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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog


Any tips on combatting Jigglypuff's BS? Been playing some Smash for fun and EVERY TIME I play a Juggly, they just spam the roll and one-hit-KO moves. It's hard to defend against other folks AND watch out for Jiggly just sneaking in and pulling that garbage.

Also, if anyone has any tips on playing as Ness, that'd be cool. I have his timing down best, but still struggle to execute well. Been watching some APEX vids and trying to take in as much as possible, but can only go so far that route.
Hosting Puruzi

Any tips on combatting Jigglypuff's BS? Been playing some Smash for fun and EVERY TIME I play a Juggly, they just spam the roll and one-hit-KO moves. It's hard to defend against other folks AND watch out for Jiggly just sneaking in and pulling that garbage.

Also, if anyone has any tips on playing as Ness, that'd be cool. I have his timing down best, but still struggle to execute well. Been watching some APEX vids and trying to take in as much as possible, but can only go so far that route.

If the Jiggly roll is constantly hitting you, your main focus should be on improving your basic understandign of how to move and operate with any character, because that is a very easy move to avoid. Really focus on responding and reacting quickly to situations. Try to make your movement more instinctive rather than thinking too much


Hosting Puruzi

If the Jiggly roll is constantly hitting you, your main focus should be on improving your basic understandign of how to move and operate with any character, because that is a very easy move to avoid. Really focus on responding and reacting quickly to situations. Try to make your movement more instinctive rather than thinking too much

It'll usually go down like this: dodging another character, get right into the line of fire of the roll. Jump to a higher/lower area and get in the line of fire. It's frustrating because if I don't dodge the person who I'm fighting, I'll get hit. If I do dodge, I run into Jiggly.

In 1v1 I'm fine against Jiggly. In multi-charachter fights I struggle.


All of you fuckers talking about dairs, and nobody says shit about Falco's 360 nolaser diagonal stomp that, when sweetspotted, causes attractive lady-smashers (or guy smashers in Puruzi's case I guess, I don't know) to swarm you and beg you to give them the Falco Phantasm special.

Falco fucking Lombardi, bitches. When one of his taunts is telling you to "get some," you know you got a fine-ass package going on.


Any of you try to disagree I will fucking fight you m8 better fucking believe we will settle it in smash or you know what I'll even go out and buy PS All-Stars if you're that guy. I will spend entire matches doing nothing but dair, acting like we Melee now. Fuck Marth.

EDIT: Let me add that the only other dair that even begins to compare to Falco's godlike down aerial is Mega Man's because he shoots his fucking fist at you. Like holy shit nothing says "yeah get DUNKED you piece of shit" like a fist flying at your dumbass jumping from the ledge like you're hot shit. Fuck, everyone else's dair is either their feet, some downward weapon swing or Bowser being a suicidal fuckhead but Mega Man just says fuck it and punches you so hard Satan brings you back from heaven, that's how far your ass got launched downward got dayum.

Pfft. Yoshi's fAir spikes you with his fucking head. He headbutts you to death. Your pansy bird has nothing on that. And if you get close, dAir throws a MILLION kicks right on your feathery body. #YOSHIBESTDINOSAUREVER

And Mega Man? He's not even the best robot in the game. Oh no, that honor falls on my man (robot) R.O.B. He doesn't have feet to spike so he just sends you to hell with FIRE.


Anybody up for some games?

Anybody up for some games?

Any tips on combatting Jigglypuff's BS? Been playing some Smash for fun and EVERY TIME I play a Juggly, they just spam the roll and one-hit-KO moves. It's hard to defend against other folks AND watch out for Jiggly just sneaking in and pulling that garbage.

Also, if anyone has any tips on playing as Ness, that'd be cool. I have his timing down best, but still struggle to execute well. Been watching some APEX vids and trying to take in as much as possible, but can only go so far that route.
In multi it's gonna be hard to be dodging everything because of the chaotic nature of the multiplayer, you just gotta be aware of your surrounding and don't leave yourself between two opponents who are gonna be chasing you instead of each other. If the jiggly puff is abusing rollout, either block it and the other guy is gonna get hit by it or punish by following the roll if you can.

If you're doing ok in 1v1 you just gotta learn to not leave yourself In the middle of dangerous situations


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
You can only spike without dying if the opponent tries to recover above the stage, or of you time it perfectly during the 1 frame of snap vulnerability. Pretty limited, I would say.

Dair NEVER combos if your opponent is skilled. The ground bounce can always be teched. Then, if you SHed it, it can actually get punished (lol Sakurai).

Worst spike.

Palutena has fantastic recovery, so she can go deep with her spike chase.

Yeah unfortunately many characters do better then bowser. Especially in the air.
Yeah unfortunately many characters do better then bowser. Especially in the air.
NO ONE has better defenses than him, though. OoS Fortress is a monstrous tool.

I honestly think that Bowser is pretty great. Aside from the ledge snapping issue and side B, I don't have any issues with him.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
NO ONE has better defenses than him, though. OoS Fortress is a monstrous tool.

I honestly think that Bowser is pretty great. Aside from the ledge snapping issue and side B, I don't have any issues with him.

Bowser is amazing on the ground which is where he should be. My side b though.
No idea why you sd'd twice so I guess I had to go too! Lol

I've never liked the idea of someone killing themselves if I SD. Makes the win meaningless, and it wouldn't happen in a tournament type setting. I'd rather attempt to overcome my mistake.


