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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog

Been playing around with Mega Man in Training and he doesn't seem to have been changed in any notable ways. Maybe no balancing was done after all? But at least one person has claimed Diddy got nerfed, so who knows...

Alright gaf. We all have our primaries and secondary, and some of us switch out a lot. But if you had to pick one, just ONE character to represent you, and you could proudly say he's your best (even if you are good with multiple characters) . Which character would you put above the rest, and if you want elaborate why. Could be favoritism, could be love for the series, or maybe you haven't played the character's games but you are just good with him.

Me: Mac. Me and him just 'click' and I can't/don't get bored and bored. I've tried everyone in the roster more than once and I keep coming back to him. I just love the guy

I've already elaborated enough lol. And I'm at work I'll probably elaborate more later


Mega Man, easily. I would elaborate on why, but Anonymous Tipster...

It's Mega Man for me. Growing up there were three huge pillars of gaming as far as I was concerned: Nintendo Games, Final Fantasy, and Mega Man.

When Brawl was announced with Snake, introducing the idea that 3rd party characters could make it in, I thought Mega Man was a sure thing. And then he wasn't. The tears were bitter.

But then, Smash 4. A new chance. On the surface, I had hoped. But deep down, I wasn't sure it would happen. The trailer finished, went to black. If it's happening, it's here, I thought. And then it did.

The implementation of Mega Man is perfect in Smash 4. It's exactly what I wanted, faithful down to the animations. I couldn't have dreamed up a better rep. (Could've used a Protoman skin though, 'cmon.)

When the 3DS demo came out, I had a chance to finally sit down for an extended period of time with the character. I had already decided to main him no matter what, but I just couldn't get him to work that well against the level 9 CPUs. I kept playing, to adjust to the 3DS controls, but I started to have my doubts about his competitive viability. I couldn't approach, I could consistently kill. It was tough.

Then the 3DS game came out, and I don't know what was different, but Mega Man felt good. I just kept playing with him to get where I'm at now.

No regrets.

P.S. His down-air is the best down-air.

... very graciously already fucking nailed it. We're in the same boat. ;)


It's Mega Man for me. Growing up there were three huge pillars of gaming as far as I was concerned: Nintendo Games, Final Fantasy, and Mega Man.

When Brawl was announced with Snake, introducing the idea that 3rd party characters could make it in, I thought Mega Man was a sure thing. And then he wasn't. The tears were bitter.

But then, Smash 4. A new chance. On the surface, I had hoped. But deep down, I wasn't sure it would happen. The trailer finished, went to black. If it's happening, it's here, I thought. And then it did.

The implementation of Mega Man is perfect in Smash 4. It's exactly what I wanted, faithful down to the animations. I couldn't have dreamed up a better rep. (Could've used a Protoman skin though, 'cmon.)

When the 3DS demo came out, I had a chance to finally sit down for an extended period of time with the character. I had already decided to main him no matter what, but I just couldn't get him to work that well against the level 9 CPUs. I kept playing, to adjust to the 3DS controls, but I started to have my doubts about his competitive viability. I couldn't approach, I could consistently kill. It was tough.

Then the 3DS game came out, and I don't know what was different, but Mega Man felt good. I just kept playing with him to get where I'm at now.

No regrets.

P.S. His down-air is the best down-air.

That was touching, man!

Hey, let's play Megaman dittos again some time! It's been a while since we last got a match.
Alright gaf. We all have our primaries and secondary, and some of us switch out a lot. But if you had to pick one, just ONE character to represent you, and you could proudly say he's your best (even if you are good with multiple characters) . Which character would you put above the rest, and if you want elaborate why. Could be favoritism, could be love for the series, or maybe you haven't played the character's games but you are just good with him.

Didn't catch this post. It's Villager for me. Matches my playstyle perfectly, which is to harass you. As Karst and/or any other person who has played me in UMvC3 can verify, I like projectiles and I like throwing them at you. I like controlling the pace of a match, and I do not care about time-overs. To put it bluntly: my goal is not to win, but to frustrate you into losing.


I guess that was Robocop from the reboot right? P:
still, Mona Lisa it's the best so far xD

ok, that was supposed to be a raising pound P:
Didn't catch this post. It's Villager for me. Matches my playstyle perfectly, which is to harass you. As Karst and/or any other person who has played me in UMvC3 can verify, I like projectiles and I like throwing them at you. I like controlling the pace of a match, and I do not care about time-overs. To put it bluntly: my goal is not to win, but to frustrate you into losing.
I wish Smash had a character that fit that well for me...

