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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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So, I've not fooled around with custom moves at all. I'm about to start smash run and never bothered to ask. The question mark is the default moveset, yes? What is the one with the character under it. ?


So, I've not fooled around with custom moves at all. I'm about to start smash run and never bothered to ask. The question mark is the default moveset, yes? What is the one with the character under it. ?

The character is the default, the question mark creates a random moveset.
If you guys haven't noticed Sakurai is really doing his darndest to make things as even as possible even when that means making things incredibly uneven and uncompetitive.


That's exactly what happened.

Sakurai changed certain mechanics just to screw over the competitive community.


That's not a stupid fucking line of thinking at all.
Sakurai just doesn't know what he wants, really. His decisions are inconsistent with themselves. He wants to decrease the skill gap, and yet there's a mode with skill-based matchmaking called "For Glory"?

I feel like he only did that to 1) lessen the frustration unskilled players have with skilled players and 2) appease the skilled players.

Of course he isn't going to completely give us the shaft. But time and time again if theres something that can lessen the skill gap he will implement it.


Ugh, can we please stop talking about sakurai purposely trying to ruin balance/competitive gameplay again :/

You guys get so hostile toward each other.


Also, if I'm reading this right, if a gameplay mechanic is poorly designed, but you don't notice it because you're not interested in the subtleties of the game, then it isn't poorly designed anymore? Is that what you're saying here Timeaisis?

No, no, no. It's all about audience. We're arguing over gameplay design based on perceived audience. You're perceived audience is more competitive minded players, while my perceived audience is general players and Nintendo fans. Both can glean the nuances of the game from extended play, and both will. One will surely more than the other. I'm saying a game is poorly designed when the intended audience ceases to get enjoyment out of it because of a ill thought out design choice.

For you, the audience is the more professional, competitive-minded players. I can understand while some design choices may hinder their enjoyment of the game. However, these same mechanics, even if they are not readily apparent to the general audience, I posit, would not negatively affect (and most likely positively affect because of the general intuitiveness of them) the enjoyment of the game.

Subtly and nuance are very important, of course, especially in fighting games. Many players won't actively be aware of them but only be aware of them implicitly. For example, in regards to VI: a casual player might not know the intricacies of VI as much as we do, but they would use it as much because of it's intuitive application and obvious results (as in, holding down while flying up helps them survive). In this way, it's a well designed mechanic because it is simple, clear, and intuitive. The magnitude of the effect is up for debate, but I don't see it affecting the enjoyment of the game from a casual perspective.

I guess my point is that when you look at Smash 4 as a game designed for a general audience, the design choices actually make a lot of sense. Whether or not the subtleties and nuanced mechanics are balanced for competitive play is still up for debate, of course, but I can't say the game is poorly designed because a subset of some of the players don't agree with it.


It wouldn't work because there would be far less posters in the more competitive thread. Separation is also bad in general, IMO.

This thread, barring some discussion about what characters do you like, is already kind of an echo chamber for the competitive folks. And when it's not, it's bantering between people about whose vision of the game is truer.

Sakurai just doesn't know what he wants, really. His decisions are inconsistent with themselves. He wants to decrease the skill gap, and yet there's a mode with skill-based matchmaking called "For Glory"?

...and I fail to see how that is even remotely inconsistent with anything. Those are not mutually exclusives objectives.



That's exactly what happened.

Sakurai changed certain mechanics just to screw over the competitive community.


That's not a stupid fucking line of thinking at all.

1. Calm down. We're discussing a game.

2. That's not what I said. I don't think Sakurai hate's the competitive community. I think he wants to lessen the skill gap as much as possible (which affects the competitive community. His goal is not to affect us, but to lessen the skill gap)

3. Everything he has done since melee (and even his quotes) have proven what I said. So instead of saying my logic is "fucking stupid" why don't you use your superior logic to refute my claims instead of attacking a strawman.

Ugh, can we please stop talking about sakurai purposely trying to ruin balance/competitive gameplay again :/

You guys get so hostile toward each other.

Eh. No not really. It's usually one side (the people complaining about "complainers") that attacks the other with vitriol.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Not designing around competitive play is fine... if the game is not a competitive game. The objective of Smash is to KO your opponents while avoiding other players trying to do the same to you, and at the end of the round, the game will say "The winner is [character]!" Smash is a competitive game, of course it should be designed around competitive play.

I'd argue that the best competitive game is one that's fun and rewarding for all skill levels. This, above all else, has Sakurai's goal ever since 1999.

