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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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Urgh. I hate all of these stupid terms people come up with that eventually stick just because they were made first. Firehopping, wavedashing, vectoring, etc. They just intimidate casual players.

What would you call it then? There's actually a lot of debate about the name going on right now.
Urgh. I hate all of these stupid terms people come up with that eventually stick just because they were made first. Firehopping, wavedashing, vectoring, etc. They just intimidate casual players.

That can be said for any industry. Those who look deeper into the game will always come up with terms that those who do not may be intimidated by. This phenomena is seen throughout every industry and every hobby in the world.


I'm not going to jump in the discussion as I don't have anything particularly important to add to it, but I think everyone will find the vibe of this thread a lot better if people treat each other with respect and don't be condescending. Their is a legitimate conversation worth having here, let's not ruin it with a "I get it and you don't" mentality.

Vibe you say.....
At the moment, I don't really like VI/KBI and that's mostly because of how strong of a survival mechanic it is. I like the concept, but it just seems excessive from a combat design standpoint.

The game already has some good defensive options with shielding and spot/roll/air dodging. Recoveries seem better across the board too and you don't have to worry about the opponent ledge hogging you. I don't see why VI/KBI is necessary on top of all of this. It also irks me that it doesn't seem to be explained to the player in game and it's not something that's obvious while playing.

Personally I don't like that one of the ways you can KO an opponent is now much less effective.

Things are getting a Bit heated regarding this topic, so I'm just going to agree with this. All defensive options are already strong, and this just makes defense even stronger while leaving offense without any real advantage other than combos.
Urgh. I hate all of these stupid terms people come up with that eventually stick just because they were made first. Firehopping, wavedashing, vectoring, etc. They just intimidate casual players.
You have to call them something, right? Calling it something simple like wavedashing is easier for new people to understand than just speaking all technical.
As a lame NA person who doesn't own a Japanese 3DS, I don't have much to contribute here. But since I was talking about it a bit earlier, I'll update my earlier talks about wanting a grip for my XL after playing the demo. I went with the CYBER grip. Overall, it's a lot better. My one complaint is that I feel like even though it makes the circle pad and face buttons infinitely more comfortable, it makes the L and R buttons harder to reach. Here's a screen shot of the back I swiped off of a Google Image search:

See where I've circled? If this thing had added some sort of complicated mechanism to make those the actual shoulder buttons, this thing would be perfect. As is, I have to rest my middle finger up there so that my index finger has easy access. It works, but it's not the way I'd have liked it. Alternatively, I can leave my middle finger on the back of the pad next to my ring and pinkie fingers, but reaching the shoulder buttons is quite a stretch.

Overall, I'd say it's a huge improvement for the game. Much more comfortable having it than not. But it still doesn't magically transform the 3DS into being a controller I like using.

Couldn't agree with this post more. Picked up one of those myself. It's fantastic, but it makes the L/R buttons tough to reach.


Things are getting a Bit heated regarding this topic, so I'm just going to agree with this. All defensive options are already strong, and this just makes defense even stronger while leaving offense without any real advantage other than combos.

Gimping and YOLO edgeguarding have been buffed in favor of offense.
What if we start calling competitive players casual, and casual players competitive? Would that help?

Im not trying to call anyone out but in my opinion and experience, it is those who complain about the competitive community voicing concerns that are the more hostile group. Rarely, if ever do you see a competitive player complain about or insult a casual player voicing concerns or general happiness with the game.


You have to call them something, right? Calling it something simple like wavedashing is easier for new people to understand than just speaking all technical.

They should call wavedashing "that thing where you dodge towards the ground when you're close to it and slide."


You have to call them something, right? Calling it something simple like wavedashing is easier for new people to understand than just speaking all technical.
Furthermore, I think having silly names like wavedashing or glide tossing helps make it attractive to newer players. It gives these kind of techniques this buildup, and let's peoples imaginations get a little more fired up than they should. Which is a good thing.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I always find it hilarious that the same people who complain about characters taking too long to die/blast zones being too large making the game boring to watch are the same people who "ban" the use of items that kill at low percentages and only play on boring "safe" levels.