I do like Bowser, but we both know he isn't my usual style. Zato in Xrd is pretty slick, though.

Here is to hoping Mewtwo has crazy stuff to tickle my fancy. Honestly, Ness is exactly my style, but I have a 100% chance of suiciding once per match with PK Thunder. :p Plus I don't dig his look.


Best tweet I've seen all week



Alright gaf. We all have our primaries and secondary, and some of us switch out a lot. But if you had to pick one, just ONE character to represent you, and you could proudly say he's your best (even if you are good with multiple characters) . Which character would you put above the rest, and if you want elaborate why. Could be favoritism, could be love for the series, or maybe you haven't played the character's games but you are just good with him.

Mine is Yoshi. Always has been. I remember when Smash 64 launched. My friends and I watched the TV ad (this one of course) and we couldn't believe what we were seeing. One of my friends bought the game and organized a sleep-over. For some reason I was one of the last to arrive and when I started everyone already knew how to play. And when it was my turn I decided to pick Yoshi and since then I've always used him in Smash. I'm honestly not that sure why I picked him back then, maybe it was because I loved Yoshi's Island? I think I also used him in Mario Kart 64 and the Mario Party games (not sure about the order of release here though haha).

In any case, Yoshi has been my main since then. He always felt a bit gimped to me with his lack of good up B recovery (even if Brawl and 4 have made it better), but he was always fun to use with his strange jump, his troll-ish eggs and other stuff. Now, in Smash 4, he's simply great and I'm learning new stuff all the time. I think I'm also good with the character, so that helps too! There's nothing better than killing people by turning them into eggs haha.

Yoshi da best.

EDIT: I have to say though, that Sm4sh ROB is winning my heart too. Whenever my Yoshi fails, particularly against campers, my ROB is there to out-camp and out-troll you. Yesterday I battled this Villager who was barely interested in battling and spammed Lloyds and those stupid slingshot aerials. He beat my Marth almost by frustration (it was almost impossible to hit him haha) so I picked ROB and camped hard. I couldn't have been more annoying in that match, even taunting when camping haha. Best part was that I won (with 5 seconds left in the clock) and the guy changed his name to "U SPAMMY" and quit. I love you ROB.


Good Games Shamrock, had a lot of fun with your crazy Miis, thou I was wishing to play a few rounds against your Ness :'D hopefully next time, I noticed I was rolling way to much an always getting hit by your dash attack, need to leave that bad habit >_>
Good Games Shamrock, had a lot of fun with your crazy Miis, thou I was wishing to play a few rounds against your Ness :'D hopefully next time, I noticed I was rolling way to much an always getting hit by your dash attack, need to leave that bad habit >_>

Yea I caught on that you would roll back a lot. Admittedly I made none of those. Got em off a website, but they are hilarious. The one bad thing is they are locked so I can't change their weight class. I still think Burger is the best.


Yea I caught on that you would roll back a lot. Admittedly I made none of those. Got em off a website, but they are hilarious. The one bad thing is they are locked so I can't change their weight class. I still think Burger is the best.

lol yeah, I got kinda surprised by how fast was that hamburger... talking about fast food
ok nope, sorry lol

but mona lisa got me, it was just too good


The character that fits the best for me is Shulk. I loved Xenoblade, and really wanted Shulk in Smash Bros (and woo I got him). I really like that his Monado Arts give him an option for almost any situation, and in general, I really like the hard to master sword characters. He has his fairshare of bad matchups (thankfully, I've been getting better with Pikachu on the side), but I love using him regardless. I'm really feeling it. :p
If I had to say who my main character is (or who I'd want it to be), it would definitely be Toon Link. Lucina's the only other character I use now, but I haven't played Fire Emblem Awakening, and after what happened to me with Shulk and Xenoblade I'm a bit nervous about doing so.

The Wind Waker is still one of the best looking games of all time, and I fell in love with the art style after the reveal of it. I didn't like Zelda games prior to that, but I decided that I would try my best to enjoy this one, and it wasn't difficult to do that. Toon Link is such a charming character and I love how expressive he is. Being a swordsman and projectile character is awesome too (even though I need to feel less guilty about camping). And that red colour? SO GOOD. I really wish Toon Link could just become a Smash mainstay for good. I don't look forward to the day when he disappears for another Young Link. :/
alright gg's tipster i think i need to go to training mode haha

Good games Gucci. You're pretty new to the game right? You're pretty good for where you're at. Just gotta play a bunch more to hammer in the fundamentals and reflexes. Keep at it!

