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I wouldn't call Fire Emblem a minor franchise, even back when Marth and Roy were first added to Melee. It wasn't one of their biggest franchises, but it wasn't really minor either, and had a long history to it (albeit Japanese only at the time, but it was still significant).

And once again, Marth and Roy were originally planned to be removed from all international versions of Melee, due to their obscurity in the west.

This is something I think people should consider when trying to push for their favorite lesser known franchise to be in Smash by saying things like "but they did it for Fire Emblem, why can't they do it for ______?".
I'm still confused as to why people think Decidueye has more of a chance than Mimikyu...

starters tend to be some some of the most popular pokemon that come out of a generation and Decidueye and it's line from the look of things is the most popular one out of the three

plus Decidueye has a fighting style that is unique to smash that doesn't look like any other series could bring (with the excpetion of FE but you know what type of characters come from that)

there is also the fact that GF might not want Mimikyu jumping around the place and letting people see under it's cloak


And once again, Marth and Roy were originally planned to be removed from all international versions of Melee, due to their obscurity in the west.

This is something I think people should consider when trying to push for their favorite lesser known franchise for Smash by saying things like "but they did it for Fire Emblem, why can't they do it for ______?".
Removed from the localized versions, yes, but that means nothing when it comes to their original inclusion in the Japanese version. And in the end, that didn't happen, and it was for the better for Fire Emblem franchise.

Regardless, I'm not trying to push for a lesser known franchise being added to Smash. I'm talking about a franchise that's already in Smash. That's an extremely important distinction.
Removed from the localized versions, yes, but that means nothing when it comes to their original inclusion in the Japanese version. And in the end, that didn't happen, and it was for the better for Fire Emblem franchise.

Regardless, I'm not trying to push for a lesser known franchise being added to Smash. I'm talking about a franchise that's already in Smash. That's an extremely important distinction.

I wasn't arguing against you there. My point there is that people always say "well, Fire Emblem was an obscure series and it got into Smash just fine, so why can't ______ as well?" even though A. Fire Emblem was popular in Japan and B. They were originally gonna be removed from the western versions of the game due to not being known in the west. It doesn't paint a pretty picture for small time series like Advance Wars and Chibi-Robo!.


As in "Heathcliff"
I wasn't arguing against you there. My point there is that people always say "well, Fire Emblem was an obscure series and it got into Smash just fine, so why can't ______ as well?" even though A. Fire Emblem was popular in Japan and B. They were originally gonna be removed from the western versions of the game due to not being known in the west. It doesn't paint a pretty picture for small time series like Advance Wars and Chibi-Robo!.

I don't disagree but Advance Wars might be one of bad example that you could have went with. I think Advance Wars (GBA and DS) sold in North America very well, more than other regions did they?
I'm still confused as to why people think Decidueye has more of a chance than Mimikyu...

Because Decidueye is a starter Pokemon of the most current generation, representing the third starter type that is not in Smash yet (Grass), is popular and has potential for an extremely distinct moveset due to being both a Grass/Ghost type, as well as an archer archetype, something we do not have in Smash yet.
Before Decidueye, the only first/second party Nintendo series that had viable archer type characters would've been Kirby and Fire Emblem, and neither Spynum and Cupie nor any of the FE archer units are significant enough to their own series to be considered as additions beyond just having an archer character for an archer's sake.
Well we technically have Link and the Pits. Can't have too many bow users.

So I think the next Pokémon fighter we should get is Honedge.

Yes, 1 move where a bow is used clearly constitutes an archer archetype. Which also means Zelda and Sheik constitute as archers.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
People like to use Advance Wars forgetting that Smash refers to the franchise as a whole than that one particular niche.

I for one welcome our Rabbid overlords.
I'm desperately trying to come to terms with the very real possibility of a Rabbid comin to Smash Switch. Sigh. Anyway; it's high time I posted my hopes and dreams:

•Ice Climbers return
•Snake returns
•Inklings are added (boy and girl as alts; girl is default)
•Spring Man added (though I personally prefer Byte...)
•Mimikyu added (probably not happening?)
•King K. Rool added (please)
•A Rhythm Heaven Rep
•One more third party (Rabbids...)