Err competitiveness of a game isn't really based on its design. It's whether a lot of people play it or not.
This thread, barring some discussion about what characters do you like, is already kind of an echo chamber for the competitive folks. And when it's not, it's bantering between people about whose vision of the game is truer.

...and I fail to see how that is even remotely inconsistent with anything. Those are not mutually exclusives objectives.

You can't be serious, people can't discuss something for a page without being shouted down by people like you.


Just gonna repost this again. I noticed this a long time ago but didnt comment on it until the 12th of September.

I didn't know what I was seeing was a combination of the below and VI/rage effect. Now it all makes even more sense and honestly has me even more worried than before.

If you guys haven't noticed Sakurai is really doing his darndest to make things as even as possible even when that means making things incredibly uneven and uncompetitive.

Knockback----Chase them. Off stage play is crucial now.

Ledge Mechanic----Eliminates planking, allows for more off stage play.

Ko bounds----Chase them
Just finished my first match - Villager vs. lv. 3 Mario. The game feels very good: the controls are very responsive, and I had zero problems with the circle pad - no trouble distinguishing between tilts and smash attacks. Really, the biggest problem I had was the jumping: I'm so used to the GCN button configuration that I kept hitting A to jump. L being the grab button is a little weird, too. But I'm sure that soon enough I'll get used to the controls, and then I can always customize them in the full version.


I agree except that last line. Sakurai has shown us his goal is to make the skill floor as low as possible and have the ceiling as low as possible as well - which is antithetical to competitive play.

Hmmm, by my estimation, that'd be a wrong on both counts. For the first, we don't know what the ceiling is (and I'd be willing to bet it isn't anywhere NEAR "as low as possible"). And for the second, high skill ceilings and dept aren't required to have a competitive game. Always love these Sakurai conspiracies though.
Ugh, can we please stop talking about sakurai purposely trying to ruin balance/competitive gameplay again :/

You guys get so hostile toward each other.

But you don't understand, man. Sakurai's trying to RUIN HIS OWN GAME! That's the only explanation for these things!

In seriousness:

I agree that the blast zones are too big.

I agree that characters live too long now.

I'm not a fan of the new ledge mechanics.

But for fuck's sake, Sakurai did NOT make these decisions because he wanted to ruin competitive play.
The liberal use of the word "competitive" on SmashBoards for the past few years has made things confusing as fuck for pretty much everyone involved.

Also "chase them". The game often won't let you. You're not going to chase people into near blast zones area where you see them in bubbles and make it back. You have to wait for them. That's exactly the problem.


Just finished my first match - Villager vs. lv. 3 Mario. The game feels very good: the controls are very responsive, and I had zero problems with the circle pad - no trouble distinguishing between tilts and smash attacks. Really, the biggest problem I had was the jumping: I'm so used to the GCN button configuration that I kept hitting A to jump. L being the grab button is a little weird, too. But I'm sure that soon enough I'll get used to the controls, and then I can always customize them in the full version.

Once you get the hang of it, the 3DS controls work surprisingly well for Smash. It feels really great.
But you don't understand, man. Sakurai's trying to RUIN HIS OWN GAME! That's the only explanation for these things!

In seriousness:

I agree that the blast zones are too big.

I agree that characters live too long now.

I'm not a fan of the new ledge mechanics.

But for fuck's sake, Sakurai did NOT make these decisions because he wanted to ruin competitive play.
again calm down. It's just a game. you do not need to get angry because people are concerned with gameplay mechanics. And attacking a strawman does nothing for this thread. No one is saying Sakurai wants to ruin his own game.
again calm down. It's just a game. you do not need to get angry because people are concerned with gameplay mechanics. And attacking a strawman does nothing for this thread. No one is saying Sakurai wants to ruin his own game.

Who's angry?

And no, you're not using the word "ruin," but that's basically what you're saying. "Sakurai intentionally made the game uneven and uncompetitive, oh noes!"


Unconfirmed Member
In seriousness:

I agree that the blast zones are too big.

I agree that characters live too long now.

I'm not a fan of the new ledge mechanics.

I agree with the first two, but I've grown to like the idea of the ledge mechanics. You can't edgeguard just by holding on to the edge, and I don't really think that's a bad thing. And you can't plank, which is also not really a bad thing.

Trumping actually improves the off stage/aerial game because you will see characters at the edge and off stage longer. When you come off the edge after being "trumped" you get your second jump back.

The liberal use of the word "competitive" on SmashBoards for the past few years has made things confusing as fuck for pretty much everyone involved.

Only if you are being obtuse, it's obvious when people talk about "competitive smash" they mean the tournament scene.
Any game where people are trying to win is competitive.

