark Prison are Al (the guy, not computer AI) and
I'm really glad they didn't kill him off in the end to boost Selena's story or something; Hope he comes back in 3rd OGs and gets a real mech; his battle of revenge on Shu or cutting off his demons and moving on was the only decent subplot in this game even if it's like a small, small sub-plot.
the BGMs.

Kain's BGM is siiiiick (this is the Masou Kishin II version since Dark Prison version isn't on youtube, but I think it's identical):

And Selena's is good (don't remember how it sounded in @3):

So the only hinting stuff it does for 3rd OGs is: (obviously some spoilers, but guessing by this point most people have played Dark Prison or are skipping it).

1. Final boss names a boss that hasn't appeared. Say's he's not like the Guest Faction Boss (Suzuzune or something?) from 2nd OGs & _________. So it sounds like there's going to be more Guest/Inspector faction characters showing up in 3rd OGs. This actually will work really well since 3rd OGs is going to be about
@3's Aerogater's planet and war; so throwing in the Inspector/Guest faction civil war on their space planet as well fits perfectly.

2. The evil church on La Gaieas was totally cool with everything Shu did betraying the church and killing Volkrux. Means they have a master plan still and this was all acceptable within their plan. Which means fuck fuck fuck we're going to spend more boring ass maps on boring ass storylines in La Giaes for OG games to come. ARGH, I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK THERE! Oh and Kain is still alive and apparently in MKII so he'll be back.

Ummm....I think that's it. I really don't think it added anything to the OGs plot besides that in 27 maps lol

But other observations:

3. Kind of lame that Yon's "master" wasn't some setup for an interesting new character in 3rd OGs but was just Mechaboss who we already know about being alive and his current role after 2nd OGs. Yawn. So this doesn't really setup anything other than this crew will probably still cameo appear later in the series.

4. Regardless of everything, I'm glad we're finally DONE and past the Shu EX/MasouKishin story so that Shu can just be a cool playable unit that works in the shadows like Retzel and will pop up throughout future OG games and wreck shit. That is the Shu I enjoy. Hero Shu.


Selena's theme sounds pretty similar aside from the quality going up and a bit more bass, i think. It's a really good theme and they probably didn't remix it for Dark Prison, instead saving it for the next OGs.


Selena's theme sounds pretty similar aside from the quality going up and a bit more bass, i think. It's a really good theme and they probably didn't remix it for Dark Prison, instead saving it for the next OGs.

So even the "new" BGMs were pretty much taken from other games. lol, Dark Prison has so few original assets.


So still no setup for the Ardyguns or Valcazard from W?...

I read that in Z3 Noriko from Gunbuster is a survivor from a previous iteration of the universe, which has parallels with the Valcazard story in W, so maybe that'll be introduced along with the Z originals in the OGverse, but I'd rather see Bless and the gang make it earlier.


So still no setup for the Ardyguns or Valcazard from W?...

I read that in Z3 Noriko from Gunbuster is a survivor from a previous iteration of the universe, which has parallels with the Valcazard story in W, so maybe that'll be introduced along with the Z originals in the OGverse, but I'd rather see Bless and the gang make it earlier.

Nah, but I wouldn't take that as any kind of sign that W won't be in 3rd OGs. There's no setup for anything outside @3 stuff and some more Inspector/Guest faction stuff. Then again there wasn't a lot of setup for 2nd OGs stuff in OGs; most of it came from OG Gaiden and there's no 2nd OGs Gaiden (yet) this time.


So another thing is that directly after finishing Dark Prison, I was still in SRW mood so I went back to my new game+ run in Z3-1 and jeez, what a difference (in a bad way).

Battle animations aside (animation = off), Isometric vs. Flat Map aside (not that big of a deal), just the general gameplay and game flow in Z3-1 feels so sluggish and janky and way less fun than 2nd OGs/DP. Z3-1 feels like a SRW game that would have come out a generation before 2nd OGs. So much just feels tedious in presentation from the menus, to moving units, to grunt padded HP, to limited SP, to not getting good SP attacks until the end of the game, and not getting main units until the end of the game; to squad management. Outside of the story (which was slow as hell and only really started to get good halfway and then ended without almost anything resolved), I don't think I really had a lot of fun playing Z3-1.

I really hope that Bamco is taking the ton of criticism of Z3-1 to heart while giving budget/time to Z3-2. It's been a while since a mainline SRW got really bad word of mouth like Z3-1 did and with game sales in Japan tanking as they are and SRW just barely selling enough to justify the costs of licensing and high budget 2d animation, they really can't afford to lose SRW fans and shrink their audience even further. Fingers crossed that Z3-2 is going to be a MUCH improved game and a great SRW that finishes the Z series epic.


Oh and Z3-1 was announced in mid-December last year. So timing is spot on for big April SRW announcement.

Either gonna be Z3-2 (very likely) or possibly 3rd OGs (will be 2.5 years since 2nd OGs released in Nov 2012 and they don't have to redraw the whole cast again). Or could be UX team's next 3DS game but that one's probably still a bit early.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I want the non-"main" SRW because it's the only time I'll see off-shoot/whack out mecha entries nowadays :/


Woops didn't click the twitter link. Yo guys thats a Z in the background, you know what this is about.


lol, didn't even notice. Z3-2 on PS3/Vita it is.

