Some amiibos are better than others. I've heard to avoid Link and WFT.
To clarify why I think Halberd should be banned, any hazard that targets a player makes the match inherently unbalanced. If there were a hazard that just stuck to one localized part of the stage, that would be fine, but a hazard that flips a coin and goes after one player or another makes a match more "fun" and less competitive.
My Fox amiibo is godlike in 1v1, wonder where he got that skill from.
Also bruh Halberd's hazards are total non-issues, they're super telegraphed and very easy to avoid unless your opponent purposefully traps you in a situation where you can't avoid it, and I'm having a hard time thinking one up. The only issue with that stage IMO is the ledges, looking like Brawl FD with that lip catching everybody.
I will give options in the survey during sign-up for different match lengths and such.
I will specifically poll about Halberd and Skyloft.
I will include a "don't care" option for custom moves.
CaptainRQ, I actually like the conversation being here. It helps bring people together. Is there something especially great about this program?
I will make the survey this weekend. Then people have a few weeks to sign up.
Let me know if I missed anything that I need to address.
Fuck Skyloft, I get more timeouts on that stage than actual stocks.
I didn't mean to sound like I didn't like the conversations here (I'm part of the problem, I can't complain.) Rather, I thought it would be interesting because of how Anther's Ladder (which you can visit
here) handles stage counterpicks, where it presents them to the players and asks them to ban in turns on the first match, and onwards has the winner ban stages while the loser counterpicks like in actual sets. It's really simple and easy, but the issue is the system will only be active when doing a Bo3 or Bo5, which doesn't fit our current Bo9 sets.
On that note, if we are going to keep the B09 format we should considering lowering the stock count, as some of my sets tended to last nearly a whole hour to complete, especially when it was neck-and-neck (damn you Poltergust and your surprise Yoshi, I wasn't expecting that ><;;

and of course we don't need to prolong the suffering of our weaker players who are still stuck in strong brackets like Bracket 2.