Obviously. There wouldn't be issues if people stuck to that.

Only if you are being obtuse, it's obvious when people talk about "competitive smash" they mean the tournament scene.

That's clear as a phrase, I'm talking about things being described allegedly making a game "more" or "less" competitive. Doesn't make much sense as there is going to be a scene for a while anyway.
Knockback----Chase them. Off stage play is crucial now.

Ledge Mechanic----Eliminates planking, allows for more off stage play.

Ko bounds----Chase them

These are fair workarounds. There will always be. But just because there are possible workarounds doesn't mean we can't discuss the implications of the new mechanics in a concerned manner.
I'm not going to jump in the discussion as I don't have anything particularly important to add to it, but I think everyone will find the vibe of this thread a lot better if people treat each other with respect and don't be condescending. Their is a legitimate conversation worth having here, let's not ruin it with a "I get it and you don't" mentality.


So guys, did you see this on smashboards:

Up next!

All right, that was fast!

It's read the same way as DI, during (likely on the last frame of) hitstun.

Tested by:
Getting Link to 83%, the exact percent where he dies without VI
Hitting him with Mario's Fresh Usmash (fully charged)
As soon as Link is launched, hold down on that 3DS' Circle Pad.
Repeat like 8 times to make sure it's true
End result was that Link died every time, despite a vast (almost 40%) increase in survival if down is held upon launch.

It seems that in order to utilize VI, you have to anticipate the opponent's move and the direction it will send you. I think this will end up greatly benefiting the mix-up game, though if your character has only 1 kill move, they're SOL.


Okay, so I just finished testing VI's effect on ZeRo's combo with Mario on Link (who I believe is the only character in the demo it is guaranteed on with no VI).
ZeRo's Combo:
Coin Jump
I'm going to be testing this with some modification, namely:
(Can be followed up with Coin Jump as well, but I won't be doing so for this test)
because it's easier (that last Uair -> Coin Jump is too difficult for me with the 2 3DS layout thing I have right now), but this totals out to 55% (67% with CJ).

Results are:
No VI, mashing A (for Nair): Didn't break out
No VI, mashing R (for AD): Didn't break out
VI Up: Didn't break out
VI Up + Mash R: Broke out right before the first Uair, but I'm not positive it wasn't just me screwing up repeatedly on the timing (controlling stuff at this level of complexity is harder than I thought)
VI Up + VI Left (away): Didn't break out
VI Up + VI Left (away) + Mash R: Unable to test, too difficult to be sure I'm doing it correctly
VI Up + VI Right (into): Didn't break out, but forced me to switch up 1st Uair's location in a way where the original placement would have missed
VI Up + VI Right (into) + Mash R: Unable to test
VI Left (away): Didn't break out
VI Left (away) + Mash R: Unable to test
Sorry for kind of bailing on this one, but HOLY CRAP is it difficult to test this with just one person...
If no one else has tested this by tomorrow, I'll be able to do so then as I have a friend heading over who can assist.

ChillySundance said:
Try and get some data on how holding a direction from the start of the attack changes the effects as opposed to holding it mid way through flight.

Up next!

All right, that was fast!

It's read the same way as DI, during (likely on the last frame of) hitstun.

Tested by:
Getting Link to 83%, the exact percent where he dies without VI
Hitting him with Mario's Fresh Usmash (fully charged)
As soon as Link is launched, hold down on that 3DS' Circle Pad.
Repeat like 8 times to make sure it's true
End result was that Link died every time, despite a vast (almost 40%) increase in survival if down is held upon launch.

ChillySundance said:
By that I mean testing various simple follow ups at low %. Try to record just how far you can affect basic juggles such as Kirby's up tilt into whatever. guess Mario combos would be easiest, but I don't know any demo characters who have ones I can list off the top of my head.

It's easy to see the effects of this at high % by using KO range, but I want to see just how small or big that 'square' is for lower %'s

I'll give this a shot next, and then likely head off to bed.
Feel free to post if there's anything else you want tested though, if I don't end up doing it tonight I will tomorrow!

With fresh stocks, see how long Mario can chain Utilt into itself against Link attempting different moves.
No VI: 39%
No VI, attempting Nair: 39%
VI Up: 39%
VI Up, Nair: 39%
VI Away: 39%
VI Away, Bair: 39%
VI Towards: 46%
VI Towards, Fair: 39%

So in other words, it looks like there's nothing to worry about!


You can't be serious, people can't discuss something for a page without being shouted down by people like you.

