No! Awful games! You didn't taunt once! Everything is serious bidness! Like Subspace!
Good games! What kind of connection are you on? And were you just picking random? You were good with everyone you used.
hm, dunno why I don't taunt
Was there input lag? I didn't have any, but if there was on your end it was probably my fault, I'm using wireless so sorry if there was. I don't pick random because all I get is G&W and Olimar :X. I don't really think about who I pick though, I just move around the cursor until I land on a character I know how to play as.
It's all good. I didn't feel input lag but I did feel a few hiccups from time to time. Nothing game breaking.
Taunts are the best! Make a pun, joke or anything related to your mains and let the hilarity begin! Plus I love Seeing those animations! When you fight me my only request is to taunt. I've heard it steps up your game at least 50%. Imagine I didn't taunt Donkey Kong's award winning "U got DKO'd" or "you're fired!" from Charizard? I would have lost 100% of the time. Those are just the facts. Oh and let's not forget the greatest Ninja Turtles reference of all time from Bowser, "I LUV BN A TURTLE!"
Trust me, I know how these things work.
I have heartbrnAlright, time to think up some taunt text to use
It's all good. I didn't feel input lag but I did feel a few hiccups from time to time. Nothing game breaking.
Taunts are the best! Make a pun, joke or anything related to your mains and let the hilarity begin! Plus I love Seeing those animations! When you fight me my only request is to taunt. I've heard it steps up your game at least 50%. Imagine I didn't taunt Donkey Kong's award winning "U got DKO'd" or "you're fired!" from Charizard? I would have lost 100% of the time. Those are just the facts. Oh and let's not forget the greatest Ninja Turtles reference of all time from Bowser, "I LUV BN A TURTLE!"
Trust me, I know how these things work.
You must've loved 64 taunt cancelling.Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay
Is all I need, lol
I want Bowser to get his roar back. :-(
Ranbat is short for "random battle." During a season, you'll be placed in a bracket with a bunch of other people. Every week, you're obligated to play one other person in your bracket. It can be whoever's available at the time, which is what makes it a random battle. You get a point for winning, and nothing for losing. You're allowed to play "ahead of schedule," so to speak, by playing more than one person in a week. It's beneficial, so you don't have to worry about deadlines and arranging matches with others when there's only one week left.Cool, I signed up for Ranbat Season 2.
Someone explain to me what a ranbat is.
It's a shame Samus's taunts aren't that good. The one where she touches the visor and gives you a goodbye is kinda cool, but the missile one and the aim at both sides are pretty lame
I know we have that IRC chat, but it seems very limited for what we need. I have set up a chat over at Anther's Ladder
It is an awesome site for us to set up matches using tourney rules. Lots of options.
All you have to do is set up a username, go to the main chat. There is a little plus sign above the chat window. Click it, and type "neogaf" as the chatroom name. Should work. Let's try and get all the regulars on there.
1vs1 anyone?
Gimme 10 min
Are you Sam?Cool man, I will host and just wait on you.
You may have to add me. RomanceDawn. I found a shamrock but don't remember if it was you.
Yeah what's your id?
Hmmm... Not sure if that's cool or not. More disrespectful than fun.
Sorry man. When I'm taunted I taunt back... Times 20
Just the way I've always done it
Sorry man. When I'm taunted I taunt back... Times 20
Just the way I've always done it
Haha, couldn't agree more. I don't even edge guard as Falcon, I just taunt until they make it back.After playing UMvC3, anything scumbag-ish in this game is so tame, lol. Also side taunting as Shulk or Captain Falcon at any possible moment is how you play those characters in my opinion.
Trying to decide if I should join the ranbats this time around.
It really is lol. Not to mention all the hate mail I've gotten...After playing UMvC3, anything scumbag-ish in this game is so tame, lol. Also side taunting as Shulk or Captain Falcon at any possible moment is how you play those characters in my opinion.
GGs Romance. Your characters are definitely improving.
Yours are as good as ever but I don't remember so much lag during our 3DS plays.
I notice if you lose one you switch to Ness. Is that your go to when making sure the opponent doesn't get a winning streak? Hahaha.
Have you thought about getting one of the LAN adapters? Or is it one of those cases where the Wii U isn't in a good location for it?
You mean the same reason I have shirtless Shulk say "I'm really feeling it?"I use Palutena's side taunt for uhhh "reasons".
Question is the final destination theme from brawl in this game
as in can you unlock it
I miss it![]()
It's in the game by default.
You still up for some matches? Haven't played in a week so I'm rustySmash 1v1s anyone? 2 stock, 6 min preferred. Customs on or off, doesn't matter.
you mean this one?
I am checking for it right now for WiiU but
You still up for some matches? Haven't played in a week so I'm rusty
NNID boney64 add me!
Sure, I'll add you.
Hmm there's a bit of input lag.. It's payable but let me know if you're not comfortable!Just added, make room whenever, I'll join in.