Not a chance. No Ice Climbers...
Look at the second picture. Ice Climbers would still be possible given this scenario as separate DLC.
Not a chance. No Ice Climbers...
Isn't everything about that tweet a joke though?
Evidence for version connectivity unlockables:
Wii U: Chorus Men, Ridley, Dixie and Mewtwo.
3DS: DHD, Bowser Jr, Dark Pit, Dr Mario
They actually fit into the 3DS roster nicely.
and can support DLC nicely.
Next, none of the above newcomers have trailers revealed. Its possible none of these characters have trailers at all, as they are version exclusives.This would explain a lot in this sense.
Nintendo needs incentives to sell both games. They do this often, with games like Pokemon series. Having unlockable characters by owning both versions is one of the best ways to push both games. Especially when they need to push sales on the Wii U. It would actually make less sense to not include a feature like this from a marketing standpoint.
We have not seen trophies of either of the 4 Wii U characters yet. I know Karate Joe doesnt have a symbol, but the series symbols are overlayed behind the text, and this can be an easy fix with a future patch. For that matter, the polar bear does't have a symbol, yet many believe ICs are a strong candidate for DLC. If you belief they can be DLC, then you'd have to believe having no symbol now means nothing at the moment.
For this to be true, Gematsu would have to be true. Gematsu failed to account for the 3DS exclusive characters. Its very possible the leaker only had inside information with the Wii U version's marketing.
Then we have the /v/ leaker, who claimed these characters are in the game. Please refer to this thread for more details. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/70028141
Lastly....if this is true, then this means the 4 characters above are indeed in the games files. While 3DS hacking is difficult, it has been done, and I'd assume it wont be long before people start digging into the games coding. We won't have to wait long to know for sure.
Also Neo Zero said he heard the same as spainkiller
Because of the roster? It was 4 cuts. Damn.
Your lost.
Any rumor/theory including Ridley as a playable character is pretty much instantly dismissed by me.
He'll never, ever be a character.
I swear I'll take a naked ice bath if it ever happens.
Any rumor/theory including Ridley as a playable character is pretty much instantly dismissed by me.
He'll never, ever be a character.
I swear I'll take a naked ice bath if it ever happens.
You have no idea how much I fucking love this.
Everything about Duck Hunt Dog is fucking perfect. His moveset not being limited to Duck Hunt but instead paying homage to the NES Zapper games as a whole is one of the most genius things Sakurai has ever done. It got me so hyped. I am going to play the shit out of this character.
Noa please give us the demo tomorrow
Any rumor/theory including Ridley as a playable character is pretty much instantly dismissed by me.
He'll never, ever be a character.
I swear I'll take a naked ice bath if it ever happens.
DLC is SO coming after what happened to Mario Kart 8, c'mon.
I JUST started maining wolf this week on project M. Now no wolf makes me a sad man child. At least I got my space goddess!
Evidence for version connectivity unlockables:
Wii U: Chorus Men, Ridley, Dixie and Mewtwo.
3DS: DHD, Bowser Jr, Dark Pit, Dr Mario
They actually fit into the 3DS roster nicely.
and can support DLC nicely.
Next, none of the above newcomers have trailers revealed. Its possible none of these characters have trailers at all, as they are version exclusives.This would explain a lot in this sense.
Nintendo needs incentives to sell both games. They do this often, with games like Pokemon series. Having unlockable characters by owning both versions is one of the best ways to push both games. Especially when they need to push sales on the Wii U. It would actually make less sense to not include a feature like this from a marketing standpoint.
We have not seen trophies of either of the 4 Wii U characters yet. I know Karate Joe doesnt have a symbol, but the series symbols are overlayed behind the text, and this can be an easy fix with a future patch. For that matter, the polar bear does't have a symbol, yet many believe ICs are a strong candidate for DLC. If you belief they can be DLC, then you'd have to believe having no symbol now means nothing at the moment.