I really doubt Ubisoft will get a guest character in Smash Bros. since they're not a Japanese developer. They'd make the most sense out of any western third-party, I guess, but I don't see it happening.


Also, I decided to add reasonings behind my fighter hopes/expectations along with a new graphic. I'll shut up after this, I promise. =P I know I'm largely repeating myself and shouting into the air here but I don't have many other outlets to unload my Smash hype, lol.


Here are my top 8 fighter hopes/expectations for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch, grouped by new franchises newcomer, existing franchise newcomers, and returning veterans, and in order of most likely to less likely from there:

Newcomers from New Franchises
  1. Inkling (Splatoon)
    Why? Splatoon is easily Nintendo's most popular new franchise that isn't already represented in Smash Bros. with a fighter. The lack of Inkling is really the most glaring omission in the roster right now. With tons of Splatoon merchandise, inclusion in Mario Kart, and a sequel on the way, I don't think anyone would argue this. In fact, I like to think the only reason we didn't get Inkling as DLC for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U is because the character would require a new mechanic for inking stages, which may have been too much trouble for DLC. But assuming the supposed Switch port of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is real, Inkling is my #1 expected newcomer by far.
  2. Chorus Kids (Rhythm Heaven)
    Why? We know that a Rhythm Heaven character was very likely in development at one point, and credible leaks claimed that this character was going to be the Chorus Kids. For whatever reason, the character didn't make the cut. It would have made a lot of sense, though. Rhythm Heaven is one of the biggest Nintendo franchises that isn't already represented in Smash Bros. with a fighter, and with all the characters and rhythm games the series has to offer, the potential for a rhythm-based fighter in Smash Bros. is enormous. Chorus Kids would have likely chosen since they were pretty much the face of the best selling game in the series, Rhythm Heaven (Rhythm Tengoku Gold in Japan) on Nintendo DS. Additionally, the Chorus Kids' simple design makes them the perfect base to incorporate other characters and objects from various rhythm games from the series, much like how Mr. Game & Watch is an amalgamation of many elements from different Game & Watch games. Their 3-in-1 nature would also provide a clear visual tell for rhythm-based moves, likely with the two background Chorus Kids initiating a move to a beat, setting up for the player to finish the move as the last Chorus Kid with the right timing.
  3. Spring Man (ARMS)
    Why? ARMS isn't even out yet, but with a huge marketing push and very positive reception, it already seems to be following in Splatoon's footsteps. If ARMS is to become a big hit like Splatoon was, a fighter in Smash would certainly be deserved. Spring Man would obviously be the character to get in, being the face of ARMS, and coming from a fighting game of his own he'd fit right in. But the question is, is ARMS too new to be included in Smash Bros.? It's very possible that ARMS will miss out on Smash much like how Splatoon did before, which is why I'd expect a Splatoon or even Rhythm Heaven character before it. Still, an ARMS character would make a great deal of sense! My only other concern would be how Spring Man's move set would work, but Sakurai made Little Mac work, so I imagine that shouldn't be a problem.
Newcomers from Existing Franchises
  1. Decidueye (Pokémon Sun / Moon)
    Why? Given that every new Smash Bros. game has added one or more Pokémon newcomers, a new Pokémon fighter should come as no surprise. And with Pokémon Sun & Moon being the fastest-selling Nintendo titles ever, a new Pokémon from Sun & Moon is a no-brainer. And of those Pokémon, I feel that none would be a better choice than Decidueye. When it comes to popularity, Decidueye's evolutionary line is the fan favorite of the starters in Sun & Moon, much like Greninja was before it. With Charizard and Greninja, we already have both a Fire- and Water-type starter Pokémon in Smash, and Decidueye, being a Grass-type starter Pokémon, would complete the trio. Its design lends itself well to Smash, and as an archer it would easily provide a unique move set. It even has a special Z-Move as an obvious choice for its Final Smash!
  2. Elma (Xenoblade Chronicles X)