Unconfirmed Member
This sounds much better. I don't know why people are trying to come up with a new term for a technique that already existed in previous games. The only difference is that there are more directions to choose from, and it has more influence than before.

Actually it didn't exist in previous games. Vectoring/KBI basically replaces DI from Melee/Brawl and works differently, so naturally people don't want to use the same term for it since the existing definition of DI is still relevant for Melee/PM(/Brawl).

That said, KBI is a good term precisely because it's simple and it implies a relation to DI.


Test Information​

Attack: Mario's (fresh) Usmash, fully charged
Hitting: Link
Stage: Final Destination form Battlefield
Testing: Affect of Vector Influence on Survival
Mario's Percent: 0%


No Vector Influence: Link dies at exactly 83%
Upward VI: Link dies at exactly 70%
Downward VI: Link dies at exactly 122%

holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


For the vectoring debate, I wanna see some tests done with the "rage" mode to see how much of an effect it makes.

I was just about to post something similar. Strong Bad's initial tests and many of the tests thereafter likely won't have taken this into account. Rage may (and a huge emphasis on may) help alleviate concerns somewhat about VI's effect on the game as some of those tested kill percentages are likely with the character initiating the KO at low percent.

Rage and VI combined with the usual learning curve on each character, longer stocks, and improved hitstun from Brawl are making Smash 4 appear to be a very dynamic game which excites me.


I always find it hilarious that the same people who complain about characters taking too long to die/blast zones being too large making the game boring to watch are the same people who "ban" the use of items that kill at low percentages and only play on boring "safe" levels.

The game gets much less interesting for the majority of competitive players when the game becomes less about fighting your opponent and more about fighting the stage and item drops that aren't affected by player skill in any way.

Lord Phol

I need to clear this out.

Smash has ALWAYS been more of a party game than a hardcore fighter in design. Hell, just ask the actual game designer and creator. The problem alot (not all) of the competitive natured people seem to have is that because they managed to make a somewhat successful hardcore fighting game by altering alot of rules in meele, they also feel that this is the way the game should be designed, but it's not.
Now I've always been on the side that thinks there should be a balance between fun and deeper mechanics. The more people that enjoy the game the better, but I'm getting sick and tired of people expecting the game to cater to their specific needs. There's just no flexibility from these people.

Yes it would be ideal if both casual nintendo loving people and hardcore competitive players could enjoy the game, but that has never been the overall focus of the series. The focus has always been fan service first. There really is no arguing this because the evidence is clear as day, else we wouldn't even have the "Sakurai hates us" comments. Sakurai might not be the best fighting game designer. He tried to offer the competitive community of smash something more with smash 4 (for glory, faster than brawl, hiring namco etc), but even that doesn't seem to be enough.

Before you go and label me casual or a Sakurai lover do know that I've got my own problems with some of his choices. Tripping in brawl was stupid, not having customized moves in random online is dumb, no online smash-run, boss levels, clones. The list goes on. Yeah there's alot of decisions with this game that I would have made different, but I can still try to enjoy the game for what it is, instead of not enjoying it for what it isn't.
I'm sorry if you feel offended, but i had to get this off my chest. If you can't enjoy smash 4 that's sad, but life goes on, there's more games out there and plenty of fighters that are designed for your needs and wants.

TLDR: If the game isn't designed for you in mind, don't get upset over not enjoying it.


How have they been buffed, exactly?

The new edge mechanic is the key-it is MUCH safer for characters like Falcon and Zelda to follow up a big hit on their opponent with a balls-to-the-walls offstage follow-up. The new ledge ensures that they can recover with proper planning.


Test Information​

Attack: Mario's (fresh) Usmash, fully charged
Hitting: Link
Stage: Final Destination form Battlefield
Testing: Affect of Vector Influence on Survival
Mario's Percent: 0%


No Vector Influence: Link dies at exactly 83%
Upward VI: Link dies at exactly 70%
Downward VI: Link dies at exactly 122%
Ok that's pretty major...


Test Information​

Attack: Mario's (fresh) Usmash, fully charged
Hitting: Link
Stage: Final Destination form Battlefield
Testing: Affect of Vector Influence on Survival
Mario's Percent: 0%


No Vector Influence: Link dies at exactly 83%
Upward VI: Link dies at exactly 70%
Downward VI: Link dies at exactly 122%

holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Now just to test it with rage at 10/20/30/40/etc. percentages. Wonder how that will affect it.


