Do you guys think that the different version-exclusive stages/characters will land on the other systems via link between 3DS and Wii U?
I can see this happening with potential Wii U-only characters (Ice Climbers, Wolf, Dixie Kong and Choirs Kids) coming to 3DS with that method. We can see that the 3DS can easily handle huge stages that are on the Wii U version (Guar Planes for example), so it would be possible they would work on 3DS too.
I honestly think that the plan was releasing the 3DS version first with the most stable/complete content then when the Wii U version launches two/three months latter (with the longer development time), the 'cross-buy' is enabled, giving both versions the exclusive stages/characters from the other version.
People who don't own the Wii U or 3DS version should be able to get the other versions content for a fair price (and this is Nintendo we are talking about, the same guys who are giving away half a Mario Kart game via the MK8 DLC for 12 bucks
I love the roster in the game so far, but I would also like to see characters that really should be in the game (Ice Climbers for example), well, be in the game
I can see this happening with potential Wii U-only characters (Ice Climbers, Wolf, Dixie Kong and Choirs Kids) coming to 3DS with that method. We can see that the 3DS can easily handle huge stages that are on the Wii U version (Guar Planes for example), so it would be possible they would work on 3DS too.
I honestly think that the plan was releasing the 3DS version first with the most stable/complete content then when the Wii U version launches two/three months latter (with the longer development time), the 'cross-buy' is enabled, giving both versions the exclusive stages/characters from the other version.
People who don't own the Wii U or 3DS version should be able to get the other versions content for a fair price (and this is Nintendo we are talking about, the same guys who are giving away half a Mario Kart game via the MK8 DLC for 12 bucks
I love the roster in the game so far, but I would also like to see characters that really should be in the game (Ice Climbers for example), well, be in the game