    Why? I know people will argue against this one, but hear me out. With Shulk in Smash, the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise is already represented. However, Xenoblade Chronicles X is vastly different from the original, going more for sci-fi than fantasy like the original Xenoblade Chronicles. And give the game credit—it's still the largest Nintendo game ever, besting even Breath of the Wild. Like Pokémon, Fire Emblem, and even EarthBound/MOTHER, Xenoblade Chronicles is a series that has a new setting and new main characters with each release, so like those other franchises, it makes sense to have multiple characters from different games in the series to have a more balanced and complete representation of that franchise. Despite not quite having the level of popularity of other big Nintendo franchises, Xenoblade has become a staple first-party series with two major titles released since 2011, and a third on the way. As an active, successful, and well-received series, Xenoblade getting a second character in Smash isn't really a crazy idea. I mean, we got both Ness and Lucas from EarthBound/MOTHER, after all! As a fighter in Smash, Elma has a lot to offer, and would round out the Xenoblade representation, with Shulk representing the original line of Xenoblade games (which includes Xenoblade Chronicles 2, as a sequel to the first) and Elma representing the X series (which will inevitably get a sequel as well, since X clearly sets up for one). With Elma and Xenoblade Chronicles X also comes Skells, the ridable battle mechs from the game, which would be an awesome addition to Elma's move set (probably as a Final Smash). People will say that Elma's too niche to get in, but since her franchise has already made the jump to Smash, I think she's a lot more likely than people think. And as a female character of color, she would add some welcome diversity to the roster, too.
Returning Veterans
  1. Ice Climbers (Melee, Brawl)
    Why? Of all cut veteran fighters, Ice Climbers are without a doubt the most likely to return. Why? Because Sakurai already had them running in Smash Bros. for Wii U at one point! They were said to be cut due to hardware limitations of the 3DS (and I would assume due to issues with 8-Player Smash on Wii U as well), but there shouldn't be problems on the more powerful Switch hardware. With two Smash Bros. games under their belt and a unique move set (as well as being the only ice-themed character in Smash), their return would be much appreciated!
  2. Wolf (Brawl)
    Why? Next in line to return would have to be Wolf, one of the few villain/rival/anti-hero characters we've had in Smash. While his Special Moves are all based on Fox and Falco's, they all have unique properties, and nearly all of his normal moves and animations are completely original as well. He's more than the clone that people make him out to be, and besides, we've had other clones return before him. Star Fox was recently in the limelight again thanks to Star Fox Zero, so it's not like he's completely irrelevant either. Along with Ice Climbers, Wolf returning would be a very welcome addition.
  3. Snake (Brawl)
    Why? And finally, Snake. Snake is no doubt one of the most divisive additions to Smash Bros., with many people both lamenting and rejoicing his absence. With SEGA, Capcom, Bandai Namco, and Square Enix already being represented in Smash with their guest characters, Konami is the next big Japanese game company in line, and they already had a character in Smash once before. Some people will say that it'd be better for Konami to go with Castlevania or Bomberman instead of Metal Gear if they were to return to Smash, but why? Not only is the Metal Gear franchise more popular than either of those, but Snake's already been in Smash once before, so adding him back would be far easier than adding a new character. I'm not even a fan of Metal Gear personally, but I'd like to see Snake back if only for the sake of completion. The question is, will it happen? We don't even have a concrete answer as to why Snake was removed in the first place, and can only assume that it had something to do with the drama between Konami and Kojima. But even though Kojima left, Konami still owns the Metal Gear IP and continues to use it, and not allowing Snake in Smash doesn't really make much sense from a business perspective. Nintendo and Sakurai don't really have any good reason to turn him down either as far as we know, so the whole situation with Snake in Smash is really an enigma.
So this fella in the Nintendo E3 thread claims to know some things...