Ok, so new entry roster guesses for reveal in 6 days?

Worst case scenario:
1. Diebuster
2. Eva 3.33
3. Votoms Phantom Chapter OAV
4. Unicorn OAV 5-7
5. Return of most of the missing Z1/Z2 series

ie. only 1 real new series with Diebuster since Eva units were already in and Votoms is still Votoms and Unicorn was already in Z3-1.

and that's it. Rest of budget/time is hopefully spent on fixing up all the series from Z3-1, giving new attacks and giving some good OG stuff for the finale.

Best case scenario:
1-5 +
6. FMP Novel Sequels
7. Something Cool & or unexpected
8. Something Cool & or unexpected

Would really like Star Driver or maybe another Gundam like V, but keeping expectations incredibly low that we'll get pretty much nothing new besides Diebuster and the rest will just be finishing up all the Z3-1 series and the OG story finale.

Also I hope they give FMP units the best animation in the entire game to make up for Z3-1.


Can anyone help me remind what happened in Z3-1? Feels like forever ago and I can't remember really well. Here's what I have:

- A new dimension quake occurs at the start of the game, separating the cast.

- Anelotta and that other guy come from a planet that destroyed by... someone (who?) and their mission was to put Earth in a time prison. Thanks to that, the memories of the missing characters are sealed?

- They break the prison thanks to Char and Full Frontal (who wasn't willing but whatev) and it reveals another Earth.

- There's a super secret council thing, Chronos. Advent was a progressive, but died (yeah, right).

Am I missing anything major?


Can anyone help me remind what happened in Z3-1? Feels like forever ago and I can't remember really well. Here's what I have:

- A new dimension quake occurs at the start of the game, separating the cast.

- Anelotta and that other guy come from a planet that destroyed by... someone (who?) and their mission was to put Earth in a time prison. Thanks to that, the memories of the missing characters are sealed?

- They break the prison thanks to Char and Full Frontal (who wasn't willing but whatev) and it reveals another Earth.

- There's a super secret council thing, Chronos. Advent was a progressive, but died (yeah, right).

Am I missing anything major?

Sounds about right. Hardly anything happened in Z3-1 was mainly fighting Aquarion Evol enemies over and over. Z3-2 better be wayyyyy better!


Sounds about right. Hardly anything happened in Z3-1 was mainly fighting Aquarion Evol enemies over and over. Z3-2 better be wayyyyy better!

Funnily enough, it came back to me as I was typing.

Story better deliver in 3-2, it's the final chapter after all...


lol, didn't even notice. Z3-2 on PS3/Vita it is.

Ok, so new entry roster guesses for reveal in 6 days?

Worst case scenario:
1. Diebuster
2. Eva 3.33
3. Votoms Phantom Chapter OAV
4. Unicorn OAV 5-7
5. Return of most of the missing Z1/Z2 series

ie. only 1 real new series with Diebuster since Eva units were already in and Votoms is still Votoms and Unicorn was already in Z3-1.

and that's it. Rest of budget/time is hopefully spent on fixing up all the series from Z3-1, giving new attacks and giving some good OG stuff for the finale.

Best case scenario:
1-5 +
6. FMP Novel Sequels
7. Something Cool & or unexpected
8. Something Cool & or unexpected

Would really like Star Driver or maybe another Gundam like V, but keeping expectations incredibly low that we'll get pretty much nothing new besides Diebuster and the rest will just be finishing up all the Z3-1 series and the OG story finale.

Also I hope they give FMP units the best animation in the entire game to make up for Z3-1.

Since I don't have any ability to follow the plot of this series, I'm just hoping for Star Driver and the FMP Novel Sequels. Won't hold my breath for older Gundam series (G, or especially ZZ at this point.) But I'll hope they don't dump AGE in.

FFFFFFFFFFFFF Gargantia wat?!

I hope you all fucking like water stages.
Fuck dis shit!

Oh and hey fucking Nu getting new animations, again. Welp there goes 50% of the budget.

Edit: Yep FMP animations still asstacular, this has to be intentional.


Unconfirmed Member

Awesome that Diebuster is in. Now that all the Gainax units are in (Gunbuster, Diebuster, Gurren Langann, EVA), I'm secretly hoping for a Gainax combo attack. :p
Is Gargantia the only surprise here?

Depend on if you expected Dibuster to show up or not. Hopefully they have more surprised left that they aren't showing. Like the rest of Macross 7 cast showing up that aren't Sibil/Sivil.

There is always hope of some Mazinger/Great Hen, although its not very realistic. Maybe they'll do something fun with OG.


Also I hope they give FMP units the best animation in the entire game to make up for Z3-1.
Lol no. Enjoy your 1 new cut-in.


Unconfirmed Member
They are showing the trailer again if you missed it. I didn't catch if they anounced a specific release date outside of 2015.

I at least caught that trailer. Looked sweet.

At end, when they showed the two OG characters (Setsuko and Crowe) was that just an announcement that they're DLC?
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