I'm looking at 2 OFFICIAL GameCube adapters. Does anybody want one? I've never seen one in the wild since Smash released. Reply soon.
I'm looking at 2 OFFICIAL GameCube adapters. Does anybody want one? I've never seen one in the wild since Smash released. Reply soon.
Discord keeps dying on me. Nami and Juni, I'm trying to enter the room, but it seems I can't, is it because you are in the middle of a match?
So discord is shitting the bed right now lol
Guess I'll have to come here for my /tablefilp action.
How about that Dr. Mario
How about that recovery?
Discord keeps dying on me. Nami and Juni, I'm trying to enter the room, but it seems I can't, is it because you are in the middle of a match?
It was probably me going in the room too. My bad. Try again.
You tell me, if it weren't for that super armor all it'd take is a weak hit to gimp Yoshi as well.
How do you fight Cloud
Last I checked, Nintendo sells theirs on their website for a reasonable price. Pretty much anything should be fine though.I'm looking into ethernet adapters for my Wii U. I see tons of cheaper ones on Amazon. Any particular recommendation, or should I absolutely go with the Nintendo brand?
Just picked up Smash and the Cloud DLC collection. Its been YEARS since ive played the series, is there a generally accepted place to get some tips on how to play and each characters move sets?
So back before DLC was finished, people were discussing just what was the max the Wii U CSS could hold.
Turns out there is no max at all, and the Wii U CSS is set up to cleanly resize itself for an infinite amount of slots. Rather than shrink horizontally, they start getting smaller vertically to make room, and begins to add more rows if it needs to.
You could probably fit 20+ more characters there before things get too small to work.
Ask Sakurai.How long will this game get balance patches?
How long will this game get balance patches?
Just picked up Smash and the Cloud DLC collection. Its been YEARS since ive played the series, is there a generally accepted place to get some tips on how to play and each characters move sets?
How long will this game get balance patches?
Oh man this thread. I need this thread. I'm such a fucking scrub.
I play Smash 4. I'm garbage at it at competitive play. I have a lot of bad habits from years and years of playing with the same friends who had no competitive inclinations. My footsies are terrible.
I've been trying to get more competitive experience so I've been going to Smash 4 weeklies a town over. I continually get clapped, but it's helped me narrow down, what I think from play (and from some of the players there), some of my issues.
I'm definitely not approaching all that safely (I use Yoshi). There are times where in my head I know I have to use this approach option (NAir) because it's fast to come out and has fast FAF, I know I can to it cause I lab it and do it in friendlies, and it just...doesn't come out. I know I can do it. My mind wants it. My fingers can. But something doesn't translate, and I do a FAir, don't space it right, eat shield, get grabbed.
Along those lines I don't vary enough. It's been pointed out to me I do the same patterns in terms of combos and follow ups, the same ways to try to make and opening. Always aggressive. I don't know why I feel I have to do this, be the initiator. I guess part of it could be that the main way to punish aggression in Smash 4, to read/reatch to the approach, shield and grab, isn't quite as effective for Yoshi given his slow grab. Again I have the knowledge of it, but my hands are that overcome by habit. I haven't figured out what to do otherwise. Or, again, if I figured it out but do it too much, it gets read.
I think, if I were to try to boil it down, I am not respecting my opponent. I am not appreciating the are a sentient being, and likely fairly smart at this game. I think I can do what I want, I can will them. I can do this with my friends. I can't do this with others. I am not fully thinking, analysing the match. I just think I can do what I want and win. It doesn't work like that, but it's such a hard habit to break for me. There have been moments where I can make it work, and pull together some close matches...and then I get mentally exhausted, and auto-pilot.
Has anyone else had experience with combating this? What sort of mental training have you done? Or is it actually physical (in muscle reaction)? I've read/watched some of the guides, like the FG Primer or Juicebox's video, but I don't know why in being armed with the knowledge I find it so excruciatingly hard to apply.
I could also be completely wrong. Without videos it's kinda tough to convey.
tl;dr how do I stop auto-pilotmaybe?
Glad to have you, but unfortunately Yoshi is a banned character among SmashGAF for being too good and stupid and skill-less and immoral and extinct.Hi guys, just popping in to introduce myself. IntelliHeath caught my post in the Fighting Game Scrub thread and linked me some handy stuff, including this thread. My post there:
I'm trying to dial it back a bit with each weekly, and I've been getting closer and closer to winning by taking a more defensive approach, but the auto-pilot habits just shift from aggressive to less aggressive play. I'm trying to engage the mind with the fingers, but am finding it hard. When I do get small bursts of it, it's definitely when I play my best. What are some tips or tricks you guys have used to avoid auto-piloting? I've currently been mentally talking to myself in a match - did what I do worked? Will it work again? What did my opponent do against me? What did I do to receive the punish? it's helped me try to engage the brain more, but while I do this I'm auto-pilot fade FAiring, NAir or egging. Then get pushished again.
I'd love to play some of you guys sometimes :3 I'd love to get better too! My NNID is J58-P4.,
How can you hate such a happy face ;A;
Will check out the Dischord chat tonight![]()
I identify myself in your analysis. Pretty much the same background of playing against friends, maybe even worse since I *only* played thousands of 64, Melee and Brawl matches with the same 2 friends. Never heard the term auto-pilot but it's pretty accurate. Trying to fight it too I guess.Hi guys, just popping in to introduce myself. IntelliHeath caught my post in the Fighting Game Scrub thread and linked me some handy stuff, including this thread. My post there:
I'm trying to dial it back a bit with each weekly, and I've been getting closer and closer to winning by taking a more defensive approach, but the auto-pilot habits just shift from aggressive to less aggressive play. I'm trying to engage the mind with the fingers, but am finding it hard. When I do get small bursts of it, it's definitely when I play my best. What are some tips or tricks you guys have used to avoid auto-piloting? I've currently been mentally talking to myself in a match - did what I do worked? Will it work again? What did my opponent do against me? What did I do to receive the punish? it's helped me try to engage the brain more, but while I do this I'm auto-pilot fade FAiring, NAir or egging. Then get pushished again.
I'd love to play some of you guys sometimes :3 I'd love to get better too! My NNID is J58-P4.,
If it makes you feel better, we only have room to hate one Yoshi main on SmashGaf for his unfortunate character choices so you're very welcome to join us =3
quick question. If I bought the wiiu/3ds dlc bundles on the eshop, can I give away or sell the 3ds codes I get to someone else if I don't want them myself?
This statement is true no matter who you play, believe us.Yoshi is such a pain in the ass to play against.
That would seem to be the case from what I've seen, yes.