From what i hear, Smash bros might actually be a new entry and not a deluxe version.

Online play massively upgraded.

New levels, characters, campaign and "gameplay gimmick".

Don't be surprised if it doesn't release this year, but early next year.

Let's go with "my opinion" =) Don't be surprised if Smash bros has a lot more third party content due to collaborations with other companies.

It's becoming apparent that Smash Bros (and Mario Kart to some extent) are becoming a vehicle to popularise certain brands and let's not forget Amiibo.

Ubisofts Rabbid game? I'll leave that to you to figure out.

Not at all.

The game will use Smash 4 as it's base - there is no need to re do the engine.It already runs at 1080p/60fps.

However, the networking back end is being completely recoded.

I already hinted at characters that will make an appearance, hence the collab with Ubisoft.

AFAIK, the existing dlc characters will be making a return but i do not believe Ice climbers or the Pokemon trainer will be making a comback.

Real or fake? You decide! Thanks for reading!

please buy my book at i'm poor :(


Maturity, bitches.
MK8DX had new maps, characters and modes. It's still considered a deluxe port rather than the next game in the series.

Basically, it's safe but muddled guesses. I mean, we're already discussing new character possibilities in this thread.


Ubisoft sent Sakurai a model for Rayman and he more or less put it on a virtual shelf. Dude's not gonna pollute the game with Rabbids as long as he has any creative control.

Unless he was ousted, or resigned from the franchise, or what have you.
That would have to be a pretty aggressive development cycle to release an entirely new Smash Bros game early next year. I'm not buying it. I mean the rumor. Not the game. I'd totally buy that.

I thought an enhanced port of Smash 4 would take until next year to release, let alone an entirely new entry.

Third parties also make better DLC than they do base characters. It's not like there's a shortage of Nintendo characters people want added to the game.


Ubisoft sent Sakurai a model for Rayman and he more or less put it on a virtual shelf. Dude's not gonna pollute the game with Rabbids as long as he has any creative control.

Unless he was ousted, or resigned from the franchise, or what have you.

I'd assume the guy is hinting at Rayman, who would be a decent addition to Smash.
That would have to be a pretty aggressive development cycle to release an entirely new Smash Bros game early next year. I'm not buying it. I mean the rumor. Not the game. I'd totally buy that.

I thought an enhanced port of Smash 4 would take until next year to release, let alone an entirely new entry.

Well Smash 4 came out in 2014, which was released 6 years after Brawl. And if they aren't redoing the engine, like they did for every Smash title so far, I can easily see a 3-4 year development cycle happen.
Well Smash 4 came out in 2014, which was released 6 years after Brawl. And if they aren't redoing the engine, like they did for every Smash title so far, I can easily see a 3-4 year development cycle happen.

The base game came out in 2014, but they had a whole extra year and a half of DLC and patches that should be accounted for. The last patch for SSB4 came out last May, so that's a total development time of almost 4 years. I think they'll just call it "Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch" though, since it's a title that works regardless of the volume of new content.

I doubt that person from the other thread has any real knowledge anyway.
Well Smash 4 came out in 2014, which was released 6 years after Brawl. And if they aren't redoing the engine, like they did for every Smash title so far, I can easily see a 3-4 year development cycle happen.

The game released in 2014, but they were still working on it long after. They just finished active development of Smash 4 a year ago.


It'll be a deluxe port aka MK8.

MK8DX selling bajillions of copies for very little effort seems to make Smash 4 DX all the more likely.


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm pretty sure people are going to be surprised by E3 this year tho.


Here are my top 8 fighter hopes/expectations for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch, grouped by new franchises newcomer, existing franchise newcomers, and returning veterans, and in order of most likely to less likely from there:

Those characters just hit sweetspot for me, but I would replace Elma for Takamaru. I do believe that we are going to get third party newcomer(s).

So this fella in the Nintendo E3 thread claims to know some things...

I'm surprised that he's willing to answer my post with more details but I still don't believe it tho. Most of his answers are still vague at the best, and he haven't explain anything about gameplay gimmick.

The base game came out in 2014, but they had a whole extra year and a half of DLC and patches that should be accounted for. The last patch for SSB4 came out last May, so that's a total development time of almost 4 years. I think they'll just call it "Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch" though, since it's a title that works regardless of the volume of new content.

I would believe that they might go with new title since they probably want to stay away from Smash for Switch since it might have more contents.
starters tend to be some some of the most popular pokemon that come out of a generation and Decidueye and it's line from the look of things is the most popular one out of the three

plus Decidueye has a fighting style that is unique to smash that doesn't look like any other series could bring (with the excpetion of FE but you know what type of characters come from that)

there is also the fact that GF might not want Mimikyu jumping around the place and letting people see under it's cloak

Because Decidueye is a starter Pokemon of the most current generation, representing the third starter type that is not in Smash yet (Grass), is popular and has potential for an extremely distinct moveset due to being both a Grass/Ghost type, as well as an archer archetype, something we do not have in Smash yet.
Before Decidueye, the only first/second party Nintendo series that had viable archer type characters would've been Kirby and Fire Emblem, and neither Spynum and Cupie nor any of the FE archer units are significant enough to their own series to be considered as additions beyond just having an archer character for an archer's sake.

