Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog

Oh my God.

For the first time ever in the more than 2 months since the game came out, I managed to reach Master Fortress on Classic 9.0 without having lost a single life (for the challenge where you have to beat it all with no lives lost).

I was playing as Bowser. I've never been more careful playing anything in my life. I almost ran the clock out because I was cautiously taking out every single enemy in the fortress one at a time.

I made my way through, killing all the hearts. Finally I got to the very last chamber and killed every single enemy there was. I had to stifle a scream of joy. I finally did it.

I jumped up to the platform under the last heart..........and bumped into the danger zone on the wall. Dead. No win. Downgraded to 8.5.

This might seriously be the closest I've ever come to crying over a video game. Was probably my 100th attempt at that damn challenge (9 out of 10 times, I lose a life before I even get the Master Hand/Crazy Hand battle).

I know that feeling. Also with Bowser. Accidentally hit a danger zone, ping-pong around the level, DEAD.
GGs. My eyes are also kinda messed up right now, xD. You got a lot better. I mean, you beat me more than I beat you. Especially with Palutena. I keep letting you throw me and then it is all downhill from there.
Thanks xD. There's not many Palutena's though so I use that to my advantage (her grab range is 2nd in the game I believe, and her dash is fast).. Haven't seen many Yoshi's probably because it seems whatever he does Fox does it better? Are you maining Bowser as well?


Oh my God.

For the first time ever in the more than 2 months since the game came out, I managed to reach Master Fortress on Classic 9.0 without having lost a single life (for the challenge where you have to beat it all with no lives lost).

I was playing as Bowser. I've never been more careful playing anything in my life. I almost ran the clock out because I was cautiously taking out every single enemy in the fortress one at a time.

I made my way through, killing all the hearts. Finally I got to the very last chamber and killed every single enemy there was. I had to stifle a scream of joy. I finally did it.

I jumped up to the platform under the last heart..........and bumped into the danger zone on the wall. Dead. No win. Downgraded to 8.5.

This might seriously be the closest I've ever come to crying over a video game. Was probably my 100th attempt at that damn challenge (9 out of 10 times, I lose a life before I even get the Master Hand/Crazy Hand battle).

Oof! Always sucks to hear losing a challenge like that, especially so close to victory. I can't even beat Master Fortress yet, always get to the end before losing control. I love playing this game, but some of these challenges make me want to rip my hair out.


Haha thanks for the condolences.

I'll try again eventually, but that trauma put me off doing it again for a week probably. I only have 5 challenges left (that one as well as collect all special moves, collect all Mii hats, 50k blocks in trophy rush, and get $300k).

Oh well.
Thanks xD. There's not many Palutena's though so I use that to my advantage (her grab range is 2nd in the game I believe, and her dash is fast).. Haven't seen many Yoshi's probably because it seems whatever he does Fox does it better? Are you maining Bowser as well?

Yeah, I don't have much experience against Palutena, so that makes it tough, too. I don't see how Fox does what Yoshi does, but better. I thought the general consensus was that Yoshi was pretty high in the tier lists. I don't see many of them, though. It may be because he is awkward without a true recovery move. Against Palutena, his fast-fall nair doesn't seem to work too well, because you can just use your jab to get counter.

I don't main Bowser. I used to play him on the 3DS before I discovered Yoshi, but since about late October, I have probably used him for less than 15 matches.

I should also note that I hardly ever use anyone other than Yoshi. I pretty much suck with everyone else, except for a select few that I am alright with.

Masked Man

I said wow
Oh my God.

I would have to fight every urge in my body to hurl the controller at the TV if that happened to me. By the way, what equipment are you using for that challenge? I still have yet to even make an attempt, but I'd like to be prepared. Hopefully you complete it next time!
LMAO, should Tipster join our game too if he so chooses? It's been a while since I had a good FFA.
Hah hah, will there be a mode we haven't played today? I'll hop on if you guys are ok with that.

I'll play. Need more practice!

EDIT: Ahh, I'm too slow it seems. :p
Will you be on later? I'd be happy to play some after!

Are you still around I can play 1on1.

Sorry I missed some folks earlier.

Oh man! We haven't played in awhile! I'd love to do some DK matches, but why don't you and TWILT play for now since you're both looking? We can play later :)
Haha, sorry guys I didn't mean to hog the Mega Man today but it was his choice after all!

I'm assuming Vena and Enforced are fine with this too, I don't want you guys feeling ignored in all of this. :O
You just reminded me to train my pocket Diddy :^)


NAKAT just did his best M2K impression.

Ally just fucking took money out of NAKAT's pockets. It was a $1500 pot too, so Ally took $900 of the $1500 pot.
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