Anyone else up for a few games? Happy to play 1v1s, 2v2s, or FFA.

That was touching, man!

Hey, let's play Megaman dittos again some time! It's been a while since we last got a match.
Oh hey! It has been awhile! I'm totally down to play sometime!
The character that fits the best for me is Shulk. I loved Xenoblade, and really wanted Shulk in Smash Bros (and woo I got him). I really like that his Monado Arts give him an option for almost any situation, and in general, I really like the hard to master sword characters. He has his fairshare of bad matchups (thankfully, I've been getting better with Pikachu on the side), but I love using him regardless. I'm really feeling it. :p

Tell me TWILT, if you were to choose your favorite Xenoblade party member, why would your only choice be Dunban? No spoilers past (mid-game location name)
Sword Valley

EDIT: I should also mention that, out of every Smash game the only main I had whom I actually liked prior to becoming competitive is Melee Doc. >.>;;; To think, I was so excited for his return, only to see him become a shell of what he was...


My main(and subs) are always from series that I like, hence why I main Link, I always loved LoZ on my NES, so it was natural that my 11 y/o self would pick Link on smash bros 64, I came to like Metroid and Fire Emblem as I grew up, but Zelda will be my favorite, and even if Link is garbage in every game, I will still use him
Good games Gucci. You're pretty new to the game right? You're pretty good for where you're at. Just gotta play a bunch more to hammer in the fundamentals and reflexes. Keep at it!

Anyone else up for a few games? Happy to play 1v1s, 2v2s, or FFA.

Oh hey! It has been awhile! I'm totally down to play sometime!
I'm game for a few..
Good games Gucci. You're pretty new to the game right? You're pretty good for where you're at. Just gotta play a bunch more to hammer in the fundamentals and reflexes. Keep at it!

Yup, just got it Friday! Your Mega Man was insane; I was literally trying my hardest and there was nothing I could do haha. I'll keep working on the basics; right now I'm trying to short hop more consistently and work on my aerials. Defensively I have to stop rolling so much and learn how to punish air/spot dodges. Anything else you suggest I focus on? Marth is supposedly a spacer so maybe stage control? Not sure how that works though.


Up for some 1v1s if someone would like to play.
Tell me TWILT, if you were to choose your favorite Xenoblade party member, why would your only choice be Dunban? No spoilers past (mid-game location name)
Sword Valley
Dunban is just awesome. Aside from his awesome battle quotes (BORN IN A WORLD OF STRIFE), he can fight even with just -one- arm. Also, I exclusively use the Dunban color for Shulk too lol.
Up for some 1v1s if someone would like to play.

Dunban is just awesome. Aside from his awesome battle quotes (BORN IN A WORLD OF STRIFE), he can fight even with just -one- arm. Also, I exclusively use the Dunban color for Shulk too lol.

I'm tempted to play you, but I'm in no shape to play seriously at the moment. Sorry. :(

I just love the way he shouts his attack names, they're so charismatic.


And you also use best Shulk color too~
Yup, just got it Friday! Your Mega Man was insane; I was literally trying my hardest and there was nothing I could do haha. I'll keep working on the basics; right now I'm trying to short hop more consistently and work on my aerials. Defensively I have to stop rolling so much and learn how to punish air/spot dodges. Anything else you suggest I focus on? Marth is supposedly a spacer so maybe stage control? Not sure how that works though.
Are you tapping a button to jump, or pressing up?

I'm reading that the Kirby Hover glitch was removed, as well as the Link jab infinite.
Mixed reports on the latter.


I'm reading that the Kirby Hover glitch was removed, as well as the Link jab infinite.

Is this what you mean?
Link seems unchanged, including his jab cancel shenanigans.

If I may offer a friendly suggestion, posting a source link with any claim about patch changes helps in confirming whether things have really changed, and what is just placebo. I'm not a mod and can't make any rules, but I do think that would be a helpful practice.
Is this what you mean?

If I may offer a friendly suggestion, posting a source link with any claim about patch changes helps in confirming whether things have really changed, and what is just placebo. I'm not a mod and can't make any rules, but I do think that would be a helpful practice.

I only got it from Smashboards. -shrug-
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