I don't think starters are all that manadatory, and there doesn't NEED to be a complete starter type circle in Smash. I would actually argue that Mimikyu is the more popular of the gen 7 Pokemon right now. It's actually in the anime at the moment, it has its own song, and there's a lot of merchandise for it at Japanese Pokemon Centers. If Nintendo doesn't want people to see under Mimikyu's cloak, that wouldn't be a problem at all (see the Japanese trophies for characters with skirts like Wonder Pink and Palutena).

I dunno, I just feel like Decidueye is a forced choice due to this idea that the three starter types need to be represented in Smash.


Those characters just hit sweetspot for me, but I would replace Elma for Takamaru. I do believe that we are going to get third party newcomer(s).
I'd love for Takamaru to get in as well! I really, really do want him in Smash as a fighter, and I believe he's next in line for a retro character. The only reason I left him out is because I feel like, if Super Smash Bros. for Switch is more or less an expanded port, the added fighters that we'll get will either be from more recent (and more popular) titles/franchises or returning veterans. That and the fact that he's already an Assist Trophy, and while it could certainly happen, I don't see Sakurai bothering to promote an Assist Trophy for a port. But I've always been on #TeamTakamaru! lol

I don't think starters are all that manadatory, and there doesn't NEED to be a complete starter type circle in Smash. I would actually argue that Mimikyu is the more popular of the gen 7 Pokemon right now. It's actually in the anime at the moment, it has its own song, and there's a lot of merchandise for it at Japanese Pokemon Centers. If Nintendo doesn't want people to see under Mimikyu's cloak, that wouldn't be a problem at all (see the Japanese trophies for characters with skirts like Wonder Pink and Palutena).

I dunno, I just feel like Decidueye is a forced choice due to this idea that the three starter types need to be represented in Smash.
I understand your reasoning, 'cause I felt similarly prior to Greninja's reveal. I didn't expect Greninja at all, and was honestly shocked when it was revealed. At the time, there were other Generation VI Pokémon that were being heavily promoted, while Greninja had pretty much nothing going for it (aside from being the fan favorite starter, I guess). Personally, I didn't think any of the popular options from Generation VI were good for Smash, and I was only really hoping for Mewtwo's return. But Greninja made it in anyway, and look how things changed from there. Greninja went on to have an extremely prominent role in the anime and in general with Ash-Greninja and all. I'd say early signs point towards something similar potentially happening with Decidueye as well, given that Rowlet was Ash's first Pokémon in Alola. I get that Mimikyu has been pushed a lot, but so have a lot of other Pokémon in every generation. Sylveon was featured in marketing for Generation VI a lot more than Greninja ever was, but that didn't win it a spot in Smash.
My predictions:
Inkling Boy/Girl
Spring Man
Chorus Kids
Paper Mario
Ice Climbers

Shovel Knight
Captain Toad/Toadette
I don't think starters are all that manadatory, and there doesn't NEED to be a complete starter type circle in Smash. I would actually argue that Mimikyu is the more popular of the gen 7 Pokemon right now. It's actually in the anime at the moment, it has its own song, and there's a lot of merchandise for it at Japanese Pokemon Centers. If Nintendo doesn't want people to see under Mimikyu's cloak, that wouldn't be a problem at all (see the Japanese trophies for characters with skirts like Wonder Pink and Palutena).

I dunno, I just feel like Decidueye is a forced choice due to this idea that the three starter types need to be represented in Smash.

you know there is a difference between a trophy and a playable character right? with the trophy it's easy to hide some thing sure but playable? there is a whole new can of worms, it's not as simple as you say

anyway off that topic first Mimikyu having a song is not the special, other pokemon have one to as well

next sure it has merchandise but so does a bunch of other pokemon, heck the first merchandise of a gen is usually the starters

after that you bring up the anime, may i point out that greninja wasn't in the anime when he got added to smash, at that point ash only had froakie (who did eventually become greninja) ash also has a rowlet right now and while we don't know if they going to evolve or not, he still has it

and finally i don't think Decidueye should get in just because he is a grass starter, i think he should be in because he brings a new fighting style to smash, the only other series that could give us a archer character is FE but that ain't happening. Mimikyu doesn't really have that advantage, i don't really see how you could make it into a character beyond being a basic fighting game character, sure you could do some cool things with it's shadow has in it's animations but that doesn't make it a interesting character. Decidueye simply offers up more from a gameplay point of view than Mimikyu could

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Put me in the Decidueye as a forced pick due to the need to "balance" shit.