Yes, I'm quite the shouter. Look at all the posts I've made to shut these people down over fifteen official threads! /s

It honestly doesn't matter to me who starts these discussions. Could be the casual saying "lol go back to Melee scrub". It could be the competitive, saying "man Smash 4 is Brawl v2 gg sakurai".

It's just slowly dawning on me that I will never be able to partake in the SmashGAF community as I wished to because the endless bickering will never cease between factions that will never concede to one another, where other types of discussions about the game always get drowned out in the end.

"Party game"
"Everyone wins"
"For Glory"



Rosalina is really fucking annoying to play against when your character only has 2 good approaching moves and they're practically the same thing.

Mr E.

Just popped in to say I'm really enjoying the demo.

Gonna grab my coat and fuck off now. Angry vibe around these parts.
Okay. Just played the 3DS demo.


Playing this just makes me wish I could play it on the big screen with a proper controller.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. First, I wish I could change the controls.. so I'm uncomfortable with that, as is.. But the resolution is so low for having the camera zoomed out so far.

Initial impression: Does this need to exist? It seems competently constructed, but it sure feels limiting.
I don't get not liking the new ledge mechanic. What exactly is the downside of this? To me, it creates:

1) More aggressive gameplay opportunities - smack people off a ledge!
2) More balanced recovery options - Ness is no longer easy to ledgeguard.
3) Fewer turtling options.

That all looks great to me.


After a while of using the demo, I've come to prefer R for shielding/dodging better, specially after realizing I can do R+A for grabs :p

I played the demo for a while and got used to it, then when I got the full game, I switched them on purpose (because that's how I play melee/brawl) back to L for shield and R for block and it was REALLY confusing for about a day, but now i'm used to it again.

Tried playing the NA demo and it messed me up.

Point is, you can get used to either one if you give it about a day.

Initial impression: Does this need to exist? It seems competently constructed, but it sure feels limiting.

You talking about the demo or the 3DS game itself? The answer to both is: Yes.

NA players have to wait 3 weeks for a game they are chomping at the bit for, this is throwing fans a bone and it is one of the nicest things nintendo has done in a long time. Also, the full game is fantastic and I plan on playing it for years to come.


The liberal use of the word "competitive" on SmashBoards for the past few years has made things confusing as fuck for pretty much everyone involved.

Also "chase them". The game often won't let you. You're not going to chase people into near blast zones area where you see them in bubbles and make it back. You have to wait for them. That's exactly the problem.

What is wrong with meeting them half way? You don't need to chase them into the blast zones. Just control a smaller area of space and use attacks that don't send them predominately up and out. I've only got the demo but Mario has great tools for doing this. Nair, Fair, Dair (without the final hit pop), Bair, cape, and flood do a great job a pushing out without giving the opponent too much vertical to aid in recovery. I get great gimp kills all the time.
Who's angry?

And no, you're not using the word "ruin," but that's basically what you're saying. "Sakurai intentionally made the game uneven and uncompetitive, oh noes!"

Your avatar combined with your excessive use of expletives, all caps, over-exaggeration, hyperbole, admittance of annoyance, general attitude and attacking a strawman arguments (with exclamation points) tells me you're at the very least not reasonable. Maybe not angry, but certainly not reasonable.
This is more akin to a legitimate screw up than something put in to deliberately ruin competitive play. A lot of competitive fighting games tend to have mechanics or imbalanced design that are birthed from lack of foresight.


Okay. Just played the 3DS demo.


Playing this just makes me wish I could play it on the big screen with a proper controller.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. First, I wish I could change the controls.. so I'm uncomfortable with that, as is.. But the resolution is so low for having the camera zoomed out so far.

Initial impression: Does this need to exist? It seems competently constructed, but it sure feels limiting.

As a semi competitive smash player, I found the demo awkward at first but I'm pretty happy with the game after some extended play time


Okay. Just played the 3DS demo.


Playing this just makes me wish I could play it on the big screen with a proper controller.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. First, I wish I could change the controls.. so I'm uncomfortable with that, as is.. But the resolution is so low for having the camera zoomed out so far.

Initial impression: Does this need to exist? It seems competently constructed, but it sure feels limiting.

There's a Wii U version you know :p

I think it is good to have a portable Smash. Seems a lot of people are enjoying it since it is an instant Smash fix plus can be played anywhere on the go.

And I'm really enjoying the demo. Already collected like 30k coins right now even if only 500 can be carried over.


So guys, did you see this on smashboards:

It seems that in order to utilize VI, you have to anticipate the opponent's move and the direction it will send you. I think this will end up greatly benefiting the mix-up game, though if your character has only 1 kill move, they're SOL.


Gotta link to any of that?
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