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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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My mains!



Oh cool we're posting our mains!


I'm definitely maining the first 4. Everyone else I plan on just messing with, but that could change when the game(s) come out.


Neat site.

I'll be using every character anyways and determine my mains from there, but these are ones that interest me the most (western) pre-release.

The first 10 are the characters I used the extensively the during that last duration I played Smash (playing Project M online for a good 10 or so months from November last year with some GAF members).

Everything after them are characters I would like to get good with.

Sonic would be up there as well, but I'm not sure about his speed and the circle pad going well together.

Mario is pretty much a guarantee due to the demo. Dr. Mario will come easy with that as well, but Dr. Mario's recovery seems to be questionable.

I'm particularly interested in Fox's custom specials after seeing JoeInky use some of them in action.

I don't think I scratched the surface of Mega Man, but I'm somewhat confident in him from my demo experience. Will need to play against an actual person to determine if I actually can play as him decently though lol.

Lucina is there cause I can't do tippers for shit, but liked how Marth played, so this is a godsend lol.

And of course, typically go for the dark alt colors unless I think it is bad or there is none. And Bowser Jr. > Roy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest of the Koopalings


I'm to the point where I jump off the ledge when I play a rosalina online. It's literally impossible to combat both luma and rosalina. ALWAYS get pounded, lol.


As in "Heathcliff"
Alright, I'm going to post two avatars for people that just admitted the defeats.

For JustChris, You bet that Layton would be in the game in any form. Apparently, someone just found full set of trophies and there is no spot of Professor Layton in the game. If he did made in any form, I would imagine that they would announce it in advance like they did with Rayman!

Here is topless Professor Layton.


Kjellson, I want to give you the avatar in advance so you know where to find it. Since you want Pushmo's Mallo to be playable character, but it didn't happens. So I have a feeling that you really like sumo character, so I want to give you a Sumo Inkling!


For sure. I'm hoping we can keep both going.

I really hope so.


You can't main more than one character. I swear, only Smash players have "lists" of mains.

lmao this

That being said, I like a lot of characters in this game so far.

Main is currently Megaman, but I love using Mario, Pikachu, Kirby, Ness, Jigglypuff, Duck Hunt.


Alright, I'm going to post two avatars for people that just admitted the defeats.

For JustChris, You bet that Layton would be in the game in any form. Apparently, someone just found full set of trophies and there is no spot of Professor Layton in the game. If he did made in any form, I would imagine that they would announce it in advance like they did with Rayman!

Here is topless Professor Layton.


Well, that's certainly a thing. I'll change avatars on Friday, so that my two weeks will end on the NA release of Smash 3DS.
I want to play all of the characters pretty much (#TeamRandom), but here are my top picks. Also, Duck Hunt's colors are really boring in my opinion.


ROB: He's my favorite veteran, and it looks he might be good now!
Pikachu: He's apparently good now, it's party time.
Robin: I loved Awakening, and he looks really good and fun! Plus, I'm good at using projectiles (see above)
Villager: After using him in the demo, he's basically just here because I like Animal Crossing that much lol. I don't think he'll ultimately be all that great.
Wario: He's so much fun to play as!
Duck Hunt: Dope character, fits my play style.
Morton: Bowser Jr looks like the coolest newcomer, and MKJ is the best Koopaling.
Greninja: Frogs are cool.
DK: An old favorite, and he looks really good!
Olimar: My Brawl main, hope he's not terrible now like in PM.
Ganondorf: I hope he's not bad, because he's cool.
Doc: Doc's back!


Wait, what's different about Dr. Mario's recovery?

Actually, while we're at it, can someone break tell me the following:

1) All the ways Dr. Mario differs from Mario
2) All the ways Lucina differs from Marth
3) All the ways Dark Pit differs from Pit

Include intros, victory animations and taunts, as applicable.

The only guarantees on there are Ness, Pac-Man, and Link. The rest are who I am anticipating I would like to get good with. Be afraid of my Ness GAF!
You can't main more than one character. I swear, only Smash players have "lists" of mains.

lol very true. For me, at least, Luigi is my main and the rest are all just characters I plan on using to some degree. Any character that isn't on my list is one I'll take for a spin once in a blue moon, but never use for more than a handful of matches.


I'm thinking that an all-green Bowser with the custom straight-shooting fireballs would be a nice throwback to SMB1.

Awesome app. I'm in the same situation where I'm overwhelmed by all of the characters I want to main. Here's my lineup, with top priority to the top row:


Some notes:

- I was a Bowser and Mr. G&W main in Melee and Brawl, so it's fitting I maintain that here, especially with the buffs to Bowser.
- Bowser Jr. is a dream-come-true character for me, with the classic Clown Car and all seven of the Koopalings included.
- I loved R.O.B. in Brawl, and I was thrilled by Chibo's performance in the NJ Invitational this past weekend. Looks killer!
- Duck Hunt's trap-setting ability is INSANE. I also love the retro references, and the dog and duck are so cute together. :-3
- Pac-Man looks like a blast to play, with his kicks and stomps, and his ability to zip around with his pellet-eating side special.
- I loved Sonic in Brawl, and he looks nicely buffed here. So does Yoshi. Check out this great Sonic vs. Yoshi set.
- Charizard was another character I loved in Brawl, and now he has a slick new side special and super-armor on Rock Smash.
- Greninja has looked like a lot of fun to play ever since his reveal trailer. Shadow Sneak looks like a brilliant bit of trickery.
- D1 really illustrated Palutena's potential on his stream last night. She's also my favorite female Nintendo character.
- Shulk looks like he'll have real potential once someone learns how to manage the buffs/debuffs of his Monado Arts.

I prefer the default color/models, but here's the alternate lineup (although Mr. G&W stays the same):

Updated my lineup with alternate colors (except for Mr. G&W).


Unconfirmed Member
You can't main more than one character. I swear, only Smash players have "lists" of mains.

It's also silly to pick mains when you haven't even played the characters yet. Any of my top 4 are likely mains and really, anybody on the roster could surprise me and slip in. I've had a different main in every game so far. (Falcon in 64, Marth in Melee, ZSS in Brawl)

Wait, what's different about Dr. Mario's recovery?

Actually, while we're at it, can someone break tell me the following:

1) All the ways Dr. Mario differs from Mario
2) All the ways Lucina differs from Marth
3) All the ways Dark Pit differs from Pit

Include intros, victory animations and taunts, as applicable.

Lucina's only difference in combat is not having tippers and doing balanced damage instead. Taunts are different and I assume her intro and victory animations are different too.

Dr. Mario doesn't have FLUDD and has the Doctor Tornado as his down special, and Mario's old Melee dair I think. Not entirely sure if his attacks have different stats/hitboxs like in Melee or not.


I'm dying to try everyone out but I see myself repeating:

Also have to represent Super Bash Sisters too of course with double the dose of Jigglypuff cuteness!


Mario's recovery in the game got somewhat nerfed and buffed. He seems to have better jumps, but the side special (cape) stops horizontal momentum.

Dr. Mario doesn't seem to have better jumps, and the side special's (super sheet) effect is completely gone, you can no longer stall at all with it and you just drop like its nothing. The tornado should somewhat rectify that, thankfully.

I'm interested in more characters, but narrowing it down to 10 felt like a good way to go. Order doesn't mean anything other than trying to look cool and come up with themes.
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