Personally I prefer Incineroar but I'd rather have anyone but Decidueye. We don't have a wrestler in Smash outside of a few spread out moves and he screams personality unlike most other Pokemon. And it's not every day you get a top heavy Pokemon being shown in Smash.

PK Gaming

I'm going to catch flack for this but whatever

What's with this obsession of bringing back veterans? Wolf, i'll give you. As Dork Fox's number one rival, Wolf is a character who always deserved a better moveset. But Ice Climbers? Characters with gimmicks that wore thin after 10 minutes and came from an unremarkable game? Snake? A character with a moveset so sanitized and removed from how he actually fought in the MGS games, it could easily fit on a different character? Pichu?!

Forget those chumps. More Bayonetta's and Cloud's, less Roys and Lucas's.
I'm going to catch flack for this but whatever

What's with this obsession of bringing back veterans? Wolf, i'll give you. As Dork Fox's number one rival, Wolf is a character who always deserved a better moveset. But Ice Climbers? Characters with gimmicks that wore thin after 10 minutes and came from an unremarkable game? Snake? A character with a moveset so sanitized and removed from how he actually fought in the MGS games, it could easily fit on a different character? Pichu?!

Forget those chumps. More Bayonetta's and Cloud's, less Roys and Lucas's.

I respectfully disagree due to one key factor: Roy and Lucas are semi-clones while Snake and the Climbers have movesets that, while they don't seem to suit your personal tastes, are nonetheless unique. I do, however, agree that more newcomers would be ideal.
I'm going to catch flack for this but whatever

What's with this obsession of bringing back veterans? Wolf, i'll give you. As Dork Fox's number one rival, Wolf is a character who always deserved a better moveset. But Ice Climbers? Characters with gimmicks that wore thin after 10 minutes and came from an unremarkable game? Snake? A character with a moveset so sanitized and removed from how he actually fought in the MGS games, it could easily fit on a different character? Pichu?!

Forget those chumps. More Bayonetta's and Cloud's, less Roys and Lucas's.

Once a Smash Brother, always a Smash Brother, my friend.


I'm going to catch flack for this but whatever

What's with this obsession of bringing back veterans? Wolf, i'll give you. As Dork Fox's number one rival, Wolf is a character who always deserved a better moveset. But Ice Climbers? Characters with gimmicks that wore thin after 10 minutes and came from an unremarkable game? Snake? A character with a moveset so sanitized and removed from how he actually fought in the MGS games, it could easily fit on a different character? Pichu?!

Forget those chumps. More Bayonetta's and Cloud's, less Roys and Lucas's.
For the sake of completion. It'd be nice to at least have every franchise that's had a fighter in Smash be present in the latest game. For that to happen Ice Climbers and Snake would need to come back. Plus, unique move sets and all. They shouldn't take nearly as much work to bring back as making brand new fighters would, anyway, so why not?

I still miss Wolf.

Me too. I want a Wolf amiibo! =(
Put me in the Decidueye as a forced pick due to the need to "balance" shit.

Personally I prefer Incineroar but I'd rather have anyone but Decidueye. We don't have a wrestler in Smash outside of a few spread out moves and he screams personality unlike most other Pokemon. And it's not every day you get a top heavy Pokemon being shown in Smash.

I like Incineroar and a wrestler/grappler would be dope.

But dammit I'm getting my smash Owl and no one can stop me.
I've had enough disappointment with my wants over the years, let me have this one Smash team!
I'm going to catch flack for this but whatever

What's with this obsession of bringing back veterans? Wolf, i'll give you. As Dork Fox's number one rival, Wolf is a character who always deserved a better moveset. But Ice Climbers? Characters with gimmicks that wore thin after 10 minutes and came from an unremarkable game? Snake? A character with a moveset so sanitized and removed from how he actually fought in the MGS games, it could easily fit on a different character? Pichu?!

