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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog

Just got the game Friday and I either play with gaffers or my real life friends. Never online randoms; I know I'm not ready for that yet.

A lot of the online randoms aren't that great. If you got the basics down you can beat a lot of them. I'm not that great at the game and I can go through a lot of players.

Many gaffers are probablky pro tier so get some practice
Fair is not safe on landing. Gucci, hitting with Marth is a little different compared to previous games, in previous ones his sword was basically a huge slash hitbox, in this one his sword is actually the hitbox, not the graphical effect around it. So if you want to hit an opponent that's slightly below you in the air and do a forward air attack, his sword will start high and travel downwards - you can start that attack slightly ahead of time to catch them. Follow his sword with your eyes as you're doing attacks to get an idea of when you're going to hit an opponent.

Does that make any sense...? Hopefully it does.

Marth is all about space. You have to move a lot and try to out-range your opponent, but picking your attacks wisely.

For example, down air has a lot of range but it has a lot of landing lag so if you miss you'll get punished. Up air and normal air have good range and much less lag so they're safer. Forward and back air don't have that much lag so you can use them too. In the ground, use tilts mainly, unless you find an opening in which case you should use smashes.

For spacing, standard b is also good. For example, if your opponent starts running towards you then you can start charging standard b which will probably make them nervous. You'll either hit them with the attack or if they panic they'll shield and you can break it!

In any case, Marth is tough to use and you'll feel outclassed a lot, but he's rewarding when you win!

This is why I love this community. I feel like you guys can teach me how to play much better than my casual friends or a smash YouTube channel. I'm going to keep working at this until I become decent. Thank you for taking time to explain the mechanics rather than make fun of me for being an impatient whiner. Anybody down for some matches?


Ugh this game is so damn frustrating; it's no fun getting your ass kicked every single frickin match. I try to space my opponent with Marth but I'm always just out of range or they get the hit..how the hell does captain falcon out space marth!!?? And then it seems like my opponents can attack out of shield faster or have no lag after attacks, I just got wrecked by my friends bowser who was wayyyy faster than my marth which doesn't make sense. Sorry for the rant but I'm getting pissed off and this makes me want to trade the game in. Not gonna do that because I'm sure I probably just need to play more and get better but this is the first time I've gotten angry while gaming since I was a teen.

NNID is GucciGAF if anybody wants to kick my sorry ass. I'm not good at all.

Yea Marth's sword feels so much shorter now. Pretty sad that Falcon's forward smash has more range than Marth's. I can play some Marth ditto's with you in a bit which might help, but even I don't enjoy playing Marth in this game much anymore despite playing him for like 10 years throughout Melee and Brawl. He just doesn't have the same presence he had before with his f-air having more landing lag now and not even being able to do it twice in a short hop anymore.


Damn that combo at the beggining.

Based Falco

I heard online is nothing but hoo-hah Diddy spammers and Shieks; any truth to that? I'd rather stick to friends if that's the case.
Not in my case. I actually almost never get to see either character. It's pretty varied really and there's some good players and some not so good. It's been for the most part pretty enjoyable, except for like 1% that are xbox live kinda brats.


This is why I love this community. I feel like you guys can teach me how to play much better than my casual friends or a smash YouTube channel. I'm going to keep working at this until I become decent. Thank you for taking time to explain the mechanics rather than make fun of me for being an impatient whiner. Anybody down for some matches?

Do you wanna do some Marth dittos now?


Junior Member
I'm at a Project M tournament where the pianist played everything from Rhythm Heaven Fever to Phoenix Wright & even Persona 5. So hype.


Junior Member
I'm so bad with falco, no idea why I try

Give that man a kiss.
He played specifically...

- Dreams of Our Generation (Rhythm Heaven Fever)
- Cherry Bomb (The Runaways)
- Objection 2013 (Dual Destinies)
- PV #1 Music (Persona 5)


It's not so bad, you're still leagues better than me even with bad chars lol

I need all the practice I can get
You're getting way to predictable with the up b and you're rolling way too much (which I'm not punishing as much as I should) those are your two biggest flaws I think even if up b is also your strongest weapon

Welp that second stock with up b was great lol
He played specifically...

- Dreams of Our Generation (Rhythm Heaven Fever)
- Cherry Bomb (The Runaways)
- Objection 2013 (Dual Destinies)
- PV #1 Music (Persona 5)
Hope someone records it :3
You're getting way to predictable with the up b and you're rolling way too much (which I'm not punishing as much as I should) those are your two biggest flaws I think even if up b is also your strongest weapon

Welp that second stock with up b was great lol

Hope someone records it :3

I usually just sit back and experiement more in gaffer fights lol. At some point i just fall into basic habits lol


sall good, I'll check the thread when I free back up.

Long day. Got my ass whipped the majority of the time. Oh well, I'm learning. Projectile spam is still killing me. I have to get more comfortable with shielding. My biggest weakness right now is execution errors (smash instead of tilt, tilt instead of dash attack, etc). I'll be in good shape if I can clean all that up.


I heard online is nothing but hoo-hah Diddy spammers and Shieks; any truth to that? I'd rather stick to friends if that's the case.

I've played online a lot and never met a good Diddy, I'm a little annoyed cause I haven't gotten any practice at the matchup. Generally I see very few high tier characters besides the odd villager trying to troll me with the tree and slingshot/lloid rocket spam. The character I probably see the most is Ganondorf, honestly - I'm sick of fighting him.
Alright, little break time and be back in a few, gonna be tough to survive without smash for two weeks.

Nice games dude!

What an anticlimactic last fight lol.

I like your matches. You pick matchups I know i'm not that great at so it's practice for me.


Hope that didn't depress you too much or anything Gucci. I'm probably not the best at articulating things you should be working on in general, but hopefully playing against me still helped a bit. One thing you definitely shouldn't be doing though is using your double jump immediately all the time when you get hit off stage. Especially as Marth, getting hit again without your jump is pretty much death. Don't use it until you absolutely need to.
Hope that didn't depress you too much or anything Gucci. I'm probably not the best at articulating things you should be working on in general, but hopefully playing against me still helped a bit. One thing you definitely shouldn't be doing though is using your double jump immediately all the time when you get hit off stage. Especially as Marth, getting hit again without your jump is pretty much death. Don't use it until you absolutely need to.

Not depressed at all, seeing you spot dodge made me start using it so I'm slowly learning. I have tap jump on so I'll switch it off to avoid double jumping, thanks for the hint. I eventually just didn't even bother trying to recover if I got knocked off because I knew you'd chase me off stage haha. I gotta learn how to do that.
Well at least that pity win took me one step away from throwing this game in the trash :X

I wasn't sure what to do when you sd'd for the spike, so I gave you a free stock.

I made a terrible mistake.
if you teleport facing backward she will not snap to the ledge at certain distances, even where everyone else probably would..
Well at least that pity win took me one step away from throwing this game in the trash :X

if you teleport facing backward she will not snap to the ledge at certain distances, even when everyone else probably would..

Don't be negative, Quote. D:

Ah, I understand then. That's pretty lame.

Also holy shit that stage is huge as fuck.


Not depressed at all, seeing you spot dodge made me start using it so I'm slowly learning. I have tap jump on so I'll switch it off to avoid double jumping, thanks for the hint. I eventually just didn't even bother trying to recover if I got knocked off because I knew you'd chase me off stage haha. I gotta learn how to do that.

You should still try to come back regardless. Learning how to get around people offstage is something you should learn how to combat as well.
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