Is it October 3 yet?
Regarding VI, I'm definitely not as invested in this game as some of you are. I do enjoy it a lot and have played the demo way more than I have played full retail games on my 3DS, but I'm neither a professional nor someone that resents "pro" players for wanting gameplay decisions to go according to what they believe would make the game competitively better. I just like having fun, knowing how to play a game well, and am easy to please.
I am interested in the subject though, because despite not being a pro, I plan to spend the majority of my time playing online and I like being good at a game, of course. Initially, I have my doubts about how much it's going to affect me, though. As someone said above, we didn't know about VI before yesterday, and I don't think that has impacted the way I play the game - I usually press the opposite direction when being thrown in order to recover and get on the ground again ASAP, and do the opposite when trying to escape combos, usually combining it with the jump button
still, I can understand the main points against it; I like combos, and the consistent high percentage kills is easily what has felt more "off" about this game since I got to play it.
Still though, I expect not to be too affected because I don't expect the majority of my opponents online to even know what VI is, and since I've gotten more interested in the competitive side of things in the last couple of months, I hope that, maybe not through a specific mechanic, but through a competitor's own skills, aggressive (or "more active") play gets rewarded. You can't exactly play against the mechanics, but Smash isn't deterministic enough to reduce the outcome of a match to a matchup formula or a set of gameplay mechanics, much like any other fighting or non-random multiplayer game.
I guess being more of an observer in this issue, and finding both claims of disappointment from those who dislike the new mechanics, and those that accuse them back of thinking 4 is "another Brawl" to be painfully reductionist, hurried and detracting from the discussion, makes it seem to me like this might be a bit of a false dilemma, and in the end the community will find those shades of gray where competitive play will settle. There is nothing wrong with people not liking a game though, and as much as I'm sure this will end up being my GotY I don't have any intention of defending it.