For this to be true, Gematsu would have to be true. Gematsu failed to account for the 3DS exclusive characters. Its very possible the leaker only had inside information with the Wii U version's marketing.
Then we have the /v/ leaker, who claimed these characters are in the game. Please refer to this thread for more details. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/70028141
Lastly....if this is true, then this means the 4 characters above are indeed in the games files. While 3DS hacking is difficult, it has been done, and I'd assume it wont be long before people start digging into the games coding. We won't have to wait long to know for sure.
Also Neo Zero said he heard the same as spainkiller
That's Bulbamike's renditionanyone know where i can find the 8 bit version of smash theme in this video?
The gameplay is also a little disappointing, coming from a Project M/Melee/64 perspective.
I could see someone not minding a bad roster if they thought the gameplay would be fine or not minding bad gameplay if the roster was great, but if both are disappointing to you I could see people being a bit upset.
Updated All-Stars icon thanks to Gema.
Someone needs to analyze the data on the 3DS cartridge and see if there is character data for dixie, chorus men, ridley and mewtwo.
Zipzo is looking really silly right now.
Sheriff is already an Assist Trophy.
Yep, no Isaac or Ray MK assist trophies in the 3DS version. The game said all the profile icons were unlocked and all the ATs are there.
Sorry, but version specific characters aren't going to happen. Sakurai has been explicit and insistent in his message that the rosters between the two versions are identical. He is NOT going to require players to own both versions of the game to unlock all of the characters, as implementing such a concept would result in hundreds of thousands of players not having the ability to play the full roster.
Not going to happen.
A free DLC update for the 3DS when the Wii U version hits is a realistic possibility. It would certainly generate renewed hype for the Wii U version. However, I just don't expect this to happen. I've watched for the past 4 weeks as fans put together some incredibly convincing and elaborate arguments for the "final five"...and what happened? The leak was final. Now, we're on to DLC, and trying to convince ourselves that DLC will give us the final remaining newcomers. I'm not holding out hope.
If, however, it does happen, it will be free DLC for the 3DS. They're NOT going to require fans to own both systems and both copies of the game to unlock the full roster.
Any rumor/theory including Ridley as a playable character is pretty much instantly dismissed by me.
He'll never, ever be a character.
I swear I'll take a naked ice bath if it ever happens.
Smash is the new Pokemon.
I ask of you all...to not get your hopes up for DLC.
It will make the inevitable fall hurt less.
I wonder why Isaac and Ray MK are not there. Especially with the fact that Camelot shown up in the credit.
I ask of you all...to not get your hopes up for DLC.
It will make the inevitable fall hurt less.
Noa please give us the demo tomorrow
DLC is SO coming after what happened to Mario Kart 8, c'mon.
The clip only lasts a fraction of a second. Ridley didn't have time to do anything. Besides, when Ridley grabs Samus in Super Metroid he doesn't really do anything, either. He just grabs her and holds her in the air and drops her. Sometimes he might hit her with his tail or something but that's kinda random. And you should be able to break free of that kind of thing.
He mentioned nothing about gameplay. You are probably the one that is disappointed with it.
The other guy only talked about the roster.
Are there still smash 64 purist out there that will play nothing unless it plays exactly like 64?
I ask of you all...to not get your hopes up for DLC.
It will make the inevitable fall hurt less.
I would have said the same if it wasn't for the MK8 DLC. If that gets DLC you know Smash will. Even if Sakurai doesn't supervise it.
Isn't Camelot there because of Waluigi? He's their character, right?
So much denial in this thread.
The roster we have is final, and it's great. If it weren't for the ESRB leak, we'd be so full of hype right now.
lol, remember when people thought Ness was cut in favor of Lucas.
I ask of you all...to not get your hopes up for DLC.
It will make the inevitable fall hurt less.
So much denial in this thread.
The roster we have is final, and it's great. If it weren't for the ESRB leak, we'd be so full of hype right now.
Nintendo would be downright stupid to not have DLC or character updates/patches.
Even though Camelot made him, Nintendo owns him.