I've never liked the idea of someone killing themselves if I SD. Makes the win meaningless, and it wouldn't happen in a tournament type setting. I'd rather attempt to overcome my mistake.
Alright makes sense, I just feel like it makes matches more even and fun but suit yourself.

And damn that was a tense match.

Damn that trampoline trick was amazing!!

And pk thunder shenanigans while it's offscreen and you expect it but still get hit in the face lol
I think if they fixed some of Palutena's goofy hitboxes she would be more viable. I think her f-air despite being good, has like 1 active frame or a disjoint hitbox (obviously her spike does too), while a lot of people have longer active frames/hitboxes. Makes fighting smaller characters a pain. And it really makes me salty getting hit from behind by someone's jab hitbox, happens all the time with Samus, Cpt. Falcon, and many others. Sigh.


I really need to start blocking those pk thunder charges.

Samus has the benefit of being able to DI away from pk fire but when airborne in recovery she's pretty fucked against a pk thunder.

Phew tense match, had to toss it away when 30 seconds were up.

And dayum you absorbed 2 charge shots I'm getting way too predictable!
But you're starting to abuse it, you have to anticipate not react because it's too slow, so you're leaving yourself way to open (which I haven't capitalized enough)

And dammit man let me win once at least lol, stupid stage spikes haha
GGs Boney. A few things.

The camping/rolling style will only get you so far. You have to learn to approach. Good players will get around that, it just takes time, and you won't be able to hide under those side platforms on Battlefield all the time because they will counterpick you, so you have tp start playing on other stages. That match that went to 2 seconds left when I had a 2 stock lead was literally me just hanging back, jumping up and down, waiting and wanting you to approach, and you never did. I was literally playing a "lets see how many missles and charge shots I can avoid" game. You have to approach to win consistently.

You have a good handle on your characters though. You seem to know Samus backwards and forwards. That's good. You did some real good stuff with her charge shot. Your Pit was very good too. Keep it up man. Work on that approach!


GGs Boney. A few things.

The camping/rolling style will only get you so far. You have to learn to approach. Good players will get around that, it just takes time, and you won't be able to hide under those side platforms on Battlefield all the time because they will counterpick you, so you have tp start playing on other stages. That match that went to 2 seconds left when I had a 2 stock lead was literally me just hanging back, jumping up and down, waiting and wanting you to approach, and you never did. I was literally playing a "lets see how many missles and charge shots I can avoid" game. You have to approach to win consistently.

You have a good handle on your characters though. You seem to know Samus backwards and forwards. That's good. You did some real good stuff with her charge shot. Your Pit was very good too. Keep it up man. Work on that approach!
Thanks for the praise! I haven't played so defensively ever really, it was just too scary approach you so I was being really really extra careful. I guess I was just being way too respectful of you so I stayed back way too much. But I agree this was campiness to the max and it's not gonna be able to fly against a faster character like diddy, Shiek or Mac. But against ness playing keep away wasn't a bad option. I did miss a few reverse charged shots and pivot grabs that would've helped me but oh well.

I really was only picking battlefield because after that first match it kinda worked out pretty well for me lol but I agree it was a huge advantage for me and I still couldn't make it.

I really need to play Vena to learn a more direct and aggressive samus.

Your ness was totally on point every time, if those pk fires would've worked like usual I was toast. There's nothing really for me to add other than keep getting better! That air game he has and the amount of control you have from pk thunder is bonkers.

Your Pacman was also pretty amazing with some great traps. Damn hydrant and the projectiles are so annoying. Great mobility and spacing with the neutral air.

Really fun fights throughout enjoyed them inmensly. I really hope we go at it again soon!

Boney, I need to play you in some 1v1s !
During the week you guys play too late for me because there's a five hour difference with east coast. But let's try doing it this weekend.

Going away for two weeks on Monday so no smash for me :(
Watching some good players use Fox is really discouraging. I was hoping his game would be more than dash attacks and grabs.
As a Fox main myself, there isn't much you can do about that. The game simply doesn't allow for much in the way of safe approach, and until we learn to walk and not run, it's going to stay that way.

Of course, his whole game isn't just those two if that's what you mean. I incorporate a variety of aerials and jab into my game, with the goal being to lead into a smash that either deals damage or sends the opponent flying (without a kill because Fox has no off-stage game ;__;).


Nice matches Wynd. I liked your Zelda.

Whenever I approached I got super punished so I played more calm in the last game. ROB is great for that!

EDIT: Anybody else up for some matches?
Nice matches Wynd. I liked your Zelda.

Whenever I approached I got super punished so I played more calm in the last game. ROB is great for that!

Yeah, when I play for glory there are so many super aggressive players that I've pretty much adopted a punishment style. Thing is you also played my worst matchups too. I can't really figure out ROB and Yoshi's attacks lol.

edit: Literally, when the first matchup against yoshi showed up I pretty much knew I was toast lol.


Yeah, when I play for glory there are so many super aggressive players that I've pretty much adopted a punishment style. Thing is you also played my worst matchups too. I can't really figure out ROB and Yoshi's attacks lol.

Hahaha ROB is very troll-ish. Lasers + spinner rack up a lot of damage and then you can easily kill with up throw.

I was gonna use Falcon but you had to leave :p

Zelda ditto was hype though. How you killed me with that back Air in the first match was cool.
Dabuz's tier list.
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