Forget those chumps. More Bayonetta's and Cloud's, less Roys and Lucas's.

Because people liked them. I know I miss Snake and Ice Climbers like crazy.

Put me in the Decidueye as a forced pick due to the need to "balance" shit.

Personally I prefer Incineroar but I'd rather have anyone but Decidueye. We don't have a wrestler in Smash outside of a few spread out moves and he screams personality unlike most other Pokemon. And it's not every day you get a top heavy Pokemon being shown in Smash.

Yeah, the whole "we need a grass starter to have all three types" never sat well with me, although at least Decidueye makes more sense than Sceptile.
Even more to me than an archery based fighter, Decidueye could be a ghost fighter. Lurking in the shadows, warping around, turning into mist, stuff like that. Like a mix of Mewtwo and Greninja

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Even more to me than an archery based fighter, Decidueye could be a ghost fighter. Lurking in the shadows, warping around, turning into mist, stuff like that. Like a mix of Mewtwo and Greninja

That bird never does that though. The closest it does is "hide from the treetop shadows".

At least Incineroar's stuff is consistent. Projectile to the belt a la Jeeg, lariats and throws, bodyslams, etc.
It has yet to appear in the anime, we don't really know how they're going to treat its Ghost half as far as personality and habits.

Everything you listed for Incineroar, Bowser already does in Smash. I don't really see the need for a "bad guy fire wrestler" when that's pretty much Bowser's thing.

Versus ghost arcer bird, which no other Nintendo character do unless they throw in that Rito from Breath of the Wild or something.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It has yet to appear in the anime, we don't really know how they're going to treat its Ghost half as far as personality and habits.

Everything you listed for Incineroar, Bowser already does in Smash. I don't really see the need for a "bad guy fire wrestler" when that's pretty much Bowser's thing.

Versus ghost arcer bird, which no other Nintendo character do unless they throw in that Rito from Breath of the Wild or something.

Bowser isn't a wrestler, where'd you get that. The only wrestling move he has is the side B move. He's more of a brute guy. And before you say the forward smash, you'd immediately count many characters too. Incineroar has the pose, the emotion, the personality.

And that's why people are uppity with the Ghost part of Decidueye, because it never really uses that part. Not even in the games.

Also Pit and Link really fits the archer thing because of how superfluous archery is represented by the Rito village and even Decidueye. Really the only different thing Decidueye does with archery is summoning more arrows.
Bowser's style in Smash is pretty clearly inspired by wrestling, with some claw swipes and shell attacks added because he's Bowser. I'm just not really sure what Incineroar could do that Bowser couldn't do.

Incineroar uses wrestling moves about as much as Decideuye uses archery. Both of them only have their Z moves and like 2 or 3 random attacks that reference wrestling/archery.
Well liked veterans are known quantities. Newcomers could be fantastic or they could be losers like Corrin, it's more of a gamble.

And I still would like to see Silvally over any other Gen 7 Pokemon but that's just me and I know that will never happen.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Bowser's style in Smash is pretty clearly inspired by wrestling, with some claw swipes and shell attacks added because he's Bowser. I'm just not really sure what Incineroar could do that Bowser couldn't do.

Incineroar uses wrestling moves about as much as Decideuye uses archery. Both of them only have their Z moves and like 2 or 3 random attacks that reference wrestling/archery.

Bowser feels more brutish than wrestling. For instance I can see Incineroar having higher agility and air-time and uses his fist more for smashes rather than legs.

And what? A lot of Incineroar's moves are wrestling related - like Brutal Swing (implied to be a chair knock). Also helps that many Pokemon moves are already wrestling-ish.
Well liked veterans are known quantities. Newcomers could be fantastic or they could be losers like Corrin, it's more of a gamble.

And I still would like to see Silvally over any other Gen 7 Pokemon but that's just me and I know that will never happen.

Silvally, Decidueye and Mimikyu are the ones I want. Mimikyu could be a ton of fun if they do it right.
I really doubt Ubisoft will get a guest character in Smash Bros. since they're not a Japanese developer. They'd make the most sense out of any western third-party, I guess, but I don't see it happening.

Just for clarification, what are we talking about at this point? Newcomers for some sort of Smash 4 Deluxe port or for a full-blown Smash 5?
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