I need to clear this out.

Smash has ALWAYS been more of a party game than a hardcore fighter in design. Just ask the actual game designer and creator. The problem alot (not all) of the competitive natured people seem to have is that because they managed to make a somewhat successful hardcore fighting game by altering alot of rules in meele, they also feel that this is the way the game should be designed, but it's not.
Now I've always been on the side that thinks there should be a balance between fun and deeper mechanics. The more people that enjoy the game the better, but I'm getting sick and tired of people expecting the game to cater to their specific needs. There's just no flexibility from these people.

Yes it would be ideal if both casual nintendo loving people and hardcore competitive players could enjoy the game, but that has never been the overall focus of the series. The focus has always been fan service first. There really is no arguing this because the evidence is clear as day, else we wouldn't even have the "Sakurai hates us" comments. Sakurai might not be the best fighting game designer, he tried to offer the competitive community of smash something more with smash 4 (for glory, faster than brawl, hiring namco etc), but even that doesn't seem to be enough.

Before you go and label me casual or a Sakurai lover do know that I've got my own problems with some of his choices. Tripping in brawl was stupid, not having customized moves in random online is dumb, no online smash-run, boss levels, clones. The list goes on. Yeah there's alot of decisions with this game that I would have made different, but I can still try to enjoy the game for what is is, instead of not enjoying it for what it isn't.
I'm sorry if you feel offended, but i had to get this off my chest. If you can't enjoy smash 4 that's sad, but life goes on, there's more games out there and plenty of fighters that are designed for your needs and wants.

TLDR: If the game isn't designed for you in mind, don't get upset over not enjoying it.

Perfectly put!


Test Information​

Attack: Mario's (fresh) Usmash, fully charged
Hitting: Link
Stage: Final Destination form Battlefield
Testing: Affect of Vector Influence on Survival
Mario's Percent: 0%


No Vector Influence: Link dies at exactly 83%
Upward VI: Link dies at exactly 70%
Downward VI: Link dies at exactly 122%

holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Now to see the same thing done with mario at 100-150%


Test Information​

Attack: Mario's (fresh) Usmash, fully charged
Hitting: Link
Stage: Final Destination form Battlefield
Testing: Affect of Vector Influence on Survival
Mario's Percent: 0%


No Vector Influence: Link dies at exactly 83%
Upward VI: Link dies at exactly 70%
Downward VI: Link dies at exactly 122%

holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

This actually perfectly illustrates my above post. Mario's Percent is 0. Now if we could get tests at say, 30% and 50%, then beyond, we could also see how Rage will have an effect on KO percents.


Test Information​

Attack: Mario's (fresh) Usmash, fully charged
Hitting: Link
Stage: Final Destination form Battlefield
Testing: Affect of Vector Influence on Survival
Mario's Percent: 0%


No Vector Influence: Link dies at exactly 83%
Upward VI: Link dies at exactly 70%
Downward VI: Link dies at exactly 122%

holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

It's pretty significant, but we do need to account for the gravity multiplier in these vertical situations. It seems like there is a bit of a snowball effect, since the longer a character survives, the higher the effect due to gravity.
Stop acting as if the competitive scene is full of conspiracists.

I'll never forget back when Brawl released some guy was convinced that Sakurai intentionally delayed the game before E 4 All so he could cull all of the competitive ATs found in the demo so he could remove them before launch.

Little did I know Sakurai conspiracies would be a common recurrence, lol


What if we start calling competitive players casual, and casual players competitive? Would that help?


whoops wrong game

but seriously, dunno why people need to make this casual vs competitive aspect of the game, but I guess we need to discuss something

and just my thought regarding the VI/KBI, I think it was worst in brawl, I mean you could easily survive to 200% in certain stages with proper DI, also, you can cancel your hit animation by inputing any aerial, the one that comes out faster the better, afaik that is not possible in Smash 4, so we just have traditional DI, and then again, I think the new legde mechanic make it safe to go out and chase your opponent in mid-air

dunno, stuff like that
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