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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog

We (GameXplain) just posted a quick-and-dirty video of the new amiibo functionality in Smash 3DS, if anyone's interested. Surprise: It works and looks exactly like it does in Smash Wii U. :p

It's always so exciting when we get an update, even if it doesn't include any balance changes. I wonder when Miiverse, Tournament mode, and Mewtwo are coming...


I'm really looking forward to tourney mode.

If it allows an easy way to verse random people on 1v1, non-omega stages, I'll be over the moon.
I mean, I think it's near unanimous that people want custom moves.

But that poll's asking a loaded question. Allowing custom moves means inviting all the logistics issues along with them. :(

If only the developers had offered up better unlock methods for that specific group of unlockables.

Let's not forget that the Standard Custom Moveset Project is a thing and, with community support, solves the biggest logistical problems with custom moves. All you need is one 3DS with all custom moves unlocked, something easily achieved with Powersaves or simply calling upon the local scene and having someone who inevitably has all of them unlocked. It's simply a matter of setting aside the time to get all the setups ready prior to the tourney.

I'm sure if this was more widespread (along with the ability to use custom moves in general), that we'd have little to no problems.

Sonic obviously, Fox has his somewhat-safe dash attack, but Falco?

I almost want to fight you with my Falco, if you haven't already.

Believe it or not, but Falco does have a lot of capable tools that make him a strong character. He's not fast, but he's quite strong and has safer KO options than Fox does, as well as a projectile to zone opponents with, a Reflector that can be used offensively, and solid gimping options including his side-B.

To top it off, he's not as fragile as Fox is, and in my opinion is more likely to survive at high-percents due to not having Fox's fall speed and weight.

To give an idea of Falco's options, all of his aerials except nair can kill before %180 when fresh; bair can kill most characters before %100, dair is a meteor when sweetspotted (same timing as Falcon/Dorf's), fair can be used not only to kill from the side but to drag your opponent down, and uair is fast as kills as well as Fox's without the possibility of whiffing mid hit, since Falco's uair is only one hit.

With regards to Fox, I've found only two of his aerials can reliably kill, being bair and uair. Uair is the same as Falco's except it's two-hit and you can miss the second hit, and bair is more often used for stage spikes than anything. Think about it for a bit.

I actively play as both space animals, so I'd like to say I know what I'm talking about. I actually use Fox versus other Falco players and vice-versa because I hate mirrors and enjoy these matchups more. :)
I almost want to fight you with my Falco, if you haven't already.

Believe it or not, but Falco does have a lot of capable tools that make him a strong character. He's not fast, but he's quite strong and has safer KO options than Fox does, as well as a projectile to zone opponents with, a Reflector that can be used offensively, and solid gimping options including his side-B.

To top it off, he's not as fragile as Fox is, and in my opinion is more likely to survive at high-percents due to not having Fox's fall speed and weight.

I mean how can Falco be in the same league of annoying as Sonic. You need to put a lot more work into Falco for him to be annoying, so it's not common for someone to be annoyed by Falco.
I mean how can Falco be in the same league of annoying as Sonic. You need to put a lot more work into Falco for him to be annoying, so it's not common for someone to be annoyed by Falco.

Let's also not forget that Sonic is a piece-of-shit fuckface who needs to shove a spring up his ass



Also Tipster cries when I play spacies so I think Falco can be annoying but I don't know.
Sonic is simply in his own tier of annoying crap. I don't know what his frame data is, but he's far safer than anyone has any business being.

I don't have a main 90% of the time, but my characters right now are Mega Man and Fox. I imagine Villager would be one of Mega Man's most annoying matchups.

Masked Man

I said wow
Let's also not forget that Sonic is a piece-of-shit fuckface who needs to shove a spring up his ass



Thisthisthis. The fact that he has no lag on a fast, powerful move if performed from the right height is insane
ly frustrating


Sonic is simply in his own tier of annoying crap. I don't know what his frame data is, but he's far safer than anyone has any business being.

I don't have a main 90% of the time, but my characters right now are Mega Man and Fox. I imagine Villager would be one of Mega Man's most annoying matchups.

Villager is a bit of an even match-up with Megaman as they can simply zone each other out. The only thing Megaman mains need to keep an eye out is launching Fsmashes since they can be pocketed. But other than that, it's a matter of who can play better zoning.

The thing about Falco though is how effective the kicked reflector is against Megaman. At long range, it can be spammable to protect him from metal blades and crash bombs. At mid-range, it nulls pellet jabs and can be a weapon that makes you hesitant to approach from the ground. It then forces approaches in the air, which gives Falco a lot of options, like shield grab or aerial attacks. He is the best option to annoy Megaman imo.
As a Mega Man main, I can say that for my particular style of play, Falco is one of my most difficult match ups. If not the most difficult.

Fox is also very difficult.

And Sonic is as bad for me as he is for anyone else. Metal Blade into any spin move just means I'm about to eat jabs.

Villager's pretty even I'd say. Pocket makes the charge shot a dangerous proposition which removes a lot of my pressure potential. But Mega buster and projectiles easily neutralize the gyroid. It could go either way. Maybe slightly in MM's favor. I don't know.

Edit: Woah, beaten, haha.



edit: whatever i give up trying to make her work
waste of my money


hi guys - i've stuck with smash and i'm really enjoying it. i'm not great by any means, but i'm getting a handle on it and learning how I can transfer over skills from traditional fighters.

i just have a couple of questions, if someone would be kind enough to help me out (again!)

how can i hop backwards, while facing forwards? i saw a sheik guide where someone was doing this *super* quickly and consistently to space fairs, but they didn't really describe what they were doing. i've got a hang of plinking Y into A for hop attacks going forwards, but I don't get how I can apply this while hopping backwards, without just turning around.

incredibly similar, but how can i consistently hop forwards while facing backwards, in order to land bairs? it seems like this would be incredibly useful with some characters. in an edge guard situation you can position yourself easily facing backwards and do neutral jumps with bairs, but it'd be nice to actually get offensive with it.

also, is perfect pivot timing the same for every character?


Jump and move your stick immediately in the other direction from which you face.

And I would imagine the timing is different given that dash speeds are variable across characters.


Let's not forget that the Standard Custom Moveset Project is a thing and, with community support, solves the biggest logistical problems with custom moves. All you need is one 3DS with all custom moves unlocked, something easily achieved with Powersaves or simply calling upon the local scene and having someone who inevitably has all of them unlocked. It's simply a matter of setting aside the time to get all the setups ready prior to the tourney.

I'm sure if this was more widespread (along with the ability to use custom moves in general), that we'd have little to no problems.
I actually did forget about that. It's pretty cool, hope it catches on.


Maturity, bitches.
Pretty sure my 3DS version is still on the second version where you can do that crazy Wario air momentum move.



Let your